HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/18/1934 ~ 226 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 18, 1934. 193_ ~ The CommiSsion met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by MaJor Davis. Roll oall showed the fol~owing offioers present: MaJor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney.plummer and Clerk Hawkim. The minutes of the previouS session were re,d and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Li.oemessthe following were granted,. Mae LOOkwood, Rainier Hotel, 9 rooms Miss E. Dean, Essen Hotel, 12 rooms Olympus Hotel, 47 rooms Lee Honel, 86 Rooms n I Soft Drink n U Restauran t " 9.00 12.00 47.00 86.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 I I B;g Pl'froe 4 oard tables n Soft Drink C. L. Sundberg, Restaurant "II n Soft Drink Tom-Millas ,," palaoe of Sweets" n Maymie's Beauty Parlor, 2 Beauty Parlor R. E. Eriokson, 1 Barber Chair Cha irs Under the head of Introduo tiO!) of Ordinanoes, the follow ing ordinano e was intra- duoed, read in full and plaoed on its first and second readings,- ., AN ORDINANCE providing for the lioensing of master and Journeyman plumbers; prQviding for an Examining Board; and defining offenses and pnmviding penalties for violations of the provisions of this ordinanoe. Under ~ha head of Introduotion of Resolutions, the following Resolution was introduoed, - WHEREAS, the time for oash payments of assessment upon lateral sewer Distriot No. 14'1 of the Ci~ of port Angeles was oompleted on June 26, 1934, and there is a balanoe due oj $906.64 to be paid by the property owners in ten annual installments, and WHERE!~.warrants issued against said distriot were purohased by the City Light. Fund and the investment will be retained in said fund. and WHEREAS, the amount is not sufficient to justify the expenditure for an issue of bonds on said improvement, whioh expense would be an additional oharge upon the property owners of the distriot. THEREFORE BE IT RESutVED That the present warrants issued against said distriot be taken up and exohanged tor warrants issued as follows: Warrant No.1' $ 6~64 Warrants No.2 to 19 inolusive, 50.00 eaoh The said warrants shall be dated June 26, 1934, and shall bear interest at the ra te of seven per oen t. per annum whioh shall be held by the City Light Fund in li6ll of bonds on sa~d investment. Tha t the Mayor and the Ci ty Clerk be and said officers are hereby authori zed to exeoute said warrants in aocordanoe herewith. I It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The Commission examined and allowed the following Olairrsl and ordered warran ts drawn for same,- CURRENT EXPENSE Epperso~ &: ::lons V. A, Samuelson &: Co. Johnson &: Bork Lysall Welding &: Forge Works Tacoma Typewriter Co. Blaokburn ~1nting Co. Kissner Motor Parts Co. Balokburn printing Co. Glenn's Servioe Station Lumber 11.23 Repairs 16.05 Val Spar, eto. 3~1O Hardware &: Tools, e)i 7.70 Repairs 10.00 Supplies 5.50 Lamps 8.46 Supplies ~~.l- 11.00 I Repairs 1 - 2.80 Pay Roll r 1,:7 49.00 Tire Repair .). ' 1.&3 Gasoline 72.76 I Supplies 14.10 Sorew Knobs 28 .70 Insurance &7.55 Repairs ~ PI J 20.00 , WA TER FUND Water Department MoDonald &: Nailor LIGHT FUND Standard Oil Co. Olympic Printery Olympio Utility Co. Hunting Real ty Co. Taooma Typewriter Co. PARK FUND Willson Hardware Co. Tennis Court Equip. etc. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 7J ~t,;,. ~"'........, , ' / €llty Clerk. M~or. 81.87