HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/27/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 567 ,July 27, 19..A!L 'tHlllIIU......OTlU,...".__Y.....I&71D 1,1 The City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present "ere Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Taylor, Attorney Trunbull and Clerk Law. , . ,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I' Officers 'I 'Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,,0 lltii:ldin?: Permi ts: / '1, 3~ tJ - 2 IRobt. F":..sh Construct Garage; N Lots 8-9, Blk. 192, Townsite 1 Fred Plantz Re-roof Sxisting D\<relling; Lot 9, Blk. 282, Townsite [Thomas Cashman Seal a House with a Nevr Roof; N 60' L 20j E2 L 19, tllk. 232, Townsite Percy Bailey Remodel Existing fr~elling; Lots 1-2, Blk. 113, Townsite ,lOtto Slehofer Construct Garage; Lot 15, illk. 3, Wms. & Cramer Add. IDale p. Holcomb Build liarage; Lot 4, dlk. 331, Townsite Mrs. A. N. Wall Build Jack Porch; Lot 6, Blk. 176, Townsite ;Sig Larson lie-roof K.O. Erickson Building; Lot 11, dlk. 230, Townsite ISig Larson Build New Shower Room, Roosevelt High School Gym.; Lot 7, Blk' 170, Townsite 'IFrank Pollo'f 110ve Garage; Lot 11, Blk. 70, Townsite Petersen & Craver Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 3, Blk. 165, Townsite SO 'Licenses: ';;;'5- I Rose 's Place Amusement Machines 48.00 ! 'Rose's Place hfusic !liachine 12.00 " 'Rose's Place Soft Drink 5.00 I !Frederick's Electric Master Electrician 10.00 , jHarriqgton & Giles Amusement Machines 72.00 Harrington & Giles Card Tables 30.00 Harrington & Gile s Soft Drink 5.00 IHarrington & Gile s Music ~:achine 12.00 . Long's Barber Shop Barber Shop 1.00 Iw.. W. Perkins Swedish Massage 25.00 i Roy Chamberlin Journeyman Plumber .50 "C. E. Taft Second !land "'ealer 15.00 ,Palace Tavern Amusement Machines 48.00 I ',Palace Tavern Music Machine 12.00 I I Palace Tavern Soft Drink 5.00 I ,Harold Hibbs Plog. & Ht. Master Plwnber . 25.00 I' !Under the head of unfinished business, Attorney Trumbull reported that no definite decision could be made. 'II "regarding discontinuation of bus service by Lou Kiszak on Sunday and Holidays, but will furtrer investigate land contect Kiszak regarding the same. '.Mrs. Jensen, Wm. S. Johnson and others appeared regarding employment of Mr. Adams and money being spent from', I the Park Fund. Mrs. Jensen questioned Commissioner Taylor as to how the Park Board had fallen .short. That in her opinion the Board has done very well with money available, and does not approve salary spent for I lunnecessary extra labor. Mr. Johnson inquired as to what budget item Mr. Adams is being paid from. "Commissioner Taylor informed that Mr. Adams was employed not only in Park Departments, but to assist with responsibilities of other officials. That salary is being paid from labor item in the Park J:'und and not jeopardizing the fund, but being paid according to statutes governing. The Park Board and any interested citizens were invited to meet with Commissioner Taylor at any time to further discuss the matter. 400.00 200.00 100.00 950.00 , 350.00 800.00 250 .00 5,000.00 8,000.00 300 .00 3,000.00 Another petition was filed requesting that a Local Improvement District be created for installation of a ' !trunk sewer on South Pine Street to 16th Street and it was requested that this petition be incorporated with ,one previously filed and to include to 16th Street. The petition lYas referred to the Street Commissioner " i'and Engineer. ,I ,Unler the head of new business, J\(rs. Kaiser informed the Commission she contemplates purchase of property at ,'11th and Oak Streets, and if purchased, would like to remodel. The matter was referred to the City AttorneYi Ito ascertain if permissible according to Ordinance No. 1167. 