HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/23/1918
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l'rm'C(!llillgs oJ City Cmmdl oJ tile City oJ Pori Allgf'lf)S~ WlI."iltillgtOIl
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RESOLUTION NO. 57 !';outherly along the center line o[ It;...,- '~
-, ,J - . St. to the center line pr Carollllp St.: '~l
. ~;l';t . rellolved b;' tl1~"" ell>' Council of 'thcm:e ea~h:rly 1l.1on~ the center line ;.; ,
the City of Port Angeles:'" .r"'... Caroline St. to the easterly line of th<' ..
C.~~~ctiT~:t ~:"::r Ul~~n~i:::~<;::;~~t:';t CI:;; ',.,.; ~~':;;r~;'~~:n~.u~n;'h~n,;,th;;,';~';:~O';~ :~::, " "
. ~~~~ .;~t~~lt ~:~~t.fr;::nt:e ~~~i ~rn~cg: ~k~ ~~G.tc:l0~~e t~~ ~~~~~~l~~t.~[ tt~~~:r[;:a~tl~":>)
_: _. r,t~':1~?r:\r~;~~~~:~lf1r~"~~~~tfE'tt~ '.' .;, ~~~~ 1~1:'~~~~lI~~n::t~/~~J;~~~~~~.II.~:,~r;~~Ar'I~.~~
\ lIoutlll'rly side of the improvement; by 3nJ.-Tlmt t1wrc be ns~e8!;cd n(;l\lnst '~" ',. ".r
constructing: llnd repairing nil necessary" that portion of the property ,...l1hln such,':
rnUlIlJ;:; by !<uI'l-'h'illJ.: nil ncce!l......'1ry IItrln&- ~'nl:lI,:-,'~1 dll'ltrlct lying between the tcr- i.l_ ..\
t'rs. and doing such other work as mn:.' mini of the proposed improvt',"I'nt brick.,. ft,
bl' IIt'Cf'S!l.'1T'Y in connection therewith. all frmn the Illarg:lnal lIne8 thl1reof to thl' '\.'.-
In w:conJance wl1h pInns and :<IICciflc;1.- lJJi~l<J11' of thc block on e.'1ch side there- ,'" :.. ~
1Ions to be prellared by _ the Clt:!," En- of In the mode prescrjbed In Section n." "-1.
J;lncer. '.:-~-.. .~..,.',;', o..:.<.;~..i......\ ,'h:\Ilkr 98 of the Res-s.ion I...'1wS of th,' ': '
. ~nd.-Thllt It Is IlroposE'd to create :in :->latp of \Va.'ihll1J;:ton, for HU1. fiR alllt'lHl-
. t.n]aTJ;I'd dlslrict to pay for thb Improve. "d by the Session JAWS of 1915. Pa~e [,2i,. ,;
ment ,~- The ~al{l district :>hllll . be dO'-. SITt!on :!. the sum of One IIunt!red. Dol. " ; < . I
SC"rilll'd AS follows: r.J !:Lrs ($100.00). Thllt slIch portion of the; I. .~~_
"1.'1 n~~.ln~:l~~ ;:n~~t~ ~~~cr:.~;~~~n 10:O~~~~~~; " ~:;:;:~,i,I~~~:;~,,~~ ~1~c&~~;tT~~~t1 e:r::,~:e h~f ~~: ~'J_ ~
lhrouJ;h the center lIne of JonNI 81. to 'trlhutcd nnd nf<~e.';.!led ngnlnst nil' the'
the N,nt,-,r line of thl; Boulevart!; thenet' 1'T"l'III,rty included within the N'mlllndcr
,,".':'lterly thrnu~h the center line of the of th.. I'n]aq;:t'd district In accordancl'
Bnull!\'artl to n line midway 1...twI'cn H with sllch I"fI('Clal bendlts In the rnOt.1~
~ ~t. and G ~t., thellce nnrth...rJy nlnnJ:;" tll<' l'rt','wribed in Enid Section 1:1, Chapter 9/1,
."center line bctwt'cn H ~t. nnd CSt. tn 4Ih._Thnt all pcr:<ons who mllY dt'.'iirc"
., the center line of the nllcy In Block lOr., s"So-doll Laws of 1911. :,a: j.
