HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/30/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington J.llly~--.l9Se~ _~_193_ ", 313 I I I I 1 I The Comnisaion met in special session at 4 p.m. and was callsd to order by Ma10r Davis. Roll call I showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Conmissionsrs Lutz am Masters, Attorney Plunmer and : Clerk Hawkins. Undsr the head of Applications fOr Building pemtta and Lioenees, ths following were granted: Darwin Davis, Build House, Sub, BlJ<, 179, T01lD8i te Harry Andrews, ltave and rElllOdel building, Lot 1, Blk. 167, Townsite R. G, Young, Addition to Store Building, Lot 9, Blk. 271, Townsi te Axel Arvidson, Addition to Bldg.. Lot 6, Blk. liO, Baker's SUb. George Dsvidson, 1 Card Table George Davidson, 3 Card Tables George Davidson, He staurant !.!re. B. Cassilio, Soft Drinke D. G. MoLennon, 1 card Tabls Hotal SUtherland, 26 Rooms The Comn1ssion BX!IIlined and allowed the follcwiing claims and ordered warrants dra1lll for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FOND 500.00 200.00 ~OO.OO 50.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 Street Department Ci ty Treasurer Fisk Flag & Deoorating Co. D. A, !.'.aeters State Department of Public Wel fare Pay Roll 1094.97 Water 405.00 Hanging Decorations, etc. 2.50 car Hire t 0.3 25.00 Overhead Coat of Employees on Relief Rolls Ur72- -44.56 WATER FUND Water Department Marshall Wells Co. Crane COII\Pany Seattle Plumbing sUpply Ga. , Palmer Supply 00. Crane Conq>any Crane COll!Pany Crane COmpany Cran e Company Washington State Bsnk Viln. Brennand J. . B. Mathews Sash & Door tactory State Dept. of Publio Welfare PS;Y Roll Tools Univarsal Pipe Material &. Supp lies Studs & Drille Um V8rS1ll Pipe ;~ RElI1t Rent Store Building Sash Overhead Rellef Labor k,t IUS - . LIGHT FOND i Li!ll1t Department S. H. White Ches. Beam S. H. l'lh1 te L. T.Guy Joe R1 tchie .. B. Mathews Sash & Door Factor)t Washington State Bank Beneral Electrio SUpply Go. J. B. Mathews Sash & Door Factory General Eleotrio Co. Pay Roll Car Hi re Garage Rsnt Traveling Expense .snit or Servio e Wood Map cabinet Rent Wire Book Case TransforJlllre ,17 J F g-O PARK FUND D. D. MoMUllen Herron's Variety Park Department There being no further business the Labor Flower Seed Pay Roll Conmiss1on then adjourned. 77 ?I;J~ ~ /1~-<1~ Ci ty Clerk. lla)'Or. 725.00 32.88 168.29 15.08 33 .55 157.53 215.96 1~7. 60 294.02 45.00 12.00 1.23 11.14 1027.50 ~5.00 3.00 5.35 5.00 4.00 45,90 85.00 ~55.46 14.28 299 . 64 12.00 1.40 172.91 ~