HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/21/1948 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 465~ July 21. 19~ I I 11 I: " ~ .~ n... .."n, ,__"n_ ....._ ,m. ~ liThe Cormnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by JI.ayor Epperson. Roll iof officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, COI!llllissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney IV/ilson, and Clerk Law, . call Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses, the folloYTing were granted: "" fuilding Permits: .2. ~ '-SO Jack llelGuzzi W'Ove House and Remodel; Lot 7, Blk. 287, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Build S-Room Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 287, Townsite ,Rennie Anderson Enlarge Back Porch; Lot 14, Blk, 91, Town~ite 'DeLux Gleaners Addition to Present INTelling; E2 II and Vf 12, Blk. 20, N.R.S. W. J. Sommerville fuild TvTO 3-Room Duplex & Basement, 2-Car Garage; Lot 18, Blk. 40, N.R.Smith er: 4,000.00' 6,000.00 ISO .00 1,000.00 9,500.00: Licenses: .:I. 71 : Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating I Palace Tavern Pala ce Tavern Palace Tavern Olympic Recreation Olympic Recreation Olympic Recreation Pershing Hotel Merchants Hotel C. E. Taft Makah Sporting Goods Ma ster Plumber 2 Amusement Machines Music Ma chine So ft Drink Music Machine Soft Drink 3 Amuseme nt Ifdlchines Hotel Operator, 19 Rooms Hotel Operator, 34 Rooms Second Hand Dealer 1 Amusement J./achine 25.00' 48.00: 12.W 5.00; 12.001 5.00, 72.00, 19.00, 34.00, 15.00, 24.00 installed I Under the head of new business a petition signed qy property owners requesting a street light be at Seventh and Eunice Streets VTas referred to the Light Superintendent. The Institute of Government to be held in Seattle was discussed qy the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the Conunissioners next regular session be held Monday, July 26, thereqy enabling certain officials to attend the said Institute. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I: The COlmnission approved a petition to become a member of the Olympic Health District Board. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that Commissioner JOMson be appointed to act as a member on the said Health doard. Motion se conded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following VTas introduced: RESOLUTION 'NHEREAS, qy the virtue of Chapter 183, Session Laws of the State of Washington for the year 1945, provision lis made for the establishment of health districts, and I !'NHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Clallam County, Washington, has adopted a resolution Ideclaring its intention to organize and become a component part of a health district under the act aforesaid, I now known as the Olympic Health District, I IN017, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the l':omrnission of the City of Port Angeles in regular session assembed as, follows: ' I 1. That the Mayor and such other Commissioner or Commissioners as he may select are hereby authorized; " to petition the Board of County Commissioners to be included in the public health district organized qy such board; I : 2. Such city officials are hereby authorized to iI!llllediately, negotiate with the district board of I health to determine the functions to be performed for the city by the health district and the amount of Innancial contritutions to be rrede by the clty to such district, reporting to the Commission the result of such negotiations. It was moved by Commissioner JOMson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by !commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following were I' I introduced: I 225.00 I ! 3,000.00' I approved and the property sold. I I , i , 226.66, 1.55 1.54', 31.72 175.42 .62: 19.96, 89.96 I Carl S. and 'J. M. Davis I Lois L. Green Lots 19, and 20, Blk. 144, Townsite of Port Angeles W} Lot 7 and E~ Lot 8, Blk. 1, Tidelands West of Laurel Street, except a 20 foot strip for alley purposes as the same is now established over and across the above described property ! I It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be Seconded qy Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved </3 CURREIIT EXPENSE FUND: 54'7- I Ci ty Employees I Retirement Board :A-One Cabinet Shop Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Habit Cleaners Allan Dlst. Co. Epperson & Sons JThe Texas Co. (ort Angeles Auto 'CITY STREET FUND: IAllan Dist. Co. J. J. Dailey Janish Motor Co. I City Employees I Retirement Board the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: City r S Share-Pens ion l'Und Cutting Blocks to Order Parts Cleaning Gasoline Ma chine Time Havoline Tools, Hdwe., Parts \ Supply Co. (; f7 _() y .Gasoline, Kerosene, Oil Tire and TUbe Auto Repairs City's Share--Pension Fund 442.63 84.7:!! 16.16 103.58 466 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 21, continued, 19~ 'WATER FUND: ,4F:z.::-'1" Allan Dist. Co. Olympic Foundry Co. 'Seattle Plbg. Supply Co. H. D. Fowler Co. Marckmann & Williams Statewide City Employees Retire. LIGHT FUND: Iftf:1.!'- Allan Dist. Co. Harold and Ray Green Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Carl \'I. Price Port Angeles Salmon Club Olympic Electric Co. Pa cific Railway Supply Co. Statewide City Employee's Retire. 1<- SANITATION RIND: 7 f ' City Employees' Retirement Board LIBRARY FUND: 3.6 ~ I City Employees I Retirement Board Jennilu Norris PARK FUND: 'Ii {I Allan Dist. Co. City Employees I Retirement Board Gasoline Pipe Fittings Fittings Fittings Tools l'und Retirement Contributions-City's Share I 10.20 ' 40.37 80.55 108 . 28 s.n 257.15 <1' 92.011 2.58 8.17 12.00 25.00 4.12 76.09 222.45 Gasoline Repairs Parts Wash Cars Adv. Parts Rails FUnd Retirement Contriwtions--City's Share City's Share-Pension Fund City's Share--Pension Fund Sharpening Lawn Mower, Postage, etc. Mo bilgrease City's Share-Pension Fund PARKING ~IETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FlIND: flf -!:.2. City Emplo:r'"8es I Retirement Board City's Share-Pension Fund oS' L.I.D. CUARANTY nmll: /1(. , City Treasurer ERICKSON CHILDRENS PLAYFIELD FUND: 1l. O. Adolphson Taxes Paid Lots 19 and 20, Blk. 144, Townsite yS 11~7 ' Construction Community Kitchen 116.08 , 1,127.85 i There being no further wsiness, the session was declared adjourned. ac,~, d City 'Clerk jfdJ ~ /idf',h/ Mayor ..... 78.96 29.04 6.271 I 1.90 ' 59.911 I 14.82, I I :: I' '"'; 'I, I) If'