HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/19/1962 I I I :1 Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 129 JULY 19 19~ , , . " "'"""G OG, ..".M.... lithe City Council met in regular sess~on at 7:30 p.m. Ott~cers present were: Mayor Maxf~eld, Council- men Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and II iClerk McNeece. I lIt was moved by Counc~lman Wolfe that mlnutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file, ,Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I I , ender the head of new business, the following applications for liquor licenses were received: West' ~ependable Stores, Inc, , renewal; Bailey's Grocery, Margaret Ann Bailey, amended from Donald M. 'IBailey; Larry's Tavern, change of location from 135 E Front Street to 735 E. First Street; Westside Grocery, transfer from Clyde Richard Jacobs to Van Elmer Hill and Rosemarie Hill. It was moved by :Councilman Smith that the applications for liquor licenses, as received, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. ~e following Resolution was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 12-62 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles requesting the Washington State Department of Highways to include in its next budget funds for construction of a four lane highway east fram the City limits across Morse Creek, and for construction of necessary facilities needed to connect U.S. Highway 101 to Front Street. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the foregoing resolution be passed as read, Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. The Mayor pointed out thatlthere will be a meeting in Bremerton with representatives of the Washington State Department of H ghways on July 27th at 1:30p m, land all of the Councilmen should attend, if possible.' I IThe request from School District No. 21 for permission to apply asphaltic concrete from the easterl~ and southerly property lines of Lot 18, and southerly property line of Lot 17, Block 169, to the I 'ledge of existing curbs on Chase Street and Fifth Street east of the William Shore Memorial Pool, in ,lieu of a cement concrete sidewalk, was read and discussed, The City Attorney pointed out that the I~'sidewalk statutes set out what a sidewalk shall be, and that the ordinance could not be amended for this one particular place. The committee of Councilmen Haguewood, Willson and Wolfe, and Attorney offett will meet with the School Board concerning this request, lilt was moved by Councilman Willson that the third progress payment to K, T. Henderson, Inc. in tota, 'amount of $10,325.12 for construction on the new Library building be approved and paid, Seconded I by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. The City Manager reported that the library construction lis three weeks behind schedule due to the steel strike in Seattle, which is holding up the delivery of metal sashes for windows and doors. "It was moved by Councilman Smith that the ninth (June) progress payment to Olympia Oil and Wood 'I'Products Co., for work and material furnished on street improvement in L.I.D. No. 180 in total ~',I,amount of $46,000.00 be approved, as requested by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Hague-I' wood and unanimously carried. ,It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the eighth (June) fixed estimate of work done and material "furnished on street improvement in L.I.D. No, 180 in total amount of $4,000.00 be approved. Second~d !by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried, . .11 lilt was moved by Councilman Smith that the seventh (June) progress payment for work and material fur! .,nished by J. D. Shotwell Co" on street improvement'ifit;;I.D.'No'. 