HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/20/1976 150 CITY COUNCIL' MEETING Por::t Angel es, Washi ngton July 20, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Councilman Anderson, Buck, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: Mayor Olson Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. F10dstrom, R. Orton, H. Kochanek, P. Carr, T, Honnold, D. Frizzell, R. Parrish. Guests Present: L. Sunny, J. McCaffrey, G. Epperson, S. Higgerson, R. Anderson K. Thoraldsen, D. Cushman, H. Melton, M. Clevenger, J. Wesley, P. Boeren, R. Brien, W. Eder, K. Eager, C. Cantrell, E. Kailin, H. Kai1in, L. Switzer, R. Ferguson, J. Steinman, J. Estes, Mr. and Mrs. D. Eshom, R. Richards, N. Turner, C. Boardman, S. Sunglavin, J. Anderson, D. Hilt, C. Knebes, B. Knebes, S. Fahnstock. I II MINUTES Councilman Ross moved the minutes of the July 6, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. IV FINANCE 1. First and Front Street Lights Project. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve progress billing Number 7 of $1,037.39 to Harstad Associates, Inc., for design engineering from April 26, 1976 through June 25, 1976 on the First and Front Street Lights Project- FAM Projects H - 5896 (1) & (2). The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. As of June 25, 1976, the design portion of the project is 100 percent complete. 2. Vouchers Payable, LIDs, Payroll. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve $323,303.71 Vouchers Payable, LIDs of $21,500, and $108,804.96 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and passed by the Council. 'V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA A group of citizens concerned about the possibility of an oil port being located in the Port Angel:es area were in attendance and Mr. Leo Sunny requested permission from the Council to speak in opposition to an oil port at this time. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood advised Mr., Sunny that Agenda Item No.9 relates to the oil port and that the Council plan to schedule a public hearing at that time for July 27,1976 so all interested citizens can express their views on this issue. Mr. Sunny pursued his desire to speak on the matter at this meeting. Manager I Whorton then reported that Ron Richards, Vice President and member of No Oil Port, Inc., had presented a formal request, dated July 15, 1976, that this matter- be placed on the July 20, 1976 meeting agenda for discussion, however, as Mr. Richards was out of town, it was impossible to inform him and the members that the discussions were postponed to a proposed July 27, 1976 public hearing. Mr. Sunny was advised that the public hearing would be the appropriate place tor him to express his views on ,the oil port. J. Estes then addressed the Council indicating his concern about the Washington State Facility Site Evaluation Council meetings on the oil port matter as they relate to the City of Port Angeles' representation at the meetings, the Council's position on the oil port matter, and protection of the interests of the citizens of Port Angeles. I I "I VI I I 151 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA cont. Mr. Estes was also advised that the City Council have not been approached on this matter nor have they taken a position on the issue, and that the purpose of the public hearing is to afford an opportunity for both the opponents and the proponents of an oil port being located in our area to express their views on the su bj ect. LEGISLATION 1. The public hearing on A. Hoagland's Petition to annex real property to the City of Port Angeles was opened at 7:50 P.M. by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood, who then ca 11 ed for comments from the audi ence regard ing the proposed annexati on. There was no response from the audience at this time. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read the "NOTICE OF HEARING" and the "PETITION" for annexation. The petition contained the legal description of the property to be annexed and also the property owners agreement to assume the General Bonded indebtedness of the City as established by the City Council at the July 6, 1976 Council Meeting, and that the property will be zoned CAD. The petitioners also agree to abide by the provisions of the City Annexation Policy. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood again requested comments from the audience on the proposed annexation. As there was no audience participation, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood declared the hearing closed at 7:54 P.M. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood next introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1888 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1888 AN ORDINANCE annexing Block 1, Green's Belle View Addition, together with vacated portions of Belle View Avenue, to the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously passed by the Counci 1. 2. The Planning Commission July 12, 1976 meeting minutes were read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood with the following action being taken by the Council. Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the circulation of a petition for annexation by Emery and Hannah Rayment with said petition stating the petitioners will assume the bonded indebtedness of the City, that' the area will be zoned commercial arterial district (CAD) and that the petitioners will abide by the City's annexation policy. