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Port Angeles, Washington
July 15, 1980
A. Preliminary Plat: The Uplands Division IV
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the preliminary plat of
The Uplands Division TV, consisting of 9 lots on approximately 13.4
acres, located west of The Uplands #1 and #2, south o£ Lauridsen
Boulevard, and north of Melody Lane, and requested comments or
questions from the audience or staff.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quest.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
P. Carr, D. Frizzell, M. Cleland, A. Rose, K. Rodocker,
R. French, D. VanHemert.
Public Present: W. Smith, T. Ellison, C. Lawrence, Mrs. J. Osborn, L. Sunny,
G. Dickinson, M. Lloyd, I. Ramsey, L. Chittum, H. Chittum,
Mr. & Mrs. C. McFrederick. J.. Kleinman, J. Newcomb, B. Alton,
J. & 3. Antolock, W. Reynolds, B. & J. Galagan, D. Quesnel,
L. Western, T. Kopsent, L. Lynch, D. Rudolph, B. Creelman,
E. Rausal, W. Rausal, B. Leach, C. Ellsworth, L. Fowler,
H. Domning, L. Domning, N. Metzler, R. Brandt, J. Cipriano,
B. Philpott, M. Reynolds, J. Ward.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the July 1, 1980 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried.
Mr. Norm Metzler addressed the Council in regard to .the trawl net fishermen
(draggers) which have moved into the Green Point area. Mr. Metzler charged
that the draggers were killing hundreds of small fish, destroying the bottom,
and depleting the entire area of fish, especially Pacific cod. State Represen-
tatives Brad Owen and Andrew Nesbit are investigating this matter, and Mr. Metzler
suggested the Council write a letter to the Department of Fisheries, Office of
Program Research, concerning the draggers at Green Point. After a brief dis-
cussion between the Council, Attorney Miller, and Mr. Metzler, Mayor Haguewood
directed Manager Flodstrom to write a letter to the Department of Fisheries in
regard to this matter, since it affects City residents.
Councilman Ouast submitted the following Resolution: "WHEREAS, members of the
City Council were among the honored guests on board the U.S.C.G. Cutter Campbell;
and, WHEREAS, the six hour cruise was one of the smoothest, sunniest, and
friendliest journeys; and, WHEREAS, the barbeque luncheon served on the fan-
tail of the Campbell was simply out of this world; NOW, THEREFORE, the members
of the City Council would like to commend Captain David Cunningham and his fine
crew for their gracious hospitality - and furthermore, would like to encourage
them to apply for a vendors license to serve similar luncheons for the people
o~ Port Angeles at any time while moored at our new public pier."
Councilman Quest also noted the recent increase in vandalism and requested
statistics from Attorney Miller and Police Chief Cleland on this matter.
July 15, 1980
1. Cont.
The first speaker to address the Council was Jeffery Kleinman, attorney
for Uplands developer Jack Z. Miller, Mr. Kleinman informed the Council
that Mr. Miller's key concern in this matter was the proposed conditions
for improvement of Golf Course Road and Melody Lane, as follows: (1) to
mitigate public safety hazards associated with the restricted sight areas
and the increased traffic; to improve the response time for both Police
and Fire Departments to the extent possible; and to provide improvements
that are complementary to the character of multi-family developments'in
the suburban environment: (a) Melody Lane shall be improved to a width
of 28 feet with curb and gutter on the north side and roadway ditch on
the south side; (b) Golf Course Road from Melody Lane to the north
boundary of Division III be improved on the west side to include paving,
curb and gutter, and sidewalk with the face of the curb 22 feet from
the centerline of the road; (c) the alignment of Golf Course Road at
the intersections of Third, Fourth, and Fifth Streets shall be improved
to eliminate sight distance problems; and (d) before occupancy of any
of the units in Phases IV and V, that Golf Course Road be completly
up-graded in accordance with specifications of the Department of Public
Works north of Melody Lane to Highway 101. Mr. Kleinman stated that Mr.