183, in total amount of $13,000.09, be ,'approved"ahd. paid. . Seconded 'by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. liThe following reports were presented for approval: Budget Reports of Receipts and Expenditures, Ilpire Department, Police Department, City Judge;s Report, Light and Power Operating Statement, Water Department Operating Statement and the City Treasurer's Financial Report for June. It was moved Iby Councilman Wolfe that the reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Hague- IlwOOd and carried, IClaimS payable were presented for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $32,235.32; Water Fund, 1$2,831.81; Pipeline Fund, $1,210,02; and L~ght Fund, $5,523.39. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the claims as enumerated, in total amount of $41,801.54,be approved and paid. Seconded by I'councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. " , . I~otice was given that the opening of bids for con~~ruction in Local Improvement District No. 184 I 'IWill be at 1:00 p,m, Wednesday,July 25th, ,Award of bid to be made in sp'ecial Council meeting at ,4:45 p.m, Thursday, July 26, 1962, jcounCilman Wolfe requested that a directional sign be installed at Railroad and Lincoln Streets. 'I 'The City Manager will see to having the sign installed. '"COUnCilman Willson, having had a complaint on the large size of the parking stalls in the City'S :,new parking lot, was informed by the City Manager and Engineer that the stalls are believed to be rinimum size for the late model cars. I Councilman Smith suggested that a Finance Committee meeting be set up before the tenth of August. I I: I'Friday, August 3rd at 7: 30 p.m. was set for a budget session on 1963 budget. IThe City Attorney reported on the request from Nathan G. Richardson concerning liquor abuses, which Iwas referred to him at the previous Council meeting. After careful study and discussion with the chief of Police and the Police Judge, it is their recommendation that an ordinance be passed to make a minimum fine of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for minors who obtain alcoholic beverages by lithe use of falsified identity cards. They feel that a more strict fine on the minor would get at ithe problem better than a fine on the tavern operator, who is possibly bilked by the fraudulent 'identification, During discussion, it was pointed out that the adult who obtains liquor for minors l,t,ShOUld also be included in the recommendation for a more strict fine. The attorney will make furth r I,study of the matter. I '1',Mr. Gunner Iverson, owner of the former Post Shingle Mill requested that the delinquent water bill I lof $149,05, left by the former owners, be waived so that he could have water as a fire protection. i II ..... 130 Proceedings of the' City CommiSsion' of the 'City of Port Angeles,Washington JULY 19 19~ .t.:(Io H "'!lINn!tG 0;0. ....Z4U~ Afte!' much discussion, It 'lias mO\1edby' eo1:lTtc11.man Willson that ,the bill :of $i49.eS againet the Penw insula Shingle CD. account be waived to Mr. Iverson so that water -service may be resum8'd on that line, Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~,o.~ L 1A/\.orJ-JM MAYOR L ", :,,4, /JJu J;,~ "BAA ~e City Council met in special session at 4:45 p,m, to award contracts for construction in Local I~provement District No. 184. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard and Clerk McNeece, ~e bids, as tabulated by the Engineer's Department, were as follows: J, E. Work Co., $197,084.18; I Olympia Oil and Wood Products Co., $205,513,39; Tucci & Sons, Inc" $213,227.85; Del Guzzi Construc, Ifion Co., $215,282.85; Kilmer Construction Co., $216,362,75; J, D, Shotwell Co., $219,670.81. 