HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/24/1935 I""" , 312 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington JulY 24, 1935 193_ The Commission met in ~egular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call shoned the following members present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and ~lerk Hawkins. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Licenses, the following were granted: Candy Kitchen, Soft Drink Tom Millas, Soft Drink Undcr the head of New Business,- An agreement wi th the First Na tiona 1 :Hank in Port Angele s as a depos i tory of moneys kept by the City Treasurer fixing terms and conditions for the protection of the City Treasurer for moneys deposited with the Bank, was read, and it appearing that the agreement was proper as to form, and that th~ execution thereof is desirable and for the best interest of the City. It was moved by Uommissioner Masters that the Ma,yor and the City Clerk be instructed to sign said agreem~nt in duplicate. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. 'i1he Mayor declared the moti on carried. 5.00 v 5.00 v" I Under the head of Unfinished Business,- Referring to the matter of awarding the con tract for furnishing lamps for the various Citll' Departments for the year beginning August 1, 1935, the bids having been open ed on July 17, 1935, and recorded on page 310 of this journal. _Hter due consideration, the Commission Unanimously awarded the contract to the Knudson 's Varie ty "tor~", ^ Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinances were introduced, read in full and placed on their first readings: .AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Standard Oil 60mpany of California to lay, construct, maintain, operate, use and repair pipe lines for the transportation of petroleum and its by-products, along across and under the surface of certain portions of cer.tain streets and alleys in the Ci ty of Port "ngele s. AN ORDllliANCE relating to the use of the public streets of the ":ity of Port Angeles; :providing for designation of special restricted zones; providing for the manner of park- ing; designating arterial streets; establishing regulations and re'l.uirements for the safety and control of traffic and the protection and safety of the inhabitants in the City; :providing penalties, and repealing certain ordinances in conflict herewith. I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Lynch's Service Eill's Tire uhop James Hardware Store Grease Car ~Ioun t Tire s Hardware f? 01 1.00 1. 00 6.03 WATER FUND Water Department H. A. B01,schor Sta te Treasurer Pay Roll Sharpen Saws Oocupational Tax, May & June 'i.b "br - 31.50 2.50 435.26 P.IGHT FUND State Treasurer Zellerbach Paper Co. Albert S, Knight Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Salmon Club Circus ffund Occupa t io nal Tax, May & June Adding Machine Paper Meter Cabinets Insurance on ranges Advertising "p{! 571. 62 7.64 19.35 4.90 10.00 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 117n1~~ . I ?a~ -I City Clerk. Mayor. I ~