HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/21/1981 I I I 133 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 21, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. II ROI,L CALL Mel~rs Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus. Members Absent: Councilman Quast. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. P. Carr, J. Pittis, M. Cleland, R. orton, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, R. French, A. Rose, L. Glenn, R. Sweet, D. VanHemert. Public Present: J. Honnold, T. T:;:-eat, T. Haley, E. Fountain, W. Hatch, D. Price, W. McCrorie. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the July 7, 1981 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. IV ITEMS FRO!.' THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. George Crawford addressed the Council to question the status of his proposal that the Council consider adopting an ordinance which would prohibit the parking of commercial trucks in a residential district (July 7, 1981 meeting). Manager Flodstrom pointed out that an ordinance, which would apply to the entire City, was not needed for this one, isolated problem. Instead, staff has been working with the apartment property manager and vehicle owners who are parking near the 5th and Francis street' intersection, in an effort to solve this problem. Mr. Crawford then suggested that the City Manager and Police C!uef meet with him and other residents of this area to discuss their feelings'on this matter. ,Manager Flodstrom and Chief Cleland agreed to a meeting on July 22nd. Manager Flodstrom will contact the apartment property manager to see if he can attend also. v ITE/1S FROM THE COmiCIL NOT ON TIlE AGENDA None. VI FINANCE 1. FINAL PAYMENT/ACCEPTANCE OF WORK: CEMETERY MAUSOLEUM Councilman Buck moved the S. W. Baker for work done the project as complete. carried. Council authorize final payment of $1,816.37 to on the Ocean View cemetery Mausoleum, and accept The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and VII CONSENT AGENDA councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $62l,17l.38 and payroll of $l65,988.35 and $l69,967.83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. VIII LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PUD Franchise Request During the July 7, 1981 regular council meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Clallam County PUD requesting a franchise 134 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 19B1 VIII LEGISLATION L Cont. for use of the City right-of-way for the purpose of installing, operat- ing, and maintaining a 7.2/l2.5 KV underground primary electric distri- bution line along Scribner Road (off Old Mill Road). At this meeting, Mayor Haguewcod read a joint memorandum from the Light Director and City Planner containing background information on the I Pun's request, and an impact analysis of the Peabody Park Development for which this service is being requested. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing. Mr. J. Honnold, representing the PUD, addressed the Council to point out that the PUD was requesting this franchise for the convenience of the customer; access to the site from the extreme south wculd be very difficult and costly. Hr. Ernie Lackman, one of the developers of Peabody Park, also addressed the Council to question the memo's analysis that the development could ultimately develop to a maximum of approximately 200 lots, and explained why the developers felt the property did not lend itself to annexation at this time. One main consideration was the access to a sewer line and whether the present sewer line, near Rose and Eunice Streets, could handle addi- tional hook-ups. Mr. Tom Allen, who is purchasing the northernmost five acre parcel which needs the power, then spoke briefly to the Council to explain why he wished to remain in the County. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then questioned Mr. Lackman in regard to the condition of Scribner Road, whether all of the lots in the development had been tested for perk, and the location of the nearest sewer line. Councilman Buck then moved that the Peabody Park Development/PUD franchise request be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried, ~ -.." B. six Year Comprehensive Street Program Following a few brief opening comments from Public Works Director I pittis regarding the intent of the City's six Year Comprehensive Street program, Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing and requested com- ments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read in full Resolution No. 24-81 declaring that the City has reviewed its six Year Comprehensive Street Program and has filed a copy of this program with the Director of Highways of the State of Washington. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt Resolution No. 24-Bl as read in full by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Boardman questioned why the project to widen Cherry Street was deleted from the Program, and the location of the proposed resurfacing of Second Street from Cherry to Pine. Councilman Hordyk also suggested that, prior to resurfacing the streets and alleys in the Sunrise Heights area, the City contact the property owners to request that the overgrown shrubs and bushes in the alleys be cut back. On call for the question, the motion to adopt the ReSOlution was passed by the Council. C. Ordinance: Updated Zoning Map Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Planner Carr explaining that the Planning Department has prepared a new official zoning map including all the map amendments since adoption of the original ordinance and map (which was beginning to show severe signs of age). Since the original zoning map is to be replaced, staff felt the change should be done by ordinance. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing on replace- ment of the Official Zoning Map, and requested comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. I -~ Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2158 __ _..__':"....-I-.:._...~.'~:........J_ "_.'_ '0:-"-- I ~o.2< o~~o..2~o ~l~~o..z ~O~ gJ20o~g. .!!~1ao 02 -g~ aio~~~if~gl-fg~ ~~-!:i~Q ;z2 5=ij~~.