HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/31/1950 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 51. 19~ '"'"."'"......n.."."......,"'""..."...~ The Uonunission met in r"gular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by j':ayor feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Uinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pormits and licenses, the folloVling were granted: ~o Building Permits: r;.1J j ~ E - J.'E. Lundstrom Addit:ion to Existing Dwelling; S SO' Lots 11-12, rllk. 10'1, Townsite M.'YI. Sturtevant Heroof Dwelling; tot 4, Blk. 205, TO'/msite Ken Erickson Construction of rNffilling; Lots 5-4, Blk. 98, Townsite Barkley "uch Re-roof & Put on Siding on Existing l},{elling; Lots 11-12, IJlk. 1, London Park E.'J.l.!cCall Build Garage; Lot 18, Blk. 272, Townsite Edward lJerry Addition to House; Lot 1, lJlk. 180, Townsite ~Iatts Gonst. Go. Gonstruct Hospital; Sub. Lot 53, Townsite Joseph Davis Construct Garage; Lot 11, Blk. 287, Townsite !Licenses: 5if":! lMarine Drive Lunch jlsassy Beauty Shop Pote 's Pote 's Pote 's I 1, Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish one pick-up truck for the Water Department were considered. The Schreiner Chevrolet CompanJ.' having submitted the 10v16st and best bid, it was moved by I Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted at ,,1,588.44. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted A~-e. . Motion carried. [I' Bids to furnish pipe, tubing, and fittings, were also considered, and the Viator Supt., having filed recommendations, it was moved by Gommissioner Taylor that contracts be awarded as follows: Palmer Supply Company, Items 1, 2, and 4. Western Utilities Supply Company, Item B. L. II. Hallgren, Item 5. Motion . seconded by Mayor l'eeley and carried. Irursuant to calls for. bids published to furnish for the Engineer's Department one calclllator, the following I were received: Monrow CalCulating Machine Co., Inc., MOOel CM. 10, $675.00, plus sales tpx, Model CSA 10, $5n .50 plus sales tax. llilssing Office Supply, Automatic "'erchant Calculator, $574.74. . Lioss btationery, #S..T.W. Friden, $697.50, #S.T. Friden, i'630.00, fjs.Friden, $517.50. Ol~111]1ic Stationers, 35 H..GTF.. Electric lO-Key, $375.00, 40 facit Electric lO-Key, 8"xll", $525.00. All bids were referred to the E.ngineer's Dept. 1,500.00 500.00 8,000.00 Sub. 225.00 500.00 SOO.OO 600,000.00 SOO .00 Amusement ~achine Beauty Operator Hestaurant lluUS ic Ma chine Soft Drink 24.00 1.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 ~ ~ids were also opened for construction of a building at Second and Washington Streets. as follows.: Sig Larson, $556.92. No action was taken until the next session. under the head of new business, Gommissioner Taylor requested that bids be published for excavation at the sUde area on Morse Creek water line, bids to be opened AugUst 14th. It ..as moved by Mr. Taylor that the said bids be published. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Motion carried. Harry H. Jones appeared regarding housing of lumber and building supplies at Ninth and C Streets, and. requirements fixed by Zoning Ordinance. COl'llTlissioner Taylor requosted that the matter be re ferred to the Commissioner of Public Works. Mayor ,'eeley moved that the Zoning Ordinance be referred to the Planning j C.o~mission for revision. 1~otion seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried. I Emerson Lawrence, Civilian Defense and Disaster Co-Ordinator, requested the Commission to c,onsider co-ordina- tiDn of all resources including man-power, equipment, and any recourses available, to be. pooled in case of la~ emergency. Mr. Lewrence also urged that e meeting be scheduled, and all groups requested to attend, at I which time a plan may be worked out for co-ordination of all departments. iUnder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were plaoed on third reading: I ORDINANCE NO. 1255 I .. . ". AN ORDINANCE approving and oonfirming the assessments and, assessment. rolJ._ of Local' ImproveruantDistrict. No. 152 of "the C~ty of Port An""le"creat,ed !w'CJrdiban8 No)' ,! 12;L9; levying and assessing the amounts of such assessments agalnst the sevel'aT tOM, tract~ ana pilr ~ls' M i land and other property as shown on such roll; ordering the collection of such assessments, creating and : est.ablishing a special local Improvement Fund for said district. , I ORDINANCll NO.. ..