Miller agrees that Golf Course Road needs improvements; however, he does
not feel that he alone should be responsible for those improvements. In
addition, Melody Lane has not been annexed, therefore the City cannot
require improvements to it. Also during his presentation, Mr. Kleinman
referred to an affidavit from John warder, former City Engineer and Public
Works Director, which stated in part that ". Mr. Miller's property
was the first annexed by the city under the new policy. Before it was
annexed, Mr. Miller asked me if he would have to do anything more than
was required by the policy, and I told him that all requirements were
contained in the policy. (The annexation policy, adopted by the
City on March 7, 1972, required developers of land being annexed to the
City to pay for curbs and paved streets before homes or apartments can
be occupied.) Mr. Kleinman also cited several points of law in his
arguments against the proposed conditions, and concluded in part that
. The City is estopped by the commitment contained in its duly
adopted Annexation Policy in effect at the time of the annexation of
the Uplands, and the Miller's expenditures in reliance thereon, from
now demanding payment for additional major improvements before construc-
tion may begin. ."
Also speaking on behalf of Mr. Miller was Craig Lawrence, project coordi-
nator for the Uplands Division IV Environmental Impact Statement, and
Jim Ellison, Traffic Engineer and coordinator of the Transportation
portion of the EIS. Following their comments, Mr. Miller read a state-
ment protesting the aforementioned conditions, and suggested that Golf
Course Road be improved by means of arterial funds coupled with an L.I.D.
Several members of the audience then commented on the proposed preliminary
plat, the present inadequate condition of Golf Course Road, and the im-
pacts generated by Mr. Miller's entire development. Following these com-
ments the public hearing was closed.
During Council discussion on this matter, Councilman Buck and Attorney
Miller discussed improvements to Melody Lane and the points of law re-
ferred to by Mr. Kleinman, and Councilman Quast suggested that, prior to
any land development such as this, all parties concerned should meet and
discuss L. I.D,'s and other needed improvements. Councilman Quast also
commented on the charge made by several Upland residents that they were
not informed of the multi-family zone in this area prior to purchasing
their property and questioned whether Real Estate agents are required
to inform clients of how their property is zoned, as well as how adjacent
property is zoned. After further comments from Mr. Miller regarding the
delays on this Division and the services which should be provided by the
City as per the Annexation Policy, Councilman Hordyk moved-for the accep-
tance of the preliminary plat of Uplands #4 Subdivision, with the elimi-
nation of Item No. la, b, c and d. The motion was seconded by Councilman
July 15, 1980
1. Cont.
During discussion on the motion, Mayor Haguewood read Items la, b, c
and d, and Councilman Hordyk explained why he felt those items should
be deleted: la - Melody Lane is a County road and therefore the City
does not have jurisdiction, and lb, c and d were addressed when the
Uplands subdivision was first proposed to the Council. The Council
also discussed at length whether Golf Course Road should be improved
by using arterial funds or by using an L.I.D. The discussion concluded
with Planner Carr explaining why the Planning Commission recommended
Items la, b, c and d. On call for the question on the motion to accept
the preliminary plat of Uplands ~4 Subdivision with the elimination of
Item No. la, b, c and d, Councilmen Buck, Hordyk and Quest voted "AYE"
with Councilmen Boardman, Duncan and Polhamus voting "NO." Mayor
Haguewood, voting to break the tie, voted "AYE" and the motion carried.
Following this action, Councilman Quest requested a clarification of
the motion, and the motion was read by the Deputy Clerk, with Councilman
Hordyk explaining that all conditions, except la, b, c and d would stand
as accepted. During further discussion on this matter, the Council and
Mr. Miller discussed the need for improvements to Golf Course Road, with
Mr. Miller stating that he is in favor of, and would support, an L.I.D.
in this area. After further comments from Councilman Ouast regarding
whether the residents in the subject area would accept an L.I.D., the
Council agreed to move on to the remaining agenda items.