~.t~ 1"6J~~~ ~: ~~ ! . · - ;: 0:: CI (l.! -.! &.5 .., ill 0 t: - 5: ~.J: ...l:l"'tLJ: 0 - U Cl 8...- c; lID Ct:t :~~ii-~i ~~u:~~~coao. WV~ ~.]~~~~ ~!~ ~ sl~& lo~.-Q.l"Eooo.2l"_-g5:2jE.:~ awolo..j.5~"i.~~.o g:22 u~g?~ Zz4l'lC' '3.-Gl~_UO -.U -..J:.s;::) u.,."J: oQl....e ._.., "i ~a.. 'l>> .... ZOj!5;j.f.l:.L..,.g~"-c:~<,,,~o_-~ -"I"'~=.cB.l';;?'i 1-~ 1. .-=t>..~ IO-&-i-- tf"'o~e: I;J~-C ffi>--.e~Oi-o.)(~ ......~.g-.....S2>-cf"3!: t=5c;;~ ~ui'=&.U;=~u; .u;.t:!Og,_ xmV_.....:>"'Cc;.-_e~ C'Ii.~_O.2~..g_..,'E \ ~ 0 <..g 1 t: <: a <".j ~ < ~ < .s 3: ~ :;): ~ to w: c -6 "'CI Q. 6 c: ~ C "'C ~ >- mp.: C 0 '0 ~ OU')t(JJ-g~~CD::.c:>:: .Jr:~~O~at;1.~:E:~~~a=:1=1~.2>--::':.=~~z-~ ~~~'2a.~ ~~o~ lDO~~ ~l~E a~o"'~il~ ~.e'.- iiit.gl=t~O! ~~ gv!~!~~~i~~~~:C]~~Z~~z~og5~5=.~Gl~~u~1~ ~ 15...c~v; ..5.o...ctE..-:_ a.o!"S> 0::0< E..I::UV2e:.!. .. C.Ofa:: _C"t .. , , !I ~ '" .... o "', 1 ~ . ;! o <i~-N ... c= c: '1 ..u-f>~"o ~ "'c~o..i::< t3 .~ U a:: 01< ': I ~~5~35l ORDINANCE NO. 2158 AN ORDINANCE of the City of P,ort Angeles amending Oroin!Jnce 1709. repealing Exhibit "B"to Section 2 of tho! Ordinance, and adopting an Official Zoning Mop for the City of Port Angeles. f WHEREAS. th. originol Official Zoning Map. iden- tified as Exhibit "0" to Sect.on 2 of Ordinance 1709. is over ten yeers old; and WHEREAS, numerous amendments hove been mode to that mop by rezoning ordinances; and ~ WIiEREAS. it is therefore .' neCes.sDry thot an up-dated ' mop be adopted os the of~ fidet 100.09 mop: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCil OF TH E CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES adopt the foregoing HEREBY ORDAIN os follows: motion was seconded' Sectton 1. The mop iden. } tified in s.ction :2 of Or. dinance 1709 os Exhibit "8" to tl1o. Ordinance is hereby repeoled. and tne Map at- tact1ed to this Ordinance as Exhibit ''1''. incorporated in this Ordinance by this reference, is hereby adopted as the Official Zoning Map of the City of Port Angeles. Section 2, This Ordinance shall be effective five days after publication. I PASSED by the City Council sChedUlel of the City of Port Angeles ot o regular meeting of said Council held on the 2l st day . olJuly. 1981. 1 Samuel J. Hoguewood Mayor ATTEST: 1981 "as schedule ~~;i~~~k Porrish. APPROVED AS TO FORM: C-raig l. Miller. City Attorney -: ' and place on fil. Pub.: July 28. 1981 _ motion ,,,as seconoed"fjy -Councilman Nayor Hagum.ood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing the Council .chat .che County has requested 'che removal of a condition from Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA, which reads: "No permanent. s.tructures shall be built" in the vacated street and alley. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 25-Bl entitled, r-RESOLUTIOi-rno.2s:a1~~ I A RESOLUTION of the City .of Port Angeles setting a Resolution No. 25-81 h~oringdatefordrequ~stto amend Orc:linonc-e No;,.'J975, I vacating 0 portion of :West 19t~ Streil;!t ond Q portion of the altey in Block 4S.oI,TPA. I os ~~EnR:~~f ~~~~~e~t ~~v~;~i f estate abutting a portion of I N ineteer"lth Street abutting Lot 1, Block 457, TPA, and Councilman Bilek moved the Council adopt the foregoing Res Lots 16. 17 ond 18. 810ck 454. . .. TPA, and lying north of tne ti tle by Mayor Haguewood, sett1ng a publ1c hear1ng date 0 no,!herly morgin of lau,idsen for consideration of this request, and refer the matter t Bouleva,d: ond that portion . . f d' h' d of the olley in Block 454. TPA. Comm1ss1on or a recomrnen at1on. T e motJ.on was secon e obulling Lo!s 3. 4. S. 11>. 17 Duncan and carried~ and 18, 011 as vocated pur- suant to Ordinance No. 1975. i has requested amendment to I said vacation Ordinance: and WHEREAS, said request has been signed by the owner of 011 of the property abutting upon the said vccated street and alley; NOW. THE~EFORE. 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES os follows: Section 1. The request for amendment to Ordinance No. ".I~II" be heard and ~ determmea-'by-ihis CoUiic11 on- the 18th doy of Augus!, 1981,;. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resi which is not more thon .i.ty . . . ~ (60) dOY$ nor le!;;s thon twenty title by Mayor Haguewood, sett1ng a publJ.c hear1ng date oi (20) doys hereolter. 1981 for consideration of this request, and refer the pet! Seclion 2: The City Clerk is . .. ..' hereby directed to 'gll's Plannl.ng ComrnJ.ss1.on for a reconunendatlon. The motlon wasl twenty (20) days notice of the COuncilman Duncan and carried. \ penden.cy of said amendment ~ request, according to the provisions of ReW 35.79.020. PASSED by the ~ity Coul1cil : of the City of Port Angele-s ot ',0 regular meeting of said . Counci I held on the 21 sl cloy of July. 1981. Samuel J. HoguewoGd Mayor CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 19B1 VIII LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Ordinance No. 2158 I 0710B NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN !ha! the Port Angeles City Council will hold 0 public he-artng on July 21. 1981, Q.t 7;00 P ,M" or 0$ soon ~h:;:~t~h~~b:;:~b~~ i~:~ Front Str..t. to consider adoption of on Ordinance amending Ordinance 1709, as previously ame-nded, to adopt a revised Zoning Map for the City of Port Angeles. location: City of Port Angeles Applicant: City of Port Angeles COMNISSION MINUTES All interested parties may { appear at the hearing and exp'"'' their opinion on !his guewood read the Planning COI!1IUission minutes of proposal. ~... . Oat.. July 10. 1981 .owJ.ng actJ.on beJ.ng taken by the Councll: Manon C Pcrrish t City Clerk '" ~Ub : July 10,1981 ne Request: OlympJ.C l1emor1al Hospltal -- -~ -' P.. 1:' lic hearing date of August 4, 1981 was of this request. k~ ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles a~ending Ordinance 1709, repealing Exhibit "B" to Section 2 of that Ordinance, and adopting an Official zoning Map for the City of Port Angeles. .cilman Buck moved the council itle by Mayor Haguewood. The amus and carried unanimously. B. Rezone Request: Skerbeck/Burkhardt A public hearing date of August 4, of this request. I Councilman CommiSSion Hordyk and Buck moved the Council accept minutes of July 8, 1981. The carried. 