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Minutes 08/01/1928
.! i (~ .~ t Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Pori Allgdl'S, Washjll~toll . -d~;{,(jf- wd: I(,EM";'''-' "'"'_tVA-y...k,t"'-<~V"'//d_"~I'/'/PI..a"'.(~_If'.,/Y./~,,dt'" ,/ ~/. "t'~ /, / 0 4!f/1l~~ :f,~ lU/tcttL,,(.. ; U;l A '17 ,I):I:t/' / '~ / /~ . 1) . . & I b t .r.~,It:.rL.1l d j~;t~' "a~~, .' ''1'' tf(lvu.v{Zuu,Jt: ~k&<'/,v /;;~'/(,",.'1/_..l(.oue.,/ j /12 -iJ'J('./. 1/)/ 1//- 0./11" /1[1/ I',/j:-~(/// LV U/VI ~ 'yK:.J~,u".~~ ('1/' ~ /~i'/7J,:--{,"",.vA #t-tZ-'. (. 7u I. .~ /t,,-{:. h:r.; j ~~.r:U.: /,k,h-~.'.b;IHU;::"f?/Haa/ ~~/~#', ut;' , fl/. --I" <'14fZ~':. "!i ,Ili/, , ,// 74 . {f"'" t ,'~ ,1{-,..':JV((;,/~II'~ {j]u.'Ul.<' < <-'iJ/:t..l"ttlU'<;l/c.u uC//tra,/ ~~~ - .,~. j /,j .//' . lil ~/ / ,0/." / 1/)/// l;\_ .. fltil."'^ I ~.: {/....,;, (..c;/.u, !-...,.(C' , /1: t:....:.~Uof4C..</ \('( Cd./..;j'0;v 0'4 1 i"~ r Ii;::.. I' ~::.r.~i~d I~ ' . h .i ~::. ': ~'~( . tli/, d /; 'O~"hi thtl~.ctty. Itin'or-.. !"....i' A . - / /' ,..' .b. ,,,,,.llIr.o\<".. .,~'a' . 're- .r;.IL-C ,rtl3c.ch,t. t.-:r. Ir..Ue1oY'ff'" ....~)"~C....k; on I /' ~!J'oel. .,..... ........,.' and /' 0' !t~r~ ~\Ii;...OhWn., tb.,I&, Gn ~ . Ie at lhe CI'rk.... !'Glnc,I.I~ ~~ (.~ a./. t1 C ,.'l . :~~~::~~~. :ft"~~ 't:'~~n!I4.\:l /)//. '/ Ut~~1.=t):;.not oc:l..~~:r ~~~ -:rd. - - ,,, ~ / ".J';'% , /' ~. ~ /.- or .". ClkY'or ~ort'AIi..I'" .. --"",ua///IIZ;.~~'''~ ,r;;/.7v.:;. dO ~~:t~!~.~.~~.e..,"ld w..!.l~_.h~t .. . ,,~ /'" -_,,',1.. ....\.,"".; ,.r Of -_ -;;;::;-.. /" 3'-'-//7 /-;, tb,e c.onn.cl..prJce-muA.,. / '-''-'yt.'',,\/t::<--~_.c~r ..".. ..,., ~_. .' .... v /l/' .;lv b)"o' th....~..rul.bUkh'r... '" , 1f' , v;) iJ . L ....ClnUuOh.:'-~:t:'lJe -obl*lh flUn (.( " J/' . /.' t- /-"..(, . .t/ lbll fCltr Clerk ,upon, d IlIna (he- . ' . ;. - "7': "....-: - /'. ) , . ......'.."l';.Oh W"'..........t'1ill ...~.to.... '..JJc.c4c.vr:. ;.:..// A-{t.14.~.C ,{Zt7...f/!/-!?7/' (~. 77r;< "<'''.;<'''1 /./1. -' rI/t?/uc.4r ~Uo"n.:<<:.~r: ~ ,'re~;r:I.~t:2~h:~~':~; /;/ . .. f :/ ',', U 0"'.., b.,...;'~I";I~P!ldIl>,,1 "z.... y '(j /--7, ,(. ../ / l-":.\~,r--c "'Cf:t.". - ,"r..,-:..../ccf~<'t;.,/:;;V/U '-'t:_/.(r(.,t".':t:/.,.JCc.JJ~V ~EC'''''-;'''r/;/Ctr_L-r.~'/.&-e/,.c;'I:'~'. ~.,.' ;....-..... . It,., omm, on r..erve..tha. -:J .4 . .Ii"' I. roJ.....~ ~'~8ll\%L'i::g~iIIIIII /7///' / f? /1/ '. "'~/ /r "/ ~ /,..17 ./7?. /~1:..ftJ . ,_._ .. _ _~ '.. CI17'.fu~.t[~~l.'jl..;..~'et/tL'v...'