B. Street Vacation: Domning
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Domning's request to
vacate the north one-half of Thistle Street abutting Lots 29 to 32, Block
4, Fogarty and Dolan's Second Addition, and requested comments or ques-
tions from the audience or staff. The petitioner, H. Domning, addressed
the Council to question the rededication of the subject property to the
City, and the Grant of Easement (NO. 06161) to the City dated May 19,
1972, and to explain why he is requesting this vacation. Planner Carr
also briefly explained the proposed vacation, the research done by staff
on this matter, and the reasons for the Planning Commission recommending
denial of Mr. Domning's request. After a brief discussion with Planner
Carr regarding Mr. J. Key's objection to this vacation (it would landlock
his lots), Councilman Quest moved that the Council refer this matter back
to the Planning Commission for further study. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Polhamus and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 25-80 entitled,
Resolution No. 25-80 11 ARESOLUTION of the City'
f of Port Angeles setting, o
`hearing date for v petition ,fo
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a vacate Sevemeenth Street
hearin date fora etition to vacate Seventeenth ~ between rumwoter "'Truck
9 p ~ Road and "B" Street: vnd to
Street between Tumwater Truck Road and "B" Street; vvcvte the alleys in Blorks
413 and 148, Townsite of Port
and to vacate the alleys in Blocks 443 and 448, Angeles.
Townsite of Port Angeles. • wHEREAS, the owners of
44in retests in reol, estme'
iobutting upon uSeyenteerith
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing ResolLllllsrreet between rumwoter
b title b Mayor Ha uewood, settin a hearin date of Au u Truck Road and "B" Street:
}^ Y 9 4 9 9 and abutting upon the alleys
for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to~in Blocks aa3 and 448,
Commission for a recommendation. The motiOri WdS seconded b) T°"'"sire of Port Angeles,
hove filed a petition with the
Hordyk and carried. Ciry Clerk ro make vacvtion '
( of said street and vlleys; and
WHEREAS, said perltion
~ by the owners of more than
' two-thirds of the property
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on this matter ani abutting upon the street and
comments or uestions from the audience or staff. There We;°IleyssougMrobevacated;
and Councilman BUCk mOVed the COllnCll Continue th15 matter )BY THE COUNCIL OFTHE CITY(
Commission meetin of Jul 17 1980. The motion was second<oF PORT ANGELES as
9 Y + follows:
Duncan and carried. ~ Section I. The petition to
'make such vacvtion shall be
heard vnd determined by this
`Council on the 19th day of
August;-1980;*-which'is` noh
more than sixty (60) days nor
less • than twenty (40) doys
' ~ Section 2. The City Clerk is
hereby directed to give
twenty (40) days notice of the-
pendency of said petition
according to the provisions of
RCW 35.79.040.
PASSED by the Council of
the City of Porr Angeles this
15th day of July, 1960.
Samuel J. Haguewood
July 15, 1980
1. Cont.
During discussion on the motion, Mayor Haguewood read Items la, b, c
and d, and Councilman Hordyk explained why he felt those items should
be deleted: la - Melody Lane is a County road and therefore the City
does not have jurisdiction, and lb, c and d were addressed when the
Uplands subdivision was first proposed to the Council. The Council
also discussed at length whether Golf Course Road should be improved
by using arterial funds or by using an L.I.D. The discussion concluded
with Planner Carr explaining why the Planning Commission recommended
Items la, b, c and d. On call for the question on the motion to accept
the preliminary plat of Uplands #4 Subdivision with the elimination of
Item No. la, b, c and d, Councilmen Buck, Hordyk and Quast voted "AYE"
with Councilmen Boardman, Duncan and Polhamus voting "N0." Mayor
Haguewood, voting to break the tie, voted "AYE" and the motion carried.
Following this action, Councilman Quast requested a clarification of
the motion, and the motion was read by the Deputy Clerk, with Councilman
Hordyk explaining that all conditions, except la, b, c and d would stand
as accepted. During further discussion on this matter, the Council and
Mr. Miller discussed the need for improvements to Golf Course Road, with
Mr. Miller stating that he is in favor of, and would support, an L.I.D.
in this area. After further comments from Councilman Ouast regarding
whether the residents in the subject area would accept an L.T.D., the
Council agreed to move on tp the remaining agenda items.
