HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/29/1936 ,.. 408 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 29, 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioat'ions for Building Permi ts and Licenses the foUol'ling were gran ted : John Goneis, Platform for ~ar citor~ge, Lot 12, Blk. 17, Frank Robideau, Residenee, Lot 8, Blk. 280, Townsite J. C. Breitlauoh, Master Ptumber Mrs. Dorothy Chamberlain, 1 Beauty Parlor Chair LaSelle Beauty Shop, 1 Beauty Parlor vhair OlympusFountain, Soft Dri1l1ks Merchants Hotel, Soft Drmnks Byron's Beauty Shop, 2 Beauty Parlor Chairs Mamies Beauty Shop. 2 Beauty Parlor Chairs Benjamin's Cafe, Restaurant Merohants Hotel, Hotel (25 rooms) Clall~ Theatres, Ino. Elwha Theatre under the head of heports from City Officers the following was read: N.R. Smith Subd. c/ f \ J ! ~ l / :JulY'.29 , 1936 i To the Hon. Mayor and Bity Commission, ! Port Angeles, Was hington Gentlemen: 650.00 200.00 25.00 1.00 1.00 5.00,1 5.00' , 2. 00 ~? 2.00 15.00 25;00 ~pO.OO I I I herewith submit the eighth monthly estimate (July) of work done and material furnished by the Angeles Gravel & Supply Company, Contractors, on the Eighth Street Bridges, PWA IproJeot Dooket No. Wash. 1245R. Item " ! IJ I " " 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 775 ?,U. y~s. footing exo. @ $3.00 per ou. yd. 453 abutment exc. @ $6.00" " " 377 " channel ohange exo. @ $1.50 per cu. yd. 1,485 lin. ft. removal old pipe ~ 40t per 1in. ft. 1,585" " 3' trench @ 50!!' per lin. ft. 456 8" drain pipe in plaoe @ $1.00 per lin. ft. 2 Standard ~ood sand boxes @ $10.00 8aob 70 1in. ft. 6" oonorete pipe inlet oonneotions @ 75t per lin. ft. 550 ou. yds. footing oono. @ $23.00 per ou. Yd. 181" " abutment opno. @ $26.50" " II 766 M.B.M. oreo. timber in place @ $37.50 per M. 10 Fire draft stop ourtains, eaoh ~120.00 1,502 lin. ft. oonoreteroadway and sidewalks @ t22.65 1,718 " " l..l..n eleotrical oelmdui t @ :31l!' 350" 374" eleotrioal oonduit @ 25!!' 5,064 #6 stranded copper wire @ .06 576 #10 solid copper conductor ~ .035 10 light posts @ $120..00 eaoh 8 light posts on abutments @ $120.00 each 2 feed service equipment @ $250.00 90 concrete fence posts C $25.00 eaoh 2,940 lin. ft. wire mesh fenoe, panel and steel frame ~ $3.00 432 sq. yds. olass A conorete abutment roadway approaohes @$4.00 Removing existing struotures @ $8,000 lump sUm Total Less 15% retained Less previous estimate PreviOUS Estimates: Deoember. 1935 January, 1936 February, 1936 March, 1936 April, 1936 May, 1936 June, 1936 Amount duo contraotor none $12,636.10 6,271.72 l6,86B.68 12,939.97 19,586.30 14.335.17 $82,637.94 Very truly yours, H. ~. Dodge~ City Engineer ~ 2,325.00 2,718.00 565.50 594.00 792.50 456.00 20.00 52.50 12,650.00 4,796.50 28,725.00 1,200.00 34,020.30 532.58 87,50 303.84 20.16 1,200.00 960.00 500.00 2,250.00 8,820.00 1,728.00 8,000.00 I $113,317.38 16,997.61 ~ 96,319.77 82,637.94 ;? 13,681.83 I It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the ~ity Engineer's 8th estimate on the 8th St. Bridges, PWA Project, Dooket No. Wash. 1245 R. be approved and the ~ity Clerk be instruot- ed to issue warrants in the sum of $13,681.83 as soon as funds are available for payment of same. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On rOll oall a11members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. Under the head of Introduotion of Aesolutions the following resolution was introduced: I HE SOLUTION TO SELL PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE WHEREAS, The ~ity of Port ~nge1es is the owner of the following desoribed property in said City, to-wit: Lot Ten (10), Blook Two HUlldred ;)ixty-four (264), Townsi te of Port Angeles, C1a1lam County, Wash1n~tQ~, whioh said property has been acquired by the City on foreo10sure of del1nquen t looal improvement assessments under ~hapter 205 of the Sessio~ Laws of 1927, and, ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 409 "'ll JulY 29, 1936 193_ I I I I I WHEREAS, one C. W. H~adriak has offered to ~urohase the said property above desoribed for the sum of Five Hundred Fifty & No/lOO \$550.00) Dollars on the follovling terms, Twent~t-five & NojlOO ($25.00) Dollars down and Fifteen & No/IOO ($15.00) Dollars on or before the 29th day of ,August, 1936, and Fifteen & No/IOO ($15.00) Dollars on or b,efore the 29th day of eaoh and every month thereafter Until the full sum is paid, togetfierrwith interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the balanoe due, and WHEREAS, The Jity Commission has viewed the property and find the offer is fair value for ti~ property and exoeeds t~e amount of the delinquent looal improvement assessments and general taxes paid by the Vi ty. NOW, ~~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be aooepted and that the City enter into a oontraot with the purohaser for the sale of all the interest the City holds in said property at said prmoe and on said terms above set forth; that the City Attorney be instruoted to prepare a oontraot of sale in acoordance with the terms herein express- ed, and the Mayor and Vity Clerk be authorized to exeoute said oontract in aooordanoe with the provisions of th~s Resolution and of Chapter 275, ,Session Laws of 1927, ino1ud.ing Seo. 4 of said \;hapter. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopte,d. Seconded by Commissioner Lu.tz. On roll oa11 all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The Commission exmmined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Olympio ~rintery GOlympio &rinter7 The Ol~pio Printery Lowman & Hanford Co. W. D. Morrissey Marshall liella Co. D. A. Masters R. E. Davis Street Department Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Special Police Hardware ~se Po f o*r f~r Ju~y Pay Roll- I/O.,...?! 35.20 3.25 4.20 18.87 6.00 4.16 25.00 35.00 971.16 ~FlJND H. F. Alexander Rennsealer Val ve Co. Hooker ~leotrochemioal Co. Ford Meter Box Co. Palmer Supply Co. A. G. l,ioKnight Water Dept. Hauling Pipe Valves and Hydrants Chlorin e Supplies Galv. Pipe Garage Hen t Pay Roll 31.. g2tJ'Z~ _ 8.00 883.77 14.46 58.43 79.70 3.00 1035.00 LI GHT FUND Wsstinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Sohlager Bros. Chas. ~eam S. H. \/hite L. T. Guy Light llept. 8th ST. BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND Meter Sookets Plants Garage Rent Car Hire Jani tor Work Pay Roll * -- l/s2 17.15 30.60 3.00 35.00 5.00 1067.50 Paoific Testing Laboratories Paoific ~esting Laboratories 8th St. Eridge (Engineer's Dept.) Angeles Gravel & Supply Company Servioes Services Pay roll . Part of 6th ~stimate 166.51 89.60 , I 450.00 1?J 1 '-j r::: 8687.93 AU~d at 11 a.m. /\, C; AJ~ Thwre being no further business the Commission adjourned to meet ?7?~ufl~ Ci ty 01 erk May 0 r .~,....:: ..4