HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/16/1947 I I I I I _. "M",_'_n._~. um ~ ~Tbe Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call t revealed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Jolmson, Attorney Wilson 'and Clerk Law. i I ,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. [Under the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: '" .' Building Permits I'"' 3,t(}() - l>. .E. Burke Build Addition' on;l;o Hous&; Lot 20, Blk. 148, T01'IIlSite S1& Larson Remodel, Build AddHiLoD onto House; Lote 25-24, Blk. 59, PSSC '23 W. Forsman Build Garage & Wood Shed; Lot 1, Blk. 1, Williams 8< Craver Add. Frank Pollow Move Direlling; Lot 6, Blk. 288, Tmmaite Don Adams Build Addition onto House; Lots 15, 16, 17, IB, Blk. 59, PSSC, Sub.25 IH. C. Goin Build Wood SOOd; Lot 12, Blk. 287, Townsite ib.censes I 1.2 0 7. ~ r ,lIarbor Tavern Har.bor Tavern !Harbor Tavern B. & M. Grocery DelllJCll Cl&aners ,Howard Oliver ':Angeles Quality Cl&aners IYellow Cab CO. 'Aggi&'s Dog House rggie's Dog House A~'s Dog House Aggie'li Dog House ;aed's Taxi CO. Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 16, 19j'L 5 Amusement Machines 1 Music Machine Soft Drink Soft Drink Cleaning & Pressing Journeyman Pl\llllber-Renewal Cleaning &. Pressihg Taxi License Adjustment 1 Amusement Machine Restaurant 1 MUsic Machine Soft .Drink 2 Cabs, 7 months and 9 months 7\'ot i('~~~~:'~';:";~:? K~~llt~l~~~ SNqc{l lJld,.; lI"ill I". 1,t'L,(.I\"t><1 10)" the Clly ('lerl, of tll" ('ity (Or I'l'll'l An#:,f'lr::;, I '"\Y:l:-;llill":U'Il, 11lltil .Julyli;, 1!\-17 III i, (~~ i];:~l'l'~ I; Il( .:~:~\, 1~~('tli~('II/'it~!\.r<)rf:)~7 i !~:~I::"~;,lr':~?!.;!:{~~~:I:'}E(~?'~,~::i;~l t h~ IT\:':l\~:J ~ :;:~l J :1;~:~ ~~~~'('nm (lfllllf'll II)' ~<;~:Ol;\:l~I~'rl-;:t~'~\I::: '::::;J\~11Il~\i:r ,~l~r , ::r ~l:;(' 1';\ri~J, II~r ! ;)),,~.1~.. o\~li:'~I~I:~'I\\~ .~~1;~ Illl:'l'lll. 01: till' Kid will nllt :ht, t'"n" "i'~\'l'i,I,I;I](1 fir l\l()~ 0: 1hf> fltl101l11f "j' tllf' (."nll'H(.j Pl'i,'" 1111l1<t lw Cur- 11 i~!l;;~ll.~ll~~ 1 ~}Il" ,~~l,~:i'ri~~lft~ ;11,l~i\1 ~~:> 1)<, :;~\\,,\~I::'ic~il';'l\l~ ~];I';lll'I\~\' $\\~(:~k \,~~:~;~ ~~:~Il ;~~~~~ifl;'(":ltli~~:~l1(~~~~ \fl'~[~1\~ni!:~:l~1;~ The Commission examined and approved rill' ('1"10), IwfM" 1111' lillls :m., ')]11'11- issued in payment of the same: I ::;:;:;"I:;'~;:J'~Y~"\~{;:;:i;~,I;ei~id;" "" CURRENT EXPENSE FUNDI ~ ~ '13 I'PU!l!ii'l11 .TlIb~'~lo\'14I,'ll.~ni7, Epperson & Sons " 2 Brass Drawer Locks I H. E. Dodgs Traveling Expense D & B Battery & Electric Station Battery Supplies Todd Cycle Shop 5 Cane Cleaner Eastman Kodak Stores, Ine. Kodak Supplies W. S. Darley & CO. Siren with Projector Fitchard' s Associated Service Tire Repairs K & K Meat Market 50 LOO. Weiners Kohler Radio Service Radio Supplies Dept. of Labor & Industries Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Puget Sound Navigation CO. Fre~ht Charges ,Western Union Telegraphs "CITY STREET FUND: .D ?5"3 0 'Ilept. of Labor & Industries ,D & B Battery & Ele ctric Co. I WATER FUND: .,4 /0 '1~() ..0;/ ,Dept. of Labor & Industries .... Marckmann & Williams "Jolms-Manville Sales COrp. 'Palmer Supply CO. 'H. D. Fowler 'Co. 'James Hardware Co. State Treasurer "Hersey Ilfg. CO. LIGIIJl FUND: <5 '1'1'7 .!' 