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Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
507 .,
July 21, 1937
The Commission met in regular sessiun at 10 A.I:. and Vias called to order by Mayor Davis.
Roll call showed the following officers presen t: Mayor Davis, CommiGsioners Henson and
Masters, Attorney ~onniff and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of .'pplicati ons for Building Permits and Licenses the foUovling were
gran ted :
N. M. Hawkins, Repairs to House, Lot 15, Blk. 293, Townsite
Sig Larson, Construct Porch, Lot 6, Blk. 40, );.rt. iimith's Subd.
Sig Larson, Remodel Bld~, Lot 9, Blk. 16, N.R. Soith's ~ubd.
Olympic Laundry, Cleaning & Pressing
I l,rel Vander Wel, Journeyman Plumber
I Phyllis Burke, Merchants Hotel, (24 rooms)
"nna q. ~ramer, ,Innex Hotel (20 rooms)
Bricky'sPlace, Soft Drink
~. George 'ray lor 11 11
: Street .:Jh~p 11 ::
. The Olymplc 11 .
I Ci ty Barber Shop (;;: ohairs)
D. H. Ploof, 3 Barber Chairs
Elks Barber Shpp, 3 Barber Chairs
J. U. ~tonecipher, 1 Beauty Parlor ~hair
Doc Yak, 3 Barber Chairs
F. H. Ader, 1 Barber chair
E. Doucette, 1 Barber Chair
D. ". Blauroc::, 2 Barber ";hairs
H. u VanDecar, 1 Barber Vhair
';/." "ilcox, 1 Barber Chair.
H. A. Critchfield, 1 Ba~ber vhair
George "hi te, 2 Barb er Vhairs
Dorothy Chamberlain, 1 Beauty Parlor VhBir
Mabel Haller, 1 Beauty Parlor ~hair
Virginia Maneval, 1 Beauty Parl~r Chair
Eunice Thomas, 1 Beauty ~arlor Chair
Mrs. ~. Lyda, ;;: Beauty rarlor Chairs
, Byron's Beauty ShOll, 2 Beauty Parlor ~hairs
Mamie's Beau ty Shop, 2 Beauty Parlor "ha irs
Loop Auto ;/recking vo., Second Hand 'Dealer
Ben ~eeks, Master plumber
Cassilio's Grocery, Soft Drinks
J. L. ZehrobskY, Journeyman Plumber
100.00 ,
100.00 I
Under the head of Unfinished Business,-
The Commission took up for fur'ther consideration the matter of that certain Resolution
adopted on July 14th and recorded In Vol. 19 of ~ommissioners' Proceedin~s on Page fi05,
provi,ling for a lease for a te.'m of 5 years to the Benjamin Franklin Thrift Stor~s, of
the followine described real property o\med by the City of Port Angeles, to-wit;
The undivided one-half interest in the East 18 feet, 8 inches, of thc South
140 feet of Lot 10, and the ~est 13 feet, 4 inches, of the South 140 feet of
Lot 9, all in Block 1, Tidelands ~est of ~aurel street in the City of Port
Angeles, Clallam County, ':Iashinp;ton, having 8. frontage of :1;: feet on th~ North
side of ~'ront utreet, on vlhich there is a tv/o-story frame building, the /l,'round
floor of which is 3;: feet front by 1,,0 feet deep. "fhe said lease to be for the
1st floor of said buiUing.
After duly consideI'inf; the matter, it \7aS moved by Commissioner Masters that :he said
Resolutivn be recinded and set aside. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll c~ll
all members voted [J.V~. Thc ;,rayor d~c: Jrpd th~ motion care-ied.
