HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/16/1951
P'" 148
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A. M., and was called to order by Acting Mayor Robinson.
Officers present were Mayor Robinson, Commissioner Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law.
Minutes of ;!lae previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of
Marion Beatty
Oliver LaDue
R. D. McDoaald
Albert Roblan
Stanley Yoder
Lillian Wall
Del. Guzzi Bros.
Pinto's Barber Shop
Spudnut Shop
II 11
Dr: Vernon S. Behymer
Mar's Reataurant
Little Brick Tavern
Brown's Second Hand Store
Fox Tiffaqy Studios
The Electric Compan.y
. "
Haiel's Cafe'
11 II
~Ja~ine Drive Lunch
for building permits and licenses, the following were gra,nted:
Build garage, Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 430, Townsite
Build garage, Lot 15, Blk. 10, P. S. C. C.,
Build 2 car garage, Bot 1, Blk. 223, Townsite
Remodel house, Lots 3, 4, Blk. 40. N. R. Smith,
Remodel kitchen, Lots 17, 18, Blk. 65, Townsite
Build woodshed, Lot 6, Blk. 176, Townsite
Move in and repair 5 Apt. Dwellings, Tax $72, 2.96 Sub.
10, 50,000.00
10.00 I
Barber shop operator
Restaurant Operator
Mustc Machine
Soft Drink Service
Massage 3 [.Ionths
Restaurant Operator
I~usic Machine
Music Machine
Soft Drink Servide
Second Hand Dealer
Junk Deale r'
Pawn Broker
Traveling Photographer
Master Electrician
Second Hand Dealer
Junk Dealer
Restaurant Operator
Soft Drink Service
Music Machine
One day
Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing for L. I. D. No 157, for Street Lighting, Portions .of
Lincoln and Eighth Streets, was opened. Jach Schoettler, A. T. Sandison, vim. Polzin, E. M. Benedict, Tom
;Owe,ns, and others appeared regarding the Improvement. Some opposed the Inprovement as the cost in their
opinion is prohibitive. Others were in favor of improvement although the cost as extimsted is too high.
Ge~rge Northup spoke in favor of the improvement and considered the same necessary for traffic safety. Also
as the State is obligated to maintain the streets, the City should install the lighting system. Engineer
Ah~vers advised that approximately 26% opposition has been filed. Acting Mayor Robinson informed that all
wh~ wish to file written protests may do so until bid for contract is awarded. The hearing was then closed.
On~ bid was submitted by J. M. Bruch Compan.y in amount of $27,003.89 for asphalt paving, curbs and gutters,
on Fourth Street from Peabody Street to Cherry Street. The Engineer reported that the bid is mOl"e than 10%
over estimate, and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that in as much as the bid is more than "10% over the
estimate, the City publish another call for bids to be opened August 6, the bids to be published in the Daily
Journal of Cormnerce. Commissioner Taylor reported that the Ediz Hook road is nearly ready for surfacing and'
moved that bids be published and opened August 6 for surfacing the said road. Both motions seconded by
Commissioner Robinson and carried.
It was further moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Treasurer be instructed to publish bids for the sale of
Lots 19 and 20, Block 434, Townsite. }lotion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted lqe. Carried. I
Un~er the head of naw business, the Farmers Insurance Group, Branch Claims Office of Spokane, informed that '
a vehicle owned by a client had been damaged by City equipment driven by V. A. Anderson. The Cornpan.y requested
in~ormation as to responsibility of damages and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be I
referred to the Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson and carried.
The Park Board requested in writing taat transfer of $30.00 be made from Repair and Maintena~ce, Bldgs. and
Gro:unds, in the Cemetery Fund, to Insurance. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be
approved and transfer made. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
A letter from the 1. B. E. W., Local B 997, and signed by ~loodrow. W. Ditlefson. President, Ed. P. Fountain,
Secretary, and the Executive Board, was read before the Commission. The letter informed th~t after a.year
and a half of unsuccessful negotiations to adjust Eledtricians wages to more closely conform with prevailing
wage rates, it is necessary to discontinue power and light facilities except in extr~me cases of emergency.
