HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/31/19792~~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 31, 1979 I CALL TO ORDER ~ The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to consider a Resolution of Intention for L,I.D. No. 204, consider a request to conduct a Country Music Festival as part of Derby Days at Civic Field, and to tour the Police and Light Depart- ments to determine what improvements, if any, should be included in the 1980 budget. TT ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Deputy Clerk Caso. M. Cleland, J. Honnold, D. Flodstrom. III MINUTES Suspended. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Suspended. V LEGISLATION 1. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION: L.I.D. N0. 204 Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Miller explaining that the original resolution of intention for LID No. 204 called for a public hearing and adoption of an ordinance on that improvement at the regularly scheduled Council meeting of July 17, 1979. That meeting was changed to July 16, 1979. At the time of~the meeting it appeared that the Public Works Department had successfully notified all residents within the area to be improved o£ the change in the hearing from July 17 to July 16. However, contact with resi- dents of the area subsequent to the hearing on July 16 revealed that not all residents had received notification of the change. Therefore, in order to fully comply with the requirements of the statute for forming LID's, it is necessary that those procedures be done again. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Improvement Resolution No. 204 entitled, Improvement Resolution No. 204 A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area with- in the City by grading, paving and draining the streets therein and installing curbs and gutters, and installing sanitary sewers, and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, and fix- ing a time, date and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution of Intention as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, which sets a public hearing date of August 21, 1979 for consideration of this LID. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried unanimously. 1 1 1 _.. ~-- - - - 'z25 CITY COUNCIL MEETING IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION N0. 204 Jul 31, 1979 A RESOLUTION of the CoundT'of the City of Port Angslss, 5r Washington, declaring fM Intention of the City Council !o improve a certain area within the City by grading, paving and draining the streeri thsroln and Installing curbs and gutters, and installing sanitary sewers, and by doing-.all. work necessary in connection thenwith, and Hxinq a time, aks~ and V LEGISLATION piece for tM hearing on this resoution of Intention. BE IT RESOLVED by the Ciry Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows: 2. DERBY DAYS COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL seniors 1. That it is the invention of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to order the Improvement of the area described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, and ih- COUnCllman Hord k moved the Councli corporated by reference herein, by grading, draining and Y i paving the streets therein and installing curbs and gutters, and The motion was seconded by Council installing sanitary sewers, and doing all other work necessary in connection with the improvements described in this `~ resolution, Mayor Haguewood then read a memoral ~ectt°" 2- The area described in Exhibit A shall be improved _ trative Services, informing the Cd ~ grading, paving and draining the streets described in 1Ji Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein, and by pOSE:S t0 S]JOriSOr a Country Music I doing all work necessary in connection therewith, including O 9:00 P.M. at C1V1C Field and has iY the installation of curbs and gutters, storm sewers, sanitary , sewers, water lines and alleys. Festival License. The Parks, Rec;; SecRon3.TheCity'sengineenoreherebydirectedtosubmit s a roved the use of Civic Field a1~ to 1 r~cil at or prior To the date Fixed for the hearing on PP J this resolut{on and ssatement of the estimated cost and ex- $50 which will be refunded' if Civ~ pense of such improvements, the portion of such cost to be _ dition. borne by the property within the proposed improvement district, the local improvement district assessments out- r standing and unpaid against the properly herein, and the Durin discussion on this re est agregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 25 % of f g ~ r the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed a problem with the m1157.C r S n01 Se 1 districts aaording To the valuation last placed upon it for the and, purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or print Mr. Long, of the Peninsula Country showing thereon the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other I o the Council in regard to the music Property which will be specially benefited by said im- a S provemanta, and the estimated amount of the cost and ex- -, would be much quieter than rock mu pense thereof to be borne by each lot, traN or parcel ~ S door 4. All persons who may desire to object to the Councilman Hord k then moved the tormarion of sack improvement