3. RESOLUTION: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 1975 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a request to amend Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA. 4. RESOLUTION: STREET Vp.CATIOll: SHILLINGTON I Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by tLtle Resolution Resolution No. 26-31 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the east half of ":1\.": street north o.f Fourth Street. ATTEST: Morion C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: July 28. Aug. 2. 9. 16. 1981 135 ~ a, ~ 01' II. [ CITY COUNCIL MEETING ..i~,,1l' .,;'J, pJ!Tlb1~ ( Ue4:>1!~ 0 'SMOp I puo UO!IOlrlSuJ e puo BUP!M MaN ;/q luawa:> MaN Jf pefO^OuaJ uaaq Ie f: a^!POJHO uV I ~D BU!:>UOU!I aIO^!Jd WOOJ ,(Ja^a pUO j BU!PUOISf"O S!ljl , I!"q WOfs,,:> 0 UMO Mef a'll 10 auO , "98~8'l! 98~8'l! ..2!l6-l! r-:: fu~ ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Or.dinance 1709, repeali.ng Exhibit "B" to Section 2 of that Ordinance, and adopting an Official Zoning Map for the City of Port Angeles. Ordinance No. 2158 &U1PP$~e~::Y!>:~~r__ IJ j I :)e~ :SlsanS/ .uOSJe-:) AUULjor r I~eluf) eUlIlLlDIN "MeN :J <) 8M l SMIN PUB II. J8Ano.:)~ t,~ ----- ~ l,qOI!O^D 5! UO!4CWJ-OJU! .e.o~ " S31.'v'1I . AopJn*DS 'w"d ,~l "U!lpo"p -,Aop ,uow 'Aop!J~ 'w'd I "U!IP""P _ ~__. ............. ..~d....r1 . t; ..(('l;~ .aBU, Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried unanimously. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of July 8, 1981 with the fOllowing action being taken by the Council: A. Rezone Request: Olympic Memorial Hospital A public hearing date of August 4, 1981 was scheduled for consideration of this request. B. Rezone Request: Skerbeck/Burkhardt 1'. public hearing date of August 4, 1981 '.as scheduled for consideration of this request. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of July 8, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood'read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing the Council that tne County has requested the removal of a condition from Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA, which reads: "No permanent s"tructures shall be built" in the vacated street and alley. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by ti'cle Resolution No. 25-81 entitled, r RESOLU1IO~t),25.1l1~ ,- A RESOlUTION of Ihe City I of Port Angeles setting a I lie-a ring date for a request to l emend Ordinance No; ~,]975, ~ I vacating 0 portion of ~West .19th Sir eel and 0 portion of Ihe al~k 454, TPA, I WH>I ,,-~-,,;:~ ; I a. ColA a'" PI ')!uJI) /O>lp(, e.lal, OCM\lIilts INrriOi~ Nine lot SIS 'Si;IIUJO jSUJ.l9, Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Res Lots .","5u", l~n,t~OI""lo~d , l' h 'd TPA"J)Ol S I'V Uo 'I'no. ti tle by Mayor Haguewood, sett~ng a pub ~c ear~ng ate 0' nor' - Ii.\, AiH! i for consideration of this request, and refer the matter t BO"-lfIJ. .IN . . f d' h' d of I ~ ,.. Comm~ss~On or a recommen at~on. T e rnot~on was secon e at,"3 "tl Duncan and carried.. cn I ~~.J.lado.ld ~'ad V I 3. RESOLUTION: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 1975 Resolution No. 25-Bl A RESOLUTION of" the City of Port Angeles setting "a hearing date for a request to amend Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA. 4. RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION: SHILLINGTOn I Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution Resolution No. 26-3l A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the east half of "A'" Street north o"f Fourth Street. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewcod, setting a pUblic hearing date of September 1, 1981 for consideration of this request, and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. ORDINANce NO. 2158 AN ORDINANCE of the City of P.ort, Angeles amending .ordinllf'Ce l709.. repealing Exhibit "8"-to Section 2 01 that Ordinance, and adapting an Official Zanlng Map for the City of Part Angele., ' WHEREAS, the. original I Official Zaning Map, iden- tified 05- E)(hibit "8" to Section i 2 of Ordinance 1709. is over ten years old; and WHEREAS, nvmerol,.ls amendments have been made to that map by rezoning ordinance.;. and '-, WHEREAS, it is therelore neoCessary thoi an up-dated mop be adopted o. the 01- ficial zoning map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES adopt the foregoing HEREBY ORDAIN a.lallow", motion was seconded, Section 1. The map iden- i tilied in Section 2 at Or- dinance 1709 a. Exhibit "B" to '''ot Ordinance is hereby repealed, and the Map at- fached to 111i5 Ordinance 0-& Exhibit "1", incorporated in this Ordinance by this l""eference, is hereby adopted a. the Ofliciol Zoning Map of the City at Port Angele.. Section 2. This Ordinance .hall be effective live day. after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City 01 Port Angele. at Q regulor meeting of said Council held an the 21.t day 01 July, 1981. 1 Samuel J, Haguewood Mayor ATTEST: schedule - M,orian C, Poui.h, CIty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Miller, City Attorney and place on fil, Pub_:July28,l981 motion was second --;' - I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Depart the Council othat the County has requested '"he removal of J Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Stree, the alley in Block 454, TPA, which reads: "No permanent s' buil t" in the vacated street and alley. Mayor Haguewood r".dapu,., "'jJO Q"3 and read by title Resolution No. 25-Bl entitled, rq~6!aN a~Uj,aM Ol~\i' \il.nSNIN3d Resolution No. 25-81 I~ in] ~ "-"110 ~ C_ rlIU2Q CITY COUNCIL MEETING 't~,oo u '\J! pJ!~~l ~ uay',,'I 0 'SMOp j puo Uo!~elnsUI a pue 6U!J!M MaN Jq ~uawa' MaN Jl pa~OAoUaJ uaaq 18 & 0 aA!POJIjO u'V I to 6upuOU!1 a~oAPd wOOJ ^JSAa pue 6U!puD/s~no SlY/ : I!nq wo~sn, 0 UMO Mal ay~ 10 auO gele'lS 98l8'lS .'l'!l6-lS ~. k~ ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Ordinance 1709, repealing Exhibit "B" to Section 2 of that Ordinance, and adopting an Official Zoning Map for the City of Port Angeles. Ordinance No. 2158 Councilman Buck moved the Council by title by Mayor Haguewood. The Polhamus and carried-unanimously. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of the following action being taken by the Council: A. Rezone Request: Olympic !1emorial Hospital I A public hearing date of August 4, 1981 was schedule,? of this request. r B. Rezone Request: Skerbeck/Burkhardt ]i. pUblic hearing date of August 4, 1981 Nas of this request. I Councilman COlTlli1ission Hordyk and Buck moved the Council accept minutes of July B, 19B1. The carried. 