+-254 I AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance and sale oj; Local Improvement bonds for Local Improvement District iNo. 152 of the City of Port Angeles to pay the cost and expense of the improvements in said district as I ordered and provided for in Ordir~nce No. 1219 of the City of Port Angeles; providing lor the term of such I bonds and fixing interest rates. I It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing two Ordinsnces be passed the third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: tf'f 3 ::.~ CURHEl<I"T EXPENSE FUND: Emerson G. Lawrence Ii Ci ty - ".rreas. Harold Mclaughlin I City Street Dept. l't. O. Ide The Texas Go. I,pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Willson Hardware Co. Samuelson Motor Go. IUnited Janltor Supply Go. Howard-Cooper Corp. :Olympic Laundry & Cleaners : CITY STREET FUND: 111 '!:.9 The Texas Co. lAutomotive Parts Service !Willson Hardware Co. Expanse--Civil Defense School Stamped Envelopes Services, Conducting Exams Gas J Oil and Repa ir s E.xpens e Tri p Gasoline Phone Servi C8S Paint, Tools and lidwe. Steam Cycle Pine Oil Disinfectant 24 Ga ske ts Laund ry & Dry Cleaning 27.41 2.58 s.OO 28.96 25.26 165.16 52.48 91.65 I 5.09 15.39 I 7.89 22.80 Gas, Motor Oil, etc. Paint" Parts, etc. Misc. Supplies 653.00 I '10.65 45.84 i i 31 " ~ ,..~ 32 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ju~v 51st. continued. 19~ ,.., , -'''''. ....... ....."".. ."."........ .... 1~.B!.@J. -.;<& 7/1 ~f;o l~ity Treasurer I Nat'l Cash Register Co. Pacific Tel. << Tel. Co. Lincoln Welding Ci~ Street Dept. Johnson & Bork Hooker Electrochemical Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. Taylor Heating & Plumbing Co. Pacific Via ter Works Supply Co. Johns-1~ville Sales Gorp. Hugh G. Purcell Co. &3 LIGHT FUND: .Q0117rJ - Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. City Street Dept. James Hardware Co. United Janitors Supply Co. Westinghouse Electric Dupply Co. General Electric Service Shop Quick Print Line 1~terial Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Graybar Electric Co. ;:I. 3 SANITATION b1JND.: ;5:1.. - Gity Street Dept. :17 PARK 'FUND: 3<i~- Wheeler Hardware.. Furniture Co. 'fools and lidwe. Lippincott's Hdwe. Co. 1 Easy-out Pipe Willson llard>vare Co. Tools and Hdwe. . Todd Cycle Shop 2 Power l.lowers; llepairs Dobson Auto Electric Parts Angeles Machine & 'ielding Works Parts & Labor Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 5851 Samuelson Motor Co. Pump, Rod City Street Dept. Gas and Oil Middleton Motor l:'arts Co. Fuel fump, etc. Angeles Bldg. Center Lbr., Plastic Wood Johnson & Bork Paint Zellerbach Paper Go. Tissue 8th St. Repair Shop Grinding Power Mower PARKING llETElt & TRAffIC CONrROI FUND: ;;(:;' if 'i:.l Wash. State Penitentiary Signs Penineula Fuel Co. }'uel Oil Gity Street Dept. Gas and Oil Olympic Electric Co. Parts City Treasurer Express Chgs. G & L Paint Supplies Paint Willson Hardware Co. Bolts, Screws, Nails Johns on & J30rk Pa int, Brushe s, etc. Johnson Fare Box Co. Coin Wrappers I C~!ETgHY FUND: 3 41 ICity Street Dept. Olympic Tribune I FIllEI.!EN 'S PENSION FUND: 33 03 Dr. J. C. Hay &Ass. Clallam Co. ned. Servo Corp. Enve 10 pe s Paper Phone Service Iron Gas and Oil Red Lead Chlorine Gaskets Pipe and Fittings Service Clamps , Valva Pipe and Fittings 'Valves Pipe Pipe and Fittings June Power Cash for Postage Phone Servic e Repairs, Uas and Oil Powder Supplies Ilater-heater Re pair regulator Printing Cut-outs, Line Hardware Grounding Hdvre., Wire Clamps, Wire Ga s and Oil Gas and Oil Notice to Bidders Aug. Med. Jo~ees--Firemen Aug. !{;ed. Fees--JiJ.remen There being no further business, the meeting was edjourned. f- t :Z~ Gi ty Clerk ~- ~m-mit<1~ Xatke '.1' here!>.... t-d,"(>n. tha.:t !l~al.l f'rl hill.... 1\"111 h.... 1'l,,'I:PIVl'(1 II,' thr Cit\"1 CII'rk fit the ('ltv u~ POri. Ange]l'~. ~YHjU~olll~I.II~l..ll~:I~ ~'nl:gi~~t\,,/ 4aLJ !)l,;]fj~ orfice of tile Cit\'. Cieri, uf ~ajtl CllL ~~':."i~~~~h:ON,~<rfl;~I~'d,J~ ~~~a~~~:! t~~~~[ ~g~'J~&:~.~~~~/~li'~ r~l:~l:~rri~~e~~I;i; th(' offl('f' of the 'elly Clcrl~. Th,', Co.mllliftS10Il rt>l'l'rV('l< "tIll' rig'ht: tr.' . ]''')l'f't 1l11,. or HlI l.lidf'. I f' .f. E. LA\\' i PlllJU~h('d:Cl\~.I{;;~~I'~l{, 11, 1%0 ... j .... ~/d~7'. 55.72 25.98 10.59 5.56 95.92 1.23 34.01 32.22 524.51 156 .15 45.52 1,101.89 22,169.14 2,504.82 18,525.96 5.00 70.84 142.27 1.28 28.92 60.55 510.79 10.56 645 . 40 575.88 499.20 lS2.25 35.66 1.70 14.95 249.40: 14.99 4.58 5.30' 3.61 32.91 5.18 20.40 1.07 7.49 5.15 32.64 44.00 5.64 55.79 6.ll 75.02 4.50 14.64 10.35 2.45 1.02 9.00' 24.00 , Mayor I I I. I