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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 19
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P..M. and' was called to order by Mayor Neer. R.;>ll call
revealed the foll<Miq;; officers present: COWlcilmen Smith, Sandison, Nolfe, McFadden am Maxf1eld,
Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns am Clerk La,w.
It was moved by COWlcilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Secomed by
COUll:: ilman ~Iolf e and carried.
Umer the head of unfinished business, and pursuant; to request for traffic lights at First and Rac,e Streets
am Fourth and LincolnStreets, the State Hi.@lwa,y Departmnt infonood that a stuc:v and. traffic survey will
be made to ascertain if installations are, feasible. '
Fixed EstiJrate cl'aim vouchers were approved as followst L.I.D. No. 16'1, Dept. Labor and Imustries,
Imustrial insuraroe and medical aid, $ll8.67; L.I.D. No.,169, Preston, Thorgrimson' and Horowitz,
bonding attorney files, $497.92. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that claim vouchers, be approved and
paid. Secomed by Councilman Smith and carried.
Council considered petition requesting variance in zoning requirements at Eleventh and Lincoln Streets for
doctors clinic. Manager Vergeer read letter from James Phillips, due to absence of B. N. Phillips,
property owner; req:uesti.ng that ""plication for varian:e be withdrawn. It was roved by Councilman Smith
the request be approved and letter filed. Seconied by C01ll1cilman Wolfe and carried.
, ,
. .n. /" l Council received commuhication from the pollution control collllllission statillg that r'ederal aid may be
\)ll It available toward installation of sewage disposal trunk line into the outer strait. It was moved by ,
\ [Councilman Wolfe that the City make formal application under this !legislation for Federal aid. Seconied
'---t by Counc ilman Sandison and carried. , . . '
. ! Frank PQllow s~mtitt~d the onl;y bid in amount of $900.00 for moving garage buildillg from 14th and Laurel
Ito the S,econi and Valley substation. It ,,,as moved by Councilman Smith that offer be accepted. Seconded
, by Councilman l1cFadden and carried.
IUmer the head of ,new business, ,claiJl5 p"id Jul;y 6, 9, 10 and 18, were approved in'total amount of $23,431.2().
.It was moved by Councilman McF.adden tha t ,claiJl5 be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Woli'e and ' .
[carne .
,The following reports were filed for CoWleil approval: Treasurer's financial report to June 30, \1Orkillg
'reports of the Light and Str&etDepartments. It Was I!lC)Ved by Councilman Smith that reports be accepted
'ani filed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
I ' ' _
Council considered claim for towing charges filed by Mrs. A. C. Jfrillicken in amount of $5.17. It was
moved by Counci.1man Smith that claim be referred to the City Attorn'll'. Seconied by Councilman McFadden
am carried.
~t was moved by Councilman,McFadden that a petition requesting paving of alley betwcen 9th and 10th Streets
froin Lincoln to Chase Streets .be referred to the Planning Collllllission fOF study. Motion seconded by Council-
lnan Haxfield and, carried. _'
!Me;yor Neer infonood of request from the Firemen for meeting of their conmittee with cClllllllittee 01: Council
members for the purpose of discussing hours on dut;y and 'Torkillg comitions. ,The l"a.vor appointed Councilman
Smith to serve as chainnan ,of a meetillg to be held Mamay, Jul;y 23.
Icouncil discussed extension ~ street lighting system during the year 1957 ani 1;bether to continue with
business am arterials or improve residential areas. Arter due consideration, residential improvement
was favored by majority of Council. ,_
IAttor;tey Severyns recOJIDnemcd that Tyler lI'.offett 'hi> appointed to serve in capacity of assistant cit;y
,attorn'll'without compensation. It "as moved by Councilman McFaddcn, that appointment without salary be
approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
I ,
,It was moved by CounCilman Smith that the rcport of Police Juige for l"a.v be accepted' ani. filed. Seconied
by Councilman violfe ani carried.
