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Minutes 07/29/1925
I }1t .' "-'-1' ,-." ',_'-'~..._ ~.':~'."~" ,- . or';- . ~tIlsto.. ',:~~.-"'- "0 .' Proceedmgs~fthe City ~~/ihe' cit;liJr'PortAngelest " ,;- WiShiJigton 192~ -to(7)J(nl ~..).s~.qoJ_-nl_Lt _.L1J__.'l. l"l.tl.LLLl---"}t,,, .}L-=~ _Lu)LL_L~___ e..al.lt...L ~~':1...L'L. -f.....I_LI..,"::. /.1..J:-L.....L,-Le../.:.i.. l\. .rl1.._e. 'Lll-L~-'L4. :.u:.L.~L~L-P,- 'l..._ o .",. .r! . t- 1 YI "-" . ',I J '. 'K....<..rtV'L~nj_ Jff'--U--'L>-f 1..'- SVlI . ~ 'ILufcr:'2- _<:.f':'l...t...<A.(LLe.-I'U._ .,,:'0'7}l() n L.,,; :L.L t'. II L1A ___ ~tf, ':LiLL/; <.L.il\LaJ.) L.L ~b.f~'L:L!,,-tlJ ILL~-J-r-e.R.-,- d, ",,'tv,: !~~-.i..S _ c",,:J. i1:<t:.VIl,",-/ ~1'L ,<- '~}1.U l..c.lJ~.c)v,L ..::LL.l 1:). _gl,.c.,.... _t.J71 n.~-s. J:"t<- . 7) 1.Lllh,},,~ __ <rt~-tlL _l.1. > f.-=--nlLi..L-t.,~ L{_l.lJ::L'Lt.- -'-'--;....,~..LC':1.:"!.LL ._",-s ~1.. Lt'--}____ bf:ltw::enSl~~8'n~: _D t. r- ' ~ L Strtlillt.-from the _10LL~L -LC_",-.l~_Lc..D ,'- Jeh to the break . &II ea!lecl for b,. ,____ ..C.O....I.~~:. "'4 . J- I-J ')" n n, ~The:quallllt1eJ1 on tbl."Job will In_ _G..- ..(.-:1-_.-:=. \ L,-c~LLL_k:o ,:~u:':e;lf~:f~:a. ~~lJ'g,~:GIr.r.I_n:rim~~::;i cJ .-- :~. ~:1t from '~In. to U-In.: 11 Standard .Man- i ' .hole.;. I; ..tandard Flullh " Tanks nnd..._ ._~;;;[....." J, lLc- ,1..., t(.l ~~~ow.fe:y~~~tn,g, I?.- lJt~o"t~m G.b~! .AU blds must'be'accompa.nled by. .~I ,'f . g Q. n '. 'b.'Y a certlrled. cheek In a Bum not leu, (q. :lDLLS -eLLo f' '(o<rrlL,..'j O,,.I1tA{/ .t~ln ~~~e tn~~ ~~~;bl:r t:h~bea~~~:~ ,- - - -'. - - f"-' 0 ;~I'~hA~res.T~::,~=r o~rt~~ebYJtYwft~ ill ~ ::~t,b:t ,g:td:~:un~O~1 ~~':" t~~tKtr~~~ .,----..r- . ...,.. rPrlce muat be furnished by tho suc- . J .~e::i~'::s. b~~~e~.l!I~ ltIeatlon.1 m.,. ,be' ~ U I 9-... . f QbUtolned ,from tf: ell)" Clerk: upon _ e/1-. _ u-LJ'{.?1 _LL _L u:.... _ L 1 t<..t 't-:l depodUn or t $5.00 tor the ~:}~~~e3 :U:lt~,:Nlo~: P Ji r. arc retur k~ ottlce be- -1 ,,1__ ~" 1. e.dl. l/V'" J' tore the are opened. .-- -,. ..: - - ~ The CI ommhlltlon re~rVell the I right to reJec~twIS~ ~I :~~UWN:~ ............." 1 . CII)" Cl~rk. ----.---.---.-< .~t;u~'_,JUly . 6-1'~I. ~ln6. , . _.... ':. ' , , ' ~~~,,;-L lv;.tLt},r;L3~J' ea.l.l fr;-. L~L~p~ PJ'(, r:LS.1.Ju.eL___l1..o..I.I2.--.:~,U')\.am'YI.ru.me..Ld\.'~U."'''':IJ:l-''~ t' tel. ____.i..i"~/I-.~~ub.Xl.J-;-? :a'l....G UH./lItA...3 U--l';'lJ..:~ Lck '()run~,t- 11~ L:!n.'1sMt.L'..tt..'l.