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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 15 19~
401 "
The City Council mot in regular session at 7'30.r.H. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call
showed the foll<Mi.ng officers present, trJayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, lfolfe and Mc-
Fadden, V>anager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
Seconded by Councilman
Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on fhal assessment roll for 1.LD. No. 165, ,,!a~ opem,d.
I Objedtions to the roll were fHed in writing as follows: Robert A. Hart, 1032 W. flth St., Victor H.
, OlM'!t:, 103S W. "flth; and Lee R. fuss, 1036 W. flth. Victor Clark also appeared and objected, re~esting
I ~anation as to why :torm sewers wer e not installed ..fest of Eighth ani C Streets. City Engineer Ahlvers
eKplained that Eighth Street West of C drai.ns to C Street and catch basin at C Street provides ade'1uate
drainage. Also explained why the difference in estimated ani actual cost of curb installation. Manager
Vergeer also informed that cost of projects is distributed over the entire drainage area receiving benefit.
There being no toehr objections made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Neer that the final assessment
roll be accepted am approved. Seconded by Councilinari Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Pursuant to resoltuion adopted and notices psoted, the hearipg for vacation of 9th Street from B Strcet
to A Str~et was opaned. One oh.iecti,Qn in writing was filed bY Hal B. DeWaide, owner of C Street Shopping
Cen~e;, ~t; .9tn all!- \; ;:;treets. fflo. DeVlaia";rsQbjectiop to tl)e Va91'tion was th~ elimin."tion \If parking
f'acJ.litJ.es for his store customers. After due conS1derat10n, 1t was moved oy Councilman lJrol'm tnat;
N1nt;IlSt;reel'. be ~acat,ea from the I,est margin of B Street to the East margin of Ur. De,raide's property,
ani the Attorney ~nstnucted t<;> prepare an ordinance vacating the same. l.fution secomed by Councilman
McFadden and unammously carr1ed. .
Pursuant to proper publication, bids to construct substation and transmission lines for ~e Light' Dept.
Were received as ftilows:
,C. B, Campbell. COA> Inc.
Semce l!a.ectr~c 1,,;0., Inc.
R. C. Hughes Co.
The Electric Co.
Donald W. Glose Go.
No sales tax included.
After checkirtr and comparison of bids by Consulting Engineer Sparli~ it was moved by Councilman Wolfe
~~;~i~~~ bid The Electric Company be accepted. Seconded by Gounc an Neer. All voted Aye. Motion
Bid s to
furnish copper conductor for the 1ight Department
,restinghouse Electric Supply Compan.v'
Item 1, ),,3.20 em.
Item 2, l,2.80 em.
Item 3, 1321.00 per M.
Item 3, Non-shielded, 1047.00 per M.
Item 4, solid, 40.51 cm.
Item 4, stranded l,2.56 00.
were received as follows:
Paranite IlTire am Cable Division,
EsseX Wi~e Corp.
Item 1, 43.70 cm.
Item 2, 43.30' Cltt.
Item 3, 43.31 em.
Item 4, 1121.00 per M. ft.
Graybar Electric Comparw, Inc.
Item 1, 43.70 cwt.
Item 2, 43.55 cwt.
Item 3, 61 strand, 10S9.00 per M.
Item 4, 41..26 cwt.
Linta Material Company:
Item 1, 43.70 cwt.
Item 2, 43.70 cwt.
Item 3, 1062.00 per 1>1.
Item 4, 41.26 cwt.
North Coast EleCtric Company:
Item 1, 43.70 ewt.
Item 2, 43.30 cwt.
Item 3, 1371.00 per H. ft.
Item 3, Alternate, unshielded, 1089.00
per M. ft.
Item 4, l,2.20 cwt.
Item 4, stranded, 44.25 cwt.
Demick Electric Supply Company:
Item 1, 43.70 Cltt.
Item 2, 1,3.30 cwt.
Item 3, 41..26 cwt.
Item 4, 10S9.oo per M. it.
Anaconda l'fire arxI Cable Company:
Item 1, 43.70 cwt.
Item 2, 43.30 cwt.
Item 3, 1062.00 per M. ft.
