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Proceedings of the City Com~ssion of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
_ JulJ" __,_18,_19_45
i.The Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M., and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll Call show~d
the following officers present, Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam & Masters, Attorney Johnston and I
Clerk Hawkins. I
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses the following were granted:
"Building permits:
H. L. Sisson
J. R. Beveridge
Margaret Audett
Tom Millas
,H. C. Durl<ee
Build gal;age, Woodshed, Chicken house, Lt. JIlCll, Blk. In,
Townsi te,
Rebuild ga~e, Lot 7, Blk. 208, Townsite
Build retaining Wall, Lts. ~ & 3, Elk. 54, Townsite
Move House, Lot ll, Blk. 53, Townsite
Naw Foundation, Lt. 1", Blk. 289, Townsite
. 800.00
1000.00 .:
2000.00 I
Licenses: 1
Club Billiards ,g Amusement V.achines 72.00 I
n n , 5 Pool & Billiard Tables SO.OO
" n ../ 2 card tables 10.00
n " J Soft Drink 5.00
'Loop Auto Wrecking Co. J Second Hand Dealer 15.00
n tI t1 11 ,; JunR Dealer '1 7 25.00 I
Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the follllWing passed its third realling and WdS finally ,
adopted, I
.An Ordinance relating to the municipal light, and power plant and system of the City of Port Angeles,
pres'cr1bing the rates, tems and conditions for the sale, use and purchase of electric energy, dlefining
offences, prescribing penalties, and repealing Ordinance No.l!lD75 and amending Sections 17 and ~O of Ordinance
.'No .890 and all other O'(rd:i:nanc!J~ or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency,
placing this Ordinance in full force and ,effect after its lawful publication..It was moved by Com. Beam that, the
foregoing Ordinance be approved wad finally adopted. SeConded by Com. Masters. On roll call all members voted Aye.
'Undei' the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were in1:roduced, The Mayor declared the motion
carried. I
WHEREAS, on the 17th day of December, 1941, the City Commission passed a Resolution pertaining to the numherj
of licensed premises in the City of Port Angeles fur the s..le or consumption of beer or wine. i
WHEREAS, at the present time it appears that the number of licenses provided for in said resolution should
be increased.
NOIT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, that it request the State
I,Liquor Control Board of the State of Washington to approve application for fifteen tavern licenses in the
City" of Port Angeles, twelve restaurant licenses, and sixteen store licenses.
That the said City Commission of the City of Port Ingeles hereby requests the Washington State Liquor ContrOl
',Board not to issue any licenses in addition to the number herein indicated.
IIWHEREAS, the City Light Department has affected substantial savings in the wholesale rate by whic? it
purchases ele ctrici ty,
AND WHEREAS, the consumers in the City of Port Angeles are entitled to a refund If such retroactive reductio~
in tate, and the most practical method of pas,ing a refund on to t~ consumers "is to CllI1cel the charge for I'
electricity for one month. 'I
AND WHEREAS, uilderothe:"terms of the contract entered into between the City and the Public Utility District,
the reduction in rate is re"troactive for nearly a year,
NOIT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, that the said Light
,.Department be and it is authorized to cancel the charge for electricity to the consumer of the City Light
Departm~nt for the current month, and that no charge be made for electricity" for said month.
WlEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described re>il property, having acquired thei
"same" by Tre..surer,'s deed dated July 10, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of '
Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of t~ Laws of 19:<.9, page 365, to-wit: "
I Lot Nine (9), Block One Hundred Eleven (Ill), E.C. Baker's Subdivision of Suburban Lot Nb. 19,
" Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and
WHKREAS, James Jack Del Guzzi has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described reaj,'
,property for the sum of $200.00, P'lyable as follows: $;Gu.OO as a down payment and $10.00 on or before the 'I'
11th" doy of August, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the ilth day of each alid every month thereafter until paid
in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum, computed on monthly balances due and paid with I
the monthl:y installment, and "
WHEREAS, The City Corunission has viewed the said property and is of ~he opiruhon that the offer 'is fair value.1
and at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it be accepted and the sala made. i
"N01~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles "eil the said
prop"rty at private sale to the said James Jack Del Guzzi for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to arry ,
other valid liens againat the same; that the City Attorney be inatructed to prepare a quit claim deed
"conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is i
,hereby instructed to exec:i1te said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he I
is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest
thereon has been paid in full.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
.1nly lA,
~ I
. Tax No. 675 in Suburban Lot 10 of the Original Townsite of Port Angeles, more particularly described as
follows, "Beginnirig at a point on the Southerly line of Ei-rst Street as now established 335 feet northerly
and 150 feet easterly from the southwesterly corner of said Suburban Lot 10) thence easterly along the
I southerly line of First Street 150 feet) thence southerly"parallel with the easterly line o.f Liberty Street;
. as now established 140 feet; thence westerly par'llieil. with the southerly line of First Street 150 feet) :
thence northerly parallel with the easterly line of Liberty Street 140 feet to the point of beginning. . ,
I (Being known as Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 2 as shown on the unrecorded plat of Chas. A. Smith's Subdivision
10f the West 300 feet of Suburban Lot No. 10 Port Angeles Townsi te~. Let !fiRe (9), B3.eeJl: aae lluaell'eel Ele':ea
,(lR), E Q galrel"e Sli'eeli'oO.aien ef S1illliPilan Let lie. 111 Perl ".ngelee.
