HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/31/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ",UJust 2B, 19,) 7 193_ 511 ., I I I I I (~~::.: .~::::"."' """"' ..... ! L. T. Guy LIB'URY ~'UJID Gararre 'tent Janitor .Iork 1 f~(. ~ - Paoifio Tel & ~ul Co. Servic ~ PARK FUJID 'Hall Stark Brooke's Grooery Co. La bor Toilet Tissue {,' GU,lRANTY FmlD City'Treasurer 11 n Taxes :;!J r 7? ~ '~~ The Commiss ion th~n ad jo',rned to m~e t Sa turday, ,Tuly 31, 19:37, /Z 9rJ1f~ City Clerk !.lay or July 31, 1937 The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 ".l.!. and was oal~ed to ord"r by 1byor Davis. Roll call showed tile folloviin,. ufficer3 oresent: Mayor "avis, Commissioners 'Henson and Mast~rs and Clerk Ha~kins.~ - ~~. 00 5.00 4.<;5 3.00 :'>.ro 114 . :39 9.16 The Commission examined and allc)\'/ed the follo':lin'" cIa ims and ord~recl warran ts drav:n for same: CURnNT EXPE]'!'3S FUNCl .~dgar Filion ~R. B. Davis '~!argueri te "ue Martin J. Schnur,~er I J. d. McDonald - ~ Ci ty Treasu 'er Labor Car Hire Sa~ary Services as ':Ia ter Rent d'_I! c&toher -0 ,,/.,1 -} CITY STJH!:T FunD I I Street Deoartment D. ti.. Masters Pay itoll Car !Ii i'e 1"7 'fi. 97 , 'j" A T ~R FUND ~ater D~partment Pay roll LI":HT ?illm Light Department CEW;;TERY FillID Pay "011 Albert d. Lanctot Salary LIBR;.RY FUIID Marjorie CA.se Sa lary L. 1. D GS)[ER.~L FInD .Ruth Beam Salary Ther~ b~ine no furthe.' b1b.siness the Commission then adjourned. 7f<<)~- ~~~ City :le.'k Mayor Id.50 <;8.00 75.00 lor.oo 2".00 116.0[' IGd.97 26.00 13.,0.00 12~8.75 100.'10 120,00 100.00 .oil