/;'c-.t'./2rt/./~f7(J')/-//~-V~....'"./""ur,7fe.kw: //.{rU!//vCo(.lu;~' ",)(0, ~~"'~"'7'/;' J ./ ' I,l//t / ./ /- /':' ./ / // . /' ; . . ,./{!-[f-;~:r/ucU. '~'IGrt,Y(.- (<<?w?01e'a~,/>;I(.?;//.tl/ t!!:,u-/tr:;. r:'t;('//u, L/Wd4,//40k. ;, ,.';7 (;)' '/. (// fo" . _ p, .~f/. . ,/ ~ .t{), {g,/ ~..u{)::lt! ;/.:V"-"'u/','c/f!f:f-/fji. q f}~ 0"1 (,!/ u./;;. ;'//& 42&:;,'l'-t'.~Ar//h/.~L,~/ 1.. .'?? ./ /1?4 ./ / )./ " /" 4H ((,/1 /'. / .#7 / ,";'?$ /'/ ..Z)p,: 0 . ~~..~.'7- .Vo.'.r~~."U f...C3itdf[C'-<JfY/Z/J;"''''''?5V-cV. ')>.'2 ~..uc/i:. (t~: ./31'r.e' ?c"a;;?- (.o#/#"rK./;'~,' V ~/ / .// ~ 7// ./ ' // r/ ./ (,; fl ' / ' /;,;;./r-ct:/ Eo.l/./:!.,{....c JU ;;.". [f.',(,?! ,',1"r/7" C ',cae'!,. (~,(~, .... ....- ....... . . . j'. / / U (;~" /..., ~ >,~ 'f. i . "0 . f7 . ~, if 'UUf,z0/7Uotf}'I. (~Ji(l; /;~r/-,v h::c4cr/ / //0 /(:.,~zYk;-/( ~/-&-:~~'r//~ i , .;/ , ~ U ~ _ ..- _~ /h ,,//'/v,, , ...../, 7. I m,,,_,./. Nf<<JCt:.zJ; c,/'~c-c40,Y; Jd{,.....,o;r;.d'.. 4-~-'?-/""Cv'J."'~'4iY;:-;;;::'tf a'?4~ to/N' 4';'?/I? t7" J~ /0' r//;/ (J/ fP /'iiJ"./ (jJ , ./ ! tfd t.....a-t'1/. (.f~.:/,~.u,J.'aN(I<l/I;'/La;.; Ed //IH.'/tfM!:f/C/dUCC/_ /7I:7C~N;.r: 'l~d~. 1 G (/! ~~/;g;jif;4"/fl"""JLww-; dl/{L"W/~,w4,4'd-g;r(y I ~"f/iZ.b&id_.__ _ ,_ u_u.. . _." . . ... .. ...._ u . -.(207,(L:1/~~ .. --- ., "'~lf/;/~/ -1 f.j) .',-0 -------:/~- -";;:-//;5-;--1)- ._.._~.-:-..- ,- dJ.: (.l.f'Yl;,!~ \,d/., P.i,.///,o",.r/CF//Cf.il/, . (/y.) rj;:- __..________. t..{}t:a.vjjJ,,:V:C-H .. - .. '. 1 __ ......_ '__T._...___./I{~H,../a'ti.o/"';/I#;: ~r..l'f.1j:m'i/Uv.,;u?kl"/{;0r:'dci4-,a:; j ;/' / . f~//( . #'.4, //.y r!.//;1/,/ ~7 ',1/ / j ~;u/r~<ZP~~~H$/I/t"~'~C/..V:Jt~ ,~H'd~~.r,M"]';'~.{,Y ~'/Z/?ft:~~tU":l-: ,.', t 14 If /t'.C.!"!'t.tfj,~,j{co t';dc",c /a"':~/).C/i:'C/.:k('. /t//z,c/LV.:zd:;ljiJ. ./m:.p<; "'. U cue! r,rn. J rl ~ ~f' #' / /Y /of ~/ / '.7/ ?t//!/) I ~.. Y///vj~~CJ:v,j;:~fvtV',a':~hN~ct>.' -f'~~04.::u-H/t%U<;T//C:) -;:'11-: (20'~i:' ,,Ii l~L~k/u'uu(:;fJ((J. tJ()Juv. L~c./J ;~;:: ~/a0"""4cr"b~aJ'#-/.t;,uy.. If/'/" L . ~ I~~-f. / !:;)"lJ<, /7~(j / (J J I J ~{;,;? yc /otC~c.v: ,-///('Yocu.!u(: .!.-~.ud_____ ..nt ______,_,_..____..__0_ -..--_.--.-.../11J./'(5lfrl/y ..-? .--1 I /? 7~;-';? - . .~... . ......"~ (ftt'H~;tf('ZMfd-4[&,pLu/ Ul:~i;ti1dSi{(ff/MJUH~)V{/1/-4(dc)~~-J~~J:~.... ,. .~Z;~~;~lUP,d7~~~~~7~~.' -..--.-..--.-.....- .-----~~-- ~~y!1fa;~~~ ._m__ .-.. nO_.____ ._______.-____~._...._.,_____'_~~ .;~i>-if:f.3/-if2/.-..--.---.-. --..1 -'. '~jl --