3. RESOLUTION: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 1975 A RESOLUTION of- the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a request to amend Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA. 135 od yor .I /, . 16, ~ - Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of August 18, 1981 for consideration of this request, and refer the matter to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 4. RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION: SHILLINGTON I Resolution No. 26-8l Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 26-8l entitled, A RESOLUTION of the city of Port Angeles setting.o a hearing date for a petition to vacate the east half of "1\".0 Street north of Fourth Street. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of September l, 1981 for consideration of this request, and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 136 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 2l, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 5. ORDINANCE: LARGE BOAT MOORAGE Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell concerning moorage of large boats at the Municipal Pier when the Coast Guard cutter is at sea. For the most part, these situations have resulted from either weather or mechanical failures, forcing the craft to moorage. On a few occasions the boats have been directed to the pier by the Coast Guard. Therefore, Mr. Frizzell requested the Council consider an ordinance which I would provide both a procedure for moorage arrangements and a moorage fee. . Mayor Haguewoodthen introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2159 entitled, . Our "9 ; . pe ormQ"c:e 01 Ih. work, and unlll such: time as the inlpedlon occurs :- 1he owner Or (ontroctor I~ I) responsible 10, Ih. prolecllon "~ of 011 persons and prop..rty ~~ Irom Injury or damage as 0 . g result of Ihe excovalion '" <'m othet work conduct.d In . making such s_er or S10rm ~~ drain (onneciloo." ,.~ s..:llon 5. there is hereby II o~w .e<llon '0 th.. "ir: PorI Angeles Municipal Code, 'r. Sedion 13,02,050 to ,&ad os '1, lol,!ows: 'On SMilon I~ M oso S,'"R te5 Work Authority Upon Ihe In delermlnallon by Ihe City' o~ EngIneer Ihol any owner or "at controcto.- is proceedh'9 with ,. permltled work In a manner lHE Inconsislent with Ihe lerms of 101 .uch. permll or Ihi. Or.] dlnonce, he shall notify the ,10 owner or (onlrador by jta~ penonat service to C&al-. and ;le. desist I'om 011 furthe, work is under Ihe term. 01 Ihe r~ permil, until such time as the s Incanslslency ""Iween the permit and the wo,k has been corrected. " Section 6. there Is hereby y odd&d 0 n_ section 10 the to PorI Angele. Munlclpol Code r Section 13.02.060 10 reod o~ 10I,I'~::~lon ]302 060 ~I 1lI010tion Penolty, Any :h pe,son vlolallng ony Srt p,ovislon of this Ordlnanc.. e sholl be 9UII~ 01 0 0\ mlsdemRDnor, on shall be o~ punished by 0 line nol to Id", exceed Five Hundred ($500) !fa.' o'?I"ars or ninety (90) days In 1JOis Councilman Buck then moved the Council approve the amendment to the Ocean fal, Or both such line and ~ " . Imprisonment. Each doy Ihal ..~ I VleW Cemetery Fee Resolutlon No. 10-81 as recommended by Parks Dlrector a vlotallon continues sholl l~nl" I Frizzell. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. consl/~~Ie a .eparate of. ~I^I i llOnse. "I~ . Sf:lon 7. II any provision,....,...! ORDINANCE: SEWER CONNECTION PERMITS of I is Ordinance, or Its 26:, applicat~on 10 any person or -.SOs . clrcumslance i. held Invalid IPO' Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2160 entitled, Ihe remainder 01 the Or: Jnt" dlnance, or lIs oppllcollon to I uf-I other persons 0'" c;1,. ~ . cum.lonces, shall nOI be ~l: r ' aflected. "" Seclion 8. This OrdInance ~ AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Angeles requiring ~~~~ke effect Os provided :'; permi t for sanitary and storm sewer connections, I~t&d Ihls 2101 day of July, ..1 requiring a fee for such permit, providing penalties SomuelJ. Haguewood t.. for the violation of the permit, amending Section 7 Mayor of Ordinance No. 930 and Ordinances l405, l695, 1747, Marlon C. Porrl.h I Cl!yCrerk 1890 and 1958, and Section 13.02.010 of the Port AppravedaOloform: Angeles Municipal Code, and adding new sections to Craig Mille, ",A~m., ~ Chapter 13 of the Port Ang.'.' Mnnieip.' Code. pUb::.JIUIY29~~~i iNMO:~I. ~~~~~i~~a~a;~~k H:;~:~~~~ c~~:c~~t:~~P~a:h:e=~~~~~i~; ~~~~~:~:n a:o~~~~ ~~d t I i 1f08(l po!lllano AU C _:..~ ~u.~":.'!!. }1~~I~~u '~~1 carr_ied ~imouslY-L. . ~a.~~>-'"Oot:: ~t: >-0-" 1-'" >-.t--t-cP...CD,,"'-Ci-.-t: J; ... ... ... t- crCl --CD ~... iCi~-c-o ~- ~_...o ce ~~.a~~~J;...~D.->~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~a 10 u~- ou 0 Do. u~ ctt ~ ~o: ..c'u Q - oa::-E ::J-c c 8cf ~ 0 0 0 0 c-= c: ,"-5 ,.. ~1~]o.. .5.~~- 15~~ tOO l.e;o.~~~.=J~ .Eij~U_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c .&~g ~~ C'I-..gc:~~~:::.s:."'tI_O =..t:.~ NE~ aooE....~E-= 0-- ltlO.... C'"4 C""l <<"I C'"4 "'D._~ucrJ""C Cb oQ~!..-:!:8~~..~:-_ ~:u ~ .,,~i~ ..'iMC-g"E"~~.~ .e 0 .E 2 ~ o_>.~.(1;: zrJ:o_..Q_ oosui~ oK ~ . .!~5"'"lJ'::~8g:-f!:.!g~~u ....e. -= =- :- ~.!.JlUtc~% ~~i]J:el!~~J~~la~ ~o-=~~~~_5g~EU:~!~~e~ 1~i J 1 J ~.1~f~~= oe(Zo.D '-"tC:~5li-.e _c~~ liD.. 1;. ",_..e 0 . ""'s-= B_ I/) !Ii! f'II >)o.oCb~~ ~~~! &~; a- :.!30 S-; a-~ g ~ . ~j] S'~ g i-a;l : 518 iil _1:8i~;~~M! ci ~~ ~~o a ~ot:i'" :>~.. nO ......_...trI...>c........iJ-c.cr;n...o """"01- ~ 0 ~ o_....u.tuO)OO'l1J ~ E->O!~c~~~~!~~-Oa~~a.~..DOEco~c~ E~~ OO~~~~~ ~~ c~ ~Q ozo . Co.. c.u-GlQ..~lJ''"5... ..t::..... eOh.dJ[J).oI:... ...41 .. 0-0-0 0'" C:~.Q)~ 0(' Q.,. ~ ..... ~ i 0= ;I oJ: "1:J D a.. 0 · Q 8 - <ti. u C 1II Q.......... 'M 0 - .- - 0 i a en . g . - ,- ..- . - . = c:......c . - '0 a.S :~"'8u~ ".< -go~:2tf) :::i~ ~ I ~~ ~1 i~~~.!~il&.(Q1_~-=-~:_l(O)_i=-ifJ)~-5 ~a.~.~_~ Ordinance No. 2159 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles estab- lishing procedure and a rental fee for large boat, ship and vessel moorage at the City pier Waterfront Park, and adding a new section to Chapter 12.