B. Street Vacation: Domning
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Domning's request to
vacate the north one-half of Thistle Street abutting Lots 29 to 32, Block
4, Fogarty and Dolan's Second Addition, and requested comments or ques-
tions from the audience or staff. The petitioner, H. Domning, addressed
the Council to question the rededication of the subject property to the
City, and the Grant of Easement (No. 06161) to the City dated May 19,
-- 1972, and to explain why he is requesting this vacation. Planner Carr
also briefly explained the proposed vacation, the research done by staff
on this matter, and the reasons for the Planning Commission recommending
denial of Mr. Domning's request. After a brief discussion with Planner
Carr regarding Mr. J. Key's objection to this vacation (it would landlock
his lots), Councilman Quast moved that the Council refer this matter back
to the Planning Commission for further study. The motio~ au°~S'Duae
Councilman Polhamus and carried. ~PM'~A~~oN -is3uv
4~!a Plouoa
uo!ss!wwo~ Ayuno~
fold 1o P~oog
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. oeal'Atnr
AVU ylSl SIHl a3SSVd
Resolution No. 25-80 pp!y ay+ ur sa!,!low,o~
m pun pen!wa~ sp,q
~~ala~ o, 1y61~ aye san~asa,
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a I~^! Pun '(F;)OLt'LI'E
hearin date fora etition to vacate Seventeenth I'as apo~ ti+„n°a ~mllolc
g P sw.~ai ay+ yqn~ aiyyop,w
Street between Tumwater Truck Road and "B" Street; u!~app+q egiSuodsa3
and to vacate the alleys in Blocks 443 and 448, rM°IA+~~ ~~'''4aP
Townsite of Port Angeles. ~9EebUOaeu!ysoM•sa,y
'yio '9 SLC''~+!my~v^QD'
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
bye title by TSayor Haguewood, setting a hearing date of August 19, 1980
for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the Planning
Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Counci2tnan
Hordyk and carried.
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on this matter and requested
comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments
and Councilman Buck moved the Council continue this matter to the Planning
Commission meeting of July 17, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried.
July 15, 1980
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing
the Council that the Renni Shoe Company has requested a waiver of the
Parking Ordinance in order to hold a shoe sale in a tent in the Payless
parking lot at the Port Angeles Plaza. They have requested this waiver
because Section i2 of the Parking Ordinance states that once a building
permit has been issued, parking spaces can only be used for parking.
Councilman Hordyk then moved that the Council deny this request. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Quest. During discussion on the --
motion, Attorney Miller advised the Council that a waiver to Section 12
would require an amendment to the Parking Ordinance. Councilman Polhamus
questioned why this request can be denied while other violations are allowed
to continue (i. e. the Salmon Derby prizes which are in the Albertson Store
parking lot}, and Councilman Quest stated that approval of this request
would be setting a "dangerous" percedent; moreover, until the Parking
Ordinance is changed, all violators should be treated the same. On call
for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilman
Polhamus voting "NO."
Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of July 9, 1980 with
the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Conditional Use Permit: Ramsey
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Ramsey's request for
extension of a conditional use permit to operate a mobile pressure
cleaning business as a home occupation at 1109 South Albert Street,
and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There
were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Duncan
then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve the extension for a two year period, subject to
the same conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quest and
B. Rezone Request: School District #121
Mayor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of August 5, 1980 for
consideration of this request.
