HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/21/1992 2296 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 21, 1992 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 7:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilman Wight. Members Absent: Councilmen Nieholson and Schueler. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk McFarland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey [arrived at 8 p.m.], J. Pittis, B. Titus [arrived at 7:52 p.m.], G. Kenworthy, M. Campbell, J. Abram, D. Moroz, S. Dryke, T. German, K. Ridout, L. Kheriaty, and J. Doyle. Public Present: D. Davison, C. & A. Alexander, D. Vincent, D. Bettger, B. Haselton, L. Bell, A. Madsen, M. Fitzpatrick. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hallett. ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of MINUTES: July 7, 1992, as presented and placed on file. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilwoman Sargent corrected Page 8, Status on Grants and Loans, to read: "Councilwoman Sargent expressed her thanks for the information on grants and loans which she had requested." Councilman Ostrowski corrected Page 4, under recess, it should read "... Endangered Species meeting at the College". Councilwoman Sargent suggested adding that the Council went there to meet with Senator Gorton; while Mayor Hallett added that the purpose of the trip was to present the Council's views on the Elwha Dam legislation. On the vote, the motion carried unanimously, with Councilman Wight abstaining from Page 3 after the first paragraph, to the beginning of Legislation on Page 4. CEREMONIAL 1. Recognition of resignation and appreciation for Carl Alexander, Jr., for MATTERS/ service on Public Information Committee PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Hallett read the Certificate of Recognition which he presented to Carl Recognition of Alexander, Jr. Carl Alexander Recognition of 2. Proclamation of Recognition for Todd German Todd German Mayor Hallett read the Certificate of Recognition, which he presented to Todd German, for his feats at the recent Police and Fire Olympics. Recognition of 3. Recognition of Bernard T. Caine for his membership on Civil Service Bernard T. Caine Commission Board Mayor Hallett read the Certificate of Recognition for Bernard T. Caine for his membership on the Civil Service Commission. This Certificate will be presented to Mr. Caine. -1- 2297 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 Proclamation - 4. Proclamation in recognition of the Merchant Marines Merchant Marines Mayor Hallett read the Proclamation honoring the Merchant Marines. CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Sargent reported on the meeting with the new EDC Director. She COMMITTEE also attended the Peninsula Development Association meeting in Sequim. She has REPORTS: met with the Library Board about the pending bond issue, which will probably be on the Council Agenda the first meeting in September. Councilman Braun attended the UAC meeting and the Museum Board. There will be items coming before the Council from the UAC. Councilman Wight attended the Transit Board meeting. They are grappling with the problem of hauling bicycles on some routes. Interested persons may want to communicate with the Transit System. The Transit Board is also willing to provide convention shuttle service when the Veto Burton is in full use. Councilman Ostrowski attended the Peninsula Regional Transportation Board where the matter of bicycling was discussed. There is an off-shoot committee, called the Coastal Highway Corridor - Highway 101 from Mexico to Olympia - which is just beginning to get organized. Mayor Hallett called the Council's attention to the selection of Jerry Cornell to the Boundary Review Board, as reported in the Information Agenda. FINANCE: 1. Consideration of amendment #1 to Parametrix - Landfill design contract to include leachate design and bluff erosion control Amendment to Landfill Design Contract with Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Parametrix Works. Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve Amendment #1 to the agreement with Parametrix, Inc., and authorize the Mayor sign Amendment #1. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilman Ostrowski asked why it was necessary to test the soil taken from the Library parking lot more than once. Director of Public Works Pittis explained. Councilman Wight said one of the industrial plants in the City spread contaminated soil and planted perennial rye on it. That may be something to mention on the soil disposal. On the vote, the motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Sargent moved to accept the items listed on the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Request to approve out-of-state travel exceeding $750 for the new City Light foreman to attend the NWPPA Foreman Training School in Kalispell, Montana; (2) Voucher list items: (a) Progress payment/12 to Primo Construction for VBMCC remodel of $119,355.12, plus retainage of $5,805.21; (b) Progress payment #4 to Pease and Sons for Wastewater Treatment Plant for $792,049.11, plus retainage of $38,523.79; (c) Progress Payment #1 to DelHur Industries, Inc., for Landfill gravel excavation $263,795.59, plus retainage of $12,830.53; (3) Disposal of refrigerators at Landfill; (4) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (5) Vouchers of July 6-17, 1992, for $1,685,487.08. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. ITEMS FROM THE Don Bettger, 1022 South Cherry, discussed bicycle riding on the sidewalks, both in AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ residential neighborhoods and on downtown sidewalks. A number of his STAFF TO BE acquaintances and family members have been struck by bicycles, some of them CONSIDERED OR receiving serious injuries. He asked the Council and City staff to enforce the PLACED ON A existing ordinances. Dr. Bettger stated his opinion that many of today's bicyclists FUTURE AGENDA: do not care about pedestrians. Councilwoman Sargent said she was concerned about skateboarding downtown. Chief Ilk advised the Council that the individual who struck a pedestrian and seriously injured her was cited for a traffic infraction. The standing policy is to not issue warnings but to issue citations to individuals on bicycles or skateboards. -2- 2298 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 ITEMS FROM TIlE Although there are four officers on the street at any given time, they go from call to AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ call, especially during the busy summer season, and it is extremely difficult to keep STAFF TO BE an officer downtown for 8 to 12 hours each day, and the kids know that. It is a CONSIDERED OR manpower-intensive problem. PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA: Darrel Vincent, 701 East Front Street, stated he wanted to comment on the request (Cont'd) for water service outside the City. Steve Dryke, 1125 Georgiana, wanted to address the rezoning of the area near the Hospital. LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinance rezoning property from Residential Single-Family to Office Commercial atut/or Public BuiMings and Parks (REZ-92(06)03) Public Hearings 2. Amendment to the Zoning Code allowing parking lots as a conditional use Rezoning Property in the Office Commercial District and allowing single-family uses in the from Residential Public Buildings and Parks District Single-Family to Office Commercial 3. Amendment to the Parking Ordinance to clarify standards for off-site and/or Public parking Buildings and Parks Planning Director Collins exhibited a slide of the map in the area of the Hospital Amendment to the which is proposed for rezone. He summarized the Planning Commission discussion Zoning Code Allowing and action. Following general discussion, Mayor Hallett opened the public hearing Parking Lots as a at 8:01 p.m.. Conditional Use in the Office Commercial Donna Davison, representing Olympic Memorial Hospital, 939 Caroline Street, District and Allowing supports the zoning recommendations. She reviewed the present situation of the Single-family Uses Hospital and its attendant parking. The proposed amendments would accommodate in the Public the Hospital's needs for many years to come and would assist in meeting the Buildings and Parks community's health care needs. District Steve Dryke, 1125 Georgiana, is in favor of the proposal to rezone the property but Amendment to the would like to recommend extending the Office Commercial area from east of Parking Ordinance Chambers Street to Jones Street. Although the Planning Commission decided not to to Clarify Standards rezone that area, perhaps the Council could ask the Planning Commission to look for Off-site Parking into that area for something other than single-family residential - perhaps multi- family. He owns property in that area and would like to improve it with a four-plex. Mike Fitzpatrick, 825 Caroline Street, considers the area west of Race Street should remain residential. He considers the rezone a girl to the Hospital, and suggested future expansion of the structure be made upwards, instead of outwards. He supported the recommended rezone, so long as it does not cross Race Street. Dr. Turner, representing Drs. Hegge, Mantooth and himself, asked for logical thinking in terms of long-term planning for the Hospital. As the Hospital grows, so grows the need for medically-oriented facilities in the immediate neighborhood. He considers it logical for the Office Commercial area to expand one block west of Race Street, at least on Georgiana Street. Ann Madsen, 811 Caroline, said the houses on the north side of Caroline Street, west of Race Street, will be affected by whatever transpires on the south side of that street. Caroline Street here is dead-end, with no turn-around except in the streets or the driveways. Jack McCarter, 1035 Columbia, said his property is zoned residential and does not feel his property should be rezoned, as long as he is alive, just to square up some boundary. However, he does support the amendments to the zoning making single- family possible in Public Buildings and Parks. Without the amendment to the Zoning Code, he is not in favor of the rezone of his property. Evelyn McCarter, 1035 Columbia, was in favor of the Hospital purchasing the property next door and helped as much as possible. She asked why this present action. Mayor Hallett responded that the request is to enable several things to occur: flexibility for additional parking, flexibility in expansion in the future, and to make some adjustments within boundary areas to make the area balanced to accommodate current needs and to plan for future needs. Planning Director Collins expanded on Mayor Hallett's response. There being no further