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the .xoregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During discussion on the motion, Councilmen Hordyk and Buck expressed concern that possible damage may be done to the pier by these large vessels, especially during bad weather conditions or if they have a mechanical failure. Other subjects discussed included the City's property damage insurance on the pier; the "leverage" this ordinance gives the Park Department to enforce boat moorage regulations. the fee structures for other ports; and use of the Coast Guard moorage area if prior arrangements have been made through the Coast Guard and the City. On call for the question, the motion passed with Councilman Buck voting "NO." I AMENDMENT TO CEMETERY BURIAL VAULT FEES Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell regarding an amendment to the Ocean View Cemetery Fee Resolution No. 10-81. In response to a question from Councilman Buck, Parks Director Frizzell explained that the cemetery has been receiving requests for asphalt covered concrete burial liners instead of regular concrete liners. An amendment to Resolution No. 10-8l would establish the fee for these liners at $285 per burial vault. Ordinance No. 2160 I -; i ~ : ~ ~ :1 .~ 11)": -1 ~ ~~ f~) ..u-f~~ ~i ~.~~~~.i~: ~ ~ ~:: ~ ~.g _ <:!!~~<.uu... 136 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 5. ORDINANCE: LARGE BOAT MOORAGE Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell concerning moorage of large boats at the Municipal pier when the Coast Guard cutter is at sea. For the most part, these situations have resulted from either weather or mechanical failures, forcing the craft to moorage. On a few occasions the boats have been directed to the Pier by the Coast Guard. Therefore, Mr. Frizzell requested the Council consider an ordiftance which I would provide both a procedure for moorage arrangements and a moorage fee. . . Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2159 entitled, Ordinance No. 2159 [70ROI . 1M AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port ~lJ&.ngele5 requIring permit for .sonitary and storm sewer connections, requiring (I fee . for~ueh permit, providing. periahies for the violation of the permit, amending Section 7 of Or- dinance No. 930 and Or- dinDnc..~ 1.0105, 1695, 17A1, 1890 and 1958. and Section ~~~?~21 o~~~:. P~~d A~9;:~; new sections 10 Chapter 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Port Angel.. as follows: ~SlfC1ion 1~.02.010 of the Port Ange'ei Municipal Code. Section 7 of Ordinance 930. and Ordinance 1405. 1695. 1747. 1890 and 1958 or. each omended to reod o~ follows: Section 1302 010 PArmlt ~ 1. It Is unlawful for any person to connect, or couse to Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell regarding an :t~~~;~ect::~; b~~dl~Por~ amendment to the Ocean view Cemetery Fee Resolution No. 10-81. In response drain to ony public sewer or to a question from Councilman Buck, Parks Director Frizzell explained that ~~~:7nindra~n~tt::~~~ :!:c~ the cemetery has been receiving requests for asphalt covered concrete activity rrom the City of Port I burial liners instead of regular concrete liners. An amendment to Resolution Anr\~'i. unlowiul for any No. 10-81 would establish the fee for these liners at $285 per burial person to uncov.r. make any vault. connection or openl" into. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles estab- lishing procedure and a rental fee for large boat, ship "and vessel moorage at the City pier Waterfront Park, and adding a new section to Chapter 12.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During discussion on the motion, Councilmen Hordyk and Buck expressed concern that possible damage may be done to the pier by these large vessels, especially during bad weather conditions or if they have a mechanical failure. Other subjects discussed included the City's property damage insurance on the pieri the "leverage" this ordinance gives the Park Department to enforce boat moorage regulations; the fee structures for other ports; and use of the Coast Guard moorage area if prior arrangements have been made through the Coast Guard and the City. On call for the question, the motion passed with Councilman Buck voting "NO." I AMENDMENT TO CEMETERY BURIAL VAULT FEES cause any 0' these adl~iti.s Councilman Buck then moved the Council approve the amendment to the Ocean ~:bl~c:':~erc~~c:~~~~ dr~7~ View Cemetery Fee Resolution No. 10-81 as reconunended by Parks Director or appurtenance. except as l Frizzell. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. provided in subsection (1), l Section 2 There Is hereby . added a new section to the I ORDINANCE: SEWER CONNECTION PERMITS Port Angeles Municipal Code, Section 13.02.020. to (ead as r '01 lows: . Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2160 entitled, Section 13 02 020 P9rmlt f Applico.ian ftnd fs!5UanCe I I. An application for a' Ordinance No. 2160 permit required under' Section 13.02.010 shall be l mode by 'he owner of tho AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles requiring f~Ot:rtYP:rl;~~th:rwb;k: l permit for sanitary and storm sewer connections, ~':~~~~tor representing the requiring a fee for such permit, providing penalties 2 Th for the violation of the permit, amending Section 7 shoilinciu!ee;~cl~i~f!,.I~:::~~ of Ordinance No. 930 and Ordinances 1405, 1695, 1747, I ~~tymoln~e~uif:: bJett;r~ 1890 and 1958, and Section 13.024010 of the Port . minetion as to whether the Angeles Municipal Code, and adding new sections to f~:po;::u;::"eo~:n~n~fmsth~~ Chapter 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Ordinance. and any otfler J~FrI~c;~I;8~jtVOrdinance. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing "Ordinance as read by MEMORANDUM title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and ~:~n~:ry Manager and City carried unaniffiQ...u$..lY... ~~~a~~e~ubHc Works ~~ ~$ ~ 0 I ~~ ~~1~ Q ~.8-El~~ ~~ ~ g~ ~ ~ & ~ ~ ~.s ~ ~-E -g ~ Subject: RevIsion of Sewer ';:0.. ;ca..~ -4o~ l~o~.;')..~~~~ !:ij..l:u_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c .6-!~ ~~ Permit Fess -f"6 .1:..2.1 N~E oo(sE::::5E: o~o '11I10 .. C"Il N N N "E-~vQ)"c ~ mO~ifi~so~~~~t";,?