HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/26/1962
Proceedings of the' City CommiSsion' of the . City of Port Angeles, Washington
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After much discussion, It was movedby'CotmciJmart Willson that the bill of $149.05 against the l>en-'
insula Shingle Co, account be waived to M:r., Iverson so that water service may be resUllled on that
line. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried,
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,
~Cl~~'O r. TM."1'J..-'A
I uly 26, 1962
~~I e City Council met in special session at 4:45 p.m. to award contracts for construction in Local
: provement District No. 184. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Thorne, !
aguewood, Cornell, l\lillson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard and Clerk McNeece. Ii
e bids, as tabulated by the Engineer's DepartJnent, were as follows: J. E. Work Co., $197,084.18; Ii
,1ympia Oil and Wood Products Co., $205,513,39; Tucci & Sons, Inc., $213,227.85; Del Guzzi Construc~
Icion Co" $215,282.85; Kilmer Construction Co" $216,362,75; J. D. Shotwell Co., $219,670,81. The i
fwo bids on, bituminous plant mix and extra paving for property owners were: J. E. Work Co" !
$20,774,80; Kilmer Construction Co., $20,851.50,
E. Work Co., for I
$17 , 551. 50 plus I
, e Mayor read recommendation of City Engineer that the contracts be awarded to J.
btreets and drainage, $197,084.18 and to Kilmer Construction Co. for alley paving,
fxtra paving for property owners in L.I.D.
~e C~ty Manager recommended that Kilmer Construc~on Co. bid be accepted for bituminous plant m~X I
~or alley paving - 2,266 tons @ $7.75 un~t b~d pr~ce for a total of $17,561.50 and pointed out that
[' e un~t bid price of J. E. Work Co. was $7,80 per ton, a total of $17,674.80.
t was moved by Councilman Thorne that the bid of J. E, Work Co. for streets and drainage at an
~stimated unit bid total of $197,084.18 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unan~ously
arried .
t was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bid of Kilmer Construction Co. for alley paving be accepted
ts recommended by the City Manager, based on unit bid price of $7.75 per ton for bituminous plant
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CITY 01" POJl,T AlilGELES All bld~ shall be seaIN:l. aml. shall
:LOOAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT be accompanied b}' a goot'! faith de-
WABB.AN:~'l~D BOmJS ~i:~;e:~s ~~~C~or:fld~c P~Y~~;I~f~d t~~
NOTiCE IS Hl-1REBY GIVEN that TI'ClolSUrel' of the City of Port An-
the CIty lit Pm"t Angeles, 'YRahin,;- gales for the a~eount. of the Local
WI), JlrOjlllSeH tu Issue t'!urJng' the .ImIJrov~ment District No, 184 Con-
periOd of COIl'ltrucLlolI, Wllrrants struction 1"ulld ill the amount of
drawn on Loc.'1.1 ImprrH'cml:llt Dh4- $2500, which check will he returned
I'jet :No, 184 .Fund or the dty In thf! if the bid J:l not acccpted, Suid good
principal amount of a.pproximately ~'~~l~ d~fOt~tc W:l~:ol~e ~~{e1~~r~~~=
$2~~i~110w&rrants will be redeemed by ment Distrlct :"'0, 184 Fund warrant
bond~ of saId loca..! Improvement to be Issued ill a like princiIJal
cUl'3trlct wl1lch will he ISSlued upon amOUllL which lI'a1'1'ant will be re.
completion of such c()nstr\.lctlon t\1I(l tainell 0,1' the city. H ~ucll success-
confil'matlon of the nSIJCtl81l1ent roll ()II fIll bidder shall fall or neglect to
llpproxirtl&tely No.'cmber, 1(163, and comjJlete the plJTchase of aU of 'lai{l
whlcll wiU mature in'twelve years warrants f()llowing the acceptance nf
rnjlIl date of IS5ue, hiS hid, such first warrant with the
NOTCE ]8 HEREBY FURTHER accrued !11terest due thereon shall
GlVEN that l'lealed bids for the be f()l'felted to the city. If sUell
IlUrchase of said WH.rrant!:l and bonds successful bid tier completes the pur-
will be recel'\ed at the uffIce err the clUlsc of all of SAid Wfl.rr,Ults and
IClty Clerk at the City RaU in Port exchanges MlnC wIth the city for
Angeles \vasl11ngtOll until 7 ,,0 (l m cll.Hh and the bonds of thif; local
Pll.c1flc'Dayllght Time, on ' improvement dllltrlct, ooid fJrst wnr-
Augu!;lt 16 1962 rant and the accrued Interest earned
\ rl~l;h~~~n~I~~e~~d a ~~dsoo~~ld:;eJ)U:y ~~e;~~ll, ~~~~s~~~lo'b~cldtehr~ propert;r
th~JcltYw;~r~~~' and bonda will be je~th~I1~ltrnJe~rfV~i~5t~~~~~~eJ~ :ned
IM1d together to the bidaer 6ubm it- to waive any lllful,nallties th,erei~.
tin!;" the best bid therefor. Eaeh bia The city wlll ll~ [or the prlntmg
'must be for b()th the wsrrallts and of saId bono!'l,:;' .
bondS, and must be tor par fOT said The oplnlon of Preston, Thorgnm-
warrallts, and par Qf par u.nd a son, HOftJWltz, Starin,o& Ellis. bond
vrem1um for said bonds. 'l'he same CClUnsel of Se<lt1.!l:', "ashhlgton, UP-
interest rate, at not More than G% proving the legality uf tbe issuance:
'1Ier annum, must he specified for Of_ all of the warrants ~la~'ll on
~both the bond~ and wa.rrants. In saId L()Clll ImIH'o".em~lll Dlstnct will
l~~~I~~~~ngtJ)_tht~leb~l~y b~~'ati\h:ill~rl~: be:rJ1~1'~th~ ~rih'i~~t~;~~ Washing-
!'chlal umount of the oonds to be tGIl, this 2nd on)' of Allgu!;t, 19~i1~.
!ISSUed wlll he U7:'i,QQ[) with a fhe- B, B. ]\[cm;~ECE
yellr H."~l'age lite, and the best bid. Clt)" Clerk
~~~iJ~;:t~~~,;~~ry~~~,~grsd,sc~~I,~_~~~~J Puhhflhed: August 9, 11l62.-..-
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