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Minutes 07/16/1918
Proceetlillgs of City Council of t/w City of Port Angeles, JTT as/,illgtoll 91~ _~~.~.V-.",-.J'\Sl.~~.....~~<:>...'\...7:30~'\'i\. ~ Um..h~ tc.~~ ~'\'\\.~""- \)0&"", .__________n . ..--- __...,_\\.~ ~~~<\'~ ~~~ ~~.\~\:.. ""-~U'\.lli~~. ~~~,~,,"-<::N'>..._tt~~,\)~~\...~.,.~~~'\-~~'J'~. _-t;,~\~. _m____....________ _______,.......___,__. __,,_w_..____ ~ ,~ . . .~~ 'db"~ ,'t~ ,J\S..~~,~"'\N"-.~ ~"--^--"'-~. .l-~'t..\--&tkc...~,.'q,.~~'G,. ~ .~ ~ ~~ \&.~~ , _~CL'\ f-k~-'V-0~~.%__~llvt\.\/'fl6', _~CTh'>_.\~,'f'<'~ ~~,~ ~,~'C,--~~~~:.- _~\..~~ ',-, ,'--.-------- _______ _.___..n.__.___.._ .'----.,--, _w.___".)~~~~.~~~~~ ~~ ~~"- _t.,,__t,-~,,--- ~~\~?.~U--.\91~-~ _5 ~~~-~, ''''',--.----. ----..---- ._____,_' . __ _._n...____.___ ,___c. ___~'--~~~"J.> ------ ____n________________ __ .._._.____. '. ..,'~, ~,-\-\~..\:--~,1..l'-'-"-h-' ~t ~ ~~ ~c:..~~--..--. ~'0;,,,,,, ,:D.-..,,-'\. ~,,~~~">--\:.;,~ ~ ~'--'--'--\~~' :_~c...o...~""_\ ~ ~'-~ _~"'~. _\:.'^-"-'~<\ ..-..m------.---------_...,---1 _______._:1.._____ _n__________._._____..______.~_.__..__~\.-I~"'~~, \\)~~,~':jll, l\.-./'1/8, ~\.~~'>-.~~ - "\ \..\"'-.~~ ~~~\_---- ,"- -- :.' .:... _n_..________._.__.__'. _.n__________._~'L ~ -'~\:.\'-'-- ,~"'__!'_N'_"__ .~~~,~- 'M, ~~"-- ,-''''''~tt~~\...\'o .t..~_\,,~~ "'\ s;.~ ~~ \" ,~~ ~~~--n';L () 'Do. .,1<:\ I :a _ ~ 5: ~(\."0,-,, ~ . 'ffi ,,--- . ___ ___________________ .l \'\J~~ ,\ffi~"" ' ~:\:.~_"""~~ ~~~ \-k~,Ro\. ~ <:."--\-\~\h"'~"'-\.'1 I~~~-\'\.'\\cl~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ "'---~\~'_N.N"_2\, ~~<:.=-h~~.~~'~ .M-~<:!"". --~~-"-~.~~\~""',\~~,\)~~\.\~ ~ &-~""". ~\:".\_)~, N-~~(,'__"^_<,~<:>:"'-- ~~.....""'-'&.~<..~~~, . - IS&.~ ,~~'--"-~ ~""'-,~~~$ f\-~, I~'-~~,'-~'\. :\\\.~ _ ~~~~ """'~""^' '--~~, _on" ___ __ _ - ----- ---- -, -- - .- _ ___ _ . <S='''''-\~~,W~~,~lbt\I'fI~, ,3", ~ __~Uv." Th~<r\.~<:\ ~~ '(,~~ ~~-(,.,~ ~ ~'-'~ J~~, __hOP ~~.~ ," ____...._____...._____ __________ __" __ - ........__________ _____on_________ ____ ,.. _________ __ __ ________ un_ J.~~~~~ ~ ~~""'-&~ ~ \U.~~\&~ \:~ t~~ ~,:~,__ M Q.(;~ 1'1 I ~'>-.\. __5I:l'<'\I:J-J-x --~, \'1\ ,------ ---,,-..--.. --. _ ____ __ _______ P ___ _________,_______ _. ___.___ ___________ ____m . __~~- \\ cr0-N'>, . - --- _ _ _ ._ _rt~kUJVV\'" ____ ..,______.___.u.,' P _. __ G..~ (j1A_~. ~t_'_>>w:,_~~~--~~~ tt~,-~ci.'t ~ ~~"<'1}..'\;,0'-l\~-~ I~ ~ ~" ----.- .--- --- -- '., --:~ . - - -. - . --. ~'--CN-o.~ ~~ ~~~ - ~CN\,-~~. ----------~---_. ----~-- ----_.~----- ---~ ------ ----- ____...:...._ .__ _____... ____.......;..__...___ _____ __ _.._...__,______...._.._____...___ .,__~..._ ._"..___. __",_ ,.__" ....._._.___._.___ ._.... _".___"_' .____ .___..._u._,_ __