HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/24/1950 1 "I." ., ,I J Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... .''"....R''~''.''''_, ."...... "'.. .... IThe Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. rere:. Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Taylor! Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. ,Minutes of the previous sesoion were read and approved. jUnder the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Building permits: ~ Sig Larson I ?;l1'O 0 'E. R. Dunning I 'MarionF. Craker !.!. C. Adolphson M. C. Adolphson Reuben Englund 'Wa Iter Almaden ':L. R. Bakanen 0 ! , if 0* 'Licenses:. /0 .Harold Hibbs PIUlllbing &. Heating Marquis Barber Shop Sinamrock Tavern Shemrock Tavern Shamrock Tavern ,Shamrock Tavern ~nder the head of unfinished business, the hearing on petition for vacation of an alley in Block 220, Townsite, was again conside"ed. The Plauning Commission having sul:initted recommendation for said vacation, it was I 'moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be granted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Carried. IPursuant to publication, bids to furnieh one ~ick-up truck for the Water Department Tiere sul:initteEl as fOllowL I Janish Motor CQmpany, 1950 Dodge '2 ton, 1667.77 'I Schriliner'.Chevrolet Co. 1950 Chevrolet ~ ton 1388.44 Samuelson Motor Co. 1950 Ford ~ ton 1527.08 Bids were also submitted to furnish for the Water Department, galvanized pipe, copper tubing, and miscellan- 'eous fittings: I Pacific States Water Works Fittings, Item 2, Item 3, I Item 4, Item 5, I H. D. Fowler Co., Inc., Item 2 Item 4 Item 5 The Crane Company: Item 1 Item 2 Item 4 Item 5 James Hardware CompaJ1llt: Item 1 Item 2 Item 4 Item 5 July 24. 1950. 19_ Officers present Repair Foundation, Lot 12, Blk. 16, N. R. Smith Remodel & repair dVielling, Lt. 16, 17, Blk 4, P.S.C.C. Build garage Lot 11, Blk. 285, Townsi te Enclose Porch, . Lot 20, Blk. 156, Townette Replace steps and sidewalk, LQt 8, Elk. 173, Townsite Add. to existing dvmlling, Lot 2, Elk. 227, Townsite Build garage & workshop, Lot lB, Blk. 227, 1'ovmsite Foundation, roof, and siding, Lots 16 & 17, Blk. 316, Townsite 300.00 600 .00 40C .00 250.00 250.00 700.00 300.00 600.00 Master PIUlllber Barber Operator Restaurant 11usic 1!1lchine Soft Drink :2 Amusement Machines 25.00 2.m 12.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 2 years Supply Co: 455.88 317.75 1415.50 551.80 E. N. Hallgren Company: Item 2, 582.25 Item 5, tubing, 550.00 481.35 1229.00 553.00 Seattle Item 1 Item 2 Item 4 PlUlllbing Supply Company: 2856.10 482 .37 1533.50 3041. 75 418.02 1525.50 708.00 Palmer Supply CompaJ1llt: Item 1 2856.10 Item 2 381.31 Item 4 1479.50 Item 5 5302.91 5557.50 505.38 2254.25 710.00 Grinnell Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Company of the Pacific: 2949.20 594.50 137.75 1596.70 616.00 Western Utility Supply Company: Item 2 467.37 Item 3 284.25 Item 4 1533.50 Item 5 642.40 It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that all bids be referred to the Water Superintendent for checking and consideration. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Motion carried. I The bond filed bl' J. I~. Bruch Company was again considered, and by recommendation of Attorney Trumbull the bond was approved and accepted. i )Jnder the head of new business, a claim for damages was filed by Albert Korsmoe of 224 West 4th Street. The iinjury was to Japanese Cherry trees in parking strJ.p, and caused by liquor used on streets. The matter was referred to the Attorney and Engineer's Department. [ Claim for damages to her car was filed by Helen C. Lutes of San Diego, California. This was also caused by liquor spBayed on aoo inside the car. Attorney Trumbull ruled that claim cannot be paid as the claim was hot filed wi thin thirty days as required by Statutes. I Commiesioner Taylor reported numerous calls regarding weeds and brush causing extreme fire hazard on vacant Iots. Also the unsightly depression near Seventh and Chase Streets. Fire Chief Wolverton Ylas instructed to :enforce Ordinance with provisions governing. I The Conl'1lission instructed that bids be published to furnish for tbe water Department 624ft. of 24" continuous stave wood pipe. Also that bids be published to furnish for the LJ.ght Department, one converter, one auxilia'ry cabinet, six transactors, and 24 coupling capacitors. Bids to be opehed August 7. I I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following vras placed on third readill8: I ORDlNA]{;E 110. 