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Port Angeles, Washington
July 19, 1994
CALL' TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle, Hulett,
Ostrowski and Schueler.
Members Absent: Councilmember McKeown.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J.
Pittis, B. Titus, K. Ridout, N. Wu, and C. Hagar.
Public Present: D. Roberts, B. Burfitt, C. Raab, L. Meyer, and V.
Library Bond Library Bond Issue: Mayor Sargent opened the discussion on the Library Bond
Issue Issue, noting that Messrs. Larry Haas and George Stratton were present as
representatives of the Library. The Mayor indicated the purpose of this discussion
was to address certain unanswered questions and arrive at a consensus on how to
Mr. Haas advised the Council that the scope of the project involves a 25,000 square
foot new library building, to include all pertinent costs for construction, equipment,
furniture and landscaping. He distributed a fact sheet setting forth projected costs
for the entire project, totaling $4,098 million. A contingency of 7% was factored
into the estimated project costs. Lengthy discussion ensued concerning the
contingency and whether it would be sufficient to cover unanticipated change orders.
Public Works Director Pittis cited the City's current construction projects, such as
the Fire Hall and the Senior Services Community Center, and indicated that a 10%
contingency factor had been budgeted for certain elements of the construction.
Manager Pomeranz cautioned that certain expenses have been incurred specifically
relating to drainage, which may also be an issue with the library due to the close
proximity to Peabody Creek which will be the logical recipient of stormwater.
Director Pittis related that because of stormwater drainage into the creek, the
Department of Fisheries will be involved in the process which will significantly
escalate the costs.
With regard to the overall project, Mr. Stratton referenced a Marysville project for
a new 26,000 square foot library with a bond of $3.7 million. Based on Marysville's
figures, the Library Board is confident with its estimates provided. Manager
Pomeranz stressed the importance of the Library taking full responsibility for all cost
overruns. However, Mr. Stratton indicated they didn't know what they would draw
upon in view of the fact they are putting all of their funds into the project. Mr. Haas
felt that if the Library would have total authority to make decisions on additional
expenses, then the Library Board might be comfortable with accepting this
Mayor Sargent emphasized the need to have sufficient funds set forth in the bond
issue, and Councilman Ostrowski indicated the Library should avoid asking for
additional funds from the City at a later date. Manager Pomeranz supported this
position by noting that the City doesn't have any additional financial resources in this
regard. He agreed the bond amount must be accurately determined.
Discussion followed concerning the involvement of the Department of Fisheries, and
Director Pittis responded'to a question from Councilman Braun by summarizing the
City's past experiences with Fisheries and the associated costs. Mr. Stratton advised
the group that the Library had planned on budgeting $250,000 for site work;
however, Director Pittis cautioned them that this figure may fall short of actual
Manager Pomeranz indicated his desire to discuss these issues in general in order to
prepare the staff to meet with the Library representatives to prepare an agreement
for the Council's consideration at its August 2 meeting. An interlocal agreement on
July 19, 1994
Library Bond this project is appropriate.
Issue (Cont'd)
Discussion followed on the merit of cutting costs in certain areas, how this might be
accomplished, and the necessary timing of making certain cuts. Also discussed was
cash accruals at the Library and the anticipated revenue to be generated in the future.
Further, the matter of selecting and hiring cOnsultants was considered, and the
Library representatives felt it important to be advised as to how much the City
wishes to be involved in this project. Attorney Knutson indicated that, because this
will be a City-owned building, there are certain RCWs which must be adhered to in
terms of selecting architects and soliciting bids for construction. Mr. Haas viewed
this as a joint project, and he expressed the hope of saving as much as possible on
architectural fees. He mentioned the possibility of finding a comparable size building
and adapting those architectural plans to the needs of the Port Angeles facility.
2D...~ q;:czt~c~n ',v:.~ ra~:,cA be the project manager, and Mr. Haas
indicated they weren't sure. They hadn't budgeted for a project manager. He
acknowledged the need for such a person and felt it would be advisable to compare
costs associated with using City staff as opposed to engaging an outside firm for this.