Pursmmt >,0 the follov/ing notice to bidd~rs the Citv Clerk
reported 1 bid on file for 9aving Eighth ~treet fro~ the ~e8t
margin of .(ace Street to the "'aet margin of L~ncoln ,jtreet and
from the west end of Tumwater Creek Bride;e to the \'/est mar6in of
C Street, C Street from the north margin of "'i,3hth Street to the
Boulevard, thence westerly along the Boule\'ard to M Street, and
Ennis ~treet from First Street to the Olympic Forest Products
Co. Mill, with a light Bituminous Surface Tr"atment thirty feet
in wid th, also Eighth Street from the ',"le:,t margin of Lincoln
Street to the "'ant end of Valley Creek BridGe and f'rom the ile'3t
end of the {alley Creek Bridge to the East end of 'rumwater Creek
Bridge, with a non-s~id seal treatment fifty feet in width, the
bid being as follows:
;"iO'I'J('I'~ '1'1) nlnllEU~
11'0 ~OI~li~Owit; I ]~;;~'(;~:,~"f..!~'(illl)~~]\~l\' ~':i\";
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\Vnsllillgtoll, until .rulr :l1, 1!1:!7, llt.1
10 fl.m,. a1111 not later. flt t11(' OrrilT
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\/ashington Asphalt. Co., amount of bid, ;,is, 53". bO, CertHi ed ";heck
accompanying bid, )500.00
It was moved by ComMissioner Hasters thE. t the bid be referred to
the ~ity En~ineer for checking and report back to Commission.
Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted
aye. The l.iayor dec lared the moti on carr i ed .
Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
July ;;:1, 19m
Under the hear] of Introductions of ;'esolutions the follO\/in' resolutions \Ve!'e introduced:
':lHSR~U, The Ci ty of Por-t Angel ~s is the owner of the fullowill? d~sc,..ibed re'll property,
havinp. acquired th~ same by Treasurer's deed dated July l~, 1937, under and by virtue o~
the autho~ity of .:lection 9693 of "emington's Revised .:itatutes. ~hapter 14:1 of the Laws of
19~9, page 365, to-wit:
Lot Two (~), Block Two Hundr"d Eighty-three (283) of the "overnment 'rownsi te of
Port Angel~s. ~lallam County, Jashinston, and,
,1HER~AS, Geo. O. Sands has offered to purchase the above described real property from
the "ity of Port An!eles for the ,,'Um of ~175.00 payable as f'ollol'ls: ,~~5.00 cash and the
balance of J150.00 in monthly payments o~ ~15.00 each, beginning on August 12, 19~7,
and $15.00 on the lGth day of each and every r.1onth thereafter until p:. id in full. Int-
erest to be charged on deferred payments and collected with the monthly paymentsat the
rate of 7% per annum, and, '
';lHEREAS, 'i'he amount offered for the above described real prorerty is in excess of the
amount paid by the said ~ity for said lot, plus all L.I.D. assessm~nts, includin6 inter-
est and other charges against the same, and,
'llHEREAS, the City ~om( ission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion thst the
offer is fair value.
NO';/, THEREFORE, BE IT RESJL VED, Tha t said offer be ace ep ted and tha t th Ci ty of 1'01' t
Angeles sell the said property At private sale to th" said Geo. O. "ends for the sum
hereinabove set for th, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the Ci ty .
Attorr.ey be instructed to prepare a qUitclaim dced conveyine said property to the I
purchaser, and tha t the vi ty Gle rk 0 f the Vi ty of Port --ngel es be and he is he re by I
instructed to execute said quit olaim deed, and that the liayor of the vity of Port "ngeles
be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purohase
price and all aocrued interest thereon has been paid in full.
I It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the fore~oing ResolutiJn be adopted. Seconded
I by Commissioner' Masters. On roll call all members voteR 9YIL The l;layor declared the
mo tion carried.
WHEREAS, The City of Port ,\ngeles is the oVlner of the folloYling described real property,
having aC(luired the same by Treasurer's deed da tel July H:, 1937, u,nder and by virtue
of the authority of "ection 9:'\93 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Vhapter 14,\ of the
Laws of 19~9, Page 365, to-wit:.
Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10 I. Block Three Hundred ,'ifty-one (351) of the TOVlnsi te of
Port .<>.ngeles, Clallam County"lashingtort, and,
IIHEREAS, E. B. Oldfield has offered to purchase the above described real prop~rty from
the City of Port .<>.ngeles for the sum of ~150.00, payable as follows: ~25.00 oash and the
balance of -k125.00 in monthly payments of .;?lO.OO each beginning on '<>'U"1lst 7, 19~\7, and
010.00 on the 7th day of each and every month the.reafter un'll paid in full. Inter)st to
be charged on deferred payments and collected with r:lonthly payments at the rate of 7%
per annum, and,
I WHEREAS, The amount offered for the above described real pruperty is in exce,lS of the
amount paid by the said City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments inr:luding
all interest and other charges Against the same, and,
WH;1;R":AS, The Ci ty ~ommission has viewed the said property a ,d is of the opiniin that the
offer is fair v,lue.
