HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/15/1975 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Wa~hington July 15, 1975 15 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Basom called the meeting to.order at.7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Members Present: Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross and Wray. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. J. Warder, P. Reed, K. Rodocker, R. Willson, R. Parrish, H. Henderson, D. Frizzell, J. Honnold, J.Hill, J. Sweatt. Guests Present: B. Benson, S. Frederick, W. Gross, D.D.S., C.W. Creelman, A. Feiro, L. Colwell, D. Feeley, P. Lamoureau, J. Melton, D. Petersen, R. Mair, J. Palmer, M. Cullison, J. Cullison, M. Matilla, J. Fraioli. III MINUTES A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the July 1 and July 8, 1975 meetings. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Award I Public Works Director Warder's memorandum summarizing the two bids received on the Cedar Street Arterial Realignment and recommending acceptance of the low al ternate bid of Melco Inc. (O.M. Hendrickson), Sequim, with the deletion of the items Beam Guard Rail, Sidewalk, Monuments and Trees for a corrected total of $204,099.00 was read by Mayor Basom. Mr. Warder further informed the. Council that the total construction cost of the project is $234,099.00 including the estimated construction engineering of $30,000.00. Of this total cost, the Urban Arterial Board's participation will be $211,860.00, making the City's estimated cost $22,239.00 (budget - $23,000). Manager Whorton confirmed the receipt of written U.A.B. grant approval on July 10, 1975. It was then moved by Councilman Olson to award the bid for the Cedar Street Arterial Realignment to the low alternate bidder Melco Inc., Sequim, at a bid price of $204,099.00. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. Councilman Lukey then brought to the attention of the Council his previous recommendation that Third Street be temporarily opened during the Cedar Street closure. Manager Whorton will check the feasibility and advisability of the matter. On call for the question on the motion before the Council, the motion was unanimously passed. Del Guzzi Inc. submitted a total and alternate bid of $223,084.00; by deleting the Hems Beam Guard Rail, Sidewalk, Monuments and Trees, their bid in comparison to Melco Inc. bid of $204,099.00 would amount to $217,684.00. 2. Bid Call Authorization I A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to authorize the call for bids for the sale of surplus City vehicles. 3. Lincoln Park Irrigation Project Acceptance By memorandum dated June 30, 1975, Parks and Recreation Director Frizzell reported to Manager Whorton that the Lincoln Park Irrigation Project is complete and acceptable, that an agreement has been entered into between the City and contractor to protect the project guarantee and recommended 2~~~i~~E~~~-~~~.f~-c~~.~" 2a ,2;a "5i~ I ;~~~_ieD~~c~~ro_~ug~~ i~ ~ ~2 V) ~ 'i~=, 0 ~ ~=o 10-- ~_o .; m ~ tD ~ '~.c .~~~r~~ Le~~~~~~~~ ~~:~ LE~~~~ ~~ l~..- 0D~ o~ L~ =~~o~~~u~~o=~~8~~~ ~- c ~ ~w~i~~~i~~~~-~~~ ~O~~~~~E ~~ ~ ~ ~u~~_~o~~E~c~m- >~C~~~~D ~e ~ ~ .....j: - IJI=O:::lIV--CtaU<( .Dc:: "'ro~EOl-d1~Q.1= i1.1.... ~G" ~o~~3a<~:~~t~E= ~E.~~~~w~~ ~-~ ,'~~ z~~"'~ .~~~~o~~~ =_~ .ro!~....o L>~ , c( E ~E >-a..gu-~,'.I:Ii::v~c,!)i1J .>>- >s:::+=... ~ u~~~~~i ~o~~~~~E~~~~~5~~5~~ ~ ~~~8~~ ~~ig~~~~v~~i~~~~~~~oE -GJ.r...~c '-... '9L..CI:;1i7"IO~,,",,81-._. 1-,[0- rJ' ~_N>ro ~u~u~~~~~~_~~ ~5 ~~ ~ 16 City Council Meeting July 15, 1975 IV FINANCE 3. Lincoln Park Irrigation Project Acceptance the City accept the project as complete and approve final payment as specified in the "Guarantee Agreement". After Mr. Frizzell's memorandum was read in full by Mayor Basom, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the completed project, approve the conditi ons of the "Guarantee Agreement" and approve final payment of $1,086.75 to contractor Douglas Cockburn, dba Peninsula Landscaping, Sequim. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ros5 and passed by the Council. I' L.I.D. No. 198 Progress Payment No. 2 ~ 4. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanjmously carried to approve payment of $179,400.00 to Del Guzzi Construction, Inc., for the second (June) estimate of work done and material furnished by said Contractor on the Peabody Heights L.I.D. No. 198 as establisned by the Director of Public Works, J. B. Warder, in his Certification letter dated July 10, 1975. 5. Vouchers, L.r.D. 's and Payroll Approval A motion was made' by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to approve payment of Vouchers payable in the amount of $402,912.53, L.I.D. 's of $181,108.31, and $102,055.74 Payroll transfers. 