G Conditional Use Permit: Ellsworth
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Ellsworth request for
a conditional use permit to establish a day care center in an existing
church building, located at 1418 West Fifth Street, and requested com-
ments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments
and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Boardman then moved the
Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and
approve the conditional use permit, for a period of one year, subject
to review at that time, and subject to the following conditions: (1)
the facility shall be approved by the State Department of Social and
Health Services, the State and local Fire Marshalls, the County Health
Officer and City Building Official prior to occupancy; (2) the facility
capacity be limited to 20 children (or less, as allowed by DSHS) and two
supervisors; (3) a four-space paved off-street parking area be con-.
structed in the-rear yard to the design specifications of the City
Engineer; (4) an unlighted sign no larger that six square feet may
be installed; and (5) a fence be installed on the east side of any play
area, to reduce impacts on neighboring property. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Polhamus and carried.
D. Parking Variance: Ellsworth
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on a request by Mr. C. Ellsworth
for a reduction in required parking from minimum of ten spaces to four
spaces, for establishment and operation of a day care center located at
1418 West Fifth Street, and requested comments or questions from the
July 15, 1980
5. Cont.
~~ 27
audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council Concur with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission and approve the parking variance
on the same basis of the Ellsworth's conditional use permit. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried.
E. Rezone Request: Taylor
Mayor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of August 5, 1960 for
consideration of this request.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of July 9, 1980. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton explaining
the proposed questionnaire which the City anticipates mailing to the utility
customers in an effort to begin collecting data about the discount program.
The material and postage cost for the survey is $3,072.00, which does not
include staff's labor, xerox machines, or data processing charges. Senior
volunteers will furnish the peoplepower necessary to post the envelopes
and staff mailers.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the survey questionnaire and
authorize the expenditure of $3,072.00 for the utility survey. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion, Council-
man Quast suggested that the questionnaire also include whether the utility
customer believes his house is energy efficient and, if not, would he be
interested in an energy audit through the BPA Weatherization Program.
Attorney Miller pointed out that this question would not take the place
of a signed authorization for an energy audit, and Councilman Hordyk sug-
gested that Acting Light Director Richard French check with Fidel Alvarez
to see if this is permissable. On call for the question, the motion was
passed by the Council.
Clallam County Commissioner Harry Lydiard introduced Jail Administrator Tony
Schall and Undersheriff Dan Engelbertson to the Council. Mr. Schall then
gave a brief presentation to the Council on the question of prisoner costs
per day in the Clallam County jail for the months of September 1 through
December 31, 1980. Using estimates of inmate costs (based on 50 beds) Mr.
Schall has reached a preliminary estimate of $45.14 of inmate costs per day.
Following Mr. Schall's presentation, Councilman Hordyk objected to the pre-
liminary estimate of $45.14 as being totally exorbitant; the City presently
charges the County $17.50 per prisoner per day. Commissioner Lydiard then
pointed out the many problems faced by the County in regard to the new jail
(funding, State Jail standards, personnel, etc.) and stated that the County
is attempting to cut costs as much as possible. Manager Flodstrom then sug-
gested that he and Police Chief Cleland be allowed to look at Mr. Scha11's
figures in more detail and perhaps discuss alternate rates or schedules
with the County. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council instruct Manager
~Plodstrom and Police Chief Cleland to work with the County officials in
regard to the question of prisoner costs per day in the County jail facility.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried with Councilman
Hordyk voting "NO."
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Community Alcohol Center Director
Jack Kelleher concerning City sponsorship for Referendum 37 funding for
a Alcoholism Recovery House. Mr. Kelleher explained that in an effort
to expand and strengthen community based alcoholism services in Clallam
County, the Clallam County Council on Alcoholism is submitting a proposal
July 15, 1980
8. Cont.
to obtain $275,705.00 to construct a 16 bed alcoholism recovery house.
Also co-located in this facility would be the current Community Alcohol
Center out-patient offices.' Mayor Haguewood then noted that the Clallam
County Commissioners had recently turned down this same request for
sponsorship, and requested an explanation from Commissioner Lydiard or
County Administrative Coordinator Ben Stone. Mr. Lydiard and Mr. Stone
gave several reasons for turning down the Community Alcohol Center's
request, one of which was the financial instability of the proposal.
