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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
J~ 2J.
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by V~or Smith. Roll call
offofficers showed the following present: Mao>"or Smith, CouncilJllen Brown, Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, and
Mcfadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney .Severyns ,and Clerk Law. "
It was moved by CouncilJllan Wolfe that minutes of the previous session be approved as. received. Seconded
by CouncilJllan Sandiso n and carried.
Unier the head of unfinished business, one informal bid was received from Del Guzzi Bros. for construction I
of emergency pump house. It was moved by CouncilJllan Sandison that the Manager and ~Iater Superintendent
be authorized to proceed with negotiation for the construction to best interest of the City. V.otion second..,
ed by CouncilJllan McFadden an1 unanimously carried. '.1
Bids to furnish cable and material for the Light Department were received as follO\'lS: I
500 ft. 4/0 conductor, 15KV ungrounded, rubber covered, ,via Rail, 3240.00 per M., via Water, J'l,17~.00
per M
1,000. ft. 500 MCM conductor 5 KV unshielded, via Rail, $2137.00 per M., via watJlr, 2,077.00 per M." I
120 ft. 4" galvanihzed conduit $233.90
6 4" galva:1ized elbows " 62.97 I
12 3/4" X 12' copperwelded ground rods, $83.11
'12 3/4'! ground rod clamps 6.97
4 R4001 O.Z. cable suppollB 66.40
2 R4001 O.Z. cabbIe supports
F.O.B. Port Angel.es 33.20
.500. ft,,'4/0 Roecozone gro)lDied ca1:>le, via ,vater $2,544.00 M.
Alternate: 500 ft., same, Butyl base insulation, 2,544.00 M.
1,000 ft. 500 M.C.M. Roecozone non-shielded cable, 2,077.00 M.
120 ft. 4" Galv; conduit 221.80
6 ft. 4~ Galv. couplings, cUs. 10.71
12 3/4" ,x 12' ground rods 83.ll
12 ' 3/4~ ground rod clamps 6.97
. 4 cable.tenninals 306.52
2 cab.1be terminals 33.26
F. O. B. Port Angeles '
Manager Vergeer. recommended tin t bid by Gray-bar Electric Co. be accepted as offer by Westingbous e does I
not cOmply with requirement'S. It was moved by Councilman,McFadden that recommendatioQ be approved and offer
by Gray-bar accepted after varification of price quoted on Item 4. lolotion seconded by CouncilJllan Sandison . ~
All' voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the he",d of new business, the following reports were filed for approval: Treasurer's financial
report for month of June, Police Judge report for June showing $3,384.00 fines collected, ..Semi-annual
report for !"ight Department,' Monthly budget reports of City Departments showing receipts apd expenditures
for June. ~t was ,moved by CO\lIlCilman Brown that all reports ,be accepted and plecSJi on file. Secoplied
by CouncilJllan Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .
Claims . paid July-8th an1 llth were approved in total amount of ~1,338.04. It was moved by CouncilJllan
Brown that claims be approved as plid. Seconded by Counci;1ma]l Sandison and carried.
Council. considered request by Guy. Bem~er for minimum prive on Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Blk. 456. It was
moved by COWlcilman Wolfe that sale of the lots not be considered at this time. Seconded by CouncilJllan
Matthieu. All voted Aye. }lotion carried. .
- -
Merchant Bureau representatives Scanlan and Rogers appeared before the Council requesting adoption of an
Ordinapce providing for control of itinerant merch!,nts, hawkers an1 peddlers. Mr. Scanlan cited peddlers :
an1 photographers interfering with local business, also mis-representation to customers. Mr~ Rogers I
read proposed Ordinance. similar to one adopted by City of Shelton. Attorney Severyns read Ordinance No.
~ 1037 ldlich prohibits. ~nerant merchants and transient vendors from going upon private property with~ I
out having fi.rst having been requested or invited to do so. Chief Kochanek explained how appointments I
are made by telephone thereby being invited. It was decided that the Ordinance now in existence is suffic-
ient and being, enforced. Chamber representatives were authorized to erect signs advising of Ordinance in
effect here. . I
Council discussed participation in Social Sec)1rity by City emplcyees in conjunction or supplementation' I
with the present retirement system. . Mr. Vergeer read information recently received from Romeo Bott, j
S,ecretary of Retirement System, citing cos.ts and benefits of the two propositions. It was moved by Council-
ll)Sn McFadden that the Manager be authorized to proeeed according to iuformation available and obtain ' I
sentiment of City personnel concerning th~ proposals. . Motion seconded by Counci:tinan Wolfe,' All voted /we.
Hotion carried. '.
I C.ouncilJllan Wolfe repo;rted complaints received of low water pressure in area of Eight)1, D, and E streets.
}fr. Vergeer informed that a booster pump is being installed on Eleventh Street which should provide
nonnal pressure. '.
! Dick Hubbar d thanked the Council and all concerned for cooperation an1 assistance with Independence
Day celebration. Also reported cash balance of 3420.00 to start fimd for next years I event and requested
permission to use Civic Field. . .