%~~,:: ~~ .~ i-=v ~:u .~ -..; ~ ~-= _ ~; G) c"E '=~.~ .E 0 .2 oS .2 0 _ >.~.il~ g Angeles Municipal Code ~v i ~ ltIo]. 0 ..:; 6 u"C"SlD 0 g:-f~ g ~ gtv ltI CD~ ::- ':' ::- !!.!.ou t cn~:r; deoling with the establish- ~~~o~.c~".-"c NO-=-f~=;: c..Ot~UO~~C)CDO. ~..ai ~ ~ ~ -.=.11.f=,.:...; ment of sewer connectlon.....~ o=' - _~c.E]:'~\,J] ~ ~1iiQ~-E -:ij.! - - - . l-:.-i,'i fees and the roadway ~oi~o~~ c:o,=i1iSuCig $lo'E"Cg~lI"'g 41~8",~~~~~2N.:e.ooE::E restoration fees associated e~:.9 ~;;" .g&e~E....~..89~lCi&eSVolo.;-.=&-=i;~;'8~gE~faag~~ wifh that work. The Or- -~.tila.Gi~ 3e"i .~~~..;gOE~~'i~..E"E-! ~61-'8-'gNte_~:;;~1-3 dlOance actually ."obl h .., '" ... 0 0>0 "'8-- U 0" a......- E-. 0_-- 0 C. 0 0>... 8 ..-.- .- ..- 11_ coo(~._ . . ..' _ is es ,wvo<l::""Oa-"u<C=.E CD o.......e VII" 00" ;:) _....N..C"3...........cnoOCL- lit that the fees and roadway Q:::E:::: e ~.i!.! l~=:::::-3~Uo_.l .e__~_~~_~__~--.-:Le o~~<si_ restoration deposits are to be more specifically established ~~u:~i~lution of the City The attQched Resolution addresses those fees and deposita os reference to the ~::~~~~ as pr~viousry These fees and deposil5 ore thou figures as presented In past memorandums to the City Council on March 17 and April 30th of this year, (A copy of the. April 30th memorandum is also attached for your reference). 3. The permit application shall be accompanied by the fee required by section 13.02.030. 4. If the City Engineer determines that the work ~;:;:;~~c:s. t~nd ~~I th:~I:~nl~ rs also attached for your ref.ren(:e). 3. Tne permit application shall be accompanied by tne lee required by s*<:tlon 13.02.000. 4, II Ine Cily Engineer determines tnal tne work conlorms to 011 existing Qrdlnances, and If the fee is paid, the- p.ermi. far such activity may be Issued by Ine City Enslne.,.. Section 3. Tnere I. hereby added'al;&w section to the PorI Angeles Municipal Code, Section 13.01.000 to ,eod a, fallows: "Section 13.02.030 Permll F.Je The fee lor sucn permit sliall be a, adopled by tne City Council by Resolulion, ond may be amended by tn" Cauncillrom time 10 lime by lurtner resolution 01 necessary." Section 4. 'here is hereby added .0 new section to the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Seclion 13.02.040 to read as lallows: "Section 13.02.0~O f3erlormance of Work. L Any sew., or storm drain conneetion authorized pursuant to the te,ms of tMs Ordinance snail be done in occo,dance wltn tne te,ms 01 the issued permi', 2. P,ior to tne backlWlng 01 any sewer or storm drain connection, the own.r or conlrOClor shall notify the Clly 01 Part Angele. of the comr'etion of I.uch w~k. and shar request on"l!,~.ction; Backlilling may Mcur' only after such inlpect.on hos ot;c:urred. ',,' Ihe work, and ':'Mil tvct: time at ttl. inspection oce-un, the OWner or contractor is responsible far the protection 01 all persons and property Irom Injury or damage 01 a result of the excavation or ather work conducted in making such sewer or storm drain connEtCtlot'l." Secllon S. Tne,e i. hereby ad<JiidO'riew .ectlan to the Port Angeles MunicJpal Code, Secllon 13.02.050 to read o. fallows: "Section 13 02 D:5O S1;gp. Work Authority Upan the determination by the CIIy Eng~ne.r that cny owner or contractor Is praeeedi~g wltn permitted work in a manner Inconsistent with tne term. 01 such ~ permit or tnis Or. dlnonce, ne .hall notify the owner or contractor by p.rsonal servke to ceasct and desist from all further work under the term, of the permit, until such time a, the Inconsistency between the permit and tne wo,k has been corrected. .. -.S.ection 6. There is hereby added a new section 10 tne Port Angeles Municipal Code, Section 13.02.060 to read a, fallows: "Seclion 13.02.~60 ~atlon Penal~ Any person violating any p,ovision 01 thl. Ordinance ,hall be guilty 01 0 misdemeanor, and .hall be punisned by a line not to exceed Five Hundred ($500) 00110,. or ninely (90) days in Jail, or both such line and Imprisonment. Eocn day tnat a violation continue. shall constitute a separate of- fens.." S*<:t1on 7. If any provi,lan 01 this Ordinance, or its <2pplicatlon to any person or circumstance is held Invalid, the remainder of the Or. dlnance. or ifs application to other persons or cir. cumstanee., shoJi not be affected . Section 8 This Ordinonce sholl take effect a. provided bylaw. Doted this 21st day 01 July, 1981. Samuel J. Haguewood Mayor Marion C. Pa"lsh City Clerk Approved as to lorm: Craig Miller City Attorney Pub.; July 29. 1981 -I I .1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 19B1 VIII LEGISLATION 8. RESOLUTION: FEES FOR SEWER CONNECTION PERMITS Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 27-8l entitled, Resolution No. 27-Bl A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles estab- lishing fees for sewer and storm drain connec- tion permits. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 9. CLALLAM/JEFFERSmi I;UBLIC DEFENDER: AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Miller explaining that the latest proposed agreement with Clallam County for public defender services continues the existing format for provisions of public defender services to indigent defendants through the end of 19B1. During discussion on the pro- posed agreement, Attorney Miller pointed out that the County Commissioners had amended the amount the City should pay for its share of the Public Defender services from $4,000 to '$5,000. Attorney Miller and Finance Director Orton have both reviewed this amendment and found it reasonable. The Council and Attorney Miller also discussed a new program being proposed by the County whereby defendants who request a public defender are investi- gated as to their lack of assets. Councilman Buck then moved the Council approve the agreement with Clallam County for Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender services, in the amount of $5,000 for the, remainder of 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 10. REVISED MUNICIP.1I..L COURT AGREEt".ENT Attorney Miller's memorandum on the Public Defender Services Agreement also contained an explanation of a proposed revision to the agreement with Clallam County for operation of Municipal Court. During the June 16, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council approved an agreement with the County whereby all City cases are filed directly in District Court with a filing fee of $17.00 for each case so filed. However, the County has raised concerns regarding the definition of "case" because of ,the existence, under recent state legislation, of two types of tickets; criminal complaints and civil infractions. The proposed revision will handle both types of tickets distinctly, with a fee of $l4. 