After discussing the question of the availability of operating funds
and the position of the City in the event sufficient funds were not
available, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council not accept this request
for sponsorship. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.
During the July 1, 1980 regular Council meeting, the Coucnil took action
to approve the transfer of the following interests to the Port'of Port
Angeles: (1) an Avigation and Hazard Easement; (2) a Lease for operation
of a "Fly-In Campground" on a portion of the premises; and (3) two Rights-
of-Way Easements for entrance roads to the Fairchild International Airport.
At this meeting, Attorney Miller submitted the final documents on these
interests, and explained the "Performance by Port" portion of the proposed
Agreement. Councilman Polhamus then moved the Council approve the Agree-
ment between the City and the Port of Port Angeles, and authorize Mayor
Haguewood to sign the Agreement, Lease for operation of a Fly-In Campground,
Right-of-Way Easements, and Avigation and Hazard Easement. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from P4anager Flodstrom concerning negotia-
tions with Mr. Snydal, of Peninsula Bottling Co., for the sale of the west
20 feet of Lot 10, Block 72, Townsite. Manager Flodstrom reported that a
price of $1.25 per square foot for the property was agreed upon, with a
total selling price of $3,500. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council
authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign a Quit Claim Deed to Peninsula Bottling
Company, Inc. for the west twenty feet of Lot I0, Block 72, Townsite. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried.
A. Appropriation for Professional Services
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Miller, dated July 11,
1980, requesting the Council authorize an additional appropriation of
$35,000 to the City Attorney's budget for professional services for the
remainder of the Northern Tier contested case hearings. Attorney Miller
then explained to the Council that EFSEC's recent (July 14, 1980) action
will most likely further delay the hearings until approximately February
or March of 1981. In short, EFSEC has determined that Northern Tier must
present part of its case over again. Additionally, the intervenor cases
will now also be delayed until approximately September, 1980.
The Council, Manager Flodstrom, and Attorney Miller discussed this matter
briefly. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance
No. 2090 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2090
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing expenditures from the Municipal
Contingency Fund and the Municipal General
Fund for professional services.
July 15, 1980
11. Cont.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried unanimously.
B. Participation in Trans Mountain Proposal
. Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Clallam County Commissioners
requesting that joint representation of the City and County by one
counsel be arranged regarding the Trans Mountain Pipeline proposal.
After a brief discussion with Attorney Miller and Councilman Duncan
regarding the Trans Mountain schedule, Councilman quest moved that
the Council instruct staff to begin negotiations of preliminary dis-
cussion as to the hiring of a County/City combined attorney, prefer-
ably from either the City staff or the Prosecuting Attorney's office,
to handle the Trans Mountain Pipeline proposal. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck
suggested staff keep in mind the community's support of these expenses
since this project is not as close in proximity as Northern Tier and
the impacts may not be as great. Councilman Duncan also read several
questions raised by URS (the consulting firm hired by EFSEC to study
Trans Mountain's application) in regard to possible major problems
faced by the Trans Mountain project. On call for the question, the
motion was passed by the Council with Councilman Hordyk voting "N0."
C. Task Force Status Report
Oilport Task Force Coordinator Mike Doherty gave a brief summary of the
work being done by the Oilport Task Force members on the Northern Tier
Pipeline Project. Some of the major projects which the Task Force has
conpleted include: (a) an analysis of the draft impact- statement issued
by the siting council on Northern Tier's project; (b) a document on
mitigating measures; and (c) a 700 page document on the federal impact
statement. The Task Force is also providing research assistance to a
number of consultants which are funded by CZM funds, and have critiqued
several studies done by those consultants. The Task Force is presently
working on several other reports, some of which include the Fiscal Impact
Study; Construction Operation Monitoring System Report; NPDS Permit; Air
Quality Impacts on the Port Angeles Harbor; and Mitigating Measures. The
presentation concluded with Mr. Doherty commending the work done by the
Task Force members.
Councilman Quest moved to authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign a contract with
Dlakers Architects and Urban Designers, Seattle, for design of the Marine Lab
on the Municipal Pier. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carr~iled.