district ore hereby notified to Y ~ appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City request for an Outdoor Music Fest' Council to be held in the 1 Council Chambers at Civic Field on September 2 , 19 tae west Front street an Boardman and carried. Port Angeles,Washington of 7:30 p. m. on A~u~ust~21, 1979, the second council meeting in August, which tim~' a and place are hereby fixed For hearing of , 3. POLICE AND LIGHT DEPARTMENT TOUR matters relating to said proposed improvements and all ob- ' jectlons thereto, and for determining the method of paying for said improvements. The next order of business was a •: The City Clerk and Engineer are hereby directed to prepare lnd Li ht De artment b1]11d1ri S t0 dete °nd give notice of such hearing in the manner required by law. 3 g 1~ g PASSED 'by The Council of The City of PoYT Angeles, be included in the 1980 budget. F Washington, at a regular meeting of sold Council this 31 day of ed July, 1979. the fO110Wing subjects with Manage CITY OF PORTANGELES~ and Police Chief Cleland: apropos 5amuelJ. Haguewood ing' r P 5r ATTEST: Mayor- materials urchasin etc.; the n ~s for the City Hall, Police and Ligr Marian C.Porish staff at the Police De artment arse City Clerk 1 h t APPROVEDASTOFORM: -,.- g on staff productivity; what effect City Attorney Craig 1. Miller - - I, MARIAN C. PARRISH, the duly chased, qualified and acting ~ 1 have Ori the CStyr5 vjall bllSirie SS' Clerk Of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, DO HEREBY building in terms of wiring, heat CERTIFY that the foregoing is o true and complete copy of .Improvement Resolution 204, passed by the City Council at a and COmm11n1Cat10RS system; and th regviarmeetingthereofheld3lstofJuly,1979. '~ inspect the Police and Light Depa ` DATED this 1 dayof Avguat, 1479 i with additional information and rE EXHIBRA Marian C. Parrish Councilman Hordyk then moved the together some cost figures for r ment buildings and that these co they can be included in their bu Anderson and carried. VI ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ~~~~ ~ ~~ City Clerk 14~~ Des[ription of district: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 366, Townsite of Port Angeles, and the south line of 12th Street: - ' Thence westerly along the south tine of 12th Street to the northwest corner of Lot 10, Stock 365, Townsite, and the east .hat- line of i street; ~ r - •A lman Thence northerly along the ~ecst line of t Street to the nor•~ thwest comer of tot 11, Block 358, Townsite, and the south line ' of the alley between 11 th pnd 12th Streets; Thence westerly along the south line of the alley between 11th and 12th sireetsto the northeast corner of Lot 16,BIock 360, Townsite and the line between lot 15 and 16; Thence southerly along the line between Lora 15 and 16, Block 360, Townsite and said line produced, to the norrhwest corner of lot 5, Block 363, and the south line of 12th Street; Thence westerly along the south line of 12th Street to the , northeast corner of Lot 20, Block 362, Townsite and the west -line of L Street; Thence southerly along the west line of L Street to the southeast comer of Lot 20, Block 438, Townsite, and the north ; line of 16th Street; Thence easterly along the north line of 16th street, fo the ; southwest corner of Lot li, Block 426, Townsite and the east line of K Street; i Thence northerly along the east line of K Street to the nor- thwest corner of Lot 11, Block 436, Townsite, and the south line , of the alley between 15th and 16th Streets: Thence easterly along the south line of the alley between 15th and lbth Street to the northwest corner of Lof 11, Block 435, , Townsite and the east line of 1 Street;Thence southerly along the east line of I Street to southwest comer of Lot 11, Block 435, Townsite and the north line of 16th Street; Thence easterly along the north line of 16th Street to the southeast [orner of Lot 20, Block 435, Townsite and the west line of H Street: . Thence northerly along the west line of H Street to The nor- , theast corner of lot 1, Block 435, Townsite, and the south line I of 15th Street; Thence westerly along the south line of 15th Street to the northwest comer of Lo15, Block 435, Townsite: Thence northerly along the line between Lots 15 and 16, Blocc 408, and said line produced, to the. southwest corner, of lot 5, Block 108, and the north line of the alley between 14th and 15th Streets; Thence easterly along the north line of the allay between 14th and 15th to the southwest comer of Lot 10, Block d09. Town- site, and the east line of H StroeY. T.nn.n ...,.~6e.lo .,1...... rho unsf 6ne ..f H ctrnut r.. *1,v ., Thence northerly alnrtg the east line of H S#reet to the nor- thwest earner of I.a# 14, Black 409, Townsiter and the sou#h Ilse of 1 dth Street; ' Thence easterly alor~~ the south dine of 14tH Street to the northwest corner of lot 5, Black d09r Tawnsite; Thence northerly along the line between Lots 5 and 6, Black 4U9, Townsite, and sail line produced, #a the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block , TQwnsite and the south line of 12th Street, paint of beginning. - .. - ~~HIBrT a # 4th & K Llo STREETS Tt~,BE 111~PR~VEa STREETS FRI~M T~ 12th l S#reet 25Q' west of K Street 13th I Street L S#reet 14th I Street L Street 15th I Street ~ L Street H Street ~ 12th Street 13th Street I Street 12th/13th a11ey 15th Street K Street 12th S#reet ~ 15thJ16th alley ST~RAII SEVIfERS - An $" storm sewer in K Street from 12th Street to 11 /12th alley A ~ 2"storm sewer in K Street from 1 dth Stree# tv ~ 5#h Street A 12" storm sewer in 14th Street from K Street to I Street A 12" storm sewer in 15th Stree# from !