1, IMr. Davis of 316 West 14th Street presented a letter citing violation of Zoning Ordinance No. 1167 qy Hex IUaks, of 310 \'Iest 14th Street, conducting a wsiness, garage, and gas pump in the First Residence District. This was referred to Chief Ide. I IA petition signed by property owners on East 8th Street opposing construction of a povfer line on said street was referred to the Light Superintendent until return of Commissioner Robinson. iThe 80ard of Library Trustees requested by resolution that amounts from certain budget items be transferred I II within their classifications as permitted by statutes governing. The transfers will be made when resolution': is approved for transfers including other departments. ' IThe Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ICURREIiT EXPENSE FUND: ~o ~I ',Frank A. Feeley The Municipal Year Book City Drug Store Park & Shoo K & K Fine' J:'oods Samuelson Motor Co. IIFitchard's Ass. Service Johnnie E. Sweatt IUlan Dist. Co. 'Schreiner Chev. Co. 'King Art & Photo Shop Leo Walsh Studio 11\iddle ton Motor Parts CO. IA. O. Smith Electncal Mfg. Co. [GraYbar Electric 00. II CITY STREET FUND: '1/;;<. Cc .Western Asphalt Co. . Port of Port Angeles Tr~ck & Equipment Co. Middleton Motor Parts ISamuelson Motor Co. Traveling Expense MUI1i::ipa1 Year Book - 1949 1 Disinfectant Cleaning Supplies Dog Food, Soap Wa sh and Steam Cycle Car Repair Traveling Expense Mobiloil Rear Wheel Cyl.; Fluid Glass, Frames Pictllres Parts & Supplies Repairing Pump -/fire, Parts 6.86 10.00 1.00 1.03 16.90 1.55 19.50 8.40 21.12 3.95 18.54 10.30 40.52 131.62 169.62 600 Tons MC2 Plant Mix Unloading plant Mix Service & Material, Roller Parts & Supplis s Tire Hepair 3,769.80 210.00 134.42 1.64 10.25 568 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 27th. continued. 19~ WATER FUND: /20_ Auto Beauty Shop City Trea surer Hooker Electrochemical Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. Pacific Water '{forks Supply Co. o~ LIGHT FUND: ;/1; Samuelson Motor Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. " G & W Fire Service Line Material Co. " General Electric SUpply Corp. Boyd's Wood Specialties " S & C Electric Company , r SANITATION FUND: .?. ~ " Samuelson Motor CO. I!!: p.,6- , LIBRARY FU ND : Ci ty 1'reasurer , New Method Book Bindery, Doubleday & Co., Inc. J.. K. Gill Co. of Wash., Valiton-Daboll & Staff fi,7 PARK FUND: )0 - Angeles Pittsburgh Paints SaIDue lson Motor Co. Thermador Electrical Mfg. The Turner Co. Inc. Inc. Co. 0.':. FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: .3 3 Clallam Co. Medical Service Corp. " LIDRARY MEMORIAL }'UND: 'f 'f...7 Puget Sound News Co. Repairs Postage Chlorine Plugs Hyd. Exten. 26.781 3.00 " 38.06 12.21 46.79, Repairs Batteries Fire Ext. Clamps, Line haraware Cut....OJ,lts Cross-arms Fuses 22.87" 4.0B, 76.89 571.43 , 18.18 118.45 : 379.15 I She ft-Pla te-Ca ble 2.80 Light, Water, Garbage Re hi nding nooks Books Public Relations Services 9.70 ' 113.46 ' 106.00, 70.99 ' 25.00 I Paint Gauge 2 Replaced T-3 ~~otors Microphone, Repaired 5.99 2.09 15.12 7.47 i Augus t lied. Fees--Firemen 53.00 " There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Books 4.97 ~ t, taw-. {J Ci ty Clerk /~d4- Mayor I I I