comment, Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 8:39 p.m. He asked Planning Director Collins if the idea was to expand the boundaries when the properties zoned for a specific purpose are not available for that purpose. -3- 2299 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: Director Collins said the entire area had been analyzed. The transition from single- family to medically-related offices has been occurring as properties become available. Public Hearings There was some discussion on extending the rezone area east to Jones Street, with a determination that OC zoning could be extended to that line with the public notice Rezoning Property given; however, no change to another zoning district could be accomplished without from Residential new notice and additional hearings. Single-Family to Office Commercial Councilman Wight moved to approve the rezone of the property east of the and/or Public Hospital from RS-7 to Public Buildings and Parks, as outlined in the staff report Buildings and Parks submitted with the Hanning Commission minutes of June 10th; that the OC District be amended to allow parking lots as a conditional use; and that the Amendment to the Public Buildings and Parks District be amended to allow single-family residential Zoning Code Allowing uses as permitted uses; and that the parking ordinance be amended to exclude Parking Lots as a public streets and alleys from the 100-foot maximum for off-site parking, citing Conditional Use in the following findings and conclusions: Findings: (1) After reviewing three the Office Commercial separate requests for rezone in the Hospital vicinity within several months of each District and Allowing other, the City Council initiated a review of the long-term zoning needs; (2) The Single-family Uses Planning Commission reviewed the Hospital vicinity zoning on March 25, 1992, and in the Public by a unanimous vote, recommended the City Council consider expanding the OC Buildings and Parks zone with a conditional use permit, expanding the PBP zone as property becomes District available, and an overall review of the Parking Code; (3) The City Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation on April 7, 1992, and initiated the public Amendment to the hearings for rezone, Zoning Ordinance amendment, and Parking Ordinance Parking Ordinance amendment; (4) The proposal is to rezone property from RS-7 to PBP; to amend the to Clarify Standards Office Commercial Zone District to allow parking lots as a conditionally permitted for Off-site Parking use; and to amend the Parking Ordinance to exempt public streets and alleys from (Cont'd) the 100-foot limitation on off-site parking; (5) The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposal. The Plan designates the rezone area as urban residential and medical commercial; (6) Since 1980, an average of 1,336 s.f. of new medical office floor area, exclusive of the Hospital itself, has been absorbed in the vicinity. Projecting this rate into the future, it would take over 30 years to convert the remaining OC property to office uses; (7) There are four single-family homes on Blocks 3 and 4 of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony Addition, one of which is vacant and owned by the Hospital. Blocks 3 and 4 are adjacent to the Hospital. The houses would not become non-conforming, as the PBP District is also amended to allow homes as a permitted use; (8) Single-family homes are a permitted use in the OC District; (9) The City has recently adopted an Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance which sets forth a process for protection of those areas which in the past have relied on PBP zoning for protection; (10) The Parking Ordinance allows off-site parking within 100 feet of a site to be used to meet parking requirements. It does not exempt the distance occupied by public streets and alleys, which typically have widths of 60 feet and 20 feet respectively; (11) The Hospital is completing a 12,500 square-foot addition to the building, and has testified at public hearings and meetings of the increasing diversity of services they provide. As a result, the number of Hospital employees has increased by 62 since 1988; (12) The OC Zone District contains development standards for parking lots which are intended to maximize compatibility with residential uses; (13) Front Street is zoned ACD, which allows medical offices as a permitted use; (14) The SEPA Responsible Official has issued a Determination of Non-Significance; Conclusions: (A) The proposal is consistent with the Goals, Policies, and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, especially Goals Nos. 3 - 5; Residential Policy No. 2; Commercial Policies Nos. 1, 2, 3, 16; Circulation Policy No. 18; Social Policies Nos. 2 and 4; Community Facility Objective No. 2; Social Objectives Nos. 2 and 3; and Land Use Objectives 1 - 3; (B) Circumstances have changed since the property was originally zoned RS-7. The Hospital activities have increased as evidenced by the recent expansion and growth in the number of employees; a new Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance has been adopted by the City; and since 1980, over 16,000 square feet of new office space has been constructed in the OC Zone District; (C) The proposal is in the public use and interest as it would serve the increasing demand for health care facilities. Councilwoman Sargent asked Councilman Wight if he was interested