{ Street to i Street An 8" storm sewer in I Stree# from 13#h Street #a 1 dth Street A 15" storm sewer in I Street from 14th Street io 15th Street An 18" storm sewer in 14th Street from I Street to H Street SA1VlTARY SEWERS An $" sanitary sewer in 13th Street from I Street to L Street An 8" sanitary sewer in 1 Street Pram 13th Street #a 14th Street An 8" sanitary sewer in 14th Street from L Street tv H S#reet An 8" sanitary sewer in the 13/14 alley from l Street to H Street An 8" sanitary sewer in the 14/15 alley from L Street to l Street An $" sanitary sewer in 15th Street from K Stree# to I Street An B" sanitary sernrer in the 15I1b alley from L S#ree# to li Street ran 8" sanitary sewer in IC Street from the 15/i5 alley to i5th Street An $" sanitary se-nrer in I Street frarn the 15I1b alley to 14th Street ~p~8" sanitary sewer in the 15I1b alley front I Street to H Street A 1D~s~pnitary sewer in H Street from loth Street to 13!14 a11ey A b" pre urre sanitary sewer in H Street from 13/14 alley to 1213 a11e~j VIIATER J111AIhIS An B" water mi:tln.ir< K Street from 15th Street to 15/lb alley ALLEYS 12113 alley from H Stet to ~5D' west of K Street . 131]4 alley tram H Str et to L Street 14/15 alley #rvm I ~5treet to L Street 15/lb a11ey-f}rom~ K St6reet to L Street ~~~., Aug. 3, lOr 1979. A 64104 AtlO1VAM)SY,d sauoslsa»o o..o Sq +I!n8 'u IY/I O a~oys aul ~olw puo'hn'I tlw ' 4 aU0 M8U VM An8 fo spool •uod~o 6S•bt' ONV eoolde~y e~!u •s41oq WOOL 8 O 411M ~ I Q IIaM M811 a6Jp~ •H1 17/If aDUOlsfp 6u NloMnu y,;Ml ~ lbb8' 13/1:071Y~07 A77Yy1N3~ ~ Lsb Id/1; 15/If 1 $yy7-Vy fo r9 pub. ooua8 ea~yl puo ~47oL~ "'~~~~a MOO H elgonll llawe,lxe uo Bu sa~41 alolnoowwl s141 I ~es,noi lIoBlPuolyea~b I laay +no/ loan 07 4~uo8 9 7oyM•••NO S•17/3H 3H1 I! suow LU(i- 86Z9-CSt +eyo,g 4 ~l~oM looyo8 plo• LSt uaH.aH eluuol yS . . _4dMUOa ayaW 'seoolda,lj [Zb6-ZSb Jloog •rl 9LB) oM 19°n!I Puo a6~ol ~ ) puo uol;unow ayl ;o CITY COUNCIL MEETING "Ps ° ssol8 to asn Infalsol 6ul~awol •N •MOU I~ Ij 41 •3SS Ol SWOH )Hl 4f! slaJ~od a~, July 31, 1979 -saa, y~~ _~-- ~~ra J 6ulpnpu! •se~~o S 4d ' ~~i - aLO 'S w,al •, w puo lol -1Ml.l .. lVl nano a~lol •llas •apo l ~an< V LEGISLATION aulnua6 •yol ~awoo •uMOI ° •sw,a/'ppS'BE I, 'swoo, pasopua y;l,M agol uo aw< 2. DERBY DAYS COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL Councilman Hordyk moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from Rob Orton, Director of Adminis- trative Services, informing the Council that the Derby Days Committee pro- poses to sponsor a Country Music Festival on September 2, 1979 from 2:00 to 9:00 P:'M. at Civic Field and has made application for an Outdoor Music Festival License. The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission has approved the use of Civic Field and established the cleanup deposit fee at $50 which will be refunded if Civic Field in returned in satisfactory con- dition. During discussion on this request, the Council discussed the possibility of a problem with the music's noise level with Manager Whorton and Chief Cleland. Mr. Long, of the Peninsula Country Music Association, also spoke briefly to the Council in regard to the music's noise level and stated that the music would be much quieter than rock music since it has no distortion. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council grant the Derby Days Committee's request for an Outdoor Music Festival License for a Country Music Festival at Civic Field on September 2, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 3. POLICE AND LIGHT DEPARTMENT TOUR The next order of business was a tour by the Council through the Police and Light Department buildings to determine what improvements, if any, should be included in the 1980 budget. Following the tours, the Council discussed the following subjects with Manager Whorton, Light Superintendent Honnold and Police Chief Cleland: a proposed agreement with the PUD for stockpiling materials, purchasing, etc.; the need for consideration of long term plans for the City Hall, Police and Light Department property; the overcrowded staff at the Police Department and what effect this overcrowding is having on staff productivity; what effect the new Courthouse jail facilities will have on the City's "jail business"; the present condition of the Police building in terms of wiring, heat, ventilation, plus the shooting range and communications system; and the need for an architect or contractor to inspect the Police and Light Department buildings and provide the Council with additional information and remodeling costs. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council instruct the City Manager to put together some cost figures for remodeling of the Police and Light Depart- ment buildings and that these costs be known to the department heads so that- they can be included in their budgets. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. VI ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ~ ~~ City Cierk Mayor