00 for infractions and $17.00 for criminal complaints. Councilman Buck then moved the Council approve the revised agreement with Clallam County for operation of Municipal Court. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried.' 11. SELF-INSURANCE During the June l6th and July 7th 1981 regular Council meetings, Finance Director Orton submitted several statistics in regard to self-insuring the City's general liability policy and health plans. During this meeting, Finance Director Orton outlined two self-insurance options available ,to the City in regard to the general liability policy. It was Mr. Orton's opinion that Option No.2 would be the best option to proceed with. It included the absorbtion of all exposures under the General Liability pOlicy, except for the Excess Property policy ($4,000) and the Umbrella policy ($26,000); drop the public Officials and Personal Injury policies; retain the False Arrest policy ($7,300); include Workman's Compensation ($6,490), and Claims Administration costs ($7,000) for a total of $50,790, a savings of $74,475 Over the conventional renewal. 137 i 138 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION ll. Cont. The Council, Attorney Miller, and Finance Director Orton then discussed at length the past claims experience of the City and the risks the City would be exposed to if it self insured, expecially if the City experienced several large "shock" claims within a short period of time. Finance Director Orton pointed out that the present liability policy could be bound over for an additional month if the Council felt they should wait on their decision. I However, there is a concern regarding the high insurance premiums for 1982. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize staff to bind coverage on the General Liability policy for one month, and prepare a fiscal impact analysis on the proposed selfinsurance plans. After a brief discussion with Finance Director Orton, who pointed out that he has given the Council all the information available, Councilman Buck withdrew his motion. Council- man Buck then moved that the City not enter into a self-insurance. program. The motion died for lack of a second. The discussion then continued on whether the City should bind coverage for one more month in order to obtain additional information from cities who have self insured, and the City's position in the event of a large lawsuit and/or claim. - Following this discussion, :Councilman Boardman moved that the City proceed with a self insurance plan, using Option No.2. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. l2. HOLD HARMLESS/PROOF-OF LIABILITY INSURANCE:' USER GROUPS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell recommending an insurance coverage policy for groups who have made requests to conduct events on the Municipal Pier, Civic Field, and City streets. A Hold Harm- less and Proof of 'Liability policy would protect the City, the requesting group, and the event participants. However, there would be certain ramifi- cations to user groups which must also be considered. I' Following a brief discussion with Finance Director Orton regardin the L importance of this matter in light of the council's decision to self-insur~, - Councilman -Buck moved that the Park Board be requested'to review this proposal and make a recommendation to the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 13. STATUS REPORT: WPPSS PROJECTS NO. 4 AND 5. At a recent City Council meeting Light Director Cosens informed the Council of an imminent work slowdown on WPPSS -Nuclear Projects No. 4 and 5. At this meeting, Mr. Cosens informed the Council that the existing construction funds will carry Projects No. 4 and 5 only until mid-August, and submitted a lengthy report by R. W. Beck and Associates, Consulting Engineer to the Supply System, on the economic analysis of alternative actions. The alterna- tives included: (A) current program - proceed with construction in accordance with the proposed 1982 budgets and schedules; (B) acquisition by Bonneville - Bonneville purchases the projects' capability under the Regional Power Act and Participants purchase their power requirements from Bonneville; (C) sales to other entities - sale of Project output capability or ownership interest to other entities; (D) equity contributions by Participants; (E) termination of both Projects; and (E) termination of one Project. The Council must choose one of these alternatives prior to the Participants' Committee meeting scheduled for July 23, 1981. Based on such direction, the participants' Committee will act on a financing recommendation to the I' Supply System Board of Directors. It was Light Director Cosens' recom- mendation to try and keep the plants under construction until the bond market improves and Bonneville can purchase the projects. Termination of both projects is not recommended, since it could result in an annual impact to the City in excess of $lO million. Following Mr. Cosens' presentation, the Council considered the alternative to delay rather than terminate the projects. The Council also questioned Mr. Cosens in regard to the high bond rating of projects l, 2 and 3, and alternative power sources other than WPPSS. Councilman Buck then moved I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1981 139 VIII LEGISLATION 13. Cont. the council notify the Participants'Committee of the Council's support of the continued construction of the WPPSS Nuclear Projects No. 4 and 5, and the Council encourage the committee's further consideration to support the construction delay, and they explore all alternatives including the acqui- sition ot the projects by Bonneville. The motion was seconded by Council- man Polhamus and carried. 