HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/17/1952
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 17 52
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fThe City Council of the City of Port Angeles convened in regular session at 7:,30 P.M., ard was called to
prder by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers revealed the following present: V~yor Smith, Councilwoman
:Powell, Councilmen Brown, Neer, \,olfe and McFadden, City V<anager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law.
I .
}linutes of the previous session having been previously submitted to each Council member, it was moved by
~ouncilman Brown that said minutes not be read but accepted and approved as received. Motion seconded by
Councilman McFadden and carried.
,Under the head of unfinished business, bids for purchase of Let s as advertised were received as follows:
I Lots 17, 18, Elk. 396, Townsite
Mrs. A. E. Waldron, $200.00; Alden T. Nelson $175.00; A. J. Vandelac; $180.00; Sound Realty Co., $201.00
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bid by Sound Realty Co. in amount of $201.00 be accepted.
Seconded by Eouncilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
I Lots 19, 20, Blk. 144, Townsite.
Sound Realty Co., $,326.00; Andrew J. Laico, M. D., $326.00; John M. ~einers, $250.00.
1:It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid of $326.00 by Andrew J. aico be accepted. Seconded by
Counoilman McFadden. All members voted Aye. Motion carried.
i Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, Blk. 395, Townsite ,
i Alden T. Nelson, $401.00; Sound Realty Co., $326.00
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid by Alden T. Nelson of $401.00 be accepted. Seconded by
,Councilwoman Powell and carried. ,
I Lots 15, 16, 17, Block 303, Townsite
Andrew J. Laico, M. D., $426.00; Alden T. Nelson, $476.00
':It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the bid by Mr. lIelson in amount of $476.00 be accepted. Seconde.:.
:by Councilwoman Powell. Motion unamimously carried.
'The regular monthly reports for June and a special report on the City's electric utility's poV/er cost
and alleged contract violations of the PUD was: submitted by the manager. It was moved by Councilman
:McFadden that the reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All members
voted Aye. Motion carried.
IThe Council considered sale of Lots 4 and 5, in Block 1, Tidelands west of Law'el Street, as previously
requested by F. P. liheeler of Wheeler Hardware Co. Hr. Wheeler informed that he intends to construct
~ building 50' by 140', thereby increasing tax revenue and keep business in the downtown district. Waino
Saari requested that the Council consider before selling the property, as parking is now a serious problem.
Gerrit Stuurmans, Secretary-Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, advised that the City should consider
Possibility of legislation permitting cities to establish controlled parking facilities. Manager Vergeer
,recorrJllended that the matter be tabled until the Council has opportunity for further study and consideration,
also discuss with other groups and commissions. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the recommendation I
be accepted and request tabled for consideration at a later date. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All I
,oted Aye. Motion carried.
City Hanager Vergeer informed the Council regarding progress of city police station construction, advising
Ithat certain alternates previously eliminated should be included during construction, thereby reducing
cost of installations. Alternates which should be included were as follows: Alternate No.3, asphalt
'paving, $450.00. Alternate No.4. acoustic tyle, $700.00. Alternate No.6, dumbwaiter, $2,580.00.
,Alternate No.9, concrete sidewalks, $720.00. Also wiring for radio antenna. The manager cited cost of
the installations as being much higher after building construction is completed. It was his opinion
that from a financial angle, the items should be included during construction and payment for the same
provided in the 1953 Budget. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the items be provided for and cost
taken care of. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. An voted Aye. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer further
informed that he has made arrangements for change in d!sign to provide for Police Court and Council room.
Pursuant to request previously filed by the Ruby Amusement Company, requesting reduction of }1aster
pistributor1s Amusement Machine license, Francis Pearson appeared on behalf of the said company. Hr.
Pearson informed the Council that due to amusement machine regulations and alterations, income for the
last three month period dropped to $269.00 of which $250.00 was license fees. Councilman McFadden question-
ed the amount stated and after withdrawal of a motion by Councilman Brown to reduce the license fee to
$500.00, it was moved by Councilman Neer to table the request for further investigation until the next
reeting. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I
Manager Vergeer spoke regarding water supply' and service in the Fairmont Heights and Bean Road Districts
as previously discussed, informing that the water dep"rtment is ready to proceed with installations
for improvements. Also discussed were water rates and metered services outside City limits. It was moved I
~ Councilman McFadden that the City proceed with furnishing proper water service to the aforesaid districts,
the same to be metered. 11inimum service charges to be 50~ per month higher than city rates. Motion I
aeconded by Councilman Wolfe. ALl-members voted Aye. Motion carried.