1.,General P&tro1eum Corp. D & B Battery 8< Electric Station :aem1llgton Rand, Inc. Graybar Electri c iCe. I,Port Angeles Salmon Club 'state Treasurer ~he Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. l,Dept. of Lebor & Industries ,Line llaterial CO. jTOOker Motor Freight :SANITATION DEPT. ~.15" 'If' Dept. of Lebor & Industries I LIBRARY FUNDI .,r; 17.2. ~ G, IrIargaret Wilson 'Catherine Richard rcMahan FUel CO. 361 ~ 600.00 J 1,500.001 500.00 : 1,000.001 200.00, 100.00, I 72.00 12.001' 5.00 5.0011 .5.00 .SO' 5.00; 16..64 24.00 12.00' 12.001 5.001 55.S01 Undsr the OOad of unfinished business and pursuant to bids published for construction of concrete side walks on west 8~!t street, tile following two bide were submitted I and opened; Owens Bros., $6,276.50; A. COntesti, $6,812.00. Both bids being more I than 10$ over too Eqrineer's estimate, it was moved by Commissioner Jolmeon thst ' the bida be rejected. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. The fourth and final estillJate of Owens Bros. contract to construct concrete side- walks in L.I.D.No. 148 Was submitted by the Engineer for the sum of $9, BOl.47 . The Engineer reported that construction is finished and has b&on inspscted and approved. It was moved by COmmissioner Johnson that the final estimate be approved and paid. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. the following claims, and ordered warrants Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Points, Condensers, Plugs Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Pips & Fittings Pipe Pips Pips Powder Taxes Meters wb. Oil Parts Parts Meter Socksts Adv. Taxes Poles Kick-anns, Cur. Transf. Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Transformers Freight Charges Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Extra Labor Extra Labor FUel Oil i I' 7.201 6.97i 29.67 .981 15.35, 55.001.'1 59.94 15.14 10.46' 100.20, ~:~I: 64.18' ll.021, 59.s7;1 420.92, 4,018.57' 15.15 4,799.61 r 9.99, 928.351, 187.6711 4O.15l 1.89 2.421 519.08,. 25.00 1,562.07 :.1' 1,19S.01 507 .05' 64.061 956.05 9.08'1 'I 55.49t r 18.75.. 19;68'1' 1515.45 '" , ......J ,.. 362 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 16. contimled, 19SL Labor, COncr&te Slab 4' .;>1 'PARKlOO METER & TRAFFIC CONTlllI!;. WNDI 6, l:lept. of Labor & Industries Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid "" G 3 CEMETERY WND: 3 - Dept. of Labor & Industries ji:ighth Street Repair Shop .,. ,I t. .1. GUARANTY WND: 11.:1._ :Pity Treasurer :PARK FUND I " J" f {; f' Dept. of Labor & rDdustries ,T. W. Roeser Montgomery Werd & co. Pacific Telephone 8< Telegraph Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Frederick's Electric ., fl L. I. D. GENERAL JUND: (," Dept. of Labor & Industries L. .1. D. NO. 148: .1ff(J/ 17 Owens Bros., Contractors ERICKSON CHILDREN'S PARK JUND: V. J. Neale Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Hauling Dirt 1 Pr. Hip Rubber Boots Servi ce 15501.1 height Charge Score Board Wiring Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Fourth and Final Estjmate d" /()(Jd- Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Sharpen & Adjust Lawn Mower There being no further business, the session 1IIIS declared adjourned. Assess. and Tams Paid (J. rf 1",v". (j ....... Clerk .~ )- \-v.,.. ~:,.....'( ~~ ~ 11.98 I 16.92 : 7.92 I 3.54 1.45 'I 45.08 ' I I .6.91 9,801.47 1,000.00 5.84 1.57 2.06 ill.u 1 . i J,layer I I I I I I , I I