However, Manager Pomeranz indicated City staff would still need to be heavily
Discussion then centered around plans for the building to be vacated, and Manager
Pomeranz strongly supported the inclusion of funds in the bond for planning in this
regard. He noted the community is desirous of seeing plans made for structures
being vacated, including the old Senior Center. It is not acceptable to vacate the
structures and leave them vacant for years to come. It has been suggested that the
facade on the front of the Library building be removed in order to return the
structure to the original Carnegie Building. Manager Pomeranz reiterated that
consideration must be given to removal or renovation, and funds for this effort
should be included in the bond issue. Lengthy deliberation followed on how this
might be accomplished, how it might impact the decision of the voters, and how it
would be explained to the electorate.
Mr. Haas stated there is a possibility that additional funding might be made available
through the Walkling Trust Fund; perhaps such funds could be directed to renovation
of the old building or toward the new construction. It was agreed by consensus that
additional funds should be included in the bond issue for addressing the utilization
or demolition of the vacated structure. However, Mr. Haas shared his concern with
the inclusion of anything in the bond issue which would greatly increase the amount
or complexity of the bond.
Councilman Braun asked Finance Director Godbey for input on the financing. She
responded she has been working on various scenarios over the past few weeks and
by adding $200,000 to the amount of the bond, the owner of a $100,000 house
would pay an additional $2.00 per year. A $3.5 million bond equates to an average
property tax increase of approximately $37.66 per year for each taxpayer, based on
an assessed valuation of $100,000 per house. Mayor Sargent again expressed her
discomfort with a 7% contingency and urged that consideration be given to
increasing that figure.
Manager Pomeranz asked that Attorney Knutson and Public Works Director Pittis
meet with Messrs. Haas and Stratton to identify the issues and prepare an agreement
for the next Council meeting. He summarized that it has been agreed that additional
funds will be added to the overall bond issue for such matters as project
administration, as well as addressing the disposition of the vacated structure. The
Library representatives agreed to change the amount being requested. A brief review
was held concerning the present working relationship between the City and the
Library under the current lease agreement. Mr. Haas indicated the City is
responsible for major renovation. The Library is responsible for minor renovation,
maintenance, insurance, and utilities. He expressed the opinion that this same
relationship would continue with the new facility. He cautioned that, should the
election on the bond issue fail, the City may be faced with meeting the requirements
of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the present facility.
In closing the discussion, Mayor Sargent expressed the Council's desire for and
support of a new Library. She felt the discussion had been worthwhile, as it is
everyone's intent that the project be handled appropriately. She thanked everyone
for their participation.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 6:55 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:08 p.m.
July 19, 1994
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Louise Meyer.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: July 5, 1994. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
CEREMONIAL 1. Proclamation Recognizing "Port of Angels ~ Derby Days, August 20 - 28,
MATTERS/ 1994.
"Port of Angels~ Mayor Sargent read a proclamation declaring August 20 - 28, 1994 as Derby Days.
Derby Days Audrey Church, Derby Days Queen, introduced Princess Tabatha Briggs and
Princess Corie Salmon and thanked the City for sponsoring Derby Days. She
presented Council members with Derby Days pins.
Clerk Upton 2. Clerk Upton Recognized for Certification
Recognized for
Certification Mayor Sargent stated that Clerk Upton had worked very hard to achieve the goal of
certification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. The Mayor
presented the Clerk with a plaque forwarded by IIMC declaring her to be a Certified
Municipal Clerk. Clerk Upton received a standing ovation from her fellow staff
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Ostrowski had nothing specific to report; he did attend several meetings.
REPORTS: Councilman Hulett reported that the Chamber of Commerce is attempting to schedule
the Blue Angels to come to Port Angeles next year. The City may be approached
by the Chamber of Commerce for a letter of support.
Councilman Braun attended Capital Finance Planning meetings, as well as meetings
for Clallam County Transit Facility Maintenance, Real Estate Committee, UAC,
Capital Operation Maintenance Committee and Clallam County Transit Authority
Board. Some of these items will be discussed later in the agenda.
Councilman Schueler attended a UAC meeting and a dedication at Kalaloch of the
Olympic Marine Sanctuary.
Councilman Doyle attended an Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority meeting.
A large fine was levied against Simpson Timber which may reduce assessments
against cities and counties.
Mayor Sargent attended an EDC meeting and the Olympic Marine Sanctuary
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Schueler moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Out-
of-state travel requested bY Police Communications Manager to attend E-911 and
communications system training in Pittsburgh; (2) Voucher list of July 15, 1994, for
$660,870.52; (3) Payroll of July 3, 1994, for $389,319.29 and (4) Change Order No.