'The ,two bids on bituminous plant mix and extra paving for property owners were: J, E. Work Co., ~20,774.80; Kilmer Construction Co., $20,B61,50, ~e Mayor read recommendation of City Engineer that the contracts be awarded to J. E. Work Co., for Istreets and drainage, $197,084.18 and to Kilmer Construction Co. for alley paving, $17,561.50 plus extra paving for property owners in L.I.D. j~e City Manager recommended that Kilmer Construction Co. bid be accepted for bituminous plant mix for alley paving - 2,266 tons @ $7.75 unit bid price for a total of $17,561.50 and pointed out that Ithe unit bid price of J. E. Work Co. was $7,80 per ton, a total of $17,674.80. ~t was moved by Councilman Thorne that the bid of J, E, Work Co. for streets and drainage at an ~stimated unit bid total of $197,084.18 be accepted, Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously 'Carried . I ~t was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bid of Kilmer Construction Co. for ~s recommended by the City Manager, based on unit bid price of $7,75 per ton ~ix, Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. bere being ria further business, the Il\€eting ~Ias adjourned, ~ I alley paving be accepte~ for bituminous plant I ,rilJi ~~ ~',\!',,,.iJJ.t,()~~-Y, " NAOR', ,.' , ';1J!A:/ 0.p ./'A'I?.J CITY CLERK EXHDIZT "A" ;II~~~~~~:~~~ J:~~Jl !l'0'J,'J:C:E or SALE ~~dlJ~~~~~l~~:~~~~~o~~ the tnt\H'Q!il CITY Or POB'l' ~OELES All bldl3 shall bo sea.led, and I;ho..ll LOCAL DlPROVElJ4EJr.1> DIS'l'1U~ be accompanied b)' 1\ good faith de- WA:ABAN::' f3~ BOJl1)S ~~~~c:'~~ ~~~C{or~ad~r P~yi~l~f~~d tg~ NOTICE IS I-n:REBY GIVEN that l']'CllS\lrcr of the City vf Port A]1- the City u( 1'01"1 Angeles, Washlng- goles fot, the account of the Local tOil, Ill'OPO~E!~ to IHsue durJn~. the Impravemen t DIstrict No. 184 Con- pel'lod of constructIon, warrants struction Fund in the amount of drawn all Local Improvement Dist. $2;;00, which check will he returned l.iet :);0, 184 J"un<t of the city In the if the bId is not accepted. Said good principal amount Of approXimately f<lith oeposH wllt be credited in pay. $2OU,OUU. ment uf the Iirst Local [illIlfOVC- Sltid warrants wilL lJe redeemed hy ment District NlI, 11';4 Fund warrant llondll- at !la1d local imllrovement to be issu~d III a like J)rindpal district wlllct\ will be IS9uod upon iLlrlfJunl, whl(~h walTHllt will hI;' r~- completion of such construction an~ taiaefl by tile cily_ If l<u(~h ~ltCCe~l;. cun;fll'll1ationof tl1e.assessmontroU011 fill hirhlel.- shall rnn rJ1' lwglect to 11l)llruxirtlatcly NO\'<lrnbcl', 1963, and COrDlllete llle purchase Qr all Qf ~a1d which wlH mnture in- twel\'o ).00.1'13 w~rn,nlS fDllo'"'."ing the Rcc<!ptance ,af from date of Issue. his hid, SuCh first warrant -with the , NOTCB IS IlE:REDY FURTHER accruod Interest <lue thereon .shall !OlYEN that Ml\led bids for- the be forfeited to tile eity. tr sue]l I)urchase of !;laid warrants a.nd bonds successful bidder completes the pur, wHl be received at the office of the chaso of all or <:mid warrants and lClty Clerk at the City Hall In Port exchanges same with the city for Allg~le8, WashJngtoll, until'; :::0 (l.m., cash alld the bonds of this local Pacific Dalillghl Tim~, IIn Improycment district, said first war- Augu"t J 6, 1962 rant and the accrued j]lterest earned 'f(~I;h~~n~ld:ere~a~da~~n~~i~:tl~l:eJnl~); ,~~e;~~ll ~~~~~s~{~i'bjdd~hr~ pH;>pcrly Ilhe City Councn. The city reserycs the ri~ht to re- Said warrant!J and bonds w111 be jeet finy and all bids submitted, and floJd tvgatller tt! the Mader 5ullmlt- lit waiye any Infomlfll:lties therein. tlng the best bid therefor. Each l;>ld The city will lla~' fOf tbe printing must bo for both the warrants and of said bomlE!. lJonds, a.nd must be for par tot' said The DlJhlion uf Preston, Thorgrlm- warrants, and par Qr par and n SOIl, Horowitz, Starin & Ellis, bond premium for gald bonds. The .$lme cQllllseI o-r SI'arUe, \<\'"ashhlgtull, E1ll- interest ra.te, at not more. than G% pro\'lng the legalit}' flf the ilislULllce per annum, mUlit be specified tor ot all ot the wal'rants llrnwn eUl ~both the bonds and warrants. In said Local Improvement District wlll computing the best bid,lt will lie he furnished b~' Ihe city. n..:sumcd by the clty that the prin- DATED at POrt Angeles, ....Vashln~- ,oipal amount of tllC bond13 to be toll, this ~Ild day of Augm;t, 1902. h;sued Will be $175,01)0 with a five B. B. McNEECE year uYcrng~ lIfc, and the best bid City Ch!l'k :~~~c~in~dllij~;~ a~: ~~r~llc9~~~J Pub]l.\,hed: August 9, 19li2 I i I ,I '1.1 ,> " , 'I I I I