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Port Angeles, Washington
July 30, 2002
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
StaffPresent: Acting Manager Knutson, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T. Riepe,
Y. Ziomkowski, K. Dubuc, and C. Kochanek.
Public Present: R. Anderson.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Finance Director Ziomkowski.
Acting Manager Knutson informed the Council of the passing of Street Division
Supervisor Mike Horton on Monday, July 29, 2002. The City flag was lowered to half
mast in honor of Mr. Horton and his dedication to the City. Acting Manager Knutson
read an e-mail he had sent to City staff members, after which there was a moment of
silence in honor of Mr. Horton.
Mayor Wiggins circulated a "Get Well" card to be signed for Fire Chief McKeen and
his family who were involved in a car accident; all family members are doing well.
ITEMS FOR 1. Mid-Year Financial Report
Finance Director Ziomkowski explained that the mid-year financial report is a
Mid-Year Financial Report summation of the status of projects, revenue trends, inter-government revenues,
expenses in comparison to budget, reserve levels, and the need for any budget
amendments. Also covered in the report are the possibility for more revenues, level of
services, review process on capital projects, revisions of capital improvement list, new
needs or emergencies, and preparation for the new budget cycle.
Using a PowerPoint presentation, Director Ziomkowski stated that overall, 56% of the
City budget is still remaining to be spent. On the personnel side, 51.6% is unexpended;
supplies, 60% unexpended; and charges for services, less than 50% unexpended.
Capital outlay and projects have the lowest percentage, as most projects are completed
within the summer months. The General Fund is on target, with 50% of revenues
collected and 47% of appropriations expended. The report also reflects summaries of
£mancial activities, revenues, expenditures, and interest rates, which are lower than in
past years.
Referencing budget changes, Director Ziomkowski emphasized that changes may be
necessary in the criminal justice expenditures, since they are well over estimates. At
this point in time, the City may still remain within the 2002 Budget, but savings may
July 30, 2002
Mid-Year Financial Report not be realized. The current forecast includes cost-of-living increases, medical and
(Cont'd) insurance increases, and an increase in operating expenditures. Projected revenues
reflect a decrease.
Director Ziomkowski indicated that demands are increasing in the Street Fund for
maintenance projects, and additional funding is needed for the Francis Street Park, the
8th Street restoration project, street paving and chip seal improvements, and the Airport
Road realignment project. Other projects still to be completed have been included in
the 2002 Budget.
The Carnegie Library project requires $1,060,000 of which $800,000.00 has been
acquired. Director Ziomkowski proposed the following funding sources to make up the
difference: $80,000 from Street Lighting, $110,000 from governmental fund
allocations, $50,000 from the Walkling Trust, and an additional $20,000, which could
be garnered from additional revenues in 2002. Utility expenses account for about 60%
of all City expenses, and because rates are set to recover operating costs, debt payment,
and to fund some of the capital projects, concern is directed toward governmental funds.
Following a review of Utility, Wastewater, Solid Waste, and Equipment Service funds,
attention was directed to self-insurance expenditures. Councilmembers engaged in brief
discussion and clarification and thanked Director Ziomkowski for her concise report.
Governmental Fund 2. Governmental Fund Projects
Councilman Williams informed the Council that, at the last meeting of the Downtown
Forward Executive Committee, it was pointed out that funding had not been set aside
for improved signage in the City, such as for the ferry and the Park. When asked if this
would be included in the Gateway Project, Councilman Williams felt the need for
signage went well beyond Gateway. Acting Manager Knutson indicated this may be
something that the City Manager was planning to include in next year's CIP.
Acting Manager Knutson informed the Council that the WCIA has still not received a
fmal decision on the matter of the Fire Hall roof repair coverage. When a decision is
given, WCIA expects a denial to be likely. However, WCIA has engaged the services
of an attorney who specializes in insurance law, and he is optimistic that the funds will
be recovered.
Award Contract for 3. Award Contract for Revitalization of Carnegie Library
Revitalization of Carnegie
Library Mayor Wiggins introduced the issue by stating that the basis for the award would be the
availability of funds. Director Ziomkowski reviewed the available funds against those
still needed. An additional $80,000 will be available from the City Light fund,
$110,000 is being proposed for a governmental projects allocation, $50,000 from the
Walkling Trust, and $20,000 from additional 2002 revenues. If additional funds are still
needed, such as if the Walkling Trust funds are not forthcoming, then funding for the
William Shore Pool could be transferred to the library project.
Stuart Bonney, project architect for the Carnegie Library, 95 Heather Park Road,
mentioning the perceived negative impact of the completion of this project on the City,
stated that the building will house a non-profit organization and continue to have
maintenance and operations costs; however, he feels the positive aspects will outweigh
this issue. Referring to a handout presented to the Council, Mr. Bonney referred to
statistics which show an increase in interest and travel to historic buildings and events.
Mr. Bonney concluded that because the building will utilize the most current energy-
efficient components, maintenance costs should be very low.
In the discussion that ensued, Councilmember Rogers expressed the City's efforts to
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Award Contract for provide facilities that often benefit the entire County; however, she was concerned that
Revitalization of Carnegie the matter of ongoing operation and maintenance had not been addressed. Further, she
Library (Cont'd) noted that there was no indication as to potential revenue to be generated. She felt it
important that the City have a plan to address these issues.
Karen Scott, 319 W. gh Street and a member of the Historical Board, indicated that
Frank Ducceschi and Manager Quinn have been discussing the maintenance issue for
the Carnegie Library. While the Library may not be an economic boon to the City, it
will be an additional attraction for visitors.
Peter Ripley, Port Angeles Journal, expressed the opinion that the City had more
pressing concerns than the Library; namely, the replacement of the 8~ Street bridges.
Mike Doherty, 617 "B" Street, referred to continuing comment on the positive aspects
of restoring the Court House, mentioning community pride in the institutions of
government. The Carnegie Library, because of its close proximity to the other historic
buildings, will create a wonderful panorama. The trend to restore buildings is one that
will draw people.
Following a brief discussion, Councilmember Erickson moved to award and
authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the Carnegie Library Revitalization,
project 97-08, with I-loch Construction, Inc., in the amount of$1,105,953.32 for the
base bid and all additive bid items and also to direct the Public Works & Utilities
Director to issue a notice to proceed only for the base bid and, further, upon
receipt of additional funds, the Director shall issue additional notices to proceed
for the additive bid items. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Governmental Fund The Council again directed its attention to the Governmental Fund Projects, and
Projects Councilmember Erickson moved to approve the list of projects and the available
funding allocations as set forth in the packet information. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion. Clarification was sought by the Councilmembers as to whether
further review of the items to be reinstated should be conducted once it is known if the
insurance monies are forthcoming for the Fire Hall roof. Councilmember Erickson
indicated that was not part of her motion. A vote was taken on the motion with
Councilmembers Erickson and Braun voting in favor, and Mayor Wiggins and
Councilmembers Iteadrick, Campbell, Williams, and Rogers voting in opposition.
The motion, therefore, failed.
Councilman Williams moved that Council follow the staff recommendation of
approving the list of 20 projects totaling $1,975,000 and, if the roof refund is
realized, at that point Council will reconsider the items under the reinstatement.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Glenn Wiggins, Mayor B~cky J~ 0P~'~i~ Cie~k ~-