14. ANNEXATION GROWTH ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT During the July 7, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council directed staff to prepare a growth impact assessment and management model with respect to annexation of areas suitable for commercial and/or industrial development. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Depart- ment outlining their preliminary investigation and findings in this matter. The memo stated in part that ". . . A primary area for expansion of industrial uses appears south of the Airport and north of old SR ll2. Established roadways are in, although some improvements would be needed; utilities are nearby and could be extended; in-City residential development would be encouraged; existing public facilities could be utilized; and industrial development within the City could be encouraged at the same time. It would be possible to serve this area, initiate Phases 2 and 3 of the Airport Industrial Park, and develop the industrial zone west of the Airport simul- taneously as part of a larger industrial development package." Mayor Haguewood also read a letter from D. G. Hendricks, Executive Director of the port of Port &~geles, supporting annexation of the area around the Airport and west of the present city limits. The Council then questioned Planner Carr in regard to the exact location of the property which could be considered for annexation, and what would be required to annex the area. Planner Carr pointed out that an Environmental Impact statement ~uuld most likely be required, in addition to the necessary public hearings. Problem areas must also be identified and resolved. A long range plan (annexation to Highway lOll would require even more research. The Council then agreed that the property owners in this area must take the first, initial step and request permission to circulate an annexation petition. 15. PROPOSED AUTOMOTIVE ALLOWANCE This agenda item as passed over by the Council. 16. PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE: 1982 BUDGET Mayor Haguewood read the preliminary schedule for consideration of the 1982 budget, and scheduled August 11 and 25, 1981 to review the 1981 goals and accomplishments, review purpose statement for City Government, develop new goals and/or project objectives; and prioritize new and existing goals into short term goals statement. 17. SALE OF CITY.PROPERTY I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom suggesting the liquidation of the property at 7th and peabody (Street and Water Barn) and 4th and Valley (Sanitation Barn) since these three Divisions will be housed in the Corporation Yard. Manager Flodstrom suggested that the first step would be to have the property and various improvements on the property appraised for the purpose of setting a minimum bid price on both parcels. Once the appraisal is complete, the property could then be put up up for publiC bid. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to hire a professional appraier to appraise the property at 7th and Peabody and 4th and valley, and begin the sale process on both parcels. Tne motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 140 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION l7. SALE OF CITY TO PROPERTY: R. PORSCH This agenda item was passed over. 18. LETTER OF RESIGNATION: W. LINDBERG Councilman Buck moved the Council accept Mr. Lindberg's resignation from I the Board of Adjustment with regret, authorize Manager Flodstrom to write Mr. Lindberg a letter of thanks for his servic~ on the Board, and begin the process for a replacement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. X LATE ITEMS 1. LETTER OF THANKS: YACHT CLUB Mayor Haguewood read a letter of thanks from the Port Angeles Yacht Club for use of the Municipal Pier and the ~ooperation of City staff during the Second Annual San Juan 28 National Sailboat races. 2. REPRESENTATIVES TO DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT GROUP Manager Flodstrom noted that the Downtown Improvement Group has requested two Council members to participate in the consultant selection process for design of further improvements to the downtown area. Councilmen Boardman and Hordyk will be attending. XI STAFF/COUNCIL REPORTS I Manager Flodstrom: Announced that there would not be an Executive Session following the meeting. Informed the Council that a joint meeting has been scheduled between the City, County and Port on July 31 at City Hall to discuss the socio-economic impacts of the Northern Tier Pipeline Company with Mr. C. Lakewold, EFSEC representative assigned to the Socio-Economic Impact Task Force. Announced that planner Carr will be on vacation July 24 through August 14th. Informed the Council that the City had received a Notice of Appeal on L.I.D. No. 203 from Time Oil. Informed Councilman Duncan that the mill pol- lution she inquired about at the last meeting is being caused by stack emis- sions from the #6 boiler at ITT Rayonier. ITT is currently operating under a waiver from the North Olympic Pollution Control Authority until the installation of new equipment on that stack. Announced that he will be on vacation July 27 through 30th. Councilman Buck: Informed the Council of the recent establishment of the Clallam Economic Development Council, an organization formed to support economic growth within the.City and County, and stressed the need for City staff and the City Council to support the City's participation in this organization. Noted that a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between City Light and Clallam County PUD on provisions of the Northwest Public Power Act was included in the Informational Packet; councilmen Buck felt this should have been an agenda item and before the Council for consideration. Mayor Haguewood: Informed the Council that the next meeting of the Economic I.. Development Council is scheduled for August 14th. All Council members are encouraged to attend. Councilman Duncan: Questioned Manager Flodstrom in regard to the status of the consolidated Police/Fire dispatch. Gave a brief report On the EFSEC meeting she attended on July l5th, and the EFSEC schedule until November, 1981. XII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at lO:lO P.M. PAd~'';__--' ~ _~ City Clerk ~</~~e'~