; between Thlr\1 St. and Fourth St.; thenC':l! to object thereto nre h'~rclJy nolinI'd to
SJ w~terly throuj1("h the center line of the - aplll'nr anl1 prMent f<uch obJI'cllons :'l.t a
i all..)' betwc'~n Thl"I ~;t. :lIld Fourth St,. lIl\'dln~ of the dt)' council tn be la'lt! in \
'~to the Eu:!t line of the Snmpson Don:'l.tlnn the l:ouncll chamber In the City of Port
J.."lnd Claim; ttlt:~ncc contlnuinJ: wC'stl'rly An,:;:,'1I's at 7:30 o'cl.)ck p. m.. on the 13th
. Oil a line midway betwl'cn 'Chlnl St. anol day of AIlr-;-u:it. 1~18. whIch time and I'hc!'
Fourth St. tlroducC'd through the &1mp- Is Ift.n'hy f1xl~d for hearing all rnath'r:-1
!1on Donation Lfwd Claim, throuJ;:h the J't'lntlllf!: to said llrOpo~l'd ImprovemC'nt, .
, .~enter of the nlley In Block 123; tbenef! Ilml all objections theretll, and for ddt,r-
j ,'" ~~~:;~~t\~~~u~~I:~e S~.C:tl~l~ ~~~r~~ ~1;~ " ::~:~~~'~I~~~ltl_II~~'h~f_,~,~.)'~~~_~~, ~10~, s"~~~'5:' .1
to the centl'r line of l'aI St.: th....nce north- _.II !jth._Tlmt thL' City En~lncer ,!;hall .Imb- "
. t'rly throu~h the {'cnt....r line of :If fit. ns mil to the city council at or prior to !l."\id
(Originally laid out. to the northerly line tlate. aU dat:~ nud Infurmalion rClllliro'"
of Port Ang:t'!t>s Townl'>ltl'; thence east- .' hy law to be submitted. .
..rly nlollg the nnrthl~rly line of blo('k~ Gth._Thnt Iho ('0.<;11111<1 I'Xllf'tl"<e of snld
,Hi aud 135. "nd the Routhl'rly line of HI" -.. ,hntlrovemt]nt l<hall be hl'flle by and as-,
! JAl'!C'On ".atj~n\-ny to the Inner hnrbor .....: sClIsed lIJ;ainst the prop.-rty Hable there.
line of }'ort Angeles Burhor: thence cal"t- .t t"r. flU pn1v!,j,.d b}' IfIw. . '.
t:rly along the Inner harbor Jlne with It~'k" Plul~ed the city eouneU this 23rt! fI:n- ,','
f<(,Verat chanJ:;"es of fllr,-,ct]on to th~ r-n:!\t- ',' of Jui}', .1~18, find tllJ;lwd by me In opell ,< .
;;I~I~~: ~~e J~~~~~~b.S~i~ethoetrln~{~~~h~t~ ~;;~.;II;ll~n d~~tl~.tt}~;~~CI~191~~ _~~s P~s,~&~.>:",~:
II) ttw,<:entr-r line of nallrrmd '\1.\"'-"_: E. J. "'ALTON.
thent~e easterlY nlonl'; the center line of AU,'st: ~;~ '4 Mayor. .
Hnilron,l 'A'f'e. to It::. inteNtectlon with th,. C. D. IU;;ST.',
. I~l'n\(,r line of Ylctorln.. St.; thence f'a,.t- . City Clerk.' '.
f , ; rly lllong the center IIn,' of Vlctori~ Ht Fi~;t Publication July :!G, 1!118.
1" ,un' "' n:" linn n' R.ne St: "~"n",', ",,'''',,' ""hll.'.ti,," J"ly 27, 1918,
, ,.,~ .
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