~L a...~ f'~LL-..."r:L ;} .." .~ 1i ;~ j' .r ~ .. r. ~~ 3f 1 ~ ~ '~~ 11. , ~. "Ii> .~ t,: ~ _:~' c_~'! JI'OR ~~:1:~~ Notice III hereby -glTeD tbat .ea16d bids wUl be' r~ehed b,. tbe CU,- ~~;~~t~~!~'1~~~~~'1r;:::~ o\~~:;l\t ~~~~~~.~,:,I~t O:'I::It.I:il'bl.{~~t tg; trunk' aDd' Jatera.J . _"era. . beglnnlhl{ at the alley between Un. and, l1lh slreels on pI!: TUbOlu.. . 'bene Str6et ~ to 'ThIrd t&rl:t, . ~llIon. Thlnl north t5~: tb. bol H Fir and and Ht f ._~p;~::~r~~~'~'..'~,: r: Notice Is bereby given that. IIcaled --, blll2.l wllt,,- bo' received by'., the' Cll}' : Cleric ot tho Clty' ut . Port Angeles" II ~r.aB:~iotU~~~lcr~U'%t :lt~o lEI~r~~ ~~[\~',;, ; :~I~:~~'c~~ntll:p th~ ~~~CjUh' [,l~tl~:~1 I, trf)m ~ ThlM '. lo.,~ t':lrthlh 8lrl~et8, an.l !. rl:'~l.l! ~I~,~~~;(e;~~ ,U:o ,t-lJ~rn~v~~~~ ri~~~~:~ oRr~~~I:~~' ~N~. b18..Ile~lu~h'n':t), .11::, 1-' The quantltlcl'I of IfllB Job will In- clude - Ullllroxlma\ct). ~, 1..6 ' acres' of c1carln", :ulll, ,;rubblllf;", :t9 Jltlllhm8 of 'surtaco.,., t;rndltll: '" 7U tocl wlde~, 7.r- atl1t1ull1'l ,aurlaco J;truUng 3rircot wide.. 38"" lIlullhnK of. :mrfac6 ';T:ullllgallcyn ..O'tecl wide;.!> st:-r.ndarc1 cutch lrnl!lJlIII; 16.. '6landard . iulob: .;or-O,' lineal fC\Jt :1.:r11~{:1~~WICJ~o~lf~:C~Ir.? t~~~ea~U~~~lt ~;n:i ;+1,(1(10 . lineal . feet. 10/0;" crlbhlnJ:l:;' 5,100 cUbic, YOlrds .1"11;1(1 f:;'1"nvcl; 2,:!OO cubic . yards cxea"athm Ilnd hlO Hncal, feet. U.O.~lolhld~r~:~IIII~t. h~~~c~~;;;~~l~d ~ a;; n ccrtlflell l:beck In tht'l sum or not :~~~I ~~~~:. l~l~:I~r P~"lc)~'.I~t t~.hcu~m~~:~I~i Trc.."uJU-rcr or lhe CII)' ot l'ort ,Anlfclcl'l, \Va!'h,I' or ',thl:! hid will nnt. be con~ :-Ilden'd. nOllllfor 'fltty pcr cellt. of tIlQ'. nmbullt- or, the '.('ontrnct,; prlee shell b)" the successful ~~~. ltI('~t10~'~~ f ~;~...:' b~' t1?~t!~u~:c~~r ,p..~~ tor I 1C . 1'(: urn or lIRma, wblch ftum ,'Will' 11(: refunded If. plans n11l11'l1'''el~ th-~t1QIIfI Arc rfltUrlle.l to thr. Clc"rk"s , Ol~!rh~ ,l'8[fC J~Wl~r:s1~~~, ~:'~~::a 1i11.~ fIX,hl' ~~.. e'*':F..L'O'l1~ oa 1I~10::g~k" . .. , , ,,,,,!, '. ~ City iClcrk., ~h...t1U."'':.M. "r" .. 1 ~ . , ~~'""l.-r~ ,. ~} J) ~:. f it,: ~i .~ ~. i .tl I i j ~.. JJ. . ~ _ -1: ) -r'-f j ... \ J- . , VJ'j_-:Uj)! iVlU/il1 rz,vl _rrl'i... .,,-'" /~!-.' -9r7l1JYl1.t.-,,':;""n J _.a.. .-0Lu:..lJ aI,tl_dw1rUH .'-.L.. 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