HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/23/1947 I I I I I 363 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington t......rui.n Jl1~, 19~ I'The Commission met in regular session at 1.0:00 A.M. and 1I8S caUed to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call I showed t he following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Stee1.e and Johnson, Attorney Wi1.son ! and C1.erk Law. Minutes of the previous session ....ere read and approved. j - :Under the head of app1.ications for bui1.ding permits and licenses, the following were granted: i ~ /' 'EO 0.:' ;Building Pennits: ~"', /~ I Frank Pollow Move House; !f Lot 9, B1.k. 22, N." .Smi th Add. - iDefwm Cleaners Build Addition; E2 Lot ll, All Lot 1.2; B1.k. 20, N.R.Smith-Add. [Harry F. Gunn R~el by Adding Additi~n to House; Lot 15, B1.k. 206, Townsite K. E. Rudo1.ph Build 4-Room House; Lot ~, B1.k. 6, P.S.C.C. I,Arno1.d Grant Build 5-Room Dwell1ng; Lots 44-45, Perkins Add. -iJ. .H. Anderson Remodel-Garage; Lot 14, B1.k. 204, Townsite IR. J. Engel Remodel and Bulle! Addition to House; Lot 20, B1.k. 255, Townsite C. O. lfuite Remodel Dwelling; Lots 10-11, B1.k. 332, Townsite ,Sig Larson Put in Oil Storege Tank in Basement of Warren Morse Building 'lL. ,G. Barrett Tear Down 5 01.d Sheds and Bui1.d Gerage; Lot 9, Blk. 539, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Bui1.d 6-P.oom Dwelling; Lot 9, B1.k. 111, E. C. Baker, Add. "IJaCk Del Guzzi Build 4-Room Drrelling; Lots 13-14, Blk. 177, Townsite Cliff Bene Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 10, B1.k. 4, Dyke Land' Co. Add. ) 00 _ Licenses: ..:( ?;<. " ;Marine Drive Lunch 'IMarine Drive Lunch ,Marine Drive Lunch 'iLittle Brick Tavern ILittle Brick Tavern ILittle Brick Tavern Duck Inn Duck Inn Duck Inn 'Duck Inn jTbe Street Shop The Street Shop I The Street Shop ,The Street Shop Club Billiards Cafe X"'i l' '. 'Of,' nK\H!:'l'C . [l~~~,,t~:;~::llit r~:t;"(~K dC\'t~;IH~(]'\~l~m~~~ : ,~tl'~~[ r~l'l~ltii'rlK,~l~~' ~~]~.~i~, '~'n:(lt!;\~I~ "f Lilll'olll t<li'..,t to ,tIlt' l>l"-'II~ in the ,;T)e~I)()(IY t~lIkh b,l' l'On!"tl'lIdll1jg t'''\I-, l'l'('lp Hii(f'''"nlk" 011 l,nth ~id"." of f':1l1.J f !->tN'PtJ.', :\~ l"(,t fOI'tl1 in H,'gvlutlo'h So. I~S, C'rllnpl"if<jl1~ 1..0<>[\1 Impn'~'..- 1\1(>l1t l1i!'ll'h'l ),"0, 1,1~ UIllJl'l' Ul'din- 'I :llH'(1 No. J l~rl, Iw~ hP(.11 !"(>t fOl' )1(>[11'. :' ~\~~ 1:~.f~~:~~lj~~\;, [Ij~:,~~' \~:;:;Il:: IR~~~1111~11; ~el'nllll fllHH' nf (1\" fill' IJI'II:lI.tllll-llt BIll:.;., lin Lillf'oln "In>!'t, un \\',.(hJ,'l'l- <IllY, ,\Ulnt~l 1:1. lH1, al 111;Hil a,11I \\'l'itkll lln'tt'~l.'< il~llillSl 1<11i'l , ~~ rl~~;~ ft:;;~:l ~~1:1:; \~tl i;~E/:~~~ t ~i)~, ~H:11~~C'{~il:;;: sl<I('I'(>,1 h.\' 1110' Cltl' ('OI1\1l11i<sion nt the 1I11w .111,1 pta,',"o( :<ald hl.'adll~, [.'(,t" fllr1hl'l' infVI'IIl:itioll t':lll "I Ihl' ell~' r':l1l{il\t,(,!,,~, offk(', ill Ill(' l'ltr Hllll:11. !"n'lll nmlllak Pot'! ,\1l~:,'('lN1, \\':l~h IIl/-ftflll, J. I';, LA"', i. Pll1di,1Ilf'd ..:!.~!.:Y...:..~',it]~/i~.I'liL..:.lI, )!lol,. ii' t:"f:: :~~:r:.