Ahivrs Rood
Sewer Extension
F chat sealed bids will be I
received at the oltice al the
1. AHLVERS ROAD SEWER EXTENSION Ciry Enpin•w et the City H•II,
1b Watt Front Street, Port
~- Angd~s, woshingion, until
4:Op p. m.. July 9. 1980 and t
Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for consf i
Ahlvers Road sewer extension to the low bidder, Devlin C net later, and will b• op•nedi
with a bid of $18,912.41. The motion was seconded by Cou poblicly p+ that time in the
and carried. (Peninsula Excavatin bid - $19,128.12; En ~ ci+y cOU^cil chambers for the,
g gl lollowin~ ap Pwoximote
$18, 022.10) . I quantities of ark and
670 Lineal Feet
2. L. L D. NO. 203 12" concrete or PvC
sanllary lBWer
Detailed plans °^d
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of ~ specifications may be ob-
tained from the oflice of the
first, fixed estimate of work done and materials furnishes t~
i City Engineor upon poymen
Port Angeles on L.I.D. No. 203, Downtown Beautification Px afo nomrefundoble fee of ten
by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification letter o (S1 o.00)dollors.
Qual'ef'dC°tiaond f the eCits
The motion was seconded by Councilman Quest and carried. I requir y
reserves the right to refuse to
qualify any bidder.
The City reserves the right
to reject any or all proposals.
A five percent (5 % ) of
fatal bitl tleposlt Check or bitl
bond of equal amount must
accompany each proposal.
Olficial acceptance,
rejection or conlinu etion by
the City Council will be mode
in the City Council Chambers
a17:30 p.m., July 15, 1980.
Bids must bd sealed with
the outside of the envelop
(dote of opening)
(Ahlvers Road Sewer Ex-
tension). Name and address
of the bidder should also
en~elope~ teids utshouldf the
1~0 rWestd Front SCetet ClP O.
Box 1150. Port Angeles,
Washington, 9Andrew J. Rose
City Engineer
PUB: June 11, 1B, 1980.
July 15, 1980
11. Cont.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried unanimously.
B. Participation in Trans Mountain Proposal
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Clallam County Commissioners
requesting that joint representation of the City and County by one
counsel be arranged regarding the Trans Mountain Pipeline proposal.
After a brief discussion with Attorney Miller and Councilman Duncan
regarding the Trans Mountain schedule, Councilman Quast moved that
the Council instruct staff to begin negotiations of preliminary. dis-
cussion as to the hiring of a County/City combined attorney, prefer-
ably from either the City staff or the Prosecuting Attorney's office,
to handle the Trans Mountain Pipeline proposal. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Coun<"'" °,RUCk
suggested staff keep in mind the community's support of the ~~
since this project is not as close in proximity as Norther~~10I 4~~> >5z
the impacts may not be as great. Councilman Duncan also r ~ P°r sa°rrra ,°I
sivNrsluo ~irno-zs~
questions raised by URS (the consulting firm hired by EFSEIfIp rime r novrci '
Trans Mountain's application) in regard to possible major rQ~O NS~/M01110-EZ/
faced b the Trans Mountain ro ect. On call for the ue9 SNYMO~W[Zl `
y p j q 1YYNU0.N.8J~11}tZl ~
motion was passed by the Council with Councilman Hordyk v<10~~.N.IifLLS•ZA
1~pON] H3M01}eu
tNNld310~q ~SY3-cu
C. Task Force Status Report r Y~Idd•Zu
101~Y1JY;1 3310~N p16t
Oilport Task Force Coordinator Mike Doherty gave a brief ~r 001Y1q M~NOIS30
work being done by the Oilport Task Force members on the ~) OOIYlYJ NOINSY#
Pipeline Project. Some of the major projects which the '10aMaN''lSSF Ml£Z
conpleted include: (a) an analysis of the draft impact s~iYd ASY3 ,II, ~~~~
r 8U!IDu¢q 'liewne
by the siting council on Northern Tier's project; (b} a sol walled yoga io
mitigating measures; and (c) a 700 page document on the~zauedyaea~o ~~
statement. The Task Force is also providing research a; yugelyoui•09
number of consultants which are funded by C2M funds, an!l sage[ (pE lsnq) l[
