HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/18/197836 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 18, 1978 1. RESOLUTION RE STREET VACATION: WALNUT STREET: M. LIBERA Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 36-78 entitled Resolution No. 36-78 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the North 30 feet of Walnut Street abutting Block 21 of Pennsylvania Park Addition to Port Angeles. Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, which sets a public hearing date of August 15, 1978 for this petition, and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for evaluation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 2. PROPER DISPLAY OF AMERICAN FLAG: E. HASSELL Mr. Everett Hassell gave a brief presentation on proper and improper dis- play of the American flag. 3. REVISION OF SHORELINE PERMIT EXEMPTION: M & R TIMBER Councilman Wray moved the Council approve revision of M & R Timber's original Shoreline Permit No. 13(R) which would raise the elevation of the fill from eleven feet to fourteen feet, because it is within the scope and intent of the original permit, will not involve additional over water construction, will not change lot coverage, building height, or setbacks, will not change the previously authorized use, and will not create additional significant adverse environmental impacts. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. `mmm v~v ~ '~.~ c ' mWrm ~z°a ?U6 o °~ u^! 7 a' I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. ' II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Wray. Members Absent: Councilmen Buck, Duncan, Hordyk. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso. D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, M. Cleland, P. McDowell, R. Orton, K. Rodocker, J. Honnold. Guests Present: L. Torres, R. Anderson, P. Brady, D. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. M. Leyendecker, E. Hassell, L. Sunny, K. Sweeney III MINUTES Councilman Boardman moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the July 5, 1978 meeting. The motion was seconded by Council- man Wray and carried. IV LEGISLATION I Ya'i °a -e1o$~°1 ~.c aC d e m v ~a2'`oo~eoc `~mW ° Say c~~~ ~ mau~o-act a~w c f !- ~ u m~V«v°~~'8 gym 'c,~-aE .uUVa _ .ate ~ E .: ~ rn-c m a O a3~' cao o°w Y a m ~ o °r o~c~v, ova N~° u'Di'm °'£°. N A 7^ K O V h U~ O«y ~yc _V L° mo~u~n'`~n QOolaoTU n° ~3 Ej "a ~ u cn.`aa:Da °f` foot oo~> amr °a_`~T_E n o =r r: m>°mmdn `oVh .y a.nu~nc°°m eon iCCZ C'd ~i :^VNC~' r R" y 9j NLL~ nIOW Cn d d.~r ~_ ~ L~cEm laa00N'~yoL co~.e ° LLa> mV a~.LLm w~On~;>t- .~a` dq~~~md~aEoi eOJQ wf`Cibro c~N~ PN..=~~COC GOJ~~°°jJ~cndo~~AOLT?dVWrIVO7-_L~ !"Q_JWLiO`OiyyC ~y CWNJ~U OF.~ ( ~m ~~•uL W~QN N.~i.LLD~~GIO w. IG i0~3lJ _ O ~ u ~ ! UV fZjCLLVV4V °CWp7~'N~m~R pj~°N"~~~Ca Gam`: Rd Qi~~u~~°EuVCCm f OWmmwmo-~ a~mda~X~rioem~~Omoc3~-mN07m >r.°-'Q«cu0 ooj O Z~uc~g~`o~ ~aE Q W U V V unit WF-~n q. ~fn ~ °~q oVU~ Z l7 dW }iQocn ~~~y.. ._- _. __ ._ _-~z.~ _ ,._ - CITY COUNCIL MEETING `" " July 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 4. PRESIDENT'S REORGANIZATION PROJECT: U.S. CIVIL DEFENSE Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Bernard Lynne, Director of the Clallam County Department o£ Emergency Services, which biefly explained President Carter's reorganization program relative to the.nations's Emergency Preparedness Program. Mr. Lynne explained that this reorgani- zation program will provide Clallam County with one agency for aid in any planning, training, emergency and recovery, in any type of disaster, and suggested the Council send a letter to the state's Congressional delegation endorsing the program. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to draft a letter as requested by Mr. Lynne. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 5. ORDINANCE RE INCREASE IN WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1981 entitled, Ordinance No. 1981 AN ORDINANCE amending a certain section of Ordinance Number 1919, and providing for an increase in water service connection charges. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton explained that the increase in water service connection charges is to cover the cost of water meters which are now part of the water connection process. Councilman Anderson also questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom re- garding the charge for a change of service location or elevation. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 6. ORDINANCE RE BICYCLE LICENSES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1982 entitled, Ordinance No. 1982 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to licensing of bicycles. 1 Councilman Boardman moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 7. PORT ANGELES GOLDENAGERS CLUB: REQUEST FOR LARGER ACCOMMODATIONS Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Ms. Margaret Coryell, Secretary of the Port Angeles Goldenagers Club, requesting the Council's cooperation in obtaining a larger meeting facility for the Club. The present facility, the Senior Citizen Center, is too small for the Club, and, in addition to becoming even more cramped whenever guests are present, is limited to 150 people at onetime. i ase7e During discussion on Ms. Coryel:~OTICE is her pOTICEOF CALL FOR BIDS that the Cit had been countin Y given that sealed bids will be received by y g the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P,O, i High Gymnasium as a multi-purpo. BO;aay~lioiyila,A9ia,land me c ryf wiil reject ailtbidsaecel ed t However, the School Di5trlCt ha~. after the schetluled closing time and date, and will be opened ro Yam reventin them from to Publicly at that time for furnishing the following eq uip menYand~ p 9 P g or material: Mr. Whorton suggested he and Pa 1 One new 1978 ~,~ ton pickup for Parks Department 2. 6ne new 1978 ~.'a ton pickup for Wafer Department possibilities and contact the G 3. One new 7976 ~~~ ton pickup for Sewer Department Council agreed with Manager Who 4- One new 1978 Street Sweeper - street Department , 5. One new 1978 Truck with tilt cab - Solid Waste Ufil ity dCtlOR Ori this matter. Department 6. One new 1978 Dump Truck (3g Series) for Street Department Bid specifications may be obtained from She City Clerk's Office. A Wrti}ied [heck Or bid bond for S percent of the emOUnt of the .. bid shall d[COm pang each bitl. All bids f0 include delivery F.O.B. Porl Angeles, WdShingl0n, Bids will be opened and tabulated for the City Council for consideration by said Council in session July 18, 1978. The Council reserves the right fo tOnSider delivery time and to accept Or reject any Or all bids or any pafi th ere0f. The unit price shall prevail and the City reserves the right to V correct any ex~a sions or improper sales taxes. ~ k Pub.: June 28, 29 30, 1978. ~~ ..-..~..___'-'- __ ~ -_ _.. _.. 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING " " July 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 4. PRESIDENT'S REORGANIZATION PROJECT: U.S. CIVIL DEFENSE Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Bernard Lynne, Director of the Clallam County Department of Emergency Services, which biefly explained President Carter's reorganization program relative to the.nations's Emergency Preparedness Program. Mr. Lynne explained that this reorgani- zation program will provide Clallam County with one agency for aid in any planning, training, emergency and recovery, in any type of disaster, and suggested the Council send a letter to the state's Congressional delegation endorsing the program. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to draft a letter as requested by Mr. Lynne. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 5. ORDINANCE RE INCREASE IN WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1981 entitled, Ordinance No. 1981 AN ORDINANCE amending a certain section of Ordinance Number 1919, and providing for an increase in water service connection charges. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read • by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton explained that the increase in water service connection charges is to cover the cost of water meters which are now part of the water connection process. Councilman Anderson also questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom re- - garding the charge £or a change of service location or elevation. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 6. ORDINANCE RE BICYCLE LICENSES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1982 entitled, Ordinance No. 1982 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to licensing of bicycles. Councilman Boardman moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 7. PORT ANGELES GOLDENAGERS CLUB: REQUEST FOR LARGER ACCOMMODATIONS Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Ms. Margaret Coryell, Secretary of the Port Angeles Goldenagers Club, requesting the Council's cooperation in obtaining a larger meeting facility for the Club. The present facility, the Senior Citizen Center, is too small for the Club, and, in addition to becoming even more cramped whenever guests are present, is limited to 150 people at one time. During discussion on Ms. Coryell's letter, Manager Whorton pointed out ~' that the City had been counting on the proposed use of the Roosevelt Jr. High Gymnasium as a multi-purpose center to salve the C1ub'S problems. However, the School District has run into. delays in their construction program preventing them from turning over the gymnasium,_to the City. Mr. Whorton suggested he and Parks Director Frizzell look into other possibilities and contact the Goldenagers Club with their results. The Council agreed with Manager Whorton's recommendation and took no further action On this matter. - 'a 6e~e6 ~ea•L 'pausluyun a31N3J SISONdAH lanai Sarno L 'woo~paq'e 'la nal eldaas 'dlnSNtN~d { Plo-aead-l •a6~p1 ; tl3NM0 I 'LEYO•L57 •aayua~ 6ullasuno~ E! .~_-, .l8 eln suluad sl ~a;ua~ 4ll eaH 'slua8e o ~90Et-[SC teluew Allunwwo~ ~no,~ N 'laeJluo~ ~aP~suo) 9N1~3SNnOJ 'QOS'C63 'a6eJFb algnoP aZ15lan0 ~doys 'u,ooa~aa~ 's 4leq ciz 'sfiutuana SL69-LSV -aaluelen6 'a~elda~ll col el el eay 'ua4ol~~ ~ a e 4~~ a u o w ! u a» a tl ~ ~ Ail unO~ 41!h~ fanal~lal won~paq t101 'PanO~tlde ~Ol aoO 'w e~60ad f~ v a6nH '~taenild 30l saau! ssol l46lam leuolll~lnu 'ales . I l41'M a~n;setl AµsoW '~laauo STJOln01?J1S14 ASVB WI?Jl 41, same alums srtld~aurN w:ei s uciu~~,~p ~~ moo„ aseald 'uau.,, hBRO-,^ 'u' Ilea • ~, nS321, 3 8 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION SEWER FACILITY PLAN: FINAL REPORT (DRAFT) During the December 2, 1975 Council meeting, the Council authorized Manager whorton to enter into an agreement with CH2M/Hi11 for engineering services on the Sewerage Facilities Study. Preparation of the facility plan was prompted by Federal Public Law 92-500, enacted in 1972, which required all municipalities to upgrade their sewage treatment plants to a level providing "secondary" treatment. At this meeting, [+ir. Jim Butt and Mr. Dave Reynolds, of CH2M/Hill pre- sented the Council with a draft of the final report and gave a brief presentation on some of the report conclusions and recommendations. Subjects discussed by Mr. Butt included the cost to upgrade to secondary, which would be approximately $6.3 million if construction occurs in 1984, a household required monthly rate increase of $2.10, the seven combined sewer overflow locations, and possible grant funding which the City may \\ RENOL3678 N qualify for in 1983, if not required to upgrade before July 1, 1983. >,RESOLUTION of me city ~, Butt also pointed out that the schedule for upgrading to secondary Port An9eleS sathng a ~ treatment and the local cost regarding household charges must be em- aring date for ~s petition to care the North 70 feet bf ~tnut Street abutting Block 2l phasized at the public hearing on the draft report. CH2M/Hill is also Pennsylvania Park Addition t recommending that all solid waste produced at the treatment plant be PnrtAn°•tP~. applied in liquid form to croplands, and no additional control be im- vvnr:REAS.. fire owners of nterests in real estate abutting plemented over the seven combined sewer overflow locations. tpon Wainui Street have fit X41 a yeti Lion with the City Clerk to rake vacation of the tolto g Following Mr. Butt's presentation, Councilman Anderson moved the Council iescribed portion of id Nain ut Street: The North set August 1, 1978 as the public hearing date for review of the Sewerage rnirry tao) Feei of walnut Facilities Plan. The motion was seconded b Councilman Boardman and carried. Street abutting Block 21, of Y Pennsylvania Park Atltlition to Port Angeles; and •.