HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/28/1937 ,.. 510 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Jul~' 28, 1937 193_ The ~ommission met in regular sessi0n at 10 n.r.r. and was called to or'ier by 1.18yor ,l)avis. Roll call showed the ~llowinf officers present: Mayor DaviR, Commissioners "enson and Masters, Attorney ~onnif" and ~lerk Ha~kins. The minutes of the previous session were read ~nd a~proved. Under the head of "pplicati ons fa:, Building Permi ts 'anil Licenses the fullo"lin~ were granted: Mrs. 0'. .<i:. Beech, Addition to House, Lots 1 and 2, Blk. John Ganikos, Alter Bouse, Lot 1, Blk. 96, ~ownsite 1Irs. F. C. Reynolds, Second Hand Dealer Peoples "econd Hand Stor", Second Hand D~aler Club Billiards, Restaurant Dog House " The Marina, Fountain Lunch Geo. S. Carter, 1 Barber o,;hair Miss l.l. Rauch, 1 Beauty ,'arlor "hair O. E. Keeling, Master Plumber Co-operative Laundry, Cleaning & Pressin~ Port .,nge1es Recrea -;;ion, 6 Bowling ..11eys " n n 4 Pool Tables n Restaurant Soft Drinks n 11 426, Townsi te Duck Inn. Wilmer's Cafe T. H. Berg Goneis Cafe The Pastime 'I II u. 1 Card Table Soft Drinks n M. Osasa Little Place Harrington & Giles " II It 4 Card 'ra ble s Elwha Theatre License ';lallam Theatres Under the head uf Unfinished Business ,- 700.00 150.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.ro 5.00 1.00 1.00 25.00 5.00 69.00 40.00 l5.ro 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.0r 5.00 5.00 5.00 ,".00 5.00 5.00 20.00 100.00 The ~i ty En"ineer reported back to the vommiss10n tho. t he had exarnine(l and checked the bid of the ',Iashington Asphalt Company for the improv~ment of 8th "'treet, "C" Street, Boulevard and Ennis Street and found same O.K. After due consideration it was moved by Commissioner I.lasters tho. t the SAid bid of the Washington AS]1ha It Company be ac J e!) ted and tho t the con trac t be aVlarrl ed to the Washington c\sphalt vo. for "iB,53".50; thAt the time limit for the com[11etion of the contract be fixed as of "u,cust 25, 1937, and that the Hayor and "ity Clerk be instructed t1 sign a contract vlith th<l sa-,d "flshin:;ton ,',sphalt ~o. upon the filing of a /',uod and suf:;'icient bond all,;roved by the ~i ty ~ttorney. Motion secOnded by o,;omrnissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declar~d the motion carried. CURRENT E;~ENSE FUND The Commission examined [md allowed the ~ollo\'ling claims and orderei] war-rants dravm for same: Thos. N. Hibben Pacific Tel & Tel "0. Port Angeles EveniJJ"i Hews Blackburn Printing ~o. Pacific Tel & Tel ~o. If II 11 If n Exnense .H.cct. 3ervi ce Publicatinns Supplies Service " I I l ~!I 11 I H. T. Swanson Motor .;"'. , I CITY STIl.i:ET FUIJ1} i H. T. Swanson Motor "0. j Peoples jecorld Hand Store Standard Oil Go. Marshall ~ells Go. Flus her ''I ", J J ~y - 'Y Fl ,s her Haul Handles Oil, etc. Fre ight 'I 1" L/" ,5)/- NAT;;;R FUIID A. G-. 1.AcKnigh t Lysall ;lelding & ~'o rge .Iorks Federal Pipe & .ank ~o. Purrnaid ,l)air;, City Treasurer I Seattle IHumbil1g & Jupp1y JJ. H. C. nutting Cu. I Pacific Tel " Tel ';0. : Seattle Plumbing & Supply vo. ; I LIGHT FUND . Pacific Tel & T~~ GJ. ., Harold Hibbs Plumbin~ Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfe. Co. Ltne Haterial vo. C~ty Treasurer ','Im. ;'/arne r General Electric Co. Ci ty Treasurer A, J. Anderson S. H. .ihi te c.nroge Rent Shop ''/ork Pipe Rent Tax Ueter P"rts Pipe Loea tor Ser vice Met~r Perts .., ')C\ q (..... '7 ' \ ::ierviee Plumbin" Regulators Knives Busi n es s .ax Cuttin j ','Iood Pliotron Mis0. Gas h ..Paymellt s ,food .Cutting "ar "'xpense iii.. 10.00 1. GO "6.B8 14.0^ 1. ~5 3.66 1.50 2465.49 2500.0r <::.00 5;'.94 .54 3.00 6.80 7:39.91 10.0^ 476.07 26.0:3 99.2:3 4.25 1.60 1;'..90 130.0" 48<::0.00 :3.76 711. 32 12.1.00 7.76 <::.10 20.00 3.').00 I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 28, 19.37 193_ , Chas. Beam 'L. T. Guy LIBRARY FUlID Garaae Hent Janitor ,lark 7 if']!. 5'J - Pacific Tel & i~l Co. 3ervic ~ PARK F'UIlD Hall Stark Brooke's Grocery Co. La bor Toilet TisS1lle . I. , G GU;llUNTY FUND . Ci ty' Treasurer , II " Taxes " ~;; 1'7~ ...- at~o A.I,\ . , 600~ \ ' The Commis!olion th~n adjourned to meet Saturday, July 31, 19:37, /l977f~ Ci ty C1e rk Mayor July 31, 1937 The '-ommis"ion me-:; pursuant to adjuurnment at 10 "'.J.!. and was cal~ed to orr,er by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the folloViinc; officers present: Mayor lJavis, Commissioners iHenson and Masters and Clerk Eawkins. 3.00 5.00 4.25 3.00 0.00 114. :39 9.16 The ";ummis~ion examined and allo\'led the foIl o';.in", cla ims and ordered Viarran ts drawn for same: 1;;1.50 ~5.00 75.00 10r.OO 25.00 ,Sc, 116.0(' eft,! - ICUR'ENT EXPErTS'!: FUND Ldg~r Filion ~. c.. Dav,s :Margueri te .I1ue 'f.: .lar tin J. SC hnu.!' 11,er : J. rl. McDonald Ci ty Treasu.'er CITY STRG;.C:'2' FUND Labor Car Hire Salary " Services as dvg oqtcher ~/a ter Rent Street Denartment D. n. Masters Pav rtoll Car Hi re I?/.fb. ~7 WATEll TIlND 1'10. ter Departmen t LI'iH1' Fmm Pay roll Light Departr:lent Pay '(on CEM3T;;;RY FUlTD Albert ". Lanctot Salary LIBR,'.RY FUllD Marjorie Case Salary L.I.D G8NSRAL FInD Ruth Beam Sala l' Y 12;;1. 97 23.00 1330.00 1228.75 100.'10 120.00 ??~~ City :lUk 10a.OO 7foO~ .Ther" beine no furthti' business the ~ommission then adjourned. Mayor 511'" ~