Publication ani opening of bids for construction a: trunk ani lateral sewers in L.I.D. No. 169 was consid- ered. It was moved by COWlcilma1 '~olfe that a speCial meeting be held Aug. 11 at which time the bids
will be. opened. Mction seconded by: Mrs. Matthieu and unanimously carried.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read in full:
. llFSOLUTION NO. 14 I" 55 '
I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of filet Angeles, Washington creating a Construction Fund for Local
Improvement Distriot No. 169 of the gity of Port Angeles for the purpose of paying all of the costs of
i the improvements to be constructed and installed under said local improvanent district including all costs
lbmcidental thereto. .
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 21 e9ntiau9~
"". , ".... ".,,,,, ,,,,,~,.., ~",....... ....
1\'IlEREAS, by proceedings duly and regularly taken and by Ordinance No. 1352 passed and approved
July the 7th, 1955, Local linprovement District No. 169 was created and the Il'onstruction and installetion
, of certain improvements authorized, and
WHEREAS, the City.Council did heretofcre advertise and have entered into a contract for the sale
of local improvement district >rarrants ani bonds on said Local Improvement District No. 169 to be
, drawn on Local Improvement District No. 169 Fund created by Ordinance No. 1352 to pay the estimates due
the contractor and incidental costs incurred ,in connection with the construction and installation of
the improvements to be made in said Local Improvement .District No. 169, and
\'iijEREAS, ,it is necessary that thsJIllOney received by the city for the sale of said warrants and bonds
,~hall be placed in a special constImction fundand used to pa;r the costs of said improvement, ani
WHEREAS, it is necessary that such a special fund be created for said purposes.
Section 1.: That, there be ani,is, hereby, created ,a special fund of the city known as Loca:!. ImprovSJn<ll t
District ,No. l69 Construction Fund. All monies re.cei ved from the sale of >rarrants or bonds on the Local
Impi-Ovement Di~trict No'. 169 Fund shall be placed in said Construction Funi and it shall be used solely for
thl' p1l!'Pose of paying the costs of the construction and installation of _ the improvements in said local
improvement district, including all costs incidental thereto.
It wal;, lJllJVed by Councilma~ Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved atrl, adopted. Seconded by
~uncil.man Wolfe and un8llimo\lS\Iir. carried.
No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned.
#' G. f~tLUr
. City Clerk
'71r- J~d!::-P/;
NOTI~~T~~\~~h~Il~lj~?~S n....L i, No~i~~T-lrl~~:~~yBIgfvEN,
I'C'1j('~ b'd:, will i:'{' l't""iv("ll tJ,'J I Lht:t THE ,CITY OF PORT A;N-
(he Cuv Clerk of thf'- Ciw or 1~c,.t GELE5 \vlli le{;ei,,~ at'tbe offlce
AJ1@"Clc"5. W<.I';hill'~t(1n._~U1U,) T11l1l"'- cf th.' .CitY Manag:el',': Clt.Y _llall.
d~)i:. l\ll<"TUS' 18th, 19,)0, umll 5:(l() .f\Jol't Au"'ck'i, We~~,ton,'J.m~l] 7:30
P.M, O'Crock ...nd not Jelel', at lhe P..I11 :;;i~nd.'lrd 'l'ill1fr' September 1.
~~fjjJb~ t.~~g~l~:~~, C~'\::l1~~;fO~l,Ci;I I, ~f;;;' ,~~,~!~~d C~~~~~~~~~'~l?j.t~~t~;~d
tht C:lY Hall fiI ~~.~:d Cit.:vJocnted ' O;d: S-':i'ffl>t.",Pol-t f;l'ri!'S1c:l,'.Wash-
,Il, 101u W('~l FrO,Il;, StreeL Pal' t .ngtor:. :... ;.>U;. .
