HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/31/1943 July 31, 1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ....... 549 I I I I I The Comnission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. am was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following of ficers present: lIayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters and, Clerk Hawkins . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and all", ed the following claims a nd ordered warrants drawn for same: Police'Department ; Street Department John H~ Thatcher J. R. McDonald Fire Department " " Pay Roll II II Radio Repair Service Services as dog catcher Extra Firemen Pay Roll " 11 II II CITY STREET FUND Street Dept. Pay Roll WA TEH FUND Water Dept. II n 'II Pay Roll tI n PARK FOrm Park Dept. Pay Roll STATE AID FUN) Police Dept. Pay Roll There being no further business the Commi~sion then adjourned. ~~ , City Clerk 50.00 160.00 20.00 25.00 6J. 57.60 <fZ<> 168.00 811.41 o~ 52.00 402.08 ~~ .--- 32.00 165.00 SO.OO ~j,O('~ lv.ayor j