HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/17/1935 ,.. 310 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ju:j.y 17,1935 193_ ,m:" 8 ~"""". 8"HUE, n.T!O~'A.. ""'"TO". .,n. -----~~-~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Acting Mayor Lutz. Roll call showed the following officers present: Commissioners Lutz and Master~. Attorney PlUmmer and O+erk,Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session we re read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building permits and Licenses, the following were granted: / J. Capos and S. Kallas, Duck Inn Restaurant Wilmer's Cafe, Restaurant . L. L. Snodgrass, Club Cafe, Restaurant -/ Hazel Facknie, Hotel, Norway Rooms, 9 Rooms / Little Brick Cigar ~tore, Restaurant Little Brick Cigar Store, Soft Drinks " F. Benjamin, Restaurant y Goneis Cafe, Restaurant ~. Essen Hotel,,12 Rooms Mrs. Billie ~ook, Rainier Rooms, 9 Rooms . Mrs. Florence Friedline, little Place, Restaurarrt v Mrs. C. BI McDowell"Patterson Hotel, 6 Rooms i Outlook Inn, Restaurant r Hazel Patterson, Oak Rooms, 9 Rooms " Mrs. B. Traynor, ITindsor Hotel, 10 Rooms / Pete Masi, Soft Drinks I C. L. Sundberg, Blue Moon Cafe, Restaurant ,v Temple'Hotel, Elks, 21 Rooms i~ Mrs. Ruby Domrude, Hotel, 214t N. Laurel, 4 Rooms ,v Elk Drug Co., Soft Drink , Eubanks Drug Store, Soft Drink " Fry Drug Co., Soft Drink v Lee Hotel, 86 Rooms ""Lee Cafe, Restaurant ./ Lee Cafe, doft Dr ink ( J. W. Paris, 5 Card Tables v' J. ',1. Paris, Re s tauran t v GladFs Ninemire, 1 Beauth Parlor chair 15.00 v' 15, 00 v 15.00 v 9.00/' 15.00 v 5,00 .v' 15 . 00 v 15.00'" 12.00" 9.00" 15.00 v 6.00v 15.00 -/ 9.00.1 10.00 " 5,00 ~ 15 . 00 . 21.00" 4.00' 5.00" 5.00,1 5.00v 86.00 { 15.00" 5.00/ 25.00 v 15.00 .- 1. 00 -/ Under the head of Unfini shed Busin ess,- If'''~ ..... '" I.!~L PUBIACATJONS ~ I, (~AI.T, POlt nm~ ~ N n T r C' 1;:: J~ HF.HBl~Y GIVEN, ! TIHlI Sl":llNI hirlN \1:111 h(l I,..('t'(\'t,,] ;; n,' the. Clt~. Ch'r]i (If Iha ('Ity or 1 POl't .\Ilg,.l,'~, \\'[\~hll)~t("Jl1, \In.'" .1 ul;.' 17. 1 ~l:!:;. :ll Ifl A.Ill.. IUld !lot latl'l' at lhll ot'fi('(1 ()f the Clt)' (::Jllrk (Jr tlll~ elly at: 1'01'1. AIL~t;]ns. i "'tlFlhlnF:'ton. . '1'1) fllrnlsh s~l'lei nnd 11l\lltillll': I Mnl'illn Lfllllp!'. 011 t1u' hn<;lg or I U:lOn.(\() 11/'1 \'nl'l., (CIl t1111 \-nl'lfllls ("it~. 11"lml'llIlcl'~S rOl' tho :-'('1'11' 1.... 1 g-lnl1lnl1: Alllnlsl I. ]~l:lr,. i th~'llt:'lifi:lt\o C'1~~jl~~~:!'.!t~,~~, ~~~rr~~;>11 1 l\ldtl. Bids were opened to furnish lamps for the various departments of the .Ji ty for the year beginning August 1, 1935. N, )f. H~\,"~KI!\'S, CilJ' Clerk, nnte~ pllhllsh.-"l, .Tuly ]-8-,r,. The bids being as follows: Knudson's Variety Store,- , 27~ discount off of billing price of Standard Packages. 17%." Tf!! " ,," Broken Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. James Hardware btore,- 27~ discount offof billing price 17~ tl ~ II It It 2% additional if paid within 10 of Standard Packages. II Broken Packages. days. City Electric Co. ,- 27% discount off ?f billing price of ~tandard Packages. 17%." " " "" Broken Packages, 2% addit~onal if-paid within 10 days. ~- \ ' ~( \ ir...\ '~""'i......j Byron \'fin ter,- 27% discount off ?f bilt,ing price of Standard Packages. 17%. Tf" , "" Broke n Packages. 2% addi tional if-p aid ",ithin 10 days, Kissner Moto~' Parts Co.,- 27% discount of,f pf bilting price of Standard Packages. 17%" " Tf Bro ken Packages. 2% additional-if paid within 10 days, It was moved by Commssioner Lutz that the matter of awarding the contract for Lamps be deferred for further consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members voted aye.. Acting Mayor Lutz declared the motion carried. The Oommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURREN T EXP ENS E FUND State Department of Public "elfare City Transfer Co. Olymp'ic stationers Remington Rand, Inc, The Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Overhead Cost on ~elief Clork . . Road Oil Supp1ie s Maintenance Service 50.73 25.30 1<;.;00 10.00 1.80 on Dalton Adding Machine o.oz, ,0 -.. II... I' I 1 I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 311~ July---.l.'L 1935 193_ WATER FUND State Department of Public lielfare E. F. Houghton Co. Magnus Pearson Via ter Departm ent Lab or Solvent Truck Hire Pay Roll d-/~ /0) _ 14.09 8.07 40.50 41.50 LIGHT }"'UNJl I Puget uound Power & Light ~o. June Power Bill 5,386.01 LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND City Treasurer Warrants Purchased 1,663.86 I There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. llnu~~ c;:{~ , /I(-<J~ Ci ty Clerk Mayor. I I I .....