~nder the head of n~r business, appointments for service on commissions were announced as follows:
Civil Service Commission, George Todd and Waino Saari. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the fore-
going appointments be approved and confirmed. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. t10tion
Planning Commission: J. L. Rodda. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing appointment be
:approved and confirmed. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
'Transit CommissiGn: John Nicholson, Bill Goss, Larry Winters, and Gerritt Stuurmans. It we,S moved by
,CounCilman ]'olfe that the foregoing appointments be approved and confirmed. Secorded by Councilwoman
!Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mayor Smith explained this commission would work with the bus
operators and aid in working out city transit services problems.
Requests from taxi cab operators wcre read before the Council in which the operators requested that rates
'be re-established. Also recommending that Ordinance be amended so no operator can reduce rates for the
;purpose of freezing out other operators and that rates should be established as of termination of transit
!service which were 50~. 75~ and $1.00. Also presented to the Council was record of rate schedules pre-
ceding recent reductions, as compiled by Police Chief Ide. The City Manager concurred with requests
and recommended that rates be restored to previous level. It was moved by Councilman Brown that recommend-
ations be accepted and an amending Ordinance be prepared. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and
Unanimously carried.
The Firemen requested in writing that six continuous days be allowed in addition to t heir twelve working
days annual vacation. This to compensate for holidays they might be on duty during the year. Manager
Vergeer recommended that the request be referred to the Civil Service Commission, the regulations of
,other cities of similar size used as comparison. It was moved by C..mrnissloner Neer that the request be
referred to the Civil Service Comnission with reconunendation to be submitted to the l1anager. Motien
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 17
( continued)
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seconded by Councilwoman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The State Liquor Control Board filed notice of transfer of Licenses E and F from Larry E. Winter,
Service Station and Grocery, to Walter E. Dier, the purchaser, It was moved by Councilman Brown that
the license transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Philip C. Risser, M. D., District Health Officer, submitted to Manager Vergeer a report on the
sewerage "1stem survey made by his department in the west Lincoln Heights District, this beinga district
in which an L.I.D. for installation of sewer system has been requested. Report revealed that there are
approximately 116 homes, 25 being serviced by septic tanks, 10 of which are unsatisfactory. Twenty-eight
are serviced by cesspools contrary to Ordinance No. 930. Two houses have pit type toilets. Of the hcmcs
contacted 71% have faulty and inadequate sewage disposal systems. As result of survey, a public hazard is
declared to exist and the City is urged to proceed according to Statutes enacted by the State of Washington
which provides for formtng sewer districts and installing sanitary sewers. Manager Vergeer informed that
lafter a legal opinion is obtained regarding establishement of the district, his department is ready to
proceed with sewer installation. It "as moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Attorney be instructed tG
Isubmit an opinion concerning legality of creating the L.I.D., where construction cost exceeded twice
the assessed valuation. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The City Hanager informed that requests have been received for permission to remove timber from Government-
~<ned land in the Horse Creek watershed. Don Morrison of the Olympic Health District advised that the
watershed should be protected or provisions made for filtering the water. It was the opinion of !I'll'.
Vergeer that removal of certain timber might benefit rather than damage the watershed. It was decided to
investigate the situation and report later.
Joe Janish of Janish Motor Company, requested in writing that the City consider vacation of East First
Street from Penn Street to the City Limits. The matter was referred to the Flarming Cornmissi on for
Tyler Moffett, Attorney, spoke before the Council regarding bid for. the City's legal publications. Mr.
!Moffett advised t at bid was not awarded according to Statutes governing, and it was his opinion that bid
IShOUld not have been awarded before obtaining from the City Attorney, his opinion regarding bid award.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the matter be referred to the City ~ttorney with instructions
to submit an opinion regarding the same. Seconded by Councilman Brown. Hotion unanimously carried.
The Park Board requested that transfer in Maintenance and Operation Classification of the Current Park
Eudget be permitted as follows:
From: Repair and Maintenance, Building and Grounds
To: Insurance, l'ublications, Hlscellaneous Supplies, $100.00
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the request for transfer be approved. Seconded by CounCilman Wolfe.
All voted Aye. Motion carried.