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. The next Pl anning Commission item taken under consideration by the Council was the request of Mr. Gene M. Gase (CUP-76(6)l, of Alpine Realty for a conditional use permit to construct a duplex on that portion of Suburban Lot 34, Townsite of Port Angeles, located on the northwest corner of west 5th Street and Evans Street, 2003 W. 5th Street. The Planning Commission minutes indicated that several owners in the neigh- borhood spoke in opposition to the request and submitted a petition opposing it, with adjacent property owner R. Ferguson reading into the record his letter of opposition. Mr. G. Gase presented the Planning Commission with the architect's plans for the duplex and indicated the building would be a large duplex costing approximately $60,000. The Planning Commission recommendation to the Council is that the C~P be granted on the condition the 3D' of Evans Streets be deeded to the City, and that the building plans and costs submitted by Mr. Gase at the July 12, 1976 meeting would be met. 15? CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 2. cont. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood next read a letter received from Mr. R. Ferguson, 2009 West 5th Street, dated July 17, 1976, in which Mr. Ferguson indicates that after he reviewed all the facts pertaining to this matter, heis with- drawing his opposition to construction of a duplex at 2003 West 5th I Street provided that all of the conditions established by the Planning Commission are retained and approved by the Council. Mr. R. Ferguson and another area property owner, H. Melton of 1928 W. 4th Street, were in attendance and discussed Mr. Gase'5 request with the Council, Mr. Whorton and Attorney Taylor. Following the discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of Mr. Gene M. Gase for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a duplex on that portion of Suburban Lot 134, Townsite of Port Angeles, located on the northwest corner of West 5th Street and Evans Street contingent upon 3D' of Evans Street being deeded to the City and building plans and costs sub- mitted by Mr. Gase at the Planning Commission July 12, 1976 meeting would be met. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman Buck voting "NOli and Councilman Ross abstaining. Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission July 12, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. 3. Councilman Wray moved Valley Properties Rezone request be taken from the table. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read a letter from Valley Properties requesting I the rezone to multi-family of Lots 5 through 8 and 11 through 16, Block 427, Townsite, be resubmitted to the Planning Commission. Councilman Hordyk moved Valley Properties' Rezone request be referred back to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman Anderson and Ross abstaining. 4. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1889, entit1 ed, ORDINANCE NO. 1889 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, providing for an adjustment in the wages of the employees represented by IBEW Local 997 in the Light Department and the Equipment Rental Division of the Administrative Services Department for the period April 1, 1976 to March 31, 1977. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and unanimously passed by the Council. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood 'next introduced and read by title Resolution I No. 13-76 entitled, . RESOLUTION No. 13-76 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles approving the 1976-1979 Labor Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the City of Port Angeles Employees' Local Union No. 997, International Brother- hood of Electrical Workers. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council. 1'""3 _.1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 4'; cont. I Resolution No. 13-76 authorizes the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City the 1976-1979 Labor Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the City of Port Angeles Employees' Local Union No. 997, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Agreement was then signed by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood with Robert S. Hurworth signing for Local Union No. 997. 5. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood introduced Ordinance No. 1890, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1890 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1747 relating to sewer connection fees and permit requirements. Manager Whorton reported that the purpose of Ordinance No. 1890 is to amend existing Ordinance No. 1747 by clarifying both the responsibilities of the property owner/Contractor and the City relating to roadway restoration in conjunction with connections to a public sanitary sewer or storm sewer system. Director of Public Works Flodstrom explained that the only change to the fee structure was a modification to include a provision for charging the actual installation costs for each connection to a public sanitary sewer or storm drain system requiri.ng the installation of a tee or wye. . Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood then read Ordinance No. 1890 in full. I Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt Ordinance No. 1890 as read by the Mayor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council. 6. Councilman Wray moved the proposed amendment to Cemetery Ordinance No. 1864 be taken from the table. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." Manager Whorton advised the Council that the purpose for amending the existing Cemetery Ordinance is to provide regulations governing the interment of cremated remains at Ocean View Cemetery which are presently not covered in Ordinance No. 1864. In conjunction with the Ordinance is a proposed Reso- lution establishing a charge of $50 for two foot by three foot cremain lots located in the cremains burial section (Section H), MaAager Whorton explained. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read in full Ordinance No. 1891 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1891 AN ORDINANCE amending Section IV of Ordinance No. 1864 providing for interment and disinterment at Ocean View Cemetery. Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion. I On call for discussion on the motion, the permitted number of interments in one cemetery plot was discussed at length with Parks Director Frizzell. It is noted Ordinance No. 1891 provides for interment of one body in each four foot by nine foot grave plot except in cases of mother and infant child buried at the same time, infant twin children, or one remains and one cre- mains, or two cremains. Councilman Anderson was of the opinion that the Council should allow the maximum number of interments in one plot that the grave could physically accommodate. Council man Buck obj ected to the phrase "mother and infant chi 1 d" as being too restrictive. 154 CIry COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 6. cont. At this point, Councilman Hordyk called for the question on the motion before the Council. On called vote, the motion was denied with Councilman Hordyk voti ng "AYE", Councilman Ross not voti ng, and Counc i lman Anderson, Buck and Wray voting "NO." I Councilman Ross reopened the discussion on the Ordinance stating there are two issues before the Council for consideration, that of establihsing the number of interments allowed in a regular 4'x9' grave and the number of cremains to be allowed in a 2'x3' cremains lot in the Cremains section. Parks Director Frizzell then briefly reviewed the circumstances that led to the need to amend the Cemetery Ordinance and to establish a Cremains Section at Ocean View. He explained to the satisfaction of a majority of the Council the number of interments that could be accommodated and allowed to cover all types of situations in both the regular plot and the cremains plot. Councilman Ross moved Ordinance No. 1891, Section 1, Subsection F, be amended to change the phrase "mother and infant child" to read "parent and infant child" and to adopt Ordinance No. 1891 as amended. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and the motion carried with Councilman Anderson voting "NO." Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read in full Resolution No. 14-76 ~ntitled, RESOLUTION NO. 14-76 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles amending Resolution No. 23-65 as amended by Resolution No. 4-70 as amended by Resolution 24-75 with reference to rate charges for Ocean View Cemetery adopted under the authority of Section IV b. of Ordinance No. 1864 I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously passed by the Council. 7. In reference to the City of Port Angeles Resolution supporting Public Pension Reform, it is noted that the Walla Walla City Council passed a Resolution concerning Public Pension Reform in April of 1976 and requested supportive legislative action from the Port Angeles City Council. Councilman Hordyk moved the "Resolution supporting Public Pension Reform" be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council deny the request of the Walla Walla City Council and terminate the proposed City of Port Angeles' Resolution. The motion was. seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. 8. The next matter the Council considered was approval of $360 as the City's share of 701 Grant given to the Clallam County Conference of Governments for a Planner. Manager Whorton informed the Council that the Clallam County Governmental I.. Council have been given a Grant of approximately $24,000 for a Planner to study the impact of a major industry such as an oil port upon Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles. The U. S. Office of Community Development will fund approximately $16,000 for the project and the remaining $8,000 must be made up as a local share. The local shares can be in-kind services, which a large portion will be, but there remains a certain portion to be made up in cash. The Port of Port Angeles, the County, and other governmental agencies are also being asked to support this project. Manager Whorton recommended the Council approve the request and support the program. As City Representative on the Clallam County Governmental Council, Councilman Ross reported on the planned stUdy. Citizen participation in the program is a requirement of H.U.D. and a citizen group will act as an advisory committee to the planner selected to complete the study, Councilman Ross stated. '1 ......._'.". 155 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 8. cont. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $360 as the City's share of the 701 Grant given to the Clallam County Governmental Council for a Planner. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. and it carried. I 9. In reference to a request by No Oil Port, Inc. for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood announced that the Council would schedule a public hearing on the Oil Port matter at this time to provide an opportunity for representatives of Northern Tier, No Oil Port, Inc., and all interested persons, to express their views on the issue. The Council discussed with Manager Whorton the format to be followied at the hearing, selection of a facility to accommodate the largest number of people, the length of time for the hearing, publication of the hearing notice and notification to the news media, and the Agenda. Following the discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood declared a public hearing will be held by the Port Angeles City Council on Tuesday, July 27, 1976 from 7:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. for the purpose of providing an opportunity for interested persons to express their opinion on the Oil Port matter, with the location for the hearing being determined and published as soon as possible. Also read into the record by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood was Ron Richard's request to have consideration of an "Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan" placed on the July 20, 1976 meeting Agenda for discussion; request to be considered at the August 3, 1976 meeting. 10. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the Civi 1 Service July 7, 1976 meeting and the Clallam County Humane Society June report be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I 11. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board that Jack Curtis Stewart, dba Marine Drive Cafe, 536 West Marine Drive, Port Angeles, has discontinued licensed operations at the above location and has submitted his license to their office was read into the record by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood. 12. Under late items, Manager Whorton referred to Public Works Director Flodstrom's report on the Landfill, dated June 18, 1976 and presented to the Council on July 6, 1976, and requested Council authorization to proceed with Mr. Flodstrom's recommendation to use a portion of the $20,000 budgeted for additional .land pur- chases for improving the existing borrow pit by shaping and sizing the pit and=utilizing the excavated material as fill for the 16th and "I" Street Fairgound parking lot. The Council authorized the Public Works Department to proceed with the improvement. 13. Manager Whorton suggested a work session be scheduled for Thursday, July 29, 1976 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. for discussion on the 1977 Budget and Business Licenses. The work session was scheduled as noted. ;1 14. Manager Whorton also referred to an article which appeared in the DailY News relating to the handing baskets of flowers in the Downtown area and reported Parks Director Frizzell is aware of the condition of the flowers and is taking steps to improve the growth of the flowers. 15. Attorney Taylor brought a matter before the Council relating to the vacation of a portion of Center Street in April, 1974, as per Ordinance No. 1819, and the subsequent overpayment of $482.74 by Obert Schilke for the vacated street. Mr. Taylor explained the circumstances which resulted in the overpayment and advised reimbursement in the amount of $482.74 be made to Mr. Schilke. Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize $482.74 be repaid to Obert Schilke. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the May Financial Reports, Treasurer's Report, and Expenditures Report; the June Reports for Fire, Municipal Judge, Police and Utilities; and Kochanek, Miller and Honnold Out-Of-Town Reports. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Counci 1 . 156 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1976 VII STAFF REPORTS 2. Councilman Ross: / Councilman Hordyk: Councilman Wray: Councilman Anderson: VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned .at 9:10 P.M. :1J~ e. /-lH_M~ City Clerk Read letter from Bob Philpott, Partner of Continental Homes, explaining the plight of Continental Homes and other FHA Buildings as a result of the U. S. Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development discontinuing their mortgage insurance program due to alleged inadequate water quality within our City and urging the City Council to resolve the water quality situation immediately so FHA loan guarantees can be reinstated in our City and low down payment housing can be continued. Commented on action taken by the Council during his absence on W.P.P.S,S. 4 and 5. Complimented Finance Director on his Budget/Expenditures Report; commented on the number of speeding tickets issued by Police Department during June; reported on his attendance at the Energy Conference; commented on White-Rogers thermostats. Commented on insufficient sleeping accommodations for tourist's waiting for ferries, Manager Whorton will check with Chamber of Commerce re listing of private homes that may be available to alleviate this problem. Reported on efforts being made on drafting a new Pet Ordinance. ~-~~T~ Mayor il I. I I