HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/23/1951 "" 152 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Julv 23, 19.5~ ,..". "........m..""._... ","n',. moo ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: M~or Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and T~lor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and license renm;als, the following were granted: o )&17 '50- Pl1t in Store Front; Lot 16, Elk. 15, Townsite Construct Office & Warehouse; Lot 4, Blk. 25, N.R. Add Bedroom; Raise Roof of House; Change Cupboards Lot 18, Blk. 95, Build 5-Room House; Lots 3-4, Blk. 184, Townsite Build 5-Room House; Lot 5, Blk. 184, Townsite 2 Tear Down House, Move One Room, Add 3 Rooms; E Sub. Lot 54, Townsite Remodel & Enlarge Existing Residence; Lot 15, Blk. 22, N.R. Smith Add. Remodel Garage; S2 Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 349, Townsite o' Ii)?' ~ 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 . 5.00 21.00 5.00 25.00 Building Permits: DelGuzzi Bros. C. C. Churchill Wayne Williams 1,800.00 5,500.00 Smith Add. in Kitchen; Townsite 1,000.00 8,000.00 5,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 475.00 B. P. Il.oth E. W. Gray Thomas Le s J. W. Brock Elmer Dixon Licenses: Olympus Fountain Olympus Fountain Olympus Fountain Marine Drive Lunch Marine Drive Lunch City Drug Annex Hot el Loyal O~der of Moose Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Restaurant Soft Drink Soft Drink Hotel Operator Soft Drink Master Plumber Under the bead of unfinished business, Mrs. Wenner and others appeared regarding the Campfire Clubhouse. The; P~rk Board informed in writing that they agree to transfer of title to Clubhouse to the Campfire Girls, Incorporated, the grounds immediately adjacent to be properly cared for and building to be kept in good repair. Also recommended ~Ias written agreement with Campfire Girls, Inc., containing penalty clause providing immediate forfeiture of possession if building and specified area of ground are not maintained to the satisfaction of the Park Board. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the City convey title to the Campfire Clubhouse to Campfire Girls, Inc., and that a long time lease be drawn up for the ground as recommended by the Park Board and defined in sketch. Suggested time of lease was twenty-five years. Commissioner Robinson further clarified the motion for approval as follows: The City will give title to building, lease the ground, with understanding that both building and grounds will be kept in reasonable condi tion of repair and upkeep to the satisfaction of the City Commission. This being agreeable to the representati ve group, the motion was seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Park Board informed it is their belief that City property at Lincoln Park has been trespassed upon and Putp wood timber taken from the same. The Park Superintendent has run linos which confirm the belief and the City Engineer was requested to determine whether or not there has been trespass. The request was referred to the Engineer. The E~ineer submitted the first and final estimate for work done and material furnished in L.I.D. No. 154: July 23, 1951 To The Honorable Mayor and City Commission City of Port Angeles, Port Angeles, Washington. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the first and final estimate of work done and material furnished by Owens Bros. Engineering & Construction Co., contractors on the construction of concrete curbs and gutters, gutters only, and driveways on First Street from Race Street, easterly to the westerly margin of Alder Street, contract dated April 30th, 1951. 5,453.6 Lin. Ft. Curb & Gutter @ $ 2.08 Per Lin. Ft. 147.4 U U Gutter, only @ $ 1.25 " II U 39.841 Square Yards Drivew~ @ $ 4.50 Sq. Yd. Total $11,343.49 184.25 179.28 11,707.02 1.756.05 9,950.97 1.800.00 11,750.97 Less 15% Retained Amount Due Contractor - Plus Fixed Estimate - - Total Smount Due Yours truly> Herman Ahlvers City Engineer HAfjfh It was moved by Commissioner T~lor that the estimate be allowed and Owens Bros. be required to pay portion of fixed estimate. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish a power mower for the Park Department were opened as follows: Ivan W. Lee, $545.50 and I $622.00, both F.O.B. Port Angeles. Ross Beasley, Inc., Mower, $4$6.00, Sulky, $59.50, F.O.B. Port Angeles, , sales tax not included. Bentley-Milorganite Co., $742.63 including sales tax. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that all bids be referred to the Park Superintendent. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Harold Thompson appeared regarding a defective sidewalk in front of his property which is a hazard to pedestrians. ~U'. Thompson informed that defect was caused when service was installed by the lofater Department. The matter will be checked by Commissioner Ta,ylor and the Water Dept, Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and placed on first and second reading: Ill... I I I I, 153' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .1111:1 ?3T"rl, ....nnti nllp.:rl , 1951_ '"", . .".... .~n". "'",",,,. ,,,"'''..... ..... I ORDINANCE NO. - AN Ordinance 0; the City of Port Angeles providing for the improvement of Lincoln Street and Eighth Street I in the City of Port Angeles, by the installation thereon of streetlights, toge:ther with poles, standards, fixtures, hangers, wires and all appurtenances, and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection 'I.with such improvement, all in accorcmnce with Looal Improvement Resolution No. 157, passed June 25th, 1951 by the Commission of the City of Port Angeles, creating a Local Improvement Distriot for such improvement and providing that the payment for said improvement be made by special assessments on the property in said district especially benefited, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", all in accord with maps, plans andl , specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Commission. I It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinanoe be passed first and second reading. . jSeconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ORDINANCE NO. /,;<S'/ An 'Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles adjusting the wages of certain employees of the electrical distribution system of the l::ity of Port Angeles, a.l1ending Ordinance No. 1239, providing for the issue of emergency warrants, and declaring an emergency. lIt was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: .1 , I j -I , l I I I I '1'." I I i , I I I I I I CURRENT ElCPENSE FUND: 31'1 "7 Forrest O. Reed George F. Cake Co. The Texas Co. I C:l:ty Treasurer Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Harris & Schuller Hibbs Plbg. & Heating The Seagrave Corp. Angeles Machine & Welding Works C. A. VTolverton General Electric Co. CITY STREET FUND: Z ~ 'f,f)o Clallam County P. U.D. No. 1 i Owens Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co. WATER FUND: Rensselaer Valve Co. Olympic Foundry Co. Rockwell Mfg. Co. Pa~er Supply Co. 1'1'1).57 {l/, 1P7. 72- No.1 LIGHT FUND: Clallam County P.U.D. Quick Print ' Westinghouse Elec. Supply Maydwell & Hartzell Line Material Co. Co. SANITATION FUND: V,, If. 7~ Earl Davidson JlJ.ddleton ']<otor Parts Co. Current Ex~ense Fund PARKING 11ETER & TRAFFIC CONTRCL FUND: Pacific Sales Co. Harris & Schuller M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating Middleton Motor Parts Co. L. 1.' D. NO. 154:FUND: Owens Bros. Eng. .& Constr. Co. L. I. D. NO. 155 FUlID: OI,ens Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co. Traveling Expense 3 Safety Lights Gas Light, VTater, Garbage Laundry & Cleaning Iron & Labor Pipe Fittings Gear & Nameplates Machine Work Travel Expense 1 Crystal 30.47 6.34 91.16 58.92 24.86 35.32 4.38 17.25 12.77 21.22 16.28 Power Service-Crusher 15% Retained on Storm Sewers 66.00 218.54 Hydrants Valve Boxes Meter Repairs Pipe 1,449.21 72.26 9.96 412.14 June Power Office Supplies Tools Insulators Bolt s 20,984.55 43.11 8.33 58.13 13.60 Car Mileage for June Parts Budget Appropriation 28.98 5.78 8,000.00 :uJ{.75 Parking Signe Metal fo r Meter Signs Parts for Meters Galv. Pipe Oil 14.40 1.55 148.32 39.51 .97 Const. Curbs & Gutters, L. 1. D. #154 11,750.97 15% Retained on Contract for L.1.D. No. 155 433.28 There being no' further business, the meeting was then adjourned. 0, t tJ :iaur . City Clerk ~ ~<<L a-.eAj' Mayor X01'J('1;: 'ro nU)DJmo;; ~ X"lice is hNelJY ,;:;ivf'n tll:l't ~{>nl<"d bid" will be rC('eiw'd II\' Ihf\ Cltv ~~~~~~i~~tt~~, ~lj~r fttc.J;ort1a~U~{ol~o~, ". _01., AU1\"uJ::t Ii, l!lf,l, at: the eltv H;tll or !'nl(1 Cit:!>', fol' th(l ifllJlI'O"emllnt of r.'nurtli :;;tl'f1(>t from th,-. \Vf's;t m:'lrgin '~~n p~tC1~~~r~,l]~;~..Yt ll~!l ~11r;;':~~i'J~;g land {'onstl'llctloll (If I'L g'r:Ly~l bllfle lalld n. thl'('1'- In('h (~") Bitumirlous ~~i~h~~U g~~i:X.~:(;'~~lr~~~:~;::~1f;1; tlOll~ lIlay hI" otlt:uned at tIll' orfier' O,r OJ(' ('Its CJerk. .lIla II- dl'llOJlit o[ (lye rlollfLr,Q fnr the Sflllll" Is rf1l1ulrpd Hir] to he nccomprmied b~' " ('erliJiI'.1 ch('('k for f'um of Ilot le:<l'i lhtl,n 1i% of tno nmllunt bid, and IHH'nhle to tIle City Tr-l'aslIrer, Till' elf:!>' Com- ml:-::-;lon reSl'"rvf'S t11[' rIght to r...j~C't 'flny or !lit hir11':<. J. R L-XW, ('It v CleJ']{ Puhllshl"tl: .1ul)" 27, .\ll 1':"11 I'It '3. l!)iil: