HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/01/1934 ,... 228 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Au,..us t 1. 1934. 193_ .... The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present: Mayor DavIs, CommIssIoners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer end 'lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Application for Building Permits and Lioenses the following were gran ted: F. Donner, Rebuild residence~ Lot 5. Blk. 324, TownsIte WoOds Barber Shop, 2 Barber uhairs . W. F. Barnett, Master EleotricIan $300.00 2.00 10.00 The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for sam e : CURRENT EXJ'ENSE Street Department Pay ll.o 11 1,004.00 City Treasurer Water 360.00 Street Department Pay Roll <C. 20.00 Thomas B. Murray Special Polioe ,,-118 24.00 Fire Department FIremen's wages 90.00 VIA TEa FUND Wa ter Depart$8JIt Pay ROll 604.78 " n " II ~~ 192.50 Rensellaer Valve Co. Parts 2'/-Y 33.32 Vim. ~rennand Rent 12.00 LIGHT FUND Ligh t Dep' t Pay Ro 11 979 .74 L. T. Guy Service 6.75 General Eleo. Co. Transforljlers 119.78 Gity EleotrioCo. Commissions, etc. ~..,.. 34 .24 Cornie Puhl Advertising ",,\'1, - 5.00 Ulmer Prin]ing Co. Supplies I 9.90 Ulmer Office Equipment Co. II 8.20 Olympio Printery II 27.50 CI ty 'freasurer Federal. Tax 2.31 S. H. i1hi te Car Hire 25.00 LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND City Treasurer Warrants Purohased 206.81 There being no further business the 60mmission then adjourned. ?7~ , . / JC;j~ \ , / Ci ty Clerk. May or . I I I I I