several studies done by those consultants. The Task Fp[ D[ 'Z[ ~OI '$ saziS ,
working on several other reports, some of which includ l6 walled paluud
ri S ~ q
Study; Construction Operation Monitoring System Report;jgRO~llos a yliM ae
41 sMOpol adeys
Quality Impacts on the Port Angeles Harbor; and Mitigatyl '1sieM lwod puow
presentation concluded with Mr. Doherty commending theMO»eu li 'sanaa~s dea
Task Force members. -atina leyl 4oleM
it ~a41o 'u±-S6 spy Z
12. CONTRACT: MARINE LAB rosy (6E lsnq) Z [ ¢ns
'6[ 'Z[ '0[ 'S saziS
Councilman Quast moved to authorize Mayor Haguewood to 5102fi u~¢ll¢d paluud
uoiysej yanw os no6
Makers Architects and Urban Designers, Seattle, for desigir) alAq ls0a 'aHepz¢,(
on the Municipal Pier. The motion was seconded by Counci' ~(ay~ 'S~aH~e[ ~apun d'
sUoys 'slued 'shr>Is of
18[ to ~alsu~eil anss~l
None. >~, ~r~Vr~6...,.auypuiy •y
PPS ~snb •s
VIII FINANCE ~./ OQ'1 """'
Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for construction of the
Ahlvers Road sewer extension to the lpw bidder, Davlin Construction, Sequim,
with a bid of $18,912.41. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus
and carried. (Peninsula Excavating bid - $19,128.12; Engineer's estimate -
2. L.I.D. NO. 203
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $53,379.82 as the
first, fixed estimate of work done and materials furnished by the City of
Port Angeles on L.I.D. No. 203, Downtown Beautification Project, as certified
by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification letter dated July 9, 1980.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.
July 15, 1980
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $159,357.21, L.I.D.'s of $67,175.93 and
Payroll of $159,967.02. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.
Ttems listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $6,620 to BJSS for review and analysis of the
Vern Burton Memorial Community Center.
2. Status report from Finance Director Orton on the Data Processing Project.
3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control
Board of a Class A, C license application from G. Carlson and J. Charest,
dba E1 Amigo Restaurant, 1017 East First Street.
Mayor Haguewood: Read a letter from Mr. Earl Tilley requesting-suggestions and/
or advise from the Council members for the 1981 Legislative Session. Council-
man Quast suggested that staff write to Mr. Tully requesting the Legislature
make monies available to compensate municipalities and PUDS for the special
utility discounts. to the low income elderly. Councilman Duncan suggested the
State Legislature not mandate any program for which they do not mandate funding.
Manager Flodstrom: Informed the Council that he is awaiting a response from
the DNR in regard to their proposed property trade. Informed the Council that
they will be receiving a tentative schedule £or the 1981 budget. Announced
that he will be on vacation from July 21 through July 25; Police Chief Cleland
will be Acting City Manager in his absence.• Informed the Council that they
have received an invitation to attend "Good Neighbor Day" at the Vancouver PNE
on August 16th. Reminded the Council of the July 29th Negotiation Session with
Northern Tier. Announced that a lease agreement has been signed with the "Pea
Patch" people. Informed the Council that the lease agreement for moorage of
the Coast Guard Cutter Campbell was re-enacted effective July 1, 1980.
Councilman Quast: Discussed the proper procedure for changing one's vote on
a motion with Attorney Miller and Manager Flodstrom.
Councilman Duncan: Suggested a set ending time for the Council meetings.
Mayor Haguewood recessed the meeting at 12:15 A.M. to an Executive Session.
The meeting returned to open session at 12:25 P.M. and the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk
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