6. Metal Garage Building Contract In the matter of the arbitration between C. W. Creelman and the City of Port Angeles re: The Metal Garage Building Contract controversy and in settlement of the award of arbitration(s), the American Arbitration Assn., Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize payment of $35,495.25, including sales tax, to C.W. Creelman subject to approval of Attorney I Taylor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried. 7. Emergency Expenditure By Council action at the July 1, 1975 regular Council meeting, the breakdown of the Light Department Line Truck was declared to be an emergency. In compliance with RCW 35A.33.090; Mayor Basom read by title Ordinance No. 1860. It was then moved by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried to approve introduction of subject Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1860 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles declaring the breakdown of the line truck in the Light Department to be an Emergency and authorizing a transfer from the Equipment Rental Reserve Fund to the Equipment Rental Operating Fund to cover the cost of repair. A public hearing will be held at the August 5, 1975 Council meeting re: adoption of Ordinance No. 1860. The passage vote shall require the vote of one more than the majority of all members of the legislative body of the Code City of Port Angeles. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA I Mrs. M.P. Cullison addressed the Council re: the fluoridation issue. Mayor Basom indicated to Mrs. Cullison that the fluoridation subject is on the Agenda and it would be proper for her to address the Council at that time. VI LEGISLATION 1. Mayor Basom read the minutes of the Planning Commission July 14, 1975 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council. I II Ii. .' I City Council Meeting July 15, 1975 VI LEGISLATION 17 A motion was made by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Preliminary Plat of Robert Mair's Ocean View Estates contingent upon compliance with the recommendations of certain City Departments, particularily the Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of Person and Person Homes for a conditional use permit to allow them to build a commercial use structure that is residential in nature on lots 1 and 2, block 370, townsite of Port Angeles located at 12th and "C" streets, in the CSD-Cl zone. A motion was made by Councilman Ross, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommenda- tion and approve L. Colwell's request for the designation of the front of lot 20, Seamount Estates, which presently faces Seaview Lane, to the 8th street side as the lot frontage. Councilman Olson moved the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of July 14, 1975 be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Basom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council . 2. The next item taken under consideration was the fluoridation subject. It was noted by Mayor Basom that a public hearing was held on this issue June 24, 1975; that due to the controversial and emotional nature of fluoridation, it is the consensus of a majority of the Council that this question should be submitted to the people for an advisory vote; and that the election results would be taken into consideration by the Council in the determination of a final decision on this matter. The Mayor then read the proposition question as it will appear on the election ballot and the title of the Resolution providing for a special advisory election to be held on September 2, 1975. Councilman Dlson moved the Special Election date of September 2, 1975 be changed to the General Election date of November 4, 1975. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On Mayor Basom's call for discussion on the mQtion, Dr. W. Gross, D.D.S., 918 E. Caroline addressed the Council and presented scientific documents to Council members which in his opinion refuted allegations presented by the opposi- tion at the public hearing. Fluoridation p~oponents and opponents in attendance indicated their concurrence with the November 4, 1975 election date. Councilman Hordyk then stated his opposition to the election. On call for the question on the motion before the Council to adopt amended Resolution No. 19-75 entitled, A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles providing for a special advisory election to be held on November 4, 1975, on the issue of fluoridation of the water supply of the City of Port Angeles, Councilmen Haguewood, Lukey, Olson, Ross and Wray voted "AYE" l Councilman Hordyk voted "NO", and the motion carried. 