Item 4, 41.26 cwt.
General Ele ctric Supply Compal<Y:
Item 1, 43.70 cwt.
Item 2, 43.70 cwt.
Item 3, 41.26 cwt.
Item 4, 1370.00 per M. ft.
Item 1" Alternate, 61 strand, 1062.00
per M. ft.
The Central Cable Compal<Y'
Item 1, 41.43 cwt.
Item 2, 40.41 cwt.
Item 3, 41..36 cwt.
Item 1, 43.05 cwt.
Item 2, 42. 65 c~rt.
Item 3, solid, 40.35 00.
Item 3 A (stranded) 42.40 cwt.
Item 4, shielded, 1310.00
Item 4, non-shielded, 1035.00
i After proper checking ani tabulation by the Constulting Engineer, it was recommended by Hanager Vergeer
j that the bid by Central Calle Company for items 1, 2 and 3 be accepted, and the bid W Home Electric Co.
, for item 4, 3000 ft. of non-shielded copper conductor @ 1,035.00 per M. also be accepted. It was moved
by Councilman McFadden that the reconunendation be approved and bids awarded accordingly. Secomed by
Councilman Sandison. All voted !.;fe. Motion carried.
Bids to purchase Lots 18, 19, Block ~4, I<ere received as fol101'1S: Stetson and Nyhus, $1,312.00. It was
, moved by Councilman Neer that the offer be accepted. Secomed by Councilman McFadden a~ carried.
". 402
Proceedings of the City Commission of the' City of Port Angeles, Washington
~' -.-?
July 15 oontinued
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It was moved by Councilman Broun that the resignation qf .E. A, (Buck) Stewart be accepted with regret, and
a letter be written to Mr. Stewart expressing appreciation from the Council for faithful service on
the Planning Commission. Motion seclomed by Councilman UcFadden and unanimously carried. The Council
dediced to table appointment of a new member until such time as a favorable indiVidual willing to
accept the responsibility has been contacted.
The thirty day period having expired since the completion and acceptance of the cont;act by George Madsen
00. in 1.1.D. 165, the .City Engineer reported that no incomplete or defective work has been discovered
for ,,,h:i:ch the City makes olaim and recormnended that the 15% retained (~1,S73.92) be F"id to the
contractor. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the amount retained b~paiGl .as reconunended.. Seconded
by Councilman Brown. ill voted Aye. Hotion carried.
lfouncil discussed acquisition of property for rights-of-wEjy in the contemplated enlarged improvement
'district. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the ~lanager be authorized to purchase a certain
parcel of property on Harine Drive at cost of $2,200.00. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously
carri ed. ~ .
Under the head of New business, claims paid July 12, were a!>proved in total amount ~f $69,672.03. It
was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the claims be approved as paid. Secon:l:ed by Councilman Brown. All
voted Aye. Motion carri.ed.
Police Judge Reynolds filed report for the month of June, showing $1,282.00 fines and forfeitures
collected. It was moved by Councilman Brown that tho report be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Wolfe and carried.
Councilman Neer cited success of recent Independence Day celebration and suggested that ths Council
signify ap~r~ciation to Celebration Committee for time and effort spent in promoting the ~ame. It was
moved by Councilman Wolfe that the ~ra.nager be authorized to write letter to the Committee expressing
appreciation:or the Council. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously :carried. . .
Councilman McFadden inquired about the peesibility of having the recentl,y paved artenal streets striped
,-'hile the highway department equipment is operating in this vicinity. After brief discussion, Councilman
McFadden suggested that the l-lanager be authwized to obtain cost estimate for striping of the arterials
by the State Highway Department which was unanimously appnoved.
Manager Vergeer announced receipt of, and read a letter from Public Utility District No.1 of Clallam
County, confirming publication recenUy appearing in the Evening News regarding possibility of negotiating
cancellation of power contract. 11r. Vergeer advised that an agreerent acceptable to both parties can
be 'IOrked out and if it is the pleasure of the Council, he will continue negotiatiom. Council instructed
that negotiations continue.
No further business apJlearing; the meeting was declared adjourned. .
~ '"L.ou.v-'.
City Clerk