HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/17/1950 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasl.ingt(j)n July 17. 19~ 27 ., 1 I ;'1 .1' ,... . .....,. ..m... .,.,._... ....".. ..... .... 1 The Commiesion met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor present VTere: !Cayor Feeley, Conunissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and I i l.linutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Under the head Feeley. Officers Ole rk Law. of applications o. Building Permits: r;j r,GS - Walter B. Mason Build Garage; Lot 1, Elk. 299, Tovmsite Jack M. Clapp New Roof and Fence; Lcts 8 & 9, Blk. 176, Townsite S. Alderdice Construct 5-ROOlil Dwelling; Lot 24, Blk. 184, Townsite W. H. White Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 26, Blk. 184, Townsite Smith Bros. Bowling Alleys; Slk. 1, William & Cramer Add. M. C. Adolphson Remodel Store Front; Lot 7, Illk. 16, N.lI.Smith Add. M. C. Adolphson Remodel Residence; Lot 14, Blk. 327, Townsite Donald J. Maxwell Build 11-Room Duplex Residence; Lots 19-20, Blk. 15B, Tovmsite 1L. O. Madison Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. 355, Townsite Boyd Chapman Build Garage; Lot 16, rilk. 99, Townsite H. E. Seelye Build Addition to House; Lots 8-9, Blk. 58, N.R.Smith Add. IV/alter Kratt1i Remodel Garage and House; Lot 15, Blk. 332, Townsite Louis Belongia Build 5-Room Home; Lot 18, Elk. 128, Townsite I Leith Johnson Move House, Add Addition & Carport; Lot 17, Elk. 221, Tovlnsite 00 I Licenses : J;1.1 ~ The. Street Shop Fountain The Street Shop Fountain IThe Street Shop Fountain IRose's Place iRose's Place I Ros.e 's Place Bir.ney I s Drive-in ; Tay.lor Heating & Plbg. Co~ ,Wind sor Hotel !Hazel's Cafe IHazel's Cafe IHarrington " Giles Harrington" Giles .Harrington & Giles lHarrington & Giles Harrington & Giles Por,t Ange le s Poster Adv. Co. Radio Ca b Co. ,Spudnut Shop I . Under the head of unfinished business, Attorney Trumbull presented a check from the Fairbanks Morse Company, !the.amount $29,750.00, also a check from Hansen & Rowland, Inc., amount $250.00, as refund on diesel 'Igenerator purcha sed by the City. As by previous agreement, the Fairbanks Morse Co. reclaim the generator 'and the case against former City Officials is considared closed by the Attorney General. The Commission :Iaccepted checks and ordered them referred to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the Light Fund. I . IThe bond of John M. Bruch Company, contractor for installing tile at Ocean View Cemetery, was referred to the. Attorney for approval. I _ ,The. hearing on a petition requesting the vacation of that certain alley in and across Block 220 was opened. The. Planning Commission, having not as yet sul:rnitted recommendation, it was moved by Mayor Feeley, 'seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the hearing be postponed to the next session. tIll voted Aye. Motion 'carried. I jUnder the head of new wsiness, Floyd and Bessie Last filed a claim for damages tm their front tire, tube, and wheel in amount of $32.77, caused by iron cover to man-hole at First and Francis Streets oeing out of 'order. The claini was referred to the Attorney. I 'Commissioner Robinson requested that bids be published for ton. Streets to be used for housing carrier current control Ithat the bids be published and opened July 31st. Seconded .carried. for building permits and licsnses, the following were granted: 200.00 165.00: 3,000.00 5,000.00' 40,000.00; 350 .00i 350.00; l1,OOO.OOi 5,500.00j 200 .OO~ 400.001 1,OOO.00~ 3,000.001 2,500.00 Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Amusement Machine I'usic Machine Soft Drink Amusement Machine Master Plumber Hotel Opera tor Restaurant Soft Drink 2 Amusement Machines 6 Card Tables J"usic Machine Restaurant Soft Drink Bill Board Poster One Cab Amusement Machine construction of a building at Second and Washing- equipment. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson by Commissioner 1'ay1or. All votad Aye. !Cotion The City I : I i I Treasurer submitted for consideration by the Commission the following: July 15th, 1950 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Ange les, Washington Gentlemen: For the purpose of issuing bonds against Local Improvement District ITa. 152 covering upper Pine Hill Sewer installation the result of collections under 30 day notice is hereby set forth: Warrants issued ITa. 1 No.2 Total vmrrants issued Cash paid on 30 day notice nonds to be issued for balance $8,324.74 1.182.51 $9, SC)7 .05 2,195.05 ii7,312.02 Bonds for above amount will be issued upon the passage of ordinance authorizing same. Hespectfully, Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurer I , The Jlttorney was instructed to draft an Ordinance providing for issuing the said bonds. I 12.00 12.00 5.00 24.00 12.00 5.00 24.00 25.