HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/22/1991 2043
Special Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington
July 22, 1991
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 7:04 p.m.
- ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Cornell, Hallett, Lemon,
Nicholson, Ostrowski and Wight.
Members Absent: None.
Sta. ffPresent: Manager Pomeranz, Assistant Attorney Dickson, Acting
Clerk McFarland, J. Pittis, K. Ridout, J. Jimerson.
Public Present: C. Alexander, J. Fairchild, B. Haselton, D. Somers, J.
Discuss/Approve Matters Deputy Director of Public Works Ridout showed a video of the area proposed for the
Related to Harborview Inn motel - 140 feet from the street back to the stairs.
Motel Project
Richard Elliott, 9500 East Mansfield Road, Shreveport, Louisiana, expressed
appreciation for the opportunity to be heard by the Council on such short notice. He
said he intends to construct and manage an independent motel with manager's living
quarters. It will contain approximately 25 rental units, with 15 parking spaces on
the ground level with three floors of units. Asked to lease a portion of the street-
level parking lot directly in front of the proposed motel, with the lease term for the
life of the motel. Will require access from Railroad Avenue to the lower-level
parking area. He requested first right of refusal to purchase the proposed leased
parking area, and permission to put windows on the east and west sides of the
Councilman Lemon asked about access to the property; i.e., entrance and exit on
Front Street and Railroad Avenue. Mr. Elliott responded that the underground
parking spaces would be accessed from the east and the ground floor of the motel
would face west.
Jean Fairchild asked Mr. Elliott about the entry to the underground parking spaces
and was advised that would be through the Harbortowne parking entrance. Ms.
Fairchild asked if any of the present parking spaces in that location would be
eliminated and Mr. Elliott said the City would most likely re-draw the parking lot
in order to gain access to the underground spaces. Only two to three parking spaces
would be lost. There was considerable discussion about the proposed underground
Tim Haley, PADA President, suggested a two-level parking lot below the building,
which Mr. Elliott countered by citing the increased construction costs for such
-- parking. There was discussion about the area proposed for temporary parking for
registration purposes; and Mr. Elliott said he would request the Front Street curb
along his building be painted yellow to allow for temporary parking for registration
The question of the number of employees was raised. Mr. Elliott assumed there
would be a maximum of about five. When asked what rate per unit was proposed,
Mr. Elliott said they would be competitive With the other motels in the area.
Mr. Elliott said if the City would repair the retaining wall at the west side of the
project site, he would repair the south wall.
A member of the Downtown Association said it was necessary that the Association
retain the existing parking in the Downtown. If parking is lost, the lost area should
be improved with a commercial establishment which would bring more traffic
Downtown. The association is responsible for parking for the Downtown. If a part
July 22, 1991
LEGISLATION of it is given up without receiving something in return, they have lost a valuable
(Cont'd): asset.
Discuss/Approve Matters There was some discussion about the possible need for an elevator in the building,
Related to Harborview Inn which is not presently planned for. To a question about how long the parking spaces
Motel Project (Cont'd) would be unusable during construction, Mr. Elliott responded that once the City has
the west retaining wall repaired and he can get equipment in for construction, it will
not take too long.
It was brought out that the Downtown Association's agreement with the City for the
parking spaces reflects shared parking, not designated as this proposal would be.
Although other businesses have requested parking designated in front of their
operations, it has never been granted before. Mr. Elliott said he was not asking for
designated parking, only a lease for the parking stalls in front of his proposed motel.
If the parking area proposed for lease were declared surplus by the City, a value
would be placed on it and it would be made available to the highest bidder, which
would not necessarily provide Mr. Elliott with the parking spaces he needs.
The Downtown Association asked for time to allow the Parking Committee to meet
and study the proposal.
There was some discussion about a proposed balcony. Director of Public Works
Pittis said the balconies would not extend beyond the property lines. The Code
· requires that not. all of the.side yard ~etback can be taken up with amenities, such as
balconies, and a variance is not an option in such a case.
Mayor Sargent observed there appeared to be general agreement among the
Downtown Association that they were in favor of the proposal. The City Attorney
will have to look at the agreement with the Downtown Parking Association and
determine what options are available. She asked if the Down~A,w~.~Association could
~ come up with some sort of proposal within the next several'~iSs and was advised
there is a general meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 24th, at which the matter
will be discussed and hopefully a solution proposed.
A five-minute break was taken at 8:15 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 8:21 P.M.
Mayor Sargent asked about the possibility of meeting Mr. Elliott's request for first
right of refusal if the City should ever decide to sell the property on either or both
the east and west sides of the proposed motel. Asst. Attorney Dickson said the
legality of that would have to be checked.
Councilman Cornell asked why the west retaining wall had not yet been repaired.
Director of Public Works Pittis said repairing the retaining wall was a multi-step
procedure, which would cost approximately $60,000, which funds have not been
designated. Councilman Cornell asked where the funds would come from. The
response was to budget it next year; or if it were to be done immediately, the funds
would have to come from General Fund reserves.
Councilman Lemon asked if the retaining wall could be utilized by Mr. Elliott as a
part of his construction, i.e. party wall. Director Pittis said it cannot be so used.
Councilman Hallett moved that the Council agree to repair the west retaining wall,
to be completed within six months. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion,
contingent upon the proposed project going through. Mr. Elliott was comfortable
with the six-month period.
Councilman Lemon suggested holding all matters in abeyance until the Downtown
Association comes back with a positive response. The City will fix the wall if the
proposal goes through.
Mayor Sargent re-stated the motion: The City will agree to rebuild the west
retaining wall at a cost of $60,000, the funds to be taken out of the general fund
'reserves, 'and the woe v~ill be completed within four months of the issuance of a
_building permit. On call for. the,question the motion carried unanimously. ~a,H'~q
Mr. Elliott said the south retaining wall would be repaired at the same time
construction starts on his building.
There was some discussion about access, both to the underground parking and to
Railroad Avenue. The issue of windows on both east and west sides of the building.
A five-foot easement would solve that problem. With respect to the proposed canopy
at the west entrance to the building, Mr. Elliott said he would comply with whatever
July 22, 1991
Discuss/Approve Matters is in the Code. Director Pittis said a canopy could not be constructed over
Related to Harborview property which Mr. Elliott does not own. Regarding the painting of the Front
Inn Mot e 1 P roj e ct Street curb yellow, Director Pittis said the City would look at the entire block and
(Cont'd) could set aside certain loading zones, including possibly this area. It is Mr.
Elliott's request that the stairs from the Front Street side of the lower-level
parking lot be moved so they would not be in front of his proposed building.
Manager Pomeranz asked if it was possible to assure Mr. Elliott would receive a
building permit in exchange for all the concessions he is making, suggesting the
bottom line be that everything is contingent upon Mr. Elliott obtaining a building
Mr. Elliott said he would be returning to Louisiana on July 29th and asked if he
could have some assurance by Friday, July 26th or Monday, July 29th. If this
project should fall through, he is looking at another piece of property out of town,
and before he leaves, he will purchase either the proposed site or the parcel of out
of town property.
Assistant Attorney Dickson itemized the issues which he is supposed to review,
including access, right of first refusal, and windows/balconies.
Manager Pomeranz said staff would develop a document covering all the
questions, issues, and contingencies, which will go before the Council on August
6th for action.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.