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July.18, 1968
ThB Council met in regular session at 7:30.P. M. Officers present were ~1ayor Wolfe"
Councilmen Maxfield, Thorne, Bettger, Easom and Ranta; Acting Maruiger "larder, City
Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. CounciJJnan Schroeder was absent.
A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to
approve and place on file Hinutes of the ,Council meeting of July 9, 1968.
A motion was made by Counci1ma.n Thorne, seconded by CounciJJnan 11aXrield and unani-
JlX)us:l\Y' carried, to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in the amount of $34,264.21
and Payroll Transfers $47,3:56.54. .
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, secon~d by Councilmari Easom and unanimously
carried, to accept the recommendation of ,the Planning Commission and approve the ap-
plication of D. W. Eacrett for a JlX)bile home park with the following specific
conditions: . C
1. No service buildings need be provided since this is not a
transient park and all units are to be self contained.
2. Nhshrubs or fences will be required since the individual
sites will be landscaped as any normal residential lot.
3. Setbacks, sideyards and clearances are to be as indicated
on the approved layout dated July 16, 1968 and filed with the
Mobile Home Park Application.
4. Any change in ownership wi.ll be subject to the same
conditions. Should the park develop .into a transient operation
new layout, screening and operational.plans Jml.st be submitted
for approval on a change of permit.
A motion was made by Councilman Easom, seconded by CounciJJnan Ranta and unanimously
carried" to approve the request of Eva L. Main, 911 Cedar Street, for permission
to enlarge a pre-existing, non-conforming sipgle fa.miJy residence (add an.8t x 10'
wing to the North side).
A motion was made by Councilman Easom, seconded by CounciJJnan Ranta and unanimous:l\Y'
carried, to grant a variance to Jack Plaskett, Jr. to allow construction to 15 feet
from the East margin of 11111 Street (at 12th and "rl Streets).
_ A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by CounciJJnan Ranta and unanilnously
carried, to accept the Planning Commission's reconnnendation and gJ;'ant a variance
to Gordon Wray, 1635 West 5th Street" to allow construction of a patio shelter
within the 35' setback required along 5th Street.
A motiQ~.was ,made by CounciJJnan Maxfield, seconded by CounciJJnan Thome and carried,
to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of July 16, J.968.
The following resolution was read in full t
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
providing for the sale of the bonds and warrants of IDeal ~rovement
District No. ~89. ~
A motion was made ,by CoUl).cilman ThQrne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unani-
mously carried, that the foragoing resolution be adopted as read.
A motion was mada by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani-
mously carried, to authorize .the Light Department to proceed with 400-watt mercury
vapor lamps at intersections (relative to Cherry Hill conversion); table action
on lighting for alley intersections and dead f,!nd ,alleys for further study, and
request the Light Superintendent to present a report and sketch ShorTing the needs
for alley lighting. The Director of Public Works, the City Attorney and Police
Chief are to report on barricades for clearly marking Dead End streets.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and
unanim:>usly carried, to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the formal sup..
plemental contract with Crown Zellerbach for the 6,500 kilowatts added January 1,
J.967 to their original contract, as requested by Crown Zellerbach.
July 18, 1968 (contd.)
A motion was made by Counci.1J1lan Basom, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unani-
mously carried, to refer the State Auditor I s Examination Report of the Light
Department for 1967 to a work session after the next Council meeting (August 1,
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Counci.1J1lan Thorne and unani-
mously carried, to accept the Light Department Audit Report and place it on file.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unani-
mously carried,' to accept the report from Bonneville Power Administration by
Mr. H. R. Richmond, Administrator, concerning future power supply problems.
A motion was made by Counc:ilJnan Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and uriani.~
mously carried, to approve the application of Charles F. Erb for a Class ncn
Dance License for the Club Billiards, III West Front Street.
A motion l'ras made by Gouncilman Maxfield, seconded by Counci.JJnan Thorne and car-
ried, to accept and place on file the Civil Service Commission Minutes of.
July ll, 1968.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Counci.JJnan Basom and unani-
mously carried, to accept and place on file the report of Progress of Construction
Sewer Project, Light and Water Revenue and Elcpenses Reports, Monthly Reports for
June of Utility Billings, Investments (all funds), Budget Revenues and Expenditures,
Treasurer I s and Recreation Department.
A motion was made by Councilman Thome, . seconded by CounciJJna.n Bettger and carried,
to approve the application for renewal of liquor license for Little Brick Tavern
and new application of Bobbie RaytJolmson and Joan Marie Johnson - Silver Dollar
A motion l-J'as made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, I
to refer the compla:int regarding the hazard to pedestrian walking up lower Cherry
Hill and other locations to the City Eng:ineer for report on the right of ,ways on .
sidewalks :in the lower GheITy Hill, Cedar and Tumwater areas.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unani-
mously carried, to instruct the City Engineer to ask the Bayshore Inn to ,move their
landscaping inside their property lines (at .the Front Street entrary.ce to the inn).
Councilman Basom went on record as opposing the construction of the Lauridsen
Boulevard Bridge in the middle of the right of way beCause he feels, "....it is
short-sighted and in the long run will be much more expensive, when additional
traffic facilities have to be provided, which is going to be a lot faster than any
of the surveys have indicated".
A motion was made by Councilman. Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and car-
ried, to refer the problem with Tacoma-Port Angeles truck and trailer parking
(in 1000 block on East 2nd Street) to the City Attorney and Police Chief for a re-
port as to whether there is an ordinance prohibiting the parldng and what action
has been taken - violation tickets or citations issued, etc. .
~her subjects discussed were the visit of Mr. Cherno I. Jagne, T01iIl Clerk of
Bathurst, the Gambia to be in Port Angeles Monday, July 22, 1968;.the hazardous
condition of sidewalks at various downtown locations, a Mayors Prayer Breakfast
- (po,sSibly in September) and .CouncilInen Bettger and Thorne will help silt through
election year informa.tion and report to the Council. .
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P. M.
~ 4~92nfi~
City Clerk