~!ayor Neer read imitation from Rear Admiral H. F. Pullen inviting the Ma,yor and others to attend Victoria's
Annual Navy Day celebration at Beacon Hill, Park August 15.
I ,
Dick Hubbard thanked the Counci,l and all concerned for assistaroe in making Imepemence Day celebration
~ complete success.
~u. nder the head of intrnduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced' and read for Council approval:
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a Construction Fund for,
Local Improvement District No. 171 of the city for the purpose of p!li)7illg all of the costs of the improve-
Iments to be construct/jd and installed in said local improvement district, includillg all costs incidental
jthereto, and providillg for the sale of bonds and, warrants 01: said local improvement qistrict' at public
talc.. '
'It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregOing Rcsolution be approved ani adopted. Seconded by Council"';
'man Sandison and carricd.
j RESOLlIrION NO. 27-56 '
,A RESOLUTION of the City of Port All>eles establishillg revised bowldaries of Local Improvement District No.
;:!.73, and declar~ a health emergency to exist "'ithin these Eouniaries so l"evised, .am declaring the
-construction of said oS81iTerS necessary for the public health of said district.
I _.'
;It was moved by Councilman Sandison tInt the foregoirig Resolution be approved am adopted. Seconded by
Counc:i.lman loioli'e. On roll call, allllll!llllbers voted Jwe. The Me;yor declared the motion carried.
I '_
?rxler the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follOldng were intrnduced and read in full:
AN ORDINAN::E of the City of Port Aq;eles, Washington providing for the improvement of a certain area l-d. thin
~he Ciiv of Port Angeles by the construction and iristallation of Jateral and sanitary sewers therein,
includillg wyes to serve each lot, and by doing all work nec<;,ssary in connection the rewi th and incidental
thereto pursuant to Resolution No. 173 of the City of Port "ngeles pass ed and approved on the 7th day of
~une, 1956, and providil)g therewith pa;yment of said improvement be made by special assessnents on the prop-
<:~y ~n said district, P'o/able by the mode of payment by bOnds, and settiq;; froth the property in said
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Jul.-v 19
conti nm~d
"", . """", ""'", n,,'O~", ."",,..,m..' ....
It was moved by Cowx:ilman McFadden that the foregoing OrQinance be approved ani adopted. Seconded
by CouncilJnan Wolfe and carried.
ORDINANCE liO. 1.374
AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of public streets, alleys ani public places in the Ci1;v of Port
Angeles; establishing a truck route; designating arterial streets; specifyi1Jg restricted zones and
establishing parking regulations and requirements; am amending Sections 19, 20, 21, 22 and 28 of
Ordinance No. 1310 adopted August 6, 1953 ani repealing Ordinarre No. 1359 passed by the Ci1;v
Council and approved by the.Ha;ror, Novemt>er .3, 1955.
It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and ..dopted., Seconded by
CO\lllCilman Sandison and carried.
There being no It!? ehr business, the me eting was declared adjourned.
