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JULY 16, 1974
The CQuncil met in regular session at 7: 30 P.M. Officers present were "
Mayor Basom, Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson and Wray, Manayer
Puddy, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Parrish. Councilwoman Ross was absent.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to accept". and place on file, as received, the minutes
of the July 2, 1974 meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to authorize call for bids for approximately 1600 lineal
feet of 6' cyclone fencing material to fence Lions Club Park as requested
by the Director of Parks and Recreation.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson and seconded by Councilman Wray to
concur with the Public Works Director's recommendation and award the bid
for Canyonedge L.r.D. No. 197 to Valley Asphalt Co., Sequim, Wa., for low
alternate bid of $107,706.68. Councilman Hordyk voted "NO." All other
Council members voted "AYE." Motion carried. Bids were also received from
J. D. Shotwell Co. and Del Guzzi Construction.
- .
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to award the bid for 15,000 tons of crushed surfacing
to low bidder Delhur, Inc. for bid of $29,250.00. J. D. Shotwell Co.,
Tacoma submitted a bid of $33,000.00.
A motion was made by Councilman 'Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk.and
unanimously carried to award the bid for paving the Garage Parking Lot to
the only bidder J. D. Shotwell Co. for a bid amount of $9,765.44.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to approve payment of $34.32 to F. R. King and Assoc.,
Bothell, for the fourth and final estimate of work done and material
furnished for the Francis Street Trestle and to accept the completed project
as recommended by the Director of Public Works.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordy~, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to approve payment of Claim Vouchers in the amount of
$303,459.36 and Payroll transfers in the amount of $86,335.47.
A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation.
and approve the off-street parking layout arrangement of Howard Doherty's
proposed_new office construction on the south side of E. 5th, Street, just
east of Lincoln Street.
A motion,was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimous~y carried to accept and place on file the mi~utes of the Port
Angeles_Planning Commission meeting of July 8, 1974.
The following Resolution was read in full:
A RESOLUTION expressing the appreciation of
the City Council for services of the former
Finance Director, Beulah B. McNeece.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing Resolution as read.
A report from the City Manager, the Finance Director and Director of Public
Works regarding the proposed Peabody Heights L.r.D. was read in full. To
accomplish construction of the project during the 1975 construction season,
a motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Haguewood
and unanimously carried to accept the recommendation of the Director of
Public Works and Finance Director and authorize engaging the firm of Petersen
and Associatea to complete the engineering and the expenditure of Revenue
Sharing Funds to finance the engineering.
The public hearing on the intersection improvements at Marine Drive and
Truck Road was opened at 8:05 P.M. Two proposals were presented; (1) the
"TOPICS" Study recommendation which would eliminate all parking on Marine
Drive, widen and channelize, separate left turn lanes, with two thru lanes
each eastbound and westbound on Marine Drive, and traffic signals at the
Truck Road intersection; and (2) the Engineering Department's alternate
proposal which would retain parking on Marine Drive, with one thru lane each
eastbound and westbound on Marine Drive, channelize, _separate left turn lane,
and traffic signals at the Truck Road intersection. Several businessmen in
attendance stated their objections to the elimination of parking on Marine
Drive because of a lack of alternate parking for their customers and I
suppliers. Log Truckers present objected to the alternate proposal due to
their difficulty in making left turns with narrow traffic lanes. A written
communication protesting the elimination of parking on Marine Drive and
recommending installation of traffic signals at the intersections of Cedar
and the Truck Road was received from Bob Chamberlain, Peninsula Fuel Co.