in including the block between Chambers and Jones Streets. Councilman Wight was not inclined to do this, as it would actually encompass two and one-half blocks, and he would not like to attempt it at this time. Councilman Wight considered including that area at this time would not make good land-use sense. Councilwoman Sargent seconded Councilman Wight's motion. Following discussion, Councilwoman Sargent moved to amend the motion to extend the eastern boundary of the OC Zone to Jones Street. Councilman Braun seconded the amendment. -4- 2300 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: Councilman Wight said according to records, the existing OC Zone has not expanded at the rate originally projected; therefore, there does not appear to be a need for Public Heatings additional OC Zoning at this time. Councilman Braun said if the proposed inclusion is not rezoned now, the Council will be faced with it later. Councilman Wight's Rezoning Property comments are well-taken; however, by doing it now, it will not be necessary to go from Residential through the same procedures at a later date. This would be an appropriate time to Single-Family to include that area. Councilman Ostrowski supported Councilman Wight's feeling not Office Commercial to go any further east than necessary at this time. and/or Public Buildings and Parks Councilman Wight considered the conservative approach to changes in land-use policy has served the City reasonably well. If there is no strong incentive to make Amendment to the the change, there is no reason to make it. Councilwoman Sargent said the need for Zoning Code Allowing housing in our community prompted her to propose the amendment to the motion. Parking Lots as a If it is not done now, there will be a long process required at some future date to Conditional Use in make the change. The opportunity exists today. the Office Commercial District and Allowing The vote on the amendment to the motion passed 3 - 2, with Councilmen Wight Single-family Uses and Ostrowski voting "No". in the Public Buildings and Parks The amended motion is to rezone land from RS-7, Residential Single-Family, to OC, District Office Commercial and Public Buildings and Parks; amend the Zoning Code allowing parking lots as a conditional use in the Office Commercial District and allowing Amendment to the single-family uses in the Public Buildings and Parks District; and an amendment to Parking Ordinance the Parking Ordinance to clarify standards for off-site parking. to Clarify Standards for Off-site Parking Councilman Wight spoke against the motion as amended, as it would encompass just (Cont'd) over three and one-half City blocks which far exceeds the near-term projected needs of the medical community of the City of Port Angeles and the surrounding area. It lays the entire section of land open to other kinds of office commercial development not necessarily associated with the medical community and the Hospital and the associated businesses and industries that support the Hospital. It is inappropriately large. It is a wrong move. Rezoning all of that property to Office Commercial under the premise that it would increase the availability of housing is an incorrect premise. He did not support the motion. Councilman Ostrowski agreed. He felt the people in the area proposed to be included have not been heard from as they did not know their property would be included. He would have to vote against the motion. ~ 1, page 10, for addition to this portion of minutes. See Addendum The vote was taken on the amended motion, which carried 3 - 2, with Councilmen Ostrowski and Wight voting "No". Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 9:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:31 p.m. Mayor Hallett discussed with Attorney Knutson the necessity of rewording all of the proposed ordinances. It was Attorney Knutson's opinion that the legal description in the rezone ordinance would have to be changed and that all three ordinances should be brought back to the next Council meeting. ~ See Addendum 2, page 10 for addition to this portion of minutes. 6-Year Transportation 4. Resolution adopting the 6- Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Improvement Program - Resolution No. 26-92 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works. He then opened the public hearing at 9:39 p.m.. Leonard Beil, 3721 Park Knoll, said copies of such items which are to be considered should be made available to the public, preferably where the agendas are presented. Don Bettger, 1022 South Cherry Street, indicated there are four items which need to be addressed. The 6-year Plan does not address the issue of another arterial across town which has been delayed for years because of one individual. This must be addressed. Many of the neighborhood streets need to be redone, yet there is nothing in this Plan to cover that work. Sidewalks are necessary in many areas, especially with people now walking for exercise. If they were installed by the City, with liens being placed against the abutting properties until the time the properties were sold, there would be sidewalks and the City would still get its money back. Handicapped ramps should be on sidewalks on major arterials, in the downtown area and any business district, but not necessarily included at every residential intersection. Although Railroad Avenue needs resurfacing, money is being spent on the Waterfront Trail. The Trail is a good idea, but Railroad Avenue gets more use. -5- 2301 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: There being no further comments, Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 9:46 (Cont'd) p.m. and read the Resolution by title, entitled: 6-Year Transportation RESOLUTION NO. 26-92 Improvement Program - Resolution No. 26-92 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles (Cont'd) adopting the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by rifle. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilwoman Sargent asked where the money would come from to construct the White's Creek crossing in 1993. Director of Public Works Pittis explained that the - funding would be determined by the preparation of the Capital Improvement Plan, which is a requirement. One problem with crossing the Creek is to determine the best way to construct the crossing; i.e., culvert or bridge. Included in this determination is the need to obtain clearance from the Department of Fisheries. Councilman Braun agreed a crossing of White's Creek at Third, Fourth, or Fifth, would be beneficial in reducing the east-bound traffic congestion on First Street. Councilman Ostrowski asked if the Plan was listed by priority. Director Pittis said it was only a list, not by priority. Mayor Hallett said the Council would have to determine where the money will be found for any of the items on the Plan. A vote was taken on the morion which carried unanimously. Councilwoman Sargent moved to continue with the agenda beyond 10:00 p.m. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Abatement and Removal B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings of Junk Vehicles - Ordinance No. 2698 1. Revising procedures for abatement and removal of junk vehicles Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's Office. He then read the Ordinance by title, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2698 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance 2469 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Section 8.04.020(D) and 8.04.050, and establishing procedures for the abatement of junk vehicles as a nuisance, and adding a new Chapter 8.05 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilman Braun asked if the 10-day time period for response was sufficient. Attorney Knutson advised that the time period was in the original nuisance ordinance, and there have not been any complaints about it to date. The vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. Ballot Title for 2. Approving ballot title for Septentber 15, 1992, Fire Station Bond Issue September 15, 1992, Fire Station Bond Issue - Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided and read the Ordinance by title, Ordinance No. 2699 entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2699 AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at a special election to be held therein on September 15, 1992, of a proposition authorizing -6- 2302 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: the City to issue its General Obligation (Cont'd) Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,975,000 for the purpose of Ballot Title for constructing and equipping additions and September 15, 1992, improvements to the City of Port Angeles Fire Station Bond Issue - Fire Station Headquarters and providing Ordinance No. 2699 for the annual levy and collection of (Cont'd) taxes for such purposes if approved. Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Fire Chief Glenn introduced the CEO of the architectural firm, Robert Nixon, and Jerry Chichenski from Mithnne Associates, station design person. The third member of the team is Rob Linkletter, who is out of town at this time. Assistant Chief Campbell and Jeff Abram worked very closely with the team to put the design together. Chief Glenn then turned the matter over to Mr. Nixon. Robert Nixon has been working on the project since early June. Jerry Chichenski distributed copies of the drawings to be presented showing the ground floor plan, the upper floor plan, and the four elevations which show the general feel of the Fire Station. The principal determination to be made was whether a new Fire Station was needed or merely a remodel of the existing structure. The existing structure is outside the requirements of the current Code, the apparatus bays are very tight, requiring apparatus which is shorter than usual. The changing character of fire protection and the required duties call for a new Station. The initial thought was the existing building could not be saved. The present site is an ideal location; the expansion probabilities for the City are going toward the east; the Station in its current location is a good choice. The basic structure of the existing building is in excellent condition. There are design deficiencies which cause the problems. The need for training areas, display areas, for school groups, for flexible office space are well-served in the existing structure. The existing apparatus bays work very well for meeting rooms and some of the necessary interior administration spaces. The recommendation is to retain the existing building for the administrative portion, and add a new apparatus bay which would allow flexibility for the long-term need for apparatus and equipment for the Fire Station. He then walked the Council through the drawings. The plan is to construct the