HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/20/1961 ,. ... 84 ProceeDings of the City ~ommission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JULY 20, 19~ I.IoIofPRINTINOCO. ':_l!__n. ~ ',The Port Angeles City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. Roll call of Officers revealed the fOllowinJ present: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall,Caldwell and Haguewood, Manage~ Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. ,It was moved by Councilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. Sea:mded by Coundlman Caldwell and carried. Under the head of unfinished business" bids for construction of the Municipal Swimming Pool were considered Del Guzzi Construction, Inc., $289,500.00. Alternate, Gunite process, deduct $5,000.00. Elling Halvorson Company, $324,786.00. Alternate, Gunite process, deduct $6,000.00. P. & B. Company of Washington, Inc., $317,000.00. K. T. Henderson, Inc., $275,815.00. iThe Manager read results of bid tabulation with recommendations. Architect Muri assured that bids were about ,as he expected and recommended that the Countil adopt the construction contract as listed, K. T. Henderson I: :on basic bid less alternate 3, 6 and 7, this being considered a competent company. It was moved byCounc1l1 man Richardson to accept the bid by K. T. Henderson at $275,815.00. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood.1 II,The Manager reminded that other items must be furnished after the pool is finished, the same to be included I :'tn the Budget. Councilman Randall cited cost as exceeding the $300,000, with Architect fees, sales tax and, cost of land. Councilman Caldwell questioned legality of using bond issue for conStruct ion not including the: price 6f land. The Attorney assured that the land can be acquired and deed put in escrow, the cost to be ' provided in the i962 Budget. As for legality in question, the Bond Ordinance reads on property owned or to b~ acquired by the City, The question ';ya'S requested and all voted "Aye". M6tlon unanimously carried. I Bids for Municipal Swimming Pool Bonds: First National Bank & Associates, 3.8636% effective rate. State Finance Committee, 4%. Seattle First National Bank & Associates, 3.8533% effective rate. Olympic State Bank and AssoCiates, 3.6894% effective rate. It was moved by Councilman Richardson to accept the bid of Olympic State Bank. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. Bids for Local Improvement District No. 180 Bonds: Southwick-Campbell-Watetman, par plus 14*. Interest, 4.85%. Grande &. Company, Inc" 100.17% of par value for bonds. Interest, 4,70%. Warrailts at par. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the bid by Grande and Company, Inc., be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. The Co~ncil considered a Lease by the City to Clallam County on land at the County Fair Grounds. Councilma, Randall explained that only minor changes are made from the original Lease. It was moved by Councilman ',~'~ Richardson that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Lease and the same be refeB'ed to the Prosecuting Attorne)i for approval by the C,ounty Commissioners. Seconded by COuncilman Randall and carried. ,Under the head of new business, one application for Beverage License was received: Thunderbird Boathouse. ,It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the application be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and ! Carried. Minutes of Planning Commission, July 18th, were read for Cou'ncil consideration. Hospital District' No.2 having requested change in Curb alignment to allow for angle street parking, this in conjunction with L.I.D. No. 180, and at no extra cost to the District, Mr. Rogers, Administrator, appeared and explained in detail the parking problem and change desired. It was moved by Councilman Richardson to adopt that portion of the Planning Commission minutes as read so far and approve the request from the Hospital. Seconded by Council man Caldwell and carried. Other order of business was petition asking vacation of alley in Block 36, Fogarty and Dolan Addition. Petition to establish First Class Residence Zone iil area from 12th Street south to Boule- 'vard and from brink of Tumwater Gulch to near C Street. Discussion of a request to the City Council from the 'I Library Board for an addition to present Library. It Was moved by Councilman Haguewood to approve the :balance of the minutes and place on flle. Seconded by Councilman Sm ith and carried. I'Dan Brakus fil, ed petition requesting the alley be opened through Block 8 of Fogarty and' Dolan Addition. It wa I moved by Councilman Smith that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. I i Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. I , , i Reports of City Departments were approved as follows: Treasurer's Financial, Police, Police Judge, Fire, ,i Budget Expellllitures. It was moved by Councilman Smith that reports be accepted and placed on file. Second d by Councilman Richardson and carried. ~ Claims payable were approved in total atnou, nts of: General Funds, $14,689.61. Water Fund, $2,361. 34. Pipeline Fund, $202,176.44. Light fund, $12,321.21. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that all clai s as enumerated be paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. Councilman Randall reported on State Labor Council he attended In Yakima at which time Mr. Luce, Administrator for B.P.A., spoke regarding power intertie with California. It appears that the Administration is gOing in the ~ed each year and where they were ahead each year in payments on the B.P.A. proJect some $76,000,000, since ii, 1957 this has dropped to 40 mlllion and is constantly going down. There is only two things that can be done,: to raise the rates which would effect this utility and all users in this area,or proceed with intertie with I, CaUfdrnia, the contract to be recallable on seven day basis. This would bring in revenue between twenty,! and thirty million, depending upon sales during peak loads which would be seven or eight months of the year,1 thereby eliminating operation of California's generating piants during this period. I( this is done, there woul<il be no reason to increase rates of Public Utilitieswhich would help Port Angeles and all users. Counci.lman Richardson introduced John Calvin, his Brother-in-Law, City Attorney of Moses Lake and Deputy Prosecutor for Grant County. Under the head of introduction of Resoiutions, the following was introduced for Council approval: I I I I RESOLUTION NO. 10 - 61 A RESOLUTION of the City Council providing for the installation of sewers in Block 357 of the Townsite of Port Angeles upon the prepayment of owners of property to the City of the estimated cost of installation. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be adopted as read. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 1 !z. 8_ ':i nLif {I CITY CLERK )'{~ ! UA~4 ~'AYOR '