HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/27/1932
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
53 .,
July 27,
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The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor
Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis ,Commissioners Beam
and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins,
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applioations for permits and lioenses the following were granted,-
Andrew Gross
Fisher & Aldwell
Remodel dwelling Lot 9 Blook 355 Townsite
4 Room dwelling Lot 7 Blook 8 P,S.C.C.Subd.
Remodel storeroom I'I?!; Lot 12 Blook 16 N, R, Smi th SuM.
Pedler - July 23,1932
Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoe was read
~y title and plaoed on its Third reading,-
AN ORDINANCE Relating to and fixing oharges and rated for the use of water supplied
by the City of Port Angeles; Providing for the termination of sorvioe on notioe and for
non payment of water rent: providing disoounts for prompt payment; Substituting said
rates and provisions for those oontained in Ordinanae NO.867: Repealing the provisions
pf Ordinance No.867 and making this ordinanoe an amendment to Ordinanoe NO.778: Providing
for and deolaring an emergenoy; Placing this said ordinanoe in fUll forae and effeot
after lawfUl publioa tion. ,
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinance be plaoed on its' final passage
and adopted. Seoonded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor
deolared the motion carried.
Under the head of Reading and passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoe was read
by title and plaoed on its Third reading,-
, All Ordinanoe Relating to the use of electrio ourrent of the City of Port Angeles and
fixing oharges and rates for the same; Providing a discount for the prompt payment of
bills for eleotrio ounrent; Substituting the rights and provisions of this ordinanoefor
for those oontained in Ordinanoe 9l3; Repealin[; Ordinance 913 and making this ordinance
an amendment to Sections 17 and 20 of Ordinanoe 890; Providing for and deolaring an
e~ergency; Plaaing this ordinanoe in fUll force and effect after its lawful publication.
, It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinanoe be plaoed on its final passage
and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The
M~yor declarej the Motion oarried.
The Commission examined and allowed the following olaim and ordered warrants drawn
for same,- v
Street Department
Current Expense Fund
Pay roll
. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned,
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City Clerk