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 30.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 ~ ,. 28 l Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19YL ,"", ...... ........,,"0..... ..,.,,,.. ..... .... roO'. ''" "'0 " '"'.","""0'''' .'0;"" ':;''::::::'::: ""-""..,"'.., ,,"..; on "." ,oO "'0", ""d''1' IAN ORllINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the safety and preservation of the intake and screen house of the Industrial Water Supply System of tha Water Department of the City of Port Angeles, and the I protection of said property from flood waters of the Elwha River requiring the unforeseen expenditures of ,funds, providing for the issuance and paynEnt of emergency warrants and declaring an emergency, c' lIt was moved by Conuni~sioner llobinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. I Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 1 11 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: '13'1, pept. of Labor & industries Olympic Tribune Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Wltchard's Ass. Service Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. ting Art & Photo Shop t. A. Wolverton 'Vlarren Eacrett tittle Holm Tire Co. 1 31 eIn STREET FUND: 3?f/ - iRenshaw I s Service Angeles Machine & Vrelding Works Western Tractor & Equip. Co. ~utomotive Parts Service ISamuelson Motor Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries .Croym Zellerbach Corp. 'Olympic l' ri ::une j 1<1 WATI'R FUND: / if! t, - Dept. of Labor & Industries },ddressograph Sales Agency 'Olympic Triwne {re~ision Radio Service lIlutomoti ve Parts Servic e Angeles Machine & Walding Works Seattle Radio Supply Co. .J'ohns-h1anville Sales Corp. Hooker Electrochemical Co. State Treasurer I j> LIGHT FUND: 33.z~' - Dspt. of Labor & Industries 'l'ri-County Typewriter Co. ~tate Treasurer Automotive Parts Service Wsstern Union Tel. Co. Precision Radio Service Western Hardware & Tool. Co. Gene ral Electric Supply Corp. Line l~a terial Co. I 1~ Sf. NI'i'A TIOlI FUND: 'I 'I - Dept. of Labor & Industries I fa PARK FUND: :I. ;I.. pept. of Labor & Industries I PARKING ItETER & TRAFFIC CONI'ROL FUND: Angeles Machine & Walding Works Dept. of ~bor &. Industries Commercial Paint Co. i c, if t. 1. D. REVOLVING ji1JNIJ: .2 ' Olympic Tri bune I L. 1. D. GENr1lAL FUND: & - Olympic Tribune Oept. of Labor & Industries ~E11ETERY FUND: ~ 'f3 Vept. of Labor & Industries I IThere being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. I J(. 1. G. -Lcvif. {/ City Clerk , NO'I'U'E '1'0 U1DDlilns ---. 1 Xolic-e IS ll~'rt'hy J.;'i\.'en tll11t s,(>n~!'rl ~).t~';k \\~~l t~~ :~1;~:i\~.~'.IP~~L ~~~~;~I:~: i~;~~~~.h I :~~~onia~ 1~/h~I~~\~r l{~\IJu tit l~.'~~ r i~~\j;lj';ll~ ~~j~t"/~~rlC~II;~t\~~~~;~lllll~~O;: ~ :-:tno'clt; to lit' \ls",1 feu' R()Usin~ car- ric.\, "U1"1"lo"nt ~"nll.ul I'lllllj.ml'lIt ~11t'dficati{}lIs nyallablp. ilt tilt' ufrll'" lli tin I_i"lll :'1l1pcrinlelld,'nt. 'I'hc (~f)lllll1in",ion 1"'~l<'n'<:1i the l'i",'ht IV r,~~ j('d allY "I' Hll hillll. .1. r.~. Io"\\\" ('il.~' Cli'rli: Puhlil-'hl'd: .lulr 21.....!S. .1:\:'0. .July 17th , continued. Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid Legal Publications Car Repa ir Tire, Tube, and Repairs 1 ~T€"Titter, Ribbon Servic e 3309 Frames and Gla ss Expense, Civil Defense Usad Siren Tires and Repairs Tire, Tube Labor and Material Parts Parts fuses, Mirror Head Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid Repairs to Waste Liquor Notice to ll:idders Ind. Ins. Plates rdv. Tube Paint and Steel Tubes Coupling Chlorine Taxes & Med. Aid lJatteries Pulle r Ind. Ins. & !.fed. Aid Servi ce Tax Parts Telegrams Tube Tools \'fire, !~eters Hardware Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Ind. Ins. & ~;ed. Hd 33.:(.1- Cut Pipes for Meters Ind. Ins. & rued. Aid Scotchli te Notice of Sales Legal Publication Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid "-- ':O;OTJ(~J.: '1'0 IIn}nl<~RS ;\ot!ec hi 11€1'C'br gln'll lltat senle,l hi{h-l will be U(,{'Pll!f>cl at thl' offIce of t!H' City Clerk in Port ~'\.n.e:eY:s, ;i~r:,I\~~I~t~~t ~:~II~:.,1~~OfOu~i:1~h Jf~~~ t3nl~1 l"n!:,.in~el"s Dl'llUl'tment, one fUllj\, l\'llloIllHtie ten culumn. calcullLllnll ~"~,:~:,~:::,:?:;j'Jf: \~~j:i~bi;~~r;E:!r' !.lee tine 200.40 27.66 7.85 42.36 1.98 66.58 3.45 20.66 13.50 50.47 System 66.86 31.04 62.97 48.94 1.29 153.34 9.23 .72 263.59 5.59 18.18 1.85 9.66 7.99 9.89 43.01 34.13 1,024;55 188.32 187.25 2,251.45 2.64 3.58 1.08 15.17 399.30 277.04 94.92 22.90 3.09 17.15 12.98 I I 2.64 2.46 3.90 6.43 ~udg4 Mayor I r-~ I I