It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be postponed and discussed at a meeting Wednesday when
the Mayor will be in attendance. It was the opinion of Commissioner Robinson that the Commission can proceed
to :act, and according to Laws and financial condition, the demand can be met. Commissioner Taylor informed
that he was called b,' the Seattle business office and accused of stalling, which he was not. Also that if
records and figures do not show it possible to pay requested amount, the demands cannot be granted. Also he
would like more information, as he has been advised that purchase of property fer sub-station now on order,
is.necessary at considerable investment. Commissioner Taylor further informed that he is .in favor of wage
sca,les to conform with prevailing rates. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the increase be granted I
in acc?rdance ~th the de~nd of the ~ast letter on record in the Light.Office. The Attorney wa~ qu~s~ioned
regard1ng legal1tyof pay1ng retroactlve pay and replied that the same 1s.gov.ern~d.by forme~ legal deClsion 1
concerning the Port Dock at Olympia. Commissioner Robinson moved that the matter be referred to a meeting
Hednesday at 10:00 A. foi., when the Mayor will be in attendance. Seconded by Commissioner TaYlor, and carried.
The Engin~er filed recommendations that the 15% retained on Owens Bros. contract for construction of Storm
Sewers at Olympic Memorial Hospital be paid in amount of $218.54, the 30 day period having elapsed and no
incomplete or defioctive work being discovered. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the amount retained
be paid. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The Engineer also recormnended that the 15% retained b,~ paid Owens Bros. for work done in L. 1. D. No. 155 in
amount of $433.28. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the 15% be paid Owens Bros. after they have
paid the City Treasurer the amount of fixed estimate, and not before. Seconded by Con:missioner Robinson.
All voted Aye. foiotion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
149 .,
Continued ,
"." . ~"". ."n.' "'''''''' '''''''''. n... ......
! Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following two resolutions were introduced:
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles declaring its
intention to improve 12th Street in the City of Port Angeles by excavating,
grading, ballasting and surfacing with asphaltic concrete, certain protions
thereof and constructing concrete curbs and gutters in connection therewith
where needed, and creating a Local Improvement District to provide for the
payment for such improvement.
, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles as follows:
, SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, to order
I the improvement of Twelfth Street, from the l'iesterly margin 0 f Peabody Street to the Easterly margin of
Lincoln Street, by excav.ating to sub-grade, ballasting with crushed rock to grade and laying thereon, an
asphaltic concrete surface and constructing in connection therewith where necessary, concrete curbs and
I gutters on that ~IllTnl"r-TweU:th Street lying between the 1t:esterly margin of Peabody Street and the center
line of Chase Street, and by excavating to sub-grade and ballasting to grade and surfacing with gravel that I
portion of Twelfth Street lying between the center line of Chase Street and the Easterly margin of Lincoln
Street, together with all necessary labmr and material to completely construct, erect and lay such improvement.
SECTION2. All persons who desire to object to the proposed inprovement are hereby notified to
appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Corrmission of the City of Port Angeles, to be
heard on Monday, the 13th day of August, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the Commission Room of said
City at 215 South Lincoln Street in said:lCity, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all ma.tters
relating to such proposed improvement 'and all additions thereto, and for determining the method of payment
; for said improvement.
SECTION 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Commission, at or prior to the
I date of such hearing, the estimates cost and expense of such improvement, a statement of the proportionate
i amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed Improvement District, a statement
I of aggregate assessed and actual valuation of all real estate, exclusive of improvements within said District
, acco.rding to the valuation placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or
prin;t showing thereon the Lots, Tracts and Parcels of land and other property which >Jill be especially
benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and el.pense of such improvement to be borne by each
such Lot, Tract or Parcel of land or other property.
SECTION 4. It is the present intention of the City Commission that the entire cost and expense of
; sai~ improvement shall be borne by, and assessed against, the property liable therefore as provided ~ law;
that. the nature of the improvement herein contemplated, is such that the special benefits confered on the
i prop.erty by the proposed improvement are fairly reflected by the use of the termini and zone method of
, assessing the cost of such improvement, and it is proposed that the Ordinance ordering said improvement,
I shaJ.;I. provide that the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property wi thin the district accordingly.
. SECTION 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing by publication of this
Resolution in the manner provided by law, and by mailing a notice of such hearing as re'iuired by law to each'
,owner, or reputed owner of an.y Lot, Tract or Parcsl of land, or other property especially benefited by the
imprpvement, and to specify in such notices, the nature of the proposed improvement, the total estimated
cost thereOf and the estimsted benefit to the particular Lot, Tract or Parcel of land owned by such person.