City l1anager Vergeer spoke briefly regarding his special report on Clallam County PUD No. 1 and its charges
to the City. The repQrt indicated his belief that the City should file a claim against the Pun for
alleged overcharges in the amount of $162,952.91, and other damages. The l'~nager reconnnended that the
City request the amount be paid within ten days of notification and .th.t the contract be cancelled within
'reasonable time, October 1, 1952. Also that he be substantiated in his claim regarding legality of the
Isame. In summary, Mr. Vergeer declared that charges to the City are nothing but disgraceful. It was
;moved by Councilman Neer that the Attorney be instructed to determine legality of the claim and proceed
iwith recommendations. Motion secorded by Councilman McFadden. On roll call all members voted Aye. The
,Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, t he following were introduced and read in full for consider-
ation by the Council:
WHEREAS, certain employees of the City of Port Angeles have from time to time left the employ of
said City and have accepted employment with other municipal corporations or branches off the Government of
!the State of Washington where participation in the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, or member-
;ship in such retirement system as might be maintained by such municipal corporation or branch of the
Government of the State of Washington was available to them; and
I WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is a member of and the employees of such City participate in
jthe Statewide City Fmployees Retirement System, and employees of the City of Por t Angeles while so employdd
'accum)llate service credits; and
I lVHEREAS, it is anticipated that employees of the City of Port Angeles will from time to time in
the future leave the employment of said City and accept employment ,rith other municipal corporations of
I'the State of ~Iashington or branches of the Government of the State of Wash ington where membership in
such retirement systems will be available to th em; and
.~}JREAS, it is desirable that such employees be allowed and permitted to retain and have the
Ibenefit of service credits earned while in the employ of the City of Port Angeles, such benefits and
,credits to continue in al1Y such public retirement system in the State of Washington in "hich they may
,participate by reason of such change of emplo~-ment, and that a policy be established by the City of Port
\Angeles in such matters, and that the State of Washington, the various municipal corporations concerned
and t:etirement systems involved be duly and properly authorized to accept the participation of such
iemployees in such retirement systems and allow the retention by them of such service credits ..s may have
been earned while in the employ of the City of Port Angeles; now, therefore, .
I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUIICIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows. That it is hereby declared
Jto be the policy of the City of Port Angeles in regard to employees thereof participating in the State-
,wide City Employees Retirement System ,,110 have in the past, or in the future, may, leave the employ of
"said City and accept employment with any other municipal corporation, the State of Washington, or any
Department thereof, where such employee shall be eligible to participate in any other public retirement
'system, that such employees shall have the right to retain or recover and regain, as the case may be,
'service credits earned by them during their service in the employ of the City of Fort Angeles; provided,
;that any such employee shall not have lost his membership by cancellation thereof 0r wi thdrawal of his
!'contribution, all in accord with Chapter 98 of the Laws of the State of \1ashington for 1951 and other
'statutes of the ~tate of Washington in such cases made and provided, an:! the following rule is hereby
'adopted for the government and regulation of such cases:
Any employee of the City of Port Angeles participating
in the Statewide City Emp10yees Retirement System who
leaves the employ of said City after July 1, 1952 and
who has not lo"st his membership in such Statewide
City Empleyees Retirement System by cancellation thereof
or by the withdrawal of his contributions thereto,
shall be entitled to retain or to recover or regain,
as the case may be, credit for service earned while
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 17 (continued)
"............""...""............ ..... ....
in the employ of .the City of Port .Angeles
upon becoming a member of any other public
retirement S15 tern participated in by any municipal
corporation of the S.tate of Washington, t)1e Govern-
ment of the State of Washington, or any Depart-
ment thereof, of which municipal corporation
lOr governmental agency he shall then be an
employee, all in accord with Chapters 9S
I and 275 of the Laws of the State of Washington . .
for 1951, and all other statutes of the State
<If IVashington in such case~ ma~ and provided.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. the Statewide City Employees Retirement System of the State
I of Washington be, and is hereby, authorized to enter into appropriate contracts with a!\y public re-
tirement system participated in by. a!\y other municipal corporation of the State of Washington, the Govern-
ment of the State of Washington, or a!\y Department thereof, to provide for the retention or the recovery
and regaJ.mng of service credits earned in such systems in accord with the policy above set forth,
1 sllch contract to be substantially in the form here,to attached and incorporated herein by this reference.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilwoman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, Fred L. Crosby is now employed in the Engineering Department of the City of Port
Angeles, has been so employed for more than six months last past and it is contemplated will continue
in such employment for more than thirty days in the future; ani
WHEREAS, under the statutes of the State of Washington in such cases made and provided,
being specifically Chapter 71 of the Laws of 1947, as amended by Chapter 275 of the Laws of 1951
(RCW 41.44.110), the said Fred L. Crosby is required to participate in the Statewide City &nployees
Retirement System; and
I . . l1HEREAS, the said Fred L. CrosAY is now more than sixty-five years of age and under the
.terms and provisions of said act (RCW 41.44.140) is subject to compulsory retirement unless employed in
. a supervisory or key position; now, therefore,
I BE IT RESOLVED by the City Ceuncil of the City of Port Angeles as follows. That said City
I Council does. find that Fred L. Crosby, now, and for more than six mOnths last c~st, empleyed in the
Engineering Department of the City of Port Angeles is, and during the term of said employment has be""
. employed in a supervisory or key position, and that the said Fred L. Crosby should be retained in such
position notwithstanding that he is more than sixty-five years of age and therefore ineligible to parti-
cipate in the Statewide City Employees Retiremert System for such time as, in the opinion of the City
Manager of the City of Port Angeles, shall b!, necessary and preper.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing resolution be approved. and adopted. Se?onded
by Councilman Erown. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the City of Por~ Angeles has by Or~inance No. 1281, as amended by Ordinance No.
