HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/26/1948 I I I, ;:. 1- I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 26, 19~ Pro-Tem;1 ,I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by E. C. Steele, Mayor Officers present were E. :C. Steele, Mayor Pro-Tern, Commissioner Jolmson and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of apP#cations for licenses the following were approved: lIP..'/- Harrington & Giles 3 Amusement Ma chines Harrington & Giles 7 Card Tables Harrington & Giles Soft Drink Spudnut Shop Restaurant 72.00 35.00 5.00 12.00 I , Under the head of new wsiness, Louis F1atau and others presented a petition requesting that sidewalks on \ Third Street west of Lincoln be kept clean for use of pedestrians. Commissioner Jolmson informed that the I City will do their part and Attorney Wilson was instructed to notify the Port Angeles Transit Company to , conform with ordinances governing. 'I A .request for transfer of Ade's Taxi and Yellow Cab licenses was referred to Chief Ide until the next . session. A petition for right-of-way along Lauridsen Boulevard was presented as follows: I . ~ TO- THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY 0 F PORT ANGELES: "/IHEREAS, the Bonneville Power Administration is soon to construct a substation just south of what is commonly referred to as the "Boulevard" in the Northwest Quarter (Nl'/*) of the Northeast Quarter (NE~) of the Northwest Quarter (NW*), in Section 14, Township 30 North, Range 6 West VI.M., Clallam County, "lTashington, and WHEREAS, the undersigned concerns are the owners separately of individual transmission lines for electrical energy in the City of Port Angeles and Clallam county, and it is necessary that in order to have access to , the power to be made available to them by the Bonneville Power Administration, the undersigned connect their respective transmission lines with the facilities of the substation mentioned above, and I' WHEREAS, the closest point of the line of your petitioner, Public Utility District No.1 of Clallam County; i I to. this substation is at Washington Street and Boulevard and it is thus desirable that its line be run i from Washington Street along the Boulevard to a point where is can be extended directly into the substation,!' and whereas this petitioner plans, in the event of permission being granted as herein requested, to continue' its line east on the Boulevard to the east city limits, then north to its present line east, and I WHEREAS, the closest point of the lines of your petitioners, Crown Zellerbach Corp. and Rayonier, Inc., to this substation is at Chambers Street and Boulevard and it is desirable that their lines be run from Chembers Street along the Boulevard to a point where they can be extended dire ctly into the substation, and !VnillREAS, the said Boulevard is unopened and unused in the area in question, I NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned petitioners respectfully request permission to extend their transmission : lines within the City of Port Angeles along the Boulevard as follows: Crown Zellerbach Corp., along the South side of the Boulevard from Chambers to Alder Streets. Public Ut-ility District No.. 1 of Clallam County, down the north side of the Boulevard to Washington Street; thence down the south center of the Boulevard from Washington to the easterly tus position of the District with the Bonneville Power Administration substation and from this point dovm the sout.h line of the Boulevard to the east city limits. Rayonier, Inc., along the North side of the Boulevard from Chambers to Alder Streets. That the exact positions of the requested extensions are shovm on the attached sketches marked Exhibits "A" 'I and "B" and made a part of this petition by reference. I Respectfully submitted, NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is Ilercb;r giv(!n that 8i>aled bld:'4 wHl he reech'ed by the. Clly Clerk of tho City of Port Angele.o:, at the City Hall of said CIty. not latH than 10 A. M., August 10, 19a, for the con~tructlon of one <'Hllt'rete llock bulldhlg to hOUMl dles,,1 gell- rntr>r. SpecificatlQns m[l.~' he ul.- aim~d at the" office of the Llgllt qPtfJ"llltelll:lent. The Commlsslcm re- erve!'! th/J rlght to reject any find II bids. ~'iO'.I'I(,I<: '-1'0 '.HI D..~n" hlf%rl t ~~lll i >' 1;1~"l'l:l~~:':' i ~; .~il';J~. ~.h:~ i; ~~ (,~\'~~~ ell-I"I, uf th(' C~tr or ]'Ol't Ang(>lo'~ ..t lh.> City" Hull of K~~d t'lty, not tfH'1' tllll:1 IH 1I.m., AUf.{Il,.:l 4. 19~5. tn flll'ld~h. f(>]' liw L-~'llt n"]1111'1- llf-nt, lllll' RllXllilll'Y ~"lWl"lltillg Ill'o'{'l' pla'llt. Sl\"'('i~i<.'.ntioI1.<< mill" 10.. ,hl~hl\'l{ flt till" "rfll'" "! Ill" Li~ht '111"'!'I'i Ilt"lIdl"llt, '1'11" I '(llnl!ll~'",ll)ll ~~I'l~T.l'll;. Ow I'i~lll to r,(\jl't'l flnr lit" t {1t~' t!l'~I~:'" ~hll.'li1e'l..1l!l>: ~ ~_~~..;lP~N ~..2, CROVlN ZElLERBACH CORP. By M. J. Otis, Hes. Manager , PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALWl COUNTY 13'.r Max Schmuck, President J, E. LA\V. City Clerk . 11'L1blish Jub' 29, August 6, 1~48. MYOl/IER, IlIC. By W. E.. Brietenbach, Manager It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the petition be granted with proviso for specifications at Vlashington'tBoulevard as approved by Supt. Lean. 'Motion seconded by Connnissioner Jolmson. All voted Aye. Motion oarried. *' Commissioner Steele discussed the critical power situation in the City emphasizing the necessity- of NOTICE "0 BIDDE"S . improvement of delivery or curtail the use of po.rer. It was moved by Commissioner, !'t~",ot~;fHI\:~I'I;~;'~i~~~enh):1l~~~e"e~1~~ Steele that bids be published for purchase of one diesel light plant, bids to be I l~~1"ti~; \~~lf~r ~l~~itt/l~~{l'i~L~~ opened August ~Jth. Mr. Steele also moved that Light Supt. Lean be authorized to hUll 10 A, M,. Angust 10, 1fI4S. tu call for bids for three 167 K.V.A. transformers, approximately 20 thousand feet hr~1~S~G7f~tv~~~ Tll~:II:~[O~~I'~.~~m;I~~ of No. 2/0 copper wire, also building to house diesel plant. All bids to be Cnmllli~:'llon rHwr\'t'll Ow l'ight 1,1 I 'ldeet any fll1<J t:li~ i~~~litA~', oF€'ned August 10th. Motion seconded by Conunissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. .'uhll:>h .fulY -':U. A\I~~r ~l~~~.~. Motion carried. NOTIOE TO BmDJ:B-S JI~ot~~ftlJ\~e~:~~i~t;I'IlIJ:h~~l",~~II~~ The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants Clerk of the City of Port Ange1f's, lit issued in payment of the same: ;tl1lol City llall flf 'said l;ity, nol lal<.'r 1IU1.1l 14J A. M., August 1Q, nl~&, tu ~\~~I~~';.~m~~~lY t]23.oMlg~~"td~a;.\~~e~~~ PARK FUND: ~~~~~'~ t1'~~r;ighTl:~ r~j;,~~~iO~r ;1i G. S. MacPherson Painting Civic Stadimn 512.94 bill!'!. ' :J. g, J.A\V, l'u1.JUsh July 2~, AUg;~ti'5,c~~rk L"I. GUARANTY FUND: ,I City Treasurer Taxes & Deed to W11: Lot 7, Elk. 1, TLW 496.74, Thare being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. ;. E: ~ City Clerk_ ~-ct, J ~ ~yor 467 -r- ~