City Clerk
CJT:<:'~I~~:: ,~:~~u<:s NO~flLT~Oc:r:s!~~CTORS
L~~:f'R~~~~:~?rNT :N,OTIC,E is hereb~ ~iven that sealed
WARRANTS AND BONOS . :~}d~eW~lit bed:ii,l~~d ~~ ~~~y Oli;~i
NOTIC~ IS HEREBY GIVEN,HO West 1?ront Street, Port Ange-
~g~to~,e p~~~o~~:~~\~~&e~~~I~a~;{~~b~l~t~tJ. :.~5~'2ridc~or i~er ,Big;
~~~~~~~ej~~r~~~~~nl~w~;;~ h;'~,i;~~~i~~~~t:~d n14aoc~%:~Ie~,;id;
~~~l i~tR~o:~rg~~: ~1~~~~if~a~~~ifHai~~~li~~~t. a;g~afton~~~~~
lrstt~5'~rrants will Qe redeemet11gt~~d\v~1~ fur:l~hP~lft'rii~~~ra! rg~
'or 'b,ondS of .!laid !OcallT!1pl'OVement1gregatcs ut a mixing pla.nt not to
co~~f~t1~~~~ t~nc~s~~~rfOt1 U~~diexceed a twoo~~I~r~~~lg~~~~I;!l~
confirmation "'Of the assessment roll also haul the mixed
on approxi~8.telY August 1, 1957, the mixing plant to
and which l,I;l1l mature In t ~ ~ I v e Job si~e known as the "I" Stl'e~t
YC~~"ri~~ IgniI~k~U~uthEER~~plr:~?~~et~:~1g~fo :~~?~crO~nny
GIVEN that S€!lled bids for thClor all bids,
purchase of saId ~'IU'rants 0 n Cl J E LAW
~flt. ~n;b~[e~ki~rdt~~ ~iiyo'W~\1iPl1']): ~'~tr.' ?Jerl~ 19511T
m Port Angeles. Washmgton, until' Q"
7:30 o'clocI(..P,M., Pacific Standard
Time,oll - -, . .
AUGU$T 2nd, 1955
at which 'time said bids will be pub
llclv opened. n~ad and considered
by 't.he City -Council.
SaId warrants and bonds wllJ be l
sold togeUler to the bidder submit.
tlng the best bid therefor, El'lM ibid
must be for both the warnnts and
'bonds, ;wd must. :be Cor par tor
'~a~gr:~~I~ntio~n:al'crrbgJdf.arT k~~
same interest rAte. at. not In 0 r e
than six per cent (~ Del' cent) per
annum, mu.st be speclfi('d for 'hoth
the lbond8 find W'Hrants. Tn comput-
, ino: the 'best. -I;lld It wUl ,~e assumed I
'bY' the city that. tne. prin(lipll! j
~:i1tb~t.jJn,iJOO ~d.~ }h':;e:r~~~~
crage life. and th~ ,~s~ 'bid for all
warr::mt:j, :1l1Q 'bW~ ',1.1111 bE deter'
mlnee! sQlely o~Al:t1is comput~tlon
wllhout regatd..,...,.-o : th(' ~nnCjpal
a.~dO~~ ~f ~;~~tit~~~
come due
beA::C~~~p:ln ,'y e~3~BsrrR
depOSIt In the ,._orm oJ-a certified
or c:a.shler's ch~k made payable
to the TI'easurlif of the City of Port
Ang-cles for the' account of the Lo~
ea! Imp_tOvement. District, No. 171
Construction Fund in Ule >1 mount
of S10,OOO;whlch check shall be re~
turned if the b!-d is no~ accept~.
Said goOd 'a.ilh depo~a will be
credlted-jn payment of the last "War-
rants to be lS~'lUed In a like pril1c!-
pi'll amount, Rnd if s.uch hidder
shall fail or neglect. t.o complet-e the
r~~~e:S:h~f :~lc~~;a~~;r~:-r~?st.s ~~~
the amount of such deposit shall
be for~ited to the city,
The city res~f'_<; tbe right to reo
iect any al1d all bids submltfed ~Hld
to waive any Jnfol'malltles tllcreln.
'The city will pal' for the prlntln:r
of ~k1bonds. "
The opinion of Prt'-'3ton. Thor-
grlmtion & Horowitz. bond cOUn.';el
of Seattle, Washington, IlpprovlnJ;f
I.he le~ality of the issuance of All
of the warrants dra9lri on sl'Iid Ln-
~JnJm:IJvg~e~l~n~~8~,tc;a [ciOi~~\
1mDrovem,ent distrk::~ wll1 be fur-I
ni~:M6.,.~~ep~1ff' Angele.<i, WA,<o;h~
jn~ton. thiS 19rh day of July, 1956,
J. E. LAW, Clty Clerk,
Pub: JUl)' 20, 27, 1056T