HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/15/1982 I I 305. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 15, 19B2 I CALL 'ro ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II roLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Counci1m:m Gerberding, Haguewood, Polhamus, Quast, and Whidden Members Absent: Councilman Hordyk Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. COsens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, M. Canpbell Public Present: G. Stallings, M. Becker, H. Berglund, G. Thompson, G. Snell, D. Bragg, J. Lavin, J. Buvi t, D. Wolfe IS. Fahnestock III - VI SUSPENDED VII LEl3ISIATION 1. Presentation of Certification to Doyle McGinley as Wastewater Collection Specialist I. Mayor Duncan read the certification of Doyle McGinley as a Wastewater COllection Specialist I and presented the certificate to Public Works Director Pittis for award to Doyle McGinley at a latter date. I 2. Consideration of Review conmittee to Analyze the City's Parks and Recreation Departrrent. Manager Flodstran read his llIeIlOrandum to the Council regarding his proposal for the establishIrent of a review ccmnittee to conduct an assessrrent of what the Council and citizens want the Parks and Recreation program to be versus what its capabilities are in accomplishing those goals. The Council discussed the proposal at length, including Jack LaRue's suggestion for a Horticultural Technical Review Advisory Camnittee oode at the July 6, 1982 COuncil rreeting and distinguished two canponents of the proposals under consideration: 1) the Parks Departrrent receive expert technical assistance; and 2) an assessrrent be made of the Parks Departrrent's priorities for 19B3. Concern was expressed by several Councilmembers that Council creation of a cannittee may overlap or infringe upon the purview of the Parks and Recreation Beautification Board and that the Board's founal reccmrendations on the proposals should be received prior to any Council action. Gordon Thanson, Parks Board comnissioner I supported the establisl'm:nt of the proposed ccmnitt€e. After further discussion Councilman Quast !lOVed the Council at this tirre accept the services of the volunteers to the Horticultural Technical Review Advisory Ccmnittee in which a Parks Board CaTmissioner and City Councilmember could participate. The rrotion died for lack of a second. Councilman Whidden indicated the Council did not wish to discourage the services of the volunteers but they wished to consider the Park Board's recxmnendations on the proposals' first. Councilman Haguewood then rroved the council refer Manager Flodstrom' s and J. LaRue's proposals to the Park Board for their reccmnendations on the necessity, goals, structure and purview of a review and/or technical advisory camnittee. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the I!K)tion carried. 3. Request fran R. D. Chamberlain to re-construct stairs on sidewalk. Mayor Duncan read a letter from R. D. Chamberlain, et al, 202 West 9th, Port Angeles, requesting COuncil issuance of a license or pennit to reconstruct stairs for the rear exit of Rollf's Restaurant, 101 East Front Street, which will protrude onto the sidewalk (the stairs were reIlDved as part of the DowntCMl1 Improvement Project and their reconstruction is prohibited by City ordinance). Council discussed with staff the legal aspects and ramifications of allowing this private use of the public way as well as the requirement for a second fire 306 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Special Meeting July 15, 1982 c' exit. Attorney Miller indicated the public right-of-way was dedicated prior to construction of the stairs, so no rights were acquired because of the length of time the stairs had existed. Councilman Quast suggested that should the stairs be allCMed to be constructed that the stairs be buffered with triangular planter boxes, canopy, etc., to prevent pedestrian collisions with the stairs; Mr. Chamberlain indicated he was agreeable to this as re-locating the stairs would not be feasible due to the high costs involved. After further discussion, Councilnan Gerberding l1DVed the Council review an amendrrent to the sidewalk I obstruction ordinance, currently being drafted by Attorney Miller, which would provide for pennitting of sidewalk obstructions on a revocable basis at the July 20, 1982 regular Jreeting; Councilman Quast seconded and after further discussion the rrotion carried. '>< 4. Agreerrent for WPPSS Termination Oversight Ccmnittee Services Mayor Duncan reviewed Light Director Cosen 's rrerrorandtnn recamending the Council authorize the execution of an agreerrent for the WPPSS Termination Oversight ccmnittee Services to which the City of Port Angeles has been naninated to serve in an alternate capacity. Council requested Light Director Cosens keep a record of expenses for his participation in the rreetings and keep the Council updated on the issues before the Termination Oversight Ccmnittee. Light Director Cosens reported briefly on the issues currently before the Oversight Carmittee and after further discussion Councilman Gerberding noved the Council authorize the Mayor to execute the agreerrent with WPPSS for Oversight Ccxrrnittee Services and to authorize Light Director Cosens to act as the City of Port Angeles' represen- tative to that Carmittee. Councilman Quast seconded and after further discus- sion the notion carried. Councilman Haguewood requested staff up:jate the Council on recent WPPSS issues at the August 3rd Council Jreeting. 'i 5. Invitation to join Utility Defense Group. Attorney Miller updated the Council on recent litigation issues with regard to the termination of WPPSS Projects Nos. 4 and 5 since his rrerrorandtnn on this I matter to the Council at the July 6, 1982 regular meeting regarding the options to the Council for the City' s effective representation in these lawsuits. Councilman Gerberding canrented on the possible out<XJTeS of the City's decision to participate or not participate in these lawsuits and then rroved the Council authorize the City to join the Utilities Legal Defense Group subject to a six-rronth renewal option as he felt this to be in the best interests of the ratepayers. Councilman Quast seconded and carrrented on financing these services through the Light Utility and of a possible need to consider this during the October rate increases. Councilman Haguewood opposed the notion as he felt the City could not benefit fran entering into this group and would only be wasting the rroney invested. After further discussion the motion carried with Councilman Haguewood voting "No". 6 . Time AlICMed for Processing of New Business Licenses. Mayor Duncan read Finance Director orton I s merrorandum requesting Council permission to amend the City Code to allow a five-working-clay processing time for new business license applications (the current time period. is three working days). Councilman Quast rroved the Council approve Finance Director Orton I s request for a five-working-day processing time for new business license applications and instruct him to prepare an amending ordinance for the Council's consideration. Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. A five-minute recess was held. 7. Review 1982 Budget Revenues and Expenditures Manager Flodstrorn provided the Councilrrembers with an information packet regard- ing current 1982 budget revenues and expenditures and reported that City reve- nues are down due to the slump in the econcmy. He reviewed estimated cost over- runs expected by 1982 year end and predicted a shortfall for 1983. Finance Director Orton then briefed the Council on the status of the current expense fund and the City's major revenue sources. Each depart.Irent head then briefed the Council on the expenditures for his department in relation to the 1982 bud- get and where they are expected to be by year-end. Following this, Manager FlodstrOIn surrmarized by indicating that the City lTUlst now either look at in- creasing revenues or decreasing services. Councilman Quast expressed his appre- ciation for staff I s efforts, including those of the volunteer fire departrrent, to reduce expenditures while retaining services for the citizens of the City of Port Angeles. I I I VIII ADJOURN TO EXIDJ'I'IVE SESSION 307 CITY COUNCIL MEFl'ING Special Meeting July 151 1982 Mayor Duncan adjourned the rreeting to an executive session at 10:25 P.M. IX RIrnJRN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The rreeting returned to open session and adjourned at 10:56 P.M. ~ @. ~-'~, City Clerk I ~ 'i1~ ~ "'" ~; Ah. , / yor \ro Te ~ ,.~-\ :"'-"t .