NOVl. TH>:[, :FORZ, BE Ii' ii cSULYED. That said offer be accepted and that the vity of Port
Angeles sell the said property at .orivate sale to the said E. B. Oldfield for the sum
hereinabove set forth, subject to allY other valid liens a,;ainst t:he same, that ';he CitJ'
Attorney be instructed to prepare a (luit claim deed convey in? said property to the
purchaser, and that the vity ..'Clerk of the City of por-t ..n'.'eles be and he is herHby
linstructed to execute said q,uit claim deed, and that the hlayor of the vity of Port
Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersirn said qui t claim deed, \'Ihen the
Ipurchase price and all accrued interest thereon hAS been paid in full.
lIt was moved by Commis'ioner Henson thac the forecoin~ resolutio,n be adopted. Seconded
by Commissioner Haste's. On roll call all membe.'s voted aye. "he Eayor declal'ed the
motion carried.
\'lHER3AS, The Ci ty of Port "ngeles is the owner ~f the folJo\'lin,.' described rp.al ]l~'operty,
having aoquireJ the same by Treasurer's deed dAted July 12, 193~, under Dnd by vlrtue of
~ the authority of Section 9,19,3 of "emingtoi1's Revised Statutes, "hapter 14:'\ of the 1,aVls
of 191:9, page 365, to-wit:
Lot J;;ieh~ (8), Block Two Hundred ~'ifty-six (~56), 0;' th~ T.ownsite 0" Port .'ngeles,
Clallam "ounty, ','Iashington, and,
','lHER"'AS Arthur "nderson has offer ,d to nurchase the above descri bed ~eal property from
the City of Port An3eles for the sum of $50.00, psyab{e as follows: $10.00 cash and the
Ibalanoe of ~40.00 payable in semi-annual payments of ~10.00 each on January 7th and
July 7th of each year until psid in full. The first payment to be made JanUAry 7th, 19~8.
Interest ~o be chal',:>;ed on defe .red payments and collected with semi-annual payment at the
'rate of 710 per' annum, and,
Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
July d, 19:57
I. ',I1IEREAS , The amount offered :::'01' the above desc:ribed real property is in excess of th'l
lamount paid by the said ~i~y for said lot and the Ci~y Commission havin~ viewed the said
~property is of the opinion that the offer is fair value.
NO',i, THEREFOR'" B" IT RE30LVED, That said offer be accepted. and that the City of Port
Angeles sell the aaid property at private sale to the said "rthur Anderaon for the sum
hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens a~ainst the sam~; that the
City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Quit claim deed conveyine said. property to the
purchaser, and that the Ci ty Cl~rk of the City of Port "'n".el es be anrl he is h~reby
: instructed to execute said ,<uit claim deed, and that the ~byor of the Ci1;~, of Port
'Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersien said quit c18i~ d~'d, when th~
purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full.
It was mov~d by Commissioner Henson thRt the fo:re701ng resoluti~n be adupted. Seconded
by Commissioner l.1asters. On roll call all members voted aye. '"he U',yor d~~lared the
motion carried.
The Commission examined and allowed the folloVlin;:; claims and orde:r.,d warrants drav;n for
D. A. Uasters
Port Angeles Auto uupply Co.
i Trick & Murl'ay
Exnens e ol.'\,C ;ount
She 1 ves fOl' safe
.'1 .72
,g ~ 12.44
, Haugen Sheet lIe tal
]Frank Macdonald &
Standard Oil Co.
0..)0 os
Repairs to sprinkler
Die sel Oil
3~ --
Underwood Elliot Fisher Co.
Port Angeles .,uto ':>upply Co,
Hunting Realty Co.
.n. Olson
Typewriter depair
Simonizing Car
.(,3 V
47.;; 8
Filion Mill & Lumber Co.
City Treasurer
52:\. 76
There being no furth~r business the ~ommission then
?J 7rKJ~~
, .
City "le"'k