~~;I;~~~; i.t~:\;J::::l~:li;~;} I' \\:l~hlngtO)l. ulltil ,\ugU!;t b. 1947, at ';I(I:OIlII,m. and not Intl'r. althe uffic(' I~ ~\fll~~~(,;,1 tt~~_;ll~;~'~l;~();II:e ~ ~i t'\h(~r ~:irr~ Hall of ~ald (:il \". Thu work (:on- tPIllIlb-ttl'd i~ ("I' th.. cl,nslru<.:t1o\l l,r "COIH'n~t{. ~[d{'wall,fi on t(lh I<tr1'('t IJfnnn I': ~;ln'('L 10 the \H':>il (>nd of ~l!Jp. TUlnwater Oridge. AlllJldl' ~hall be [H'cuml)al\itlll)~' a ccrlifiecl dltck in the: ~U1l1 of \lot 1 IeI';:; tll:11l {i% of t]\E' amrJunt hid fllHl '11~}a~~(c 1'!\r;~~I~'f tf,o;,I~C' A \~ii~ l~~~'e~,~~~;;: [llgtOll, or [he ]110:1 will not be con~ld- {'rt'd. A IHoIHl of H,{I% or tile Al110unt nf tl1" cOlltrnct I,rke Illlll'l IH> rw'nil'hf'd hI' the HlICl!f'8I'ful hWdel'. '.l'lnl1~' Hlltl H]H-,cjfl('atiol1!': l1la~.' 11(' oht:lin<nl fl',.m tll.. Cit.y Ch'I']< 1l1lOll flepol'ltlng lh,> .:<urn ()f $:;_110, whlr.h I ~,~~ ;~~~~if7gfl/;~i~n~~'I~~ i;'('t\)J\~n:Jal~~ the Clel'l< IlP.fol'p. tnf\ IlltlR lire opellf'd ~ I'ii~ht 1~;ll~Xj(~;~~?~:~f:;~tl:\~~d~..'e~ lhe ir.~'~lhll~hl'l] ,].nl~: _~1",'\!..!li~::.L1J_!:1!i.~J.. - . - :'\"(J'I'!l;l'; ']'0 IIIIlU..:n!' I'\{Jth~(' Is 11CI'elJ,\' l.\lv~!1 llml JOc:llf'll hl(J!; will Iw fl('('l'ptl'd IlY tho ('it)' I Clt'l'k Ilf the Ctty "f I'on ,\Il~ple!O at t1he Clly HIlII uf ~"I,I ell.v, 1101. lal('1' than \(1 (L,]II" .\U~lH': 0, 1:11i, EI[lllp. 1111:111. "i'ft.:I'l,,1 ell IJII[del'~ h)' lhe (l~u', "hal'."~ [J{'jJartlllf'llt a:j ("Huwl<: ;.1f'Tll findl naHon lloi:-t, Mlh frame RlIll nO!] Pll1l!jl 1'(Jlllltitlt'll. Un(, ull :>(t-el I' 1\ ~g>\l,ll{, r\ 1:;~I(I\'\"I:'d dtn i~II~1 ~ a ~' ::,f111 t n; ~)I~~~ ~I~. I~. ~;~ ~~~;;~tJ J U~i,:;I;:t m~~lrl~~lt;'I~< !'~~ltm I~: ~1;lOIl l't''''I':'''(,I;'' lht' ,'lgllt to l'{'jeer. anr ~\Il(l l111 bids. .T, K 1"\,,P, ell.- Clerk, 11J"J-.lhli~IH'(] .T.uh 2~. .-\u.-u:< t 1~14-, 1-..---.. WATER lUND: {< i..< ,/ j O~pic Printery Middleton Motor Parts Co. Hersey Mfg. Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Marckrnann & Williams I"""'" "'JM_' _. I 1,000.00 1,500.00 300 .00 I 1,700.00 I 4,000.00 'I 100.00 , 700.001' 500.00 ' 250.00 I 500.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 'I 4,000.00 I 1 Amusement llachine Resteurant Soft Drink 2 Amusement Machines Music Machine Soft Drink 1 Amusement Machine Restaurant Soft Drink Music Machine 3 Amusement Machines Restaurant Music Ma chine Soft Drink Restaurant 24.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 12.00 5.00 ,I 24.00 I 12.00 ;, 5.00 12.00 72.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 I i I , I' Under the head of nElll' rosiness, it was decided to publish another call ibr bids for construction of concrete sidewalks on West Eighth Street from 'lUmIrater bridge to ' E Street. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the bids be published and opening date set for August 6th. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voteJi Aye. Motion carried. LeRoy Jagger, Sanitation Superintendent, requested permission to publish bids for i' sale of equipnent not being used by his department. It was moved by Maycr I Epperson that the call for bids be published as requested, and date of opening set for August 6th. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motiob_ carried. il Under the bead of introduction of resolutions ibr the sale of real property by theJ City, the following were introduced-: Under the head of unfinished business, the City Engineer reported comp1.etion of the assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 146, and ready for public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that August 13 be set and published as the date of hearing ibr the said district. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All veted Aye. Motion carried. S. H. Winsby and C. L. Finch...Lots 1 and 2, B1.k. 2, Westpbals 1st Subd....250.00 Demetrio CUdanes...............Lot 7; B1.k. 256, TOWllsite...................100.OO It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the resolutions be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. . , The Commission examined and approyild the following c1.aiIDs, and ordered 1I8rrants issued in payment of the same: .Jf 37 aJRIlENT ElPENSE lUND: d 06 - Nels M. Suther1snd Bond Premium Wash. State Penitentiary Traffic Sign City Treasurer Postage Janish Motor Co. Kits, Shackles, BushingS, Bolts Irwin & Johnson Wrecker Service " Middleton Motor Parts Co. Parts; High Speed Drills Harris & Schuller Radio Supplies The Texas Co~ 25 Gal. au 5.00 6.77 9.00 24.94 1i.09 5.55 133.01 16.05 # 60 CITY STREET FUND: .3 I - Midd1.eton Moter Parts Harris & Schuller Ca,ps, Gaskets, Paint 5/8 rods CIlt to order 4.77 26.73 Supplies Paint ,Meter Parts Chlorine Freight on Pipe Commission 26.66 6.00 2.45 53.42 10.24 2.50 ,... 364 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Jul3" 25rd, continued, 19SL. LIGHT WND: ,/~/,f'!,'" ,0:Qmpic Printery 'Peninsula Electric '00. General E1.eetric Supply Corp. General Electric Supp1.y Corp. Tri-COunty Typewriter Co. llarris 8< Schuller .$ 13 SANIT,A.TION WND: .7 7 - .Fruehauf Trailer and Equipnent Co. :Midr;Ueton Motor Part~ Co. " -4 fs' LIBRARY FUND: 15_ Bob. LeDuc HollStclrk J ..2)< PARK flUID-:' IIt'-~y. Recreation Revo1.ving FIInd, School Dist. No.7 V. J. Neale -4 "'(3 ~! PARKING METER 8< TRAFFIC cONTROL FUND: /. Westingbouse Electric Supp1.y Corp. L. I. GUARANTY WND. .. 31;1. ::-1 ICity Treasurer . ,,32- L. I. REVOLVING FUND: /3_ City Treasurer ;CURREIfr EIPENSE-OJMULATlVE RESERVE iUND: ..& / ~ ,,0 Harris 8< Schuller o. ERICKsON CHILDREN'S PLAYFIELD FUND: ., / 7M V. J. Neale i ' Supp1.ies Wire Thinner Yeters Typewriter Ila\iio Equipment Wruck Repairs Radiator Hose Extra JllIli tor Labor Painting Job June Recreation Payroll 8< ExpenSes Extra Grading Traffic Light Supplies Taxes and Assessments Paid Asseesments Paid One Net Holder tor Dog Pound The~e being no further l:usioess, the session was declared adjourned. Balance Due on Skating Slab (j, (j h- ~, Clerk _ t... 00.JI ~ . 46.25 655.83 i 5.67 ' 2ll.41 69.11 12.59 36.23 .90 ll.70 3.75 ],,260.84 -186 .40 " i I 913.til '! I 312.29 15.32 i 12.00 I , 1,700.00 I -flC......'... Mayor I I I I I