4 for the addition of sidewalks and wheelchair ramps to the Senior Services and
' Community Center in the amount of $10,857.00. Councilman Hulett seconded the
motion. After a brief discussion of the Senior Center change order, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE City Manager Pomeranz requested an addition to the agenda regarding discussion of
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ a work session on Growth Management related issues with Clallam County. This
STAFF TO BE was added as Item E. 8.
PLACED ON A Don Roberts, 151 Billy Smith Road, asked if an ordinance on the issue of firearms
FUTURE AGENDA: was going to be considered this evening, as there were several people present who
wished to speak to this issue. Attorney Knutson advised the Council that it was free
to take input on this issue if it so desired. There was no proposed ordinance in the
agenda packet; therefore, no action can be taken on an ordinance this evening. The
Council could direct staff to bring an ordinance back to the next meeting. Mr.
Roberts requested that the Council not give the matter consideration until public input
had been received.
July 19, 1994
LEGISLATION: ,4. Public Hearings
Six-Year TIP and CFP 1. Consideration of Six-Fear Transportation Improvement Plan and Six-Year
Consideration - Capital Facility Plan
Resolution No. 7-94
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department
regarding the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan and opened the public
hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Public Works Director Pittis explained that the TIP is a delineation of projects, and
it is not a fully funded program. He also explained the difference between the
Transportation Improvement Program and the Capital Facility Plan.
There being no public testimony offered, Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing
at 7:29 p.m.
Councilman Braun noted that the TIP represented many hours of work. A brief
discussion followed with a further explanation of the TIP being given.
Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Six-Year
Transportation Improvement Program.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, correcting the
date of passage from June to July. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion.
After further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by Light Director Titus regarding
the Capital Facility Plan. Director Titus used the overhead projector to provide a
more detailed explanation of the Capital Facility Plan, inclusive of a summary of
expenditures, funding, and projects recommended for funding. He further reviewed
the funded projects and the various sources of funding. Director Titus felt that with
the magnitude of the projects and all the issues addressed at the CFP meetings, it
would be beneficial for the Council to schedule a work session to review the projects
and funding sources in more detail.
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. There being no public
testimony offered, she closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Discussion ensued, and the Council considered the merit of conducting a special
meeting for further discussion and review of the Capital Facilities Plan. It was the
consensus of the Council that a special meeting will be scheduled for August 9,
1994, at 5:00 p.m. to conduct a work session on the Capital Facilities Plan.
Engrossed Second B. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Substitute House
Bill 2319 I. Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2319 Ordinance to Exempt Port
,4ngeles from Certain Provisions
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Police
Chief Ilk explained that the legislation does not change the current practice in the
community, except it prevents a person who does not have a concealed weapons
permit and has not been convicted of certain crimes from openly carrying a weapon.
Chief Ilk felt that the legislation would not prevent crime, but rather would penalize
the law abiding citizen. Criminals do not openly carry a firearm prior to committing
Chief Ilk felt that if the Council opted to exempt the City from this legislation, it
would satisfy a lot of people's concerns, wouldn't cause crime to increase, and would
be uniform with other North Olympic Peninsula communities. He does not believe
this legislation was intended for this area, and that is why the exemption was added
to the bill.
Don Roberts, 151 Billy Smith Road, representing a group of concerned citizens, felt
that this legislation has imposed a restriction on the citizens which does nothing to
control crime. He agreed with Chief Ilk's comments and recommended that the
Council pass an ordinance exempting the City of Port Angeles from House Bill 2319.
Bill Henry, 2206 E. Sixth Avenue, a retired police officer, urged the Council to
July 19, 1994
LEGISLATION: exempt the City from this law. This law will do nothing to reduce crime. He
(Cont'd) distributed material to the Council which showed that ownership/possession of
firearms is a deterrent to crime.
Engrossed Second
Substitute House Roy Morgan, no address given, former Port Angeles Deputy Police Chief, felt this
Bill 2319 (Cont'd) law to be a violation of constitutional rights.
Lewis A. Hueber, 543 N. Bart Road, urged the Council to pass an ordinance
exempting the City of Port Angeles from House Bill 2319.
Jack Hughes, a Port Angeles resident and 40 year law enforcement veteran, has
never had a person carrying an open gun pose any threat to him. He agreed with the
testimony already given.
