HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/16/1953
,.. 344
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
~ 16
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M., and was called to order by ~or Smith. Roll call of
off:i-cers revealed the following present: Mayor Smith; Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe,
and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, AttorneY,Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was'moved by Councilman McFadden that minutes of the regular meeting of JulJr 2 and the special meeting
of JulJr.9, be approved as received. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanilllouSLy carried. .
Under the head of unfinished business, exchange of the. North 150' of the South 160' of Lot 4, B~. 1, TidB-jl
llands VI,est of Laurel Street, owned by.the City, to, Robert P. and.Ada E. lfu, eeler for the, North 150' of the
!South 160' of Lot Six Blk. 1, Tidelands vTest of Laurel Strei;t, owned by the Wheelers, was considered by the
'Council. ,In consider~tion of the exchange, the City would receive $523.94. After discussion and due
consideration, it was moved by Councilman PO~lell, that the Mayor be authorized, to execute the Deed subject
to changes of description required. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All melubers voted Aye. Motion c;u'r
carried. .
The Council'. recei ve~ proposal for purchase of warrants an:! bonds for Local Improvement. District No. 164 as.
follows: Fnst Nahonal Bank of Port Angeles and First American Ilational Bank of Port Townsend warrants
approxilllately $54,000.00 par and interest rate of 4%. For bonds, approximately $54,000.00, par' plus
accrued interest for bonds bearing an interest rate of 4~. ,Bonds payable on or, before 12 years from date
of issue. Bonds to be issued within 180 days from date of bid. Agreement to purchase warrants contingent
upon a\,ceptance of offer to pruchase bonds. Proceeds of sale of bonds and advance cash p~ent of assess-
,ments shall be used to redeem all of above warrants, principal and interest, issued in L.I.D. No. 164.
[Acceptance subject to approv.tng legal opinion of Preston, Thorgrimson and Horowitz, Seattle .attorneys, cost
Itobe paid by the City. Cost of printing borne by banks. '
Wm. P. Harper & Son & Co., The Pacific Northwest Co., Bramhall & Stein: Warrants bearing rate'of
,of 4~, par (100). Bon:!s, premiums cf 10~ per $100.00 par value, interest to be 4ff,. Approving opinion to
Ibe furnished without cost to City. After proper checking andd3lib~ration, it was moved,by Councilman
:Wolfe that the proposal by The First, National Bank of Port Angeles and the First American National Bahk in
,Port Townsend be accepted. ~lotion seconded by Councilman Neer. On roll call, all members voted Aye.
The ~or declared the motion carried.
I .
,The Council received request to consider sale of timber on City property at Lower Elwha near the industrial
\"ater intake. Manager Vergeer informed that the timber has no effect on the, watershed. Also described
~ocation and effect in appearance of hillside if timl:!er is removed. It was moved by Councilman trolle that I
t.he request ~e tabled until the next meeting. Secon:!ed by Councilman, Neer. All ,voted Aye. Motion carried.
f . .. :
:Request was slso received that minilIlum price be fixed for the lvest half of the North 120' of Lot 5, Blk. One,1
Tidelan:is Hest of Laurel Street. It was moved by Councilman ~Tolfe that the minilIlum price be set at $1,500~OO~
110tion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimouslJ' carried. .' 'I
haims paid as of JulJ' 10, were filed for approval in amount of $5,605.22. It was moved by CounC1,'lman Brown
ihat the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by pouncilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .
'!he Council discussed the traffic s!gnal at 6th and LinO) In Streets and operation of same. The light is now I
bperating as flasher warning except from 3 to 6 P.M.. when the stop and go signal is in effect. According
to Manager Vergeer, the Stat~ Highway Department. has advised that the signal should operate ill unison with
the othem or not at all. It was also the opinion of the Council that the flasher warning don not serve
purpose intended as car operators do not resPllct right-of-way to which pedestrians are entitled. It "as
then moved by Councilman McFadden that the traffic signal be operated stop and go the hours as recommended by
the State Highway Department. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted A;fe. Motion carried.
J',Ohn Sabin and Norman Fox, representatives of New York Life Insurance' Co., spote before the Council regarding I
group insurance for all city employees. They explained. policies available and benefits of same, for which
the City and employees would pay premiums. Also that the groups should be represented by 75% or more.
Manager Vergeer informed that about a year ago he sent out inquiries concerning group participation from
\which he has as yet, received no response. It was the ojlnion of the Council that employees should first
Jbe informed and if interested, file request with the Council.
4- traffic ordinance being prepared, to supplement the \'/ashington State Traffic Code, as adopted by authority
~f Ordinance No. 1180, was read for consideration by the Council.. The onl,y change reconnnended was speed of
I'travel on East Front Street. It was moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Neer, that the speed
limit be fixed on Front Street,at 30 miles per hour lirom the East margin of Lincoln Street to the West
margin of Ennis Street. l'",tion unanimous~ carried. The ordinance will be presented for reading and
Ifurther consideration at the next meeting.
IThe report of the Police Department for the month of June was filed for approval by the Council. It was
moved by Councilman Brown ,that the report be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Powell an:! carried.
,Under the head of :i-ntroduction of resolutions, the follot-r.ing was introduced:
A RESOLUTION creating a special construction fund for Lac al Improvement District No. 164 of the City of
'Port Angeles in accordance with Urdinance No. 1306 and establishing rate of interest payable on warrants
lis sued ag.p.nst special fund;
1 lmEREAS, by Ordinance No. 130~ passed on the 21st day. of ~, 1?53, ,and by said Ordinance providing that
the cost of the imcrovement be p.ud by warrants drawn agmnst the DJ.3tnct to be redeemed through the
'method of payment by bonds; and said Ordinance further created a spe7ial Local Imprc;wement Dist:-Lct '.,
(Fund No. 164 and that the interest to be born by warrants shall be flXed by ResolutJ.on of the C~ty Counc11,
now, therefore, .
I 1.. That there be and is hereby established and created, a speeial fund for said District No. 164 to be
lknown as Local Imcrcvement No. 164 Consturction Fund. .
2. That the ;rarrants for the p~ent of the cost and expense of said improvement shall be issued
',against said construction fund and shall bear interest at the rate of l{i6 per annum and shall be redeemed at
'par plus accrued interest in cash or bonds by the delivery of Local Improvement District Bonds of the
'District in accordance with the Laws and the provisions of Ordinance No. 1306.
jIt was moved by CO';l'"cilma,; HcFadden that the. foregoi~ resolution be approved as read an:! adopted.
'by Councilman Sa"dison. iIll voted ""'e. Hot..on carned.
Seconded I
There beir.,g no further business,
1ty Clerk
the me.,ti118 Vias declared adjOurned.
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