- wHER~AS, said petition MUNICIPAL PIER appears to have been signed by the Owner'Of more than fvaD- thirtls of the property abutting A. Preliminary DESlgn REport upan~ the part at said Walnut Street sougfii to be vacalQd;. now therefore; "" The third in a series of progress reports on the Municipal Pier was BE IT RESOLVED BY THl=' COUNCIL DF 7HE CITY pF~ given by Mr. Birkland of ABAM and Mr Anderson of Makers at tonight's PORT ANGELES asfotlow$:• meetin Durin the resentation Mr. Birkland ointed out that next Section t. The petition -to g• g P P make such' vacation snali.,be week ABAM will be submitting applications for permits and will be heard and tleterrriined by,ihis' countilnotmorethansixty(6B}i meeting with DNR to d1SCUSS the tidelands lease. However, two issues days .nor teas than twenryi7o}~' need to be resolved at this meetin before ro ressin further: (1) days neraefter, to-wit: an the g P g 4 1Sfh day of August, t9~e. funds for dredging which may be necessary in the future; and (2) lo- section 7. The City cterkis' cation of the Peninsula Colle e Marine Science Center. hereby tlirecied to give twenty g (20) days noflce of the pendency of said "petition' accord ing 'to the provisions of ~ FOl10Wing Mr. BSrklarid's comments, Mr. Anderson gave a brief review RCW 35.79.020. on how the desi n of the ter has develo ed since the last resentation. PASSED 4y The Council of the g P P P City of Port Angeles This tern Subjects discussed included the glass tower, the play areas, hidden day of July, 1978. Samuel J. Haguevyootl steam boilers for the Coast Guard Cutter, wind protection, a sodded MAR area in the decking, and the Marine Science Center. During discussion ATTEST: Marian c. Parrish, on the Science Center. N1r'. Art Fiero, of Peninsula College, commented Gity Clerk on the desi n and use of the buildin p APPROVED AS TO FORM: g g, dnd ointed Out that it would [. 7.watrarn, ~ be easier to obtain funding for the building if space were set aside City Attorney • ~ Pub.: 7uly 25, i97e ~ on the pier instead of leaving open water space as suggested by ABAM: -, - - After several comments from the Council members and Manager Whorton, it was decided to reserve space either on the pier or on the landfill for constrution of the Marine Science Center. The next subject discussed was the possibility of setting aside approx- imately $40,000 for future dredging which will be required for the new 270 series Coast Guard Cutter. A -20 depth will be required to ac- commodate the draft of the new vessel which will be stationed here in approximately 3-IO years. The present vessel requires a -19 depth.. In answer to Mayor Haguewood's questions regarding the lease between the City and the Coast Guard, Manager Whorton explained that the lease will be re-negotiated every five years, and advised against setting aside funds for future dredging since the Coast Guard is uncertain of when the new Cutter will be stationed here. The Council concurred with Manager Whorton and no further action was taken. CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 9. Cont. 39 Mr. Birkland next discussed the cost eatimate of the Pier, pointing out that the construction budget has now reached $1,950,000. Since this amount is beyond the budgeted construction amount of $l.7 million, ABAM will be initiating several changes in the scope of work to bring the costs down. Mr. Birkland suggested several areas which could be altered or deleted, and requested input from the Council before the applications for permits are submitted. The changes which ABAM will make will be submitted to the Council in writing before the end of the week. B. Bronze Sculpture Fountain: D. McKiernan During the June 12, 1978 Special Council meeting, the Council referred Duncan McKiernan's proposal to do a bronze sculpture fountain for the Municipal Pier to the Park and Beautification Board and ABAM. At this meeting Parks Director Frizzell reported on the Park Board's reaction to Mr. McKiernan's proposal. Mr. Frizzell reported that the Park Board felt favorable towards the sculpture itself, which would be of two cormorants, but because of expenses in regard to water service, draining and equipment, possible vandalism, and maintenance costs, the Park Board was not in favor or the fountain. No Council action was taken at this time on the sculpture. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Louis Torres, of Clark and Associates, spoke to the Council concerning the impact of Safeway Stores' proposed 4th Street vacation. After reading a letter from Mr. Tim Haley of BJSS, in which Mr. Haley advises Safeway of his decision not to coordinate the traffic study, Mr. Torres requested the Council extend the public hearing date on the proposed street vacation from August 1, 1978 to September 5, 1978. This extension would allow Clark and Associates the additional time needed to present the Council with a traffic study. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council extend the public hearing date on Safeway Stores' request to vacate a portion of Fourth Street until the September 5, 1978 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Council- man Anderson and carried. Mr. Everett Hassell pointed out to the Council that a large explosion could result from the numerous propane bottles on the vans which are parked waiting for the ferry. Mr. David Andre, who operates a local seaplane service, spoke at length to the Council concerning the lack of airplane fueling facilities in the Olympic Peninsula area. Mr. Andre pointed out that the nearest fueling facility is located in Seattle, and requested the Council and ABAM take this matter into consideration during development of the pier design. VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Sale of Landfill Scrap Metal Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Public Works Depart- ment to rebid for the disposal of the landfill scrap metal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. B. L.I.D. No. 201 and 202 Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for the construction of LID No. 201 (16th and "E" Streets) and LID No. 202 (5th and Evans Street) to the low bidder, J.D. Shotwell Co. with a total bid price of $418,390.42. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Other bidders included Delhur, Inc. - $425,589.13; and North Kitsap Construction Co. - $483,681.74. The engineering estimate was $456,476,25. 4 ll mmno8`mm`~dmo`~y~dt~°~ n`~da ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING mW=nrux U>nr vir Oav`cw~ya ud3 ~~;..«t >um~E~r3N~cu''oH c~,~°NV1y p ~ July 18 1978 i a . ~ nW~n oe«`Br ~L -. o'~aaouua1orE ~e - m xE o r uocm l : w 10xD cdi j °cu`~ ,uc > J ~ i ~ . . ~-Wuvi ~V~ap`m jp n'~•~`mm°Ea `o .°icY~aw-°w~•°.¢ '~' , N~uW Qa , aan~~~ ~~O a a~E«9 c'" a « ~'• ~} ~ N v i r o °1 ~ ~ ` VI FINANCE mom m` v um ov..n a ion >m-o FLL°oWmais-v+cpi3«y~umvm~-cv•°-1°o.Ecc„~~ ti' 0 ` C n ' r , «. 0 Op f> O V~ C~~7~p_ C«Vl~y z dFZ°a'd~rnad= °j°'x m'.=c= cau~a°+o=~ ~~ 1. Cont. ~ r0>w~f coa~m 1p~QDyC~n~uua`+m omm-mtl~ 3z vc "c`o ^ r ;FaQM '¢ a $ ar4jU o ,« o n m ~ - n _ __~~aa~m3_~-ma~oo~5J3J u~5~oiaaa.; C. Equipment Rental Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Finance Director Orton and reject the pickup truck and dump truck bids and rebid as 1979 models and accept the bid of Howard Cooper for the FMC/Wayne 4AH street sweeper with a total bid price of $31,247.75. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion, the Council questioned Finance Director Orton and Public Works Director Flodstrom concerning the .Sanitation and Street Department budgets and the progress of the new landfill trench. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Wray moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $368,644.82, LtD's of $70.00 and Payroll of $121,914.59. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Items included under the Consent Agenda are as follows: 1. Authorize payment of $6,840 to Kramer, Chin and Mayo as partial payment for the Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan. 2. Authorize payment of $36,238.14 to Del Guzzi Construction for work on the Elwha River Pump Station and Chlorination Facility. 3. Authorize payment of $7,355.72 to Westinghouse Electric Supply as the retained percentage on 15 KV Underground Power Cable for the Elwha River Water System. 4. Approve the Park, Recreation and Beautification Commission minutes of July 6, 1978. 5. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a change of location for Olympic Recreation from 118 West First Street to 1023 East First Street, and a Special Occassion License issued to the Port Angeles Nite Owls Lions Club for a community benefit dance to be held pctober 28, 1978 at the Port Angeles Elks Club, 131 East First Street. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. ELWHA RIVER WATER SYSTEM DEDICATION Mayor Haguewood announced that the City of Port Angeles will be dedicating the new Elwha River Water System on Thursday, July 27, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. at the Water System site. VIX STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Wray: Mentioned to Police Chief Cleland that cars are going through the red light at the intersection of 8th and Lincoln. 2. Manager Whorton: Announced that there will be a short executive session following the meeting. X ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. to an Executive Session. ~~ ~ ' ~, City Clerk ay r