It ~as moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted.
Seconded by Commissioner Robinson, All voted Aye. Motion carried.
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles declaring its in-
tention to improve Vine Street, Peabody Street and Tenth Street by constructing I
concrete curbs and gutters thereon, and creating a Local Improvement District to
provitfe for the payment for such improvement.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles as follows: I
I SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Corrmission of the City of Port Angeles, to order
I the ~mprovement of Vine Street, Peabody Street and Tenth Street, from the Southerly margin of the alley I
runrJj.ng through Block 288 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; thence Southerly wng the l'lest curb line of Vine
, Street to its intersection with Tenth Street; thence lo/esterly alOng the North curb line of Tenth Street to t
I its intersection with Peabody Street; thence Northerly along the East curb line of Peabody Street to the J
: South margin of the alley through said Block 288, and from the Northerly margin of the alley running througn
Block 331 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; thence North along the vlest curb line of Vine Street to its I
!inte,rsection with Tenth Street; thence ,lest along the Southe. rly curb line of Tenth Street to its intersect-
ion with Peabody Street; thence South along toe Easterly'. curb line of Peabody Street ,to the Northerly margin
of the alley runhing ,through said Block 331, together with all necessary labor and material to completely
I cons:ruct and install such improvement.
I SECTION 2. All persons who desire to object to the proposed improvement are hereby notified to
i appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, to be
. heard on Monday, the 13th day of August, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 A.H., at the Cormdssion Room of said
I City., at 215 South Lincoln Street in said City, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all
I matters relating to such proposed improvement and all additions thereto, and for determining the method of
I payment for said improvement.
SECTION 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Commission, at or prior, to the
date. of such hearing, the extimsted cost and expense of such improvement, a statement of the . proportionate
amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed Improvement District, a statement I
of aggregate assessed nd actual valuation of all real extate, exclusive of improvement within said District
according to the valuahon placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or I
print showing thereon the Lots, Tracts and Parcels of Land and <ilther property which will be especially
, benefited thereby, and the extimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each I
such Lot, Tract or Parcel of land or other property.
"" 150
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
r!nnt; nllpn I
..,. . ...... ...m.. .......... ...".. ..... ....
SECTION 4. It is the present intention of the City Corrmdssion that the entire cost and expense of
said improvement shall be borne by, and assessed against, the property liable therefore and provided by law;
that the nature of the improvement herein contemplated, is such that the special benefits confered on the
property qy the proposed improvement are fairly reflected by the use of the termini and zone method of assess-
ing the cost of such improvement, and it is proposed that the Ordinance ordering said improvement, shall
provide that the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property within the district accordingly.
SECTIOlI 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing by publication of
this Resolution in the manner provided qy law, and by mailing a notice of such hearing as required by law to
each owner, or reputed owner of any Lot, Tract or Parcel of land, or other property especially benefited
by the improvement, and to specify in such notices, the nature of thewroposed improvement, the tot~ estima~
ted cost thereof and the estimated benefit to the particular Lot, Tract or Parcel of land owned by such.pers~n.
It was moved qy Commissioner T~lor that the foregoing Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted, and I
that August 13th be fixed as the date of hearing for Improvement Resolution No 158 and Improvement Resolution
No. 159. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading:
AN ORDINANCE stating' the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience
of the City of Port Angeles; re<<uiring the unforeseen expenditures of funds; providing for the issuance of j
emergency warrfllts and declaring an emergency.
It was moved qy Commissioner T~lor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted.
Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 1
The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same:
City Trea:;;urer - Water charges 208.33
Ol,ympic Tribune Legal Publications 17.04
Department of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 232.44
Zellerbach Paper Co. Paper Towel.. 15.76
,CITY ~ ~: !)~ g, 7'1
.Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. & 14ed. Aid 184.04
Carlin I s Union Station Windshield blades 1.32
The Texas Co. Grease 13.70
Renshaw's Service Tire & Tube 137.84
City Treasurer Water 66.66
Harris & Schuller Labor & Material 33.50
Angeles Mach. & Weld. liles. Labor & Material 4.65
Ol,ympic Electric Co. Supplie.. & Material 82.65
Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Truck rental & material 44.58
.ill! 2!!Q.E .EY!:!!2: 1/ '6'2, 'f'l
10l,ympic Electric Co. Material & supplies 36.82
IWillson Hdwe. Co. Bolts .56
Dept. of Labor & mad. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 28.;28
City Treasurer Light & Water 12.06
,Middleton Motor Parts Tools & Hardware, Supplies 148.22
!AneeleS Machine & l"elding Labor & Material 206. 95
Harris & Schuller Bar 1..03
The Texas Co., Gas, grease, etc. 706.66
'Richfield Oil Corp. Motor Oil 42.86
I ,
,WATER f!!!ill.: I to 0 7, 90
lDept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 253.92
Clallam County PliO. No. Elec. Service 5.42 i
,State Treasurer Taxes 1,035.69
Ipalmer Supply Co. Pipe 196.01
Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Bushings 6.03
r Crane Co. Valve 8.38
IAngeles Machine & Weld, Wks. Rods 102.60
Middleton Motor Parts Cap screws 1.85
'LIGHT IQ!!l;!: :Z 7'12.. 71l Ind. Ins. 194.32
:Dept. of Labor & Ind. & Med. Aid
IKee Lox Mfg. Co. Ribbons 11.59
State Treasurer Taxes 2,352.89
IHarold & Ray Green Tire Repair 1.29
General Elec. Sup. Corp. Paint 28.02
jOlympic Electric Co. Lamps 139.05
~liddleton Motor Parts Fuses .54
I Harris & Schuller Deposit Box 65.20
,SANITATION .EY!:!!2: J~7. {PI(
jDept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. & }led Aid 107.64
~ IQ!!l;!: :z :M. '17
ICity Treasurer Light, Water, Garb, 105.90
Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 27.60
IJames Hardware Co. Tool Box, Line, Hose 31.78
Harris & Schuller Roof Plate 1.55
Ilfueeler Hdwe. & Fur. Co. Tools & Hdwe. 6.45
Il-'illson Hdwe. Co. Tools & Hdwe. 17.92
I'~'" '" "m.,. , ,'". Co. Tools, Hdwe. etc. 33.93
,zellerbach Paper Co. Tissue 7.34
I ,
..... 1 I
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
151 ",
"". . """. ...''''. """"".. ".".. moo .....
Department of Laber & In~
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid
City Trea.SUrer
Department of Labe r & I nd.
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid
Olyiiijiic Tribune -
Notice of Sale
h l.:. Q,. ~~: II(. ~Jj
Department of Laboe & Ind.
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid
There being no further busin?ss, the meeting was recessed until 10:00 A.M., Vlednesday.
I Juiy 18, 1951.
The Commission met pursuant to recess declared, and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present
: were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law.
Th~ Commission considered the request by 1. B. E. 1'1. Local B 997 for adjustment of wage scale for certain
light employees as previously discussed. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that wage scale adjustment
be.granted as per last letter of request. Motion seconded by ~myor Feeley.
COIplllissioner Taylor informed that statament of facts in the last letter does not resemble the facts, and
th~t negotiations I,ere possible oilly since June according to Statutes, as the City was not previously
permitted to open the budget, thereby being st1m1ed. Mr. Taylor cited lack of representation by the Union.
Also. that wages of truck driver is already above scale. After further discussion, the question was requested
and on roU call all voted Aye. Motion unanimO\1sly carried.
The Matter of retroactive pay was then discussed. The Attorney advised that he thought the same could be
paid if wages for that period were not yet paid. COlrrrnissioner Robinson suggested that a supplemental pay-
roll be made from July 1, the same to be held in abeyance, and the Attorney to ascertain if the same is
legal. If determined legal, th1~Will be paid, but if not, the increased wage scale will be effective
July 16~h. .
I No
further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
f City Clerk
XO'l'JCI': (W SAI,E ;1
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\n1: .
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rl ~ ~~ t~;l ~yj)\~l'f IlX Ili~I~~\,;,I\~~\~~; i ng.
lrlll [hh.. 20lh day of .July" ~U;;J.
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1:~!~li~fl :P.f~k\~f'J7~' 1 ~\r'lhinglfln