A brief discussion followed, and Councilman Braun moved to direct staff to draft
an ordinance exempting the City of Port Angeles from engrossed second
substitute House Bill 2319. Councilman Ostrowsid seconded the motion. After
further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:50 p.m.
Deferred Compensation C. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Program -
Resolution No. 8-94 1. Request Signature of City Manager for Agreements re: Deferred
Compensation Program
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Human Resources Manager
and read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, approving IDS Financial
Services and Great West Life Insurance as
companies offering deferred compensation
program investment options for City employees.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by tifle. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission D. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
Approval of Fund Raiser E. Other Consideration
for High School Soccer
Team 1. Approval for Port Angeles High School SoCCer Team Fundraiser- Curb
Painting of House Numbers
Mayor Sargent recognized Ms. Carol Johnson, a representative of the Girls High
School Soccer Team, who explained that the girls had been working with staff to put
together this fund miser. Three-inch house numbers will be painted on the edges of
the curb. She introduced Head Coach Kim Peters, Sara Beth Long, and Amanda
Lavin, who explained the details of the fundraiser and how it will be accomplished.
Kim Peters, Head Women's Soccer Coach, explained that they wanted their
fundraiser to be beneficial to the community, and painting the curbs was a great idea.
She gave special thanks to Jeff Pomeranz, Ken Ridout, Craig Knutson, Becky Upton
and Jack Pittis for their assistance. The Council expressed its hope that this would
be a successful venture for the students.
Contract with Parametrix 2. Consideration of Contract with Parametrix for Groundwater Monitoring at
for Groundwater the Landfill
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Pittis stated that there is no State money available to,conduct these tests, and
it will cost apProximately $40,000 per year to nm the program. Discussion
July 19, 1994
LEGISLATION: Councilman Braun moved to approve the contract with Parametrix and
(Cont'd) authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilman Hulett seconded the
motion. After further brief discussion, a vote was taken On the motion, which
Contract with Parametrix carried unanimously.
for Groundwater
Monitoring (Cont'd)
Exchange/Purchase of 3. Request for City to Exchange/Purchase Green Belt Property in Peabody
Green Belt Property Creek Ravine
Councilman Ostrowski stated that he had spoken to the Parks Director, and it was
suggested that this item be referred to the Park Board for a possible Peabody Creek
Trail. Councilman Ostrowski moved to refer this item to the Parks Board and
that a recommendation be forwarded to the Real Estate Committee.
Councilman Schueler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Agreement with WSDOT 4. Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation to Provide
Real Estate Services
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the Agreement with WSDOT and
authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilman Braun seconded the
motion. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Contract with AMSCO 5. Contract with AMSCO Engineering for Preventative Maintenance
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department.
Councilman Schueler moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract with AMSCO Engineering Service for 1994. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Issuance of RFP for 6. Request Issuance of Proposal for Architectural Services for Building
Architectural Services for Improvements to the Police Department
Police Department
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Police Department.
Councilman Sehueler moved to approve the issuance of a request for proposals
for architectural services for building improvements to the Police Department.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. After a brief discussion regarding cost
allocations and when E-911 would go into effect, a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Architectural Consultant- Z Architectural Consultant Selection Review Committee PENCOM
PENCOM Enhancement Enhancement Project
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Police Department.
Councilman Doyle moved to authorize a Review Committee for the Architectural
Proposals for the PENCOM Enhancement Project comprised of a City Council
Representative, a Public Works representative, the Chief of Police, the
Communications Manager, and a PENCOM Advisory Board representative from
Clallam County. Councilman Sehueler seconded the motion, which carried
unanimously. Councilman Doyle volunteered to serve as the City Council
representative and was so appointed.
Meeting with County 8. Meeting with County Commissioners on Growth Management Issues
Commissioners on
Growth Management Mayor Sargent explained that the County Commissioners requested a joint meeting
with the City Council to discuss Growth Management. The City Manager felt it
appropriate for the County Commissioners, City Council and staff representatives
from both entities to meet in joint session.
It was the general consensus of the Council to set a meeting date of August I, 1994,
at 1:00 p.m., with August 8, 1994, at 1:00 p.m. as a possible alternate.
ADJOURN TO The meeting was adjourned to executive session at 9:30 p.m. to discuss a matter of
EXECUTIVE SESSION: real estate and litigation for approximately 20 minutes.
July 19, 1994
RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 9:52 p.m.
ADJOIJRNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m.