3. Resolution No. 20-75, entitled: A RESOLUTION of the City Council f~the City of Port Angeles increasing the fees for swimming at William Shore Memorial Pool, (effective September 1, 1975), was introduced by Mayor Basom and read in full. A motion to adopt said Resolution as read was made by Councilman Olson and seconded by Councilman Wray. After considerable discussion on the fee schedule recommended by Parks and Recreation Director Frizzell, specifically the increases in the 18 City Council Meeting July .15, 1975 VI LEGISLATION 4. youth admission and the lockers, Councilman Haguewood moved to amend the motion to include a revision to the Resolution fee schedule by increasing the recommended adult admission from $0.65 to $0.75 and maintaining the present locker fees of $0.05 and $0.10 instead of the recommended fee of $0.10 and $0.15. The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried with Councilman Lukey voting "NO". On call for the question on the motion to adopt subject Resolution as amended, Councilman Lukey voted "NO", all other Council members voted "AYE"; and the motion carried. I' Attorney Taylor reported to the Council concerni ng the Burrowes and FOX: Logging Company's pursuit, by letter dated June 27, 1975 from Attorney' J. R. Cronk, for reconsideration of their previously denied request to the City Council for renewal of a logging road easement across'City-owned property in the Lake Creek Watershed area for the purpose of harvesting timber on the firm's property. Mr. Taylor briefly reviewed the facts relating to this matter from the time of Mr. Burrowes ~riginal request in August of 1974 to date (Reference Reg. 437, 8/20/74; Reg. 439, 9/3174; Reg. 442, 9/17174; Reg. 451, 11/14/74 and Reg. 493, 5/16175). 'Continuing on, he advised the Council of the serious legal ramifications involved in this matter. Considerable discussion ensued with Mayor Basom recommending that the possible interest of the Olympic National Park in acquiring subject property should be explored; Manager Whorton will contact this agency. After restating his previous position on this request, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council again deny the request of the Burrowes and Fox Logging Company for renewal of the aforementioned easement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. Councilman Lukey then indicated his position has not changed, and if the motion passes recommended Mr. Burrowes be advised of the Council's intention to stand firm on their decision, indicating to him the other alternatives which may be available to him. On call for the question Councilman Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson and Wray voted "AYE", Councilman Ross voted ."NO" and the motion carded. 5. Resolution No. 21-75 entitled: A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the exchange of and sale of real property in the Morse Creek Watershed, (J. & K. Fraioli), I was introduced by Mayor Basom. A motion to adopt said Resolution as read by title was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and the motion carried. , 6. Councilman Olson moved the"Comprehensive Sewerage Study" subject be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. Mayor Basom then read Manager Whorton's proposal recommending the City Council authorize CH2M/Hill to proceed in late August with the plan of study and to submit two or three alternatives on the timing of the major phases of the study. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with Manager Whorton's recommendation'and authorize him to proceed with his proposed course of action. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 7. Councilman Olson moved that the June Clallam County Humane Society ~eport and the minutes of the Clallam-Jefferson County Community Action Council June, 1975 meeting be accepted and placed on file.. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried. 8. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk and seconded by Councilman Ross I to approve the Liquor License Application of Haguewood's Restaurant Inc. '_ for a class H license. The motion carried with Councilmen Haguewood . and Lukey abstaining from voting. I I I City Council Meeting July 15, 1975 VI LEGISLATION 19 9. In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 109, Laws of 1961 (RCW 29.21.017), positions for nomination of Councilmen, to be voted upon at the City primary election to be held on September 16, 1975, were drawn and are hereby designated for the purpose of election as follows: FOUR YEAR TERMS Position No.1 Position No. 2 Position No.3 Now held by J. Richard Wray Now held by Charles J. Lukey Now held by C. Vernon Basom 10. Councilman Hordyk.reported to the Council that Olympic Volkswagon has donated a third Volkswagon Bus to be used by the Senior Citizens Center. To express the City's appreciation, Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council instruct Manager Whorton to thank David Griffith of Olympic Volkswagon by letter for his gracious gesture on behalf of the Port Angeles Senior Citizens. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the following staff reports: a. The May Financial Reports and Treasurer's Report. b. June reports for Fire, Police; Municipal Judge, Park and Recreation, Light and Water Work Reports, and Utilities. c. Jean Hordyk's Out of Town Report. 2. Councilman Olson: Current status of First and Lincoln property. 3. Councilman Wray: Light Superintendent Honnold's major project work schedule report. ." 4. Councilman Haguewood: Councilman Candidacy filing dates of July 28 thru August 1, 1975. 5. Manager Whorton: Status of L.I.D. No. 198 water line breakage and the 911 Emergency Number System Telephone Co. Training. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. /) ~dJ/J, '/M.lu_~41 c: ; l-a/dud City Clerk ~.zL.~~ Mayor