I Tax 'No. 679 in Suburban Lot No. 10 of the Original Townsite of Port Angelea, more particularly described as
'I folloos: "Beginning at a point on the southerly line of First Street as now establiehed 335 feet northerly,
and 100 feet easterly from the soutltlresterly corner of said Suburban Lot 10) thence easterly along the
I southerly line of First Street SO feet) thence southerly parallel with the easterly line of Libarty Straet '
140 feet) thence westerly parallel with the southerly line of First Street SO feet; thence northerly
i parallel with the easterly line of Liberty Street 140 feet to .the point of beginning. ~Being known as Lot
, 7, Block 2 as shown on the wu:ecorded plat of Chas. A. Smith I s ,Subdivision of the West 300 feet of Suburban
Lot No. 10 Port Angeles TOViIlSite. Lot Nine (9), Block One Hundred Eleven (111), E. C. Beker's Subdivision
of Suburban Lot No. 19 Port Angeles.
WHEREAS, James Jack DelGuzzi has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real ,
property for the sum of $800.00, payable as follows: $80.00 as a down payment and $25.00 on or before the 1
llth day of August, 1945, and $:<5.00 on or before the 11th day o:t each and every month thereafter until paid
in full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due and paid with the monthly I
installments, and I
iWHEREAS, The City Commission nas viewed the said proparty and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value'
and is in exceSS of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, including I
interest and other charges against the same. I
NOW, THE:REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said:
property at privaoe sale to the said James Jack DelGuzzi, for the eum hereinabove set forth, subject to any :
'lather valid liens against the ,same) that the City Attorney be instrocted to prepare a quit claim deed convey,'-,
ing said property to the purchaser, end that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby:
instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is here-
. by instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued interest II
thereon has been paid in full. I
It;was.movediby_ Commiss10ner. IMsters.l.that.the.foregoing resolutions be apprmved and adopted. Seconded by
i Comm.llssioner Beam. Roll Call showed all members voting Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of new business: The City Commission instructed the City Attorney to write a letter to the
Collllllissioner of Public Lands, stating that the City had no objections to the vatation of the Tumwa ter
Creet Waterway.
The Commission examined the following claims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same:
Current ExpenSe Fund:
QIlick Print, Office Supplies, $ 8.24
: ggz Street ~:
, Western Asphalt\Co,
Standard Oil Co.,
D. & B. Battery & Elec. sta.
Willson Hdwe, Co.
MacDonald & Sons
I Water Fund,
Hoolter Electrochemical Co.
I Wallace & Tiernan Co.
D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta.
,P. A. Auto Supply Co.
I n t1 tI II
Marckmann & Williams
Hoare & Headrick
Jaiii8S W7Caven
i D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta.
, P. A. Auto Supply Co.
Quick Pr lot
i Smith Ice & Bottling Wibrks
; Line Me terial Co.
. Zellerbach Paper Co.
Raliio Sta. KONp
,. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co.
Cna's. E. Beam
I Sanitary FUnd:
I Quick Print
J. Y. Sneddon
I Park FUnd:
i Samuelson Motor Co.
IJames W. Gaven
Willson Hdwe, Co.
II f1 11
Asphalt 1,676.97
Oil 27.25
Motor Parts 62.01
Tools & Hdwe. 26.37
Labor & Material , 'G I 0, 'II 18.31
Chlorine 14.92
Manometer Liquid 1.29
Truck Supplies 7.57
fire Patches 1.39
Seat Covers 9.12
Pipe & Fittings 598.59
Fittings 0711{ 31.53
Battery 12.75
Repair Toilet at Sub. 5.88
Truck supplies 1.65
Rubber CEIIIIlnt 1.30
Printing Supplies 12.62
Paper Cups 12.36
J.l.a terials 52.22
Paper Towels 12.36
Advertising :57.SO
Meter Sockets ;p??~ 88.99
Car Expense 22.85
Office Supplies 1.29
Sewing Canvas j,?? 2.58
FUel Pump 2.32
Material & Labor 160.99
Paint - Hdwe. 43.00
Hdwe. jJP7,$/l l.Ol
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
_ _ ___July-18,_19_45
Ista te Aid Fund<
lPeiiiiii PrOducts, Inc.
D. & B. Battery Co.
Willson Hdwe. Co. .
P. A. Auto Supply Co.
P. A. Auto Supply Co.
!Y& Liquor ~ :fund:
~ic Laundry
Will son Hilwa. Co.
J. Y. Sneddon
Ernie Kohler
City Treasurer
Quality Market
D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta
Plastic Seal
Motor Parts
A ppli OS tor
$ 27.09
7/. /1 2.06
3.61 ,
~lj,"'S 5.Q
Clean Blankets
Rebuild Chair
Radio Supplies
Box rent - Express
Cheese - Weiners
Volt reg.
There being no fu~her ~siness} ,the meeting adjourned.