An,-:"f':(' . B:cl- WJJl lle opcnf'd JIJj.I. All bids sha.11 be ~mp.al1icd by
Pllbllc:y rC':;;d d 7:30 O''''~l'ck P.lI.f. a c~:liLed chec\( ol"'Sf.aUd,EP'~ F'oT0
~~r~e O~~~fli'~e?p;~.~~:r ;ait~~ib'~~ ~h~O~~{\t~~r"~i~l.d 6l~~l~~~riie:;~~
improvt"m,'nt named hdow. f:n: ii' q~h1 1'.nI. i.ei1.<-. tb!l.ll iAV~ per-
In plackI' }] bid or bcd', on tlll:<' cen~ t5 perc~nl~. of the-, :l.n.61lt-lt of
work, the COi1tH~ctllr IDl'Y ~ltbJl;lt this biu~ WhlCh :l1a,U",be retuYlled jf
a bid on the Tr~...Ir-d Th,l,b('1" 'ft(>',- ,lIe \):n h UMl!('Ue'!'I~ful. . The ~heck
tic ci:l;r,~ 01" to~ether with Lhe otl1cr (II' ,bid bond 01, the ,'lLU.:cessf'JI b~d-
I TcgulClr fewer wort;. Bid;; :',he~t; det' QL. bid.de'l~ s,paH ..be ,retained
d~1c S~~~.:'~.,\~gh h~id;di~c~v~~CDtn~ ?,;.;~~;E{}'\ff~~~crllgH~~r~D~~
T:'le work cQIltempl~ted l-. for th,~ bond ,to, 'pe~'[orm tt'.e work fur-
Icou3tructioll or .pcnn StrcC'l A.r,,1>a :,',i."'hEd...a''''1:,'''''lU,ll'e,ci by ,mt: s~atlltes
Sanitan' Tnmk and Later",] S, oJi- i SJ[ 1l1t;'S~,,;-j)f Wlasbjfl~tcn and if
cts, tog'elhel' wlth a Trc.ltud Tm~- J 'uccc-;;~ tU1 b,d..til,)r OL", !;jldder.-,;. [niLs
ber Tl'e:-;Ce .3cro..', White'!;> Cl'"r,k I t.o f'ntd' ihtO' :"IRid dllltl'&d III ac-
~ CanYll:l aL the F.a~terjl (~Ed of co.Td~'e"r;:1~l .:t!.i1 'bid and to fUr-
t Georgiallil Street.. . . ':!idl ':'.'Cl1~. lnd, w1thllll,en ,101 day.;
I,' The following- pl'~nclpnl qU:lllti .;c- frO,Ill tb~' ,. te.., at W.hiCh he is t!o-
give a gellend idea of the ,"iCClpe titied th"f- ~)~;: t.hf' succc,-,;~ful bHi-
, .or 1he work: ' 3d', ,-ud- ch,-~..:k' or bid bond find
~ 16.075 Lin. Ft, G" to 12" Sewer ~11f' an.OQtlt ':i1C'reo1 shall be ior.
I I Pipe. f~ibelll. to the City of Port Angele?
16,015 'Lin, Ft. {) Ft. to 17 Ft. P-llln~ ar.d s;::ecificR,tiotls for tillS
-DeeD Tr,neb. cOllstl"uc;iCll A!'", on fIle a;: the of-
46 Stan::'!",rrl 7I.ffJ,nllo'I'';; flee tif thl' CIty 1\!ana~er. in the
300 Un. Ft. Tn"l\l'ed 1't m b (> l' City Hall JH, Fort AnlJl"le~.. WRS!-;-
Trc';tJe Av., 60 ,fL, Hi.'~ll. inr:-;oil a.nd rnes be e~a.l11med 01'
Pre-(lualih.:allOll of b:ddcrs i~ ft'- I)bl'3.!ned hy prospectiVe b:dde:'.'i
'Quired: . from ~,he ,:Cit~. ~Ianager or fr?m
All bid.,; :;b".1l be- accontprmierJ by G. C. Fieki, Arctmcct, Jone~ Bu.ld~
a r..:e,'I:ned check in t}w4":-;um of r.<lt ing, SI~:,U1e 1. WE';hing;;~n, upOt: 9-c-
los,,> than 5 pel' cem of th~ :ln1P'Jllt !;lo,<;it of ,F:fty Dollars ($:;)O,~O) w}-,lch
bid and mad!'llavBblc to t';lI> City wi:l be refunded upen tl)ell: Teturn
TreClslul'c' of thl:' City C1f Port An"'!';- ftJ aOJd <\Ud ,'eusflble 'CO!HlltWll 011
les, wa"r,ingu'm, or 1-he bid wlll not :hc'" ct;.te' of Ll1~ b1(~ opf:'n~ng
be considered. Th..o rl1hr IS l'eH;,l'Vect to. reject
A borrJ nf lOOper C't>llf of tho ",Uy tJt ail b~d;;.. and to WU1V!'! ftll}'
amoU11t'rf the ('nntI'acf price mt.t~" llq:n:l'>Htie~ and IlTeJ.!,:L:lal:it1es in
be fur1l1-";!1C'd by the ',uccf'<.,ful iJld~ {n~' bld or ill the biddinog.
del' . _ G. S. VERGEER,
Pl:lll<; :and ,pedfic'J,t;\)n" Inl'}' be 1 . .. CITY M~NAGER
obta;r.f'd .fl'( rJ.,l the Citv Cler,k upon -p If): AUgust 12, 19. l~!b"',
deposi~it!:r thp. ",um of T~n 1$10.001
Doll;l!"$:, WhlCh ,mn Will bf' refund-
ed if the piun", flod 'fceciflCi't[O:n.<;
are retllrnf'r! to th.e City Cle:'k be-I
fcrt> '11c bid" ?re onened.
'The C.i~v Caullel]' )"('.',el'VC!; the
right jc~ ;;jPic;W~n~i[~' CI~r~~dS. ~
lPub~ .A}llf'..Jit ,~l~, i95~