1285, authorized the issuance of $67,500.00 of General Obligation Bonds of said CitQ; and
WHEREAS, notice of sale of said bonds was duly given and published in the manner provided
IbY law, and pur~uant thereto bids for the purchase of such bonds were received by the City of Port
Angeles; and
WHEREAS, the bid of the First National Bank in Port Angeles offering to purchase said
bonds for'the sum of $67,525.00, being the best bid submitted to purchase ~he same, said bonds to bear
linterest at the rate of 2t% per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of
each year, was received and accepted by said City; now, therefore,
That General ~ligation Bonds of the City of Port Angeles, in the amount of $67,500.00,
pledging the general credit of said City, and payable by an annual tax levy upGn all the taxable
.1 property within the City in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest of sudh bonds as the
same shall become due, such bonds to be known as the 1952 General Obligation Jail Bonds be issued in
substantially the following form, to wit:
KNOl"i ALL MEN m THESE PRESEIITS: That the City of Port
Angeles, State of 11ashington, is justly indebted and for
value received hereby promises to pay to bearer on the 1st
day of July, 1954, the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars
with interest at the rate of two-and one-quarter (2~) per
cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of
January and July in each year, upon the presentation and
surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally
become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are
payable in lawful money of the United States of America at
the office of the City Treasurer _ =..k~J I of the
City of Port Angeles, in Port Angeles, Washington. For the
prompt payment hereof, both principal and interest, as the
same mature and accrue, the full faith, credit and resources
of said City of Fort Angeles are hereby irrevocably pledged.
This bond is one of a series of sixty-eight bonds of
like tenor, date and amount, except Bond" No.1, which is in
the an ount of Pi ve Hundred Dollars, issued by the Gity of Port
Angeles under the authority of, am in full compliance with,
the laws and constitution of the State of IVashington, for the
purpose of providing funds to pay a portion of the cost and
expense of constructing, erecting and e'l.uipping a jail ard
police station, together wi th suitable and pertinent
facilities and equipment for and within the City of Fort
Angeles, as specified by urdinance No. l2S1, as amended by
Ordinance No.1285. of the City of Port Angeles.
It is hereby certified and recited that all acts,
conditions and things required to be done precedent to, and
in the issuance of this bond have happened, been done and
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 17 (continued)
n...."........."".m'~.....""""..... _
performed as requ":i.red by law; that provision has been made
for the annual levy and collect-ion of .. tax upon all the
taxable property of said City sufficient to pay the principal
and interest on this bond as the same mature and accrue,
and chat the total indebtedness of the City of Port Angeles,
including this bond, does not exceed 'any constitutional or
statutory limitation.
IN WITIIESS i\'lIErlEOF, the said City of PortAngeles
has caused this bond to be sealed with its seal, signed by
its 11ayor, and attested by its Clerk, and has caused the
coupons attached hereto to be signed with a printed facsimile
of the signature of said officers, this 1st day of July,
W. Ivor Smith
J. E. Law
Ci ty Clerk
Form of interest coupon to be attached to bonds:
SOlID 110.
The City of Port Angeles, l'iashington, on the 1st day of
, 19 _____, will pay to bearer at the office
of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles, in Port
Angeles, Washington, the sum ~f ~ , lawful money
of the United States of America, for the semi-annual interest
due that day on its General Obligation Bond for police station
and jaH, dated July 1st, 1952, and numbered
\1. Ivor Smith
J. E. Law
City Clerk
and delivered to the First Natioml Bank in Port Angeles upon the payment to the City of Port
Angeles by said bank of the sum of $67,525.00, plus accrued interest, in lawful money of the
United States.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Notion carried.
;1 There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
o B ;E~
City Werk