apparatus addition to the east of the existing structure, get the apparatus installed there, and then remodel the existing structure. A rezone would be required to allow the Fire Station to be located there. Robert Nixon explained how the cost of $1,975,000 was reached. This covers the construction of the addition, the remodel of the existing structure, and the acquisition of the property immediately east of the present Station, furniture and fixtures, sales tax, etc. Following further discussion, the vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. City Light Service 3. Changing the ordinances on City Light service charges Charges - Ordinance No. 2700 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Light Department and read the Ordinance by title, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2700 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising Light Department service charges, amending Section 16 of Ordinance 2054 as most recently amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 2260 and amending Section 13.12.090 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, the vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. -7- 2303 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: C. Resolutions requiring public comment (Cont'd) 1. Consideration of Public Nuisances Public Nuisances - Resolution No. 27-92 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works and read the Resolution by title, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 27-92 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring elimination of such nuisance. Mayor Hallett inquired as to whether there was any public comment pertinent to these properties. There being none, Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Wight seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, the vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously with Councilman Ostrowski absent from the dias at the time of the vote. Set Public Hearing on D. Resolutions not requiring public hearings Speed Limit Adjustments - Resolution No. 28-92 1. Setting public hearing on speed limit adjustments Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided and read the Resolution by title, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 28-92 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles setting a public hearing date for consideration of establishing speed limits on streets in the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Wight moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Mayor Hallett said the public hearing would be held on August 18, 1992. The vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. Shoreline Management E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items Permit - Port of Port Angeles - COHO Ferry 1. Shoreline Management Permit - SMA-92(07)127 - Port of Port Angeles, COHO Ferry at Laurel Street: Request for a permit to allow the expansion of an existing ferry dock by relocation of an existing failing bulkhead Councilman Wight moved to approve the Shoreline Management Permit for the Port of Port Angeles, SMA-92(07)127, for the COHO Ferry at Laurel Street to allow the expansion of an existing ferry dock by relocation of an existing failing bulkhead, subject to the following condition and citing the following findings and conclusions: Condition: The quality of the fill and extension of the City's storm drain outfall shall be approved by the City Public Works Department; Findings: (1) The approval is for expansion of an existing ferry dock by 836 s.f., installation of 1515 feet of sheet piling and 1180 cubic yards of fill; (2) The site is located on the Port Angeles downtown waterfront. The vicinity is developed with a number of commercial, recreational and tourist-oriented facilities. Rock rip-rap and sheet piling bulkheads line the shorelines in the vicinity; (3) The proposal has been reviewed for compliance with the Shoreline Master Program, Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Environmentally Sensitive Area Protection Ordinance; (4) A Determination of Non-Significance has been issued by the Port of Port Angeles, acting as the SEPA lead agency for the proposal (5) The project supports a water- dependent, tourist-oriented facility, which are uses supported by the Shoreline Master Program. The proposal is a redevelopment and improvement to existing facilities, which is supported by the Shoreline Master Program; (6) The sheet pile type bulkhead would replace existing sheet pile bulkhead; Conclusions: (A) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, specifically General -8- 2304 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: Regulations C.1 and C.4; Land Use Element D.1; Natural Systems E.7.b; Use (Cont'd) Activities F.a.a and 3; F.8.b; F.9.a-e; F.12.a, b, c, e & f; F.17.a and c; (B) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, specifically Goal Shoreline Management No. 3, and Commercial Policies Nos. 6 and 10; Central Business District Zone, and Permit- Port of Port Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance; (C) As conditioned, the Angeles - COHO Ferry proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline. Councilman Braun seconded the (Cont'd) motion, which carried unanimously. Shoreline 2. Shoreline Management Permit - SMA-92(07)128 - City of Port Angeles, Management Permit Railroad Avenue: Replacement of existing and installation