1232 I I AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the safety and preservation of the intake and screen house of the Industrial Water Supply System of the Vlater Department of the City of Port Angeles, am the :protection of said propert.' from flood vraters of the Elwha RJ.ver requiring the .unforeseen expenditures of funds, providing for the issuance and payment of emergency warren ts and declarlng an emergency. ! I 29 ' ~ 30 . Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 19~ 24, Continued .... . '""""' '''''". .m_,",. ""'""., ..... .... It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by lv'ayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the head of introduction of Ordinances, the following two Ordinances were introduced and placed on , first and second reading: ORDINANJE NO,Ld)'~ AN OHDINANCE approving and confirming the as"essments and assessment roll 0 f Local Improvement District' No. 152 of the City of Port Angeles created by Ordinance ND. 1219; levying and assessing the amounts of sucn assessments against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property as shown on such roll; ordering the collection of such assessments, creating and establishing a special local Improvement fund for said diotrict, . ORDINANCE NO...&L, AN ORDINANCE autnorizing the issuance and sale of Local IJr.provement bonds for Local Improvement District No. I 152 of the City of Port Angeles to pay tne cost and expense of the improvements in said district as ordered and provided for in Ordinance No. 1219 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the term of such bonds and fixing interest rates. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that tne foregoing Ordinances be passed first and second readings. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Motion carried. There being l!l0 further business, tne meeting was adjourned. 0, t :i~ (J ----City Clerk j;.dd'L~ MllY XO'J'I(:r.: '1'0 UIDIU:n.S XOTTCF. '.ro HJJH)F~S-- ;, NotJf"{> h. hl~l'I~hv g-iVI'rl In:l!. gp;lll'rl _~otlce is hereb~'.gi\'en thllt I'lea!ed hirj" wIll he n~('.eivt'd I)" llu! Cilv blds WII,I l>e rccel\'f~d hy 111e Clt)-' ~ Clc'rk of th~ City of Pui.t Al1~el(>s CI€'rlt ot the Clty of Port ~\11gejeE:, \Vit.~tlingtrHl nnt ialt.]. Utall 10.011 a.m.: '''as]tlng50Il. until 10:00 a.m.. Aug- !1I11.KU:-<t 7. l!1i'lI, tofurllifllfotthl:T.ig!l! 'lll~t I. 19;>0] Ilnd not later, to f~,rn18h 'II"IHll-tlllenl lh,. Coll'I\\'lng I LPH.':-i: jfJ.r tile '\oater J)ilP.artment. l,~4 Ft, Itl'm Ilnc--()llt~ :HI I{"\\. molor gpn_ or 24,.lnch contl.nuous stave wood I r,~~ t~~ t~;~~:':i;;'r;~~'r ii;,Jo C~'~:]lt~ ,t~~JI:;I~~~,f\I&~i /ob~ej~~~n~ll.~f'~~na.,lfe~i.~~~'e: the I' ~~.lliih e'~~I~~W~';1' ~~I~'~.J!:.;t~l~ j~.l~:~.r!l~;,~' PUbli~hecl:,ljU]j~;. }s~~'Ug~~t[. 4:a~~~ I 'T'Yne ,'KC.4tI/'i."Uem T.....O-OIH' ]lUX- i illllj'Y Cunanl Cahillpt, Ir, n11.I,.11 :11111 tit' ill with 1<lmilal' (U. E. CIl. Mo,ll") H'{'lAGj caldllef. cOlllalnllig cOlllrul E"lui~mwllt. H{~1\1 :1-(. Trlltlllaclon;, 01' combinaLion rea.ctol'~ a 1111 LI'11111;{01'- 1111'1'1', to be ll:<eu in /J,-uaHel with transl1("tor:<< now In use, Item 4-24 COUp]iJl~ Capacitor Unltl'<, two glnfiH 'hU!ihill~1<" CUI' o\1hlooj' 1I~;e, la,{lOI) volt ~{'TVI('e. If, J<V.'\R. ']'IIl~ c:olllluis- 1 ~.~O~+~~iJ~:~;~ :~:~r~~~~~:~ ~~t:e~l::.]:.IlY ;1 Pu"lished: July 2$, _A.UA"UlSt.oj, 1[1;'0, ~ [ I I I~I