Several suggestions to improve traffic conditions in this area were di$-
cussed. As there were no further objections, the hearing was closed at
8:55 P.M. and a motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to table this subject to the
August 6, 1974 Council meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Haguewood
. and unanimously carri~d to approve a two~hour parking limit, day and night,
on Front Street from LinCOln to Ennis Street and to post same. A letter of
request had been received from Dr. D. W. Thorne and approval had been
recommended by Chief Kochanek.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Haguewood
and unanimously carried to approve a six-year Street Improvement Program
for the City. Director of Public Works, J. Warder, stated a Public Hearing
and ReSOlution are required.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to authorize C. C. Donworth & Associates, Inc. to
develop an evaluation and classification program for the Management Staff.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk and seconded by Councilman Olson
to notify Port Angeles Plaza Associates-Nickum Properties, Inc., that if
existing conditions in violation of City Ordinances are not corrected by
November 1, 1974, the City will exercise its rights contained within the
mutual agreement of September 15, 1972 and terminate utility services to
the property. Councilman Haguewood voted "NO. 11 All other Council members
voted "AYE. 11 Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the Clallam-
Jefferson County Community Action Council meeting of June 19, 1974, the
Clallam County Humane Society Reports, the May Financial Reports for Light,
Equipment Rental, Off-Street Parking, Sanitation, Sewer and Water.and the
June Reports for Fire, Park & Recreation, POlice, Utilities, and Off-Street
Dept's Financial Report, and R. Willson's Out of Town Report.
A discussion was held regarding the installation of a temporary traffic
signal at 8th & Race Streets. A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood
and seconded by Councilman Wray to table this item to the August 6, 1974
meeting. Councilman Hordyk voted "NO. II All other Council members voted
"AYE. II Motion carried.
Other subjects of discussion were: Councilman Wray recommended the
installation of a left turn lane at Front and Race Streets. Councilman I
Lukey reported the Ediz Hook emergency repair work started this date.
Manager Puddy reported on the following items; work is progressing on the
Elwha Fish Rearing Project agreement and is planned for Council consideration
at the August 6th meeting; the City has been notified that the State of
Washington has adopted the 1974 grading scedule for Municipal Fire Protection;
an agreement has been proposed that would change the Downtown Parking ,agree-
ment and is being examined; C. Flatau's Claim has been forwarded to the
Insurance Company for settlement; Manager Puddy plans to be gone far two
weeks commencing July 19, 1974; review of the Flood Plain Management and
Mud Slide Insurance Program; an Oceanographic Commission of Washington
meeting will be held at the Coast Guard Stat~on on Thursday regarding the Off
Shore Petroleum Transfer System Study.
A letter from Tyler C. Moffett notifying the City of his resignation as
City Attorney effective July 23; 1974 was read by Mayor Basom. A motion
was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously
carried to. eonf:i!rm7the City Managerl.s 'FE;!commendation.tb engage the law firm
off Taylor & .Behrhorst to: continue JaS';legal.counsel for the City after the 23rd.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
City Clerk
. . 1287~C' "\
~ Crushed Surfacing ('J
- and. . ,
I Asph all Pavemenl. I
t NOTICE, is hereby 'giv,m Ihal(
~ea1ed bids will be received atl
'I,he office of Ihe Cily Engineerl
'allhe Cily Hall. 140 Wesl Fronl
Streel. 'P.O. Box 711; porlj
'fAngeles. Washinglon98362.,
ILmtil 2:00 P,M. July 15. 1974.
'and not later. and will. be
lopened publicly at that lime,
'ior the followiM work and
,3696 S.Y, Prepara-
" lion
\ . ~;~ ~~~ C;~~~~~t S~~~~~~~~ .
I Pavement
- Detailed specifications may
,be oblained from Ihe office of
...,the City Engineer upon a.
"deposil of len dollars ($10,00).
Said deposil will be refunded 10
all prospective bidders upon
Ire-turn ()f the !specifications.
. Qualifications of bidders is
required arfd the City reserves
the right 10 refuse.to qualify
any bidder.
TM City reserves Ihe, righl to
.eiect any or all proposals.
A five percent (5 percen1) of:
total bid deposil check or bidl
bond -of equal amount must
accompany each proposal.
Official acceptance~ re'l
jection, or continuation by the.
City Coullcil will be made in the
City Council Chambers at 7: 30
jp M July 16. 1974. 1
'} John B. Warder
6 pu~;~ce~~~~~1
City of Port Angeles~
Pub _J".!l~ 28. J"IY..5...l?7! _ J
F.. No6if~'k'\;-" , I
. NO. 197
,'GIVEN thaI sealed bids will be'
~'receiVi?diJ't fheoffice of the City~
Engineer af the City Hall. 1401
West Front Street,. portj
Angelos" Was.hington until 2
I ~~cio,~ ~:r; ~~j u~ I ~5b~ 9~~e~~~
I~~~I~~~ a~t~;:';~~;sir\':re ~i~~
following approximate
Quantities Of work and
materials~ f
2,900 Lin. Ft.,-Storm Drains
8. Appurtenances. ~
5,200 Cu. Yds..-Unclassified
Excavation' ~
~:~~~ T~~~s-~~~~;~ed SUrf.!
Top Course ,
LlOO Tons.-Asphalt Concrete':
'Class "F" - Streets
I 4.800 Lin. Ft. -Cem. Cone.
iCurb & Gutter .
~ Detailed plans and specl-
Ifications. may be obtained from
phc ofHce of the City Engineer
upon a ,deposit of twenty-five
dollars (525.00>' Said deposit
will' 'be refunded to all
!prospecti....e bidders upon
return of the plans and sped-
fLcatlons. ., -
Qualifications of bidders is
rCQuired and the City res-erves
the right to refuse to qualify
any bidder.
The City reserves. the right to
reject any or all proposals.
A five per.ccnt {S percent} of
total bid deposit check or bid
bond of equal amount must
accompany each proposal.
Official acceptance, rejection
r continuation. by the City
Council will be made in the Cily
Council Chambers at 7:30 P,M"
~uly 16, 1974. "
City Enginee.r
!,~~J~ne ~~t,y~~lt~\~~~leS
,Port Angeles
IUD No. 197
b;~s opened
I PORT ANGELES. - The City. of
Port Angeles has received ,..the.
bids tOf. constnlcting improvements:
within Callyonedge LID No. 197. I
I J. O. Shotwell Co.. 3113 SPine.
. Tacoma, $114,096: Va.lley Asphalt,
Inc., Sequim, $118.896 a.nd Del
.Gu~zi Co.. Port Angeles, $121'583~
fAlt~rnate bids were: Valley As
lphalt, $107,706 and J. D. Shotwell,
,.$110,117. 5. Estimates, were $103'~5~0.!
land $97.653.
J Principa.l quantilles Include; 290
1f .~torm drain and appurtenances;
'520Q -cy unclassified excavation;.
470p tons ballast; 1000 tons crusbed
Ismfacing top course~ 1100 tons aS1
p~t concrete cla.~s F-street.s; an~1
483 It cement concrete curb au]
gUlt.,r. . .
.......0--_ ...
I 87.4
Crushed Surfacing .
~ NOTICE is hereby given thaI;
sea led bids wrll be received atj
~~~~:f~~~y o~;~~ 1~~t~;s~g~~6~~1
:~t~~~I(es:'~'as~?~91~~I, 98~m
unm 2:00 P.M: July 15. 1974.~
'and' nol laler. and will be
lopened ,publicly at thaI time;
for the following work, and;
:ma1erials: I
I 15.000 tons crushed
_surfacing,. base course, in
, stock pi Ie .
Detaifed specifications may be;
obtained from the office of thet
City Engineer upon "a deposit Ofj
'ten (510,00) dollars. said'l
!deposif will be refunded to all
:prospective J~ bidders upon
,return of the specifications.
~ Qualifications of bidders i$
reqLUr-ed and the City reserves~
the'right 10 refuse 10 qualify'
any.bidder. i l
l The City reserves the right 10
,Ireject any or all proposals.
I A 'five percent (5 percent) of;
'Iotal bid deposil check or bid
;bond of equal k amount must'
lac~~TiPcai~Y' eac,~.~~~~~:l~ c e.1
I'rejection. or continuation by
the Cily Council will be made. '
the Cily Council Chambers 11
7:30 P,M. July 16, 1974. ,
John 8. Warder
of Public Works
City Of ~ngele~
'lI:Ub':c<JJ_ne.28,)~ll5. J117~'c-l