of new lighting City of Port fixtures and poles along Railroad Avenue and the Wateoeront Trail. Angeles - Railroad Avenue Councilwoman Sargent moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Shoreline Management Permit for the City of Port Angeles to replace existing and install new lighting fixtures and poles along Railroad Avenue and the Waterfront Trail, subject to the following condition and citing the following findings and conclusions: Condition: The lighting of the Trail shall include lighting the Francis Street stairway; Findines: (1) The approval is for installation of pedestrian-oriented lighting (poles and fixtures) along Railroad Avenue and the Waterfront Trail. The lighting on Railroad Avenue will replace existing lighting. The lighting on the Trail will be new; (2) The lighting will be installed on the south side of the Trail. Conduit serving the lights has been previously installed. Therefore, alteration of the paved Trail and bed will be minimal; (3) The Shoreline Master Program and Comprehensive Plan have been reviewed with respect to the proposal; (4) The site is identified as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the ESA protection ordinance and has been found to be a reasonable use exception pursuant to 15.20.050(5) PAMC; (5) The applicant has indicated the lighting will meet specifications so as to minimize impacts on nearby properties; (6) The lighting will encourage use of the Waterfront Trail during hours of darkness; Conclusions: (A) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, specifically General Regulations C. 1, 2 and 7; Land Use Element D.2; Natural Systems Regulations E.l.a.; and Use Activities F.19.a-c; (B) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, specifically Goal No. 3, Commercial Policy No. 10; (C) As conditioned, the proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 3. Acceptance of Minutes Councilman Wight moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of July 8, 1992. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Request for Water F. Other Considerations Service Outside the City 5. Request for water service outside the City Mayor Hallett reviewed the information received from the Department of Public Works. Darrel Vincent, 701 East Front Street, asked the City to provide water service to property on the south side of Lauridsen Blvd. There is a water line across the subject property which serves a residence beyond. Easements across adjoining properties to access the Dry Creek Water System are impossible. They are willing to sign a non-protest annexation agreement with the City in exchange for water to the proposed four lots, each to be improved with a four-plex. He would rather short plat the property while it is still in the County. At the request of Mayor Hallett, Deputy Director of Public Works Ridout gave the background of water service outside the City in the immediate area, some of which have never been activated. Thirteen water services in the area were instituted prior to the enactment of the current ordinance prohibiting service outside the City limits. Following additional discussion, Councilman Braun moved to extend water to the Vincent property on the south side of Lanridsen Boulevard. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion. Following extensive discussion, the vote was taken and the motion failed 2 - 3. -9- 2305 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1992 LEGISLATION: 1. Financial Status Report - June 30, 1992 (Cont'd) Continued to the Augusl 4,. 1992, meeting. Financial Status Report Lettering for 2. Lettering for Council Chambers to go with logo on back wall Council Chambers Continued to the August 4, 1992, meeting. Surplus and Sale 3. Surplus and sale of property on Highland Drive at 5th Street of Property on Highland Drive Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided. The Real Estate Committee has proposed the sale of this portion to the owner of the abutting lot would be appropriate. Deputy Director Ridout explained the location of the property and the abutting property owner's purpose in requesting surplus and sale. Councilman Ostrowski moved to declare the property surplus and sell it to the abutting property owner for the amount of $2,000. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Following discussion, Councilman Ostrowski added to the motion that such sale will be subject to restrictions on the use of the property. Councilwoman Sargent agreed. The vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. Status Report on 4. Status report on Goals & Objectives Goals & Objectives Continued to the August 4, 1992, meeting. ADJOURN TO Mayor Hallett adjourned the meeting to executive session at 11:35 p.m. for EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately 15 minutes to discuss items of real estate and litigation. The meeting reconvened at 12:05 a.m. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 12:06 a.m. Clerk Addendum 1: Councilwoman Sargent stated that she did not view this zoning change as a way to solve our housing problems, but as an opportunity to be pro-active as we have watched all the growth in this area in the last few years has been medically related and the hospital just completed a major expansion. Addendum 2: Planning Director Collins said additional findings and conclusions in support of the OC rezone should also be brought back to the next meeting. -10-