HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/01/1945
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Auguat_ u1,
The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll Call ahow~d
;the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston and Clerk I
'The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Onder the head of applications
Building permits:
John DelGuzzi
.lohn Gallacdi
Earl Fox
Rea Krumpe
for building penni ts and licenses, the following were granted:
BOO .00
Completing dwelling, Lts 17, 18, B1k. 298, Townsite
Construct Dwelling, Lt. 12, Blk. 339, Townsite-
Add. Bedroom, Lt. 10, Blk. 419, Townsite
Remodel, Lot 5, Blk. 1,,7, Townsite
CO!lstru.ot2Garage, Lt. 6, Blk. 317, Townsite
Ijl. DD' "
Shamrock Tavern
./ Restaurant, permit #15,
/ Soft Drink
.I 1 Ilusic machine
< Restaurant, pennit # ,,9
150ft Drink
11 Music machine
I Soft Drink
/ 1 Music ma chine
.lRestaurant, pennit # 1
v Restaurant, permit # 16
'1 Music machine
.Soft Drink
vSecond hand Dealer
.II Music machine
I Soft Drink
i 1 Music ITa chine
. So ft Drink
1 Music machine
Soft Drink
V Journeymen Plumber
2 Amueement machines
5 Amusement machines
2 Amusement machines
formerly Larrick's 2 Amusement machines
12. 00
5.00 I
~1~Sf! 48.00
Mex!. can Chili Bowl
n n tt
Street Shop
~~ n
The Mari na
Cll ve But temere
The Palace
" II
M. &. C. Tave11l
Wendell Feddern
Guy C. King
The Marina.
'The Palace
M. & C. Tavern
Wendell Feddern,
Police Judge, W. F. Phillips reported 143 cases tried and $2056.50 collected in fines for the month of July,
'1945, The Commission ordered the report filed.
!Unde~ the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced:
the I
Lot Five (5), Block Two Hundred Eight (208), IDOlIllsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and I
WHEREAlil" Bert Webb and Gertrude Webb, husband and wife, have offered to purchase from the6ity of Port
IAngeles the above described real property for the sum of $1SO.OO, payable as follows: $25.00 as a down payment
and $10.00 on or before the 25th day of August, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the 25th day of each and every I
month thereafter until paid in. full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum, computed on monthly.
balances due am paid with the monthly installments, and
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the follOl'ling descrilled real property, having acquired
same by Treasurer's deed dated August 18, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9395 of
Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
WHEREAS, The City Corrmission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer if fair
value and at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Aligeles sell the said
property at private sale to the said Bert Webb and Gertrude Viebb for the sum hereinabove set forth, 'subject
to any other valid liens against the same; t~t the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed
conv~ing said property to the purchasers, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is I
hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he
is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest
thereon has been paid in fUll.
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the
same by Treasurer's deed dated July 26, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9395 of
Remington's Revised Statutes, Ch;>pter 143 of the Laws of 19;':9, page 565, to-wit:
Lots Nine (9) am Ten (10), Block Three Hundred Twenty'-(520), Townsite of Port Angeles,
Washington, and
WHEREAS, Leonard E. Enders has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real
property for the sum of $350.00, payable as follows: $55.00 ae a down payment and $20.00 on or before the
5th day of September, 1945, and $:0.00 on or before the 5th day of each and every month thereafter Wltil
paid in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum, computed on monthly balances due and paid
with the monthly installments, and
I,~S, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer if fair value
and at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said
'Property at private sale to the said Leonard E. Enders for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other
valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney he instructed to prepare a quit claim deed, conveying ,
said property to the purchaser, and that the City CIeri{ of the city of Port Angeles be and he is hereby
instructed to execute said quit claim deed, am that the V.ayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
!ugus.!. 1.
hereby instrll.cted to countersign s.dd quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest
therebn~has been paid in full.
It was moved by Mayor Robinson that the foregoing resolutions be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner
llastsrs. Roll call showed all members voting Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I
Und.er the head of new business: A petition signed by Willidl11 M. Ylenne r and others waS read before the
Commission, petitioning the Commission to vacate the West ;(SO feet of the alley running in a general easterly
and wesMrlY direction through Block :'5 of Nonnan R. Smith'" Subdivision of the Town"ite of Port Angeles I
being 20 feet more or less in width, all of which "s set forth in the SKetCh of s<lid alley as attached to th$
sa:i!i petition on file. After due consideration the following resolution was introduced fixing the time of .
hearing said petition: I
WHEREAS. a petition has been filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, by more than two-
. thirds of the abutting property owners of the alley hereinafter described, requestillg that said alley be
I vacated,
AND, WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Commission fix a time and place where said petillion shall be heard
and. detennined,
AND WHEREAS, the alley sought to be vacated is the westerly 250 feet of the alley running in a generally
easterly and westerly direction through Block 35 of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port
Angeles, being approximately l<O feet in width, more of less.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, that a hearing on said
IPetitiOn to vacate said alley be held at the City Commission room of said City of Poillt Angeles, in thll lire
,Hall, on Wednesday, the 5th day of September, 1945, at tie hour of eleven o'clock A.M.
I It was moved by Commissioner Masters t~t the foregoil\!l resolution be approved andadop;t>ed. Seconded by
: Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
A petition signed by Fred OwellS and Marjorie Owens came befcre the Commission am was read, Petitioning the'
Commission to vacate that portion of the alley in Block 3, Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 18, City of
Port Angeles, Washington being that portion of said Alley lying between Lots I, 2, 5, & 4, on the east, and
Lot 5 on the West. After due consideration the following resolution was introduced, 1':I.xin'g the time of
hearing said petition.
:WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the .City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, by more than two-
I thirds of the abutting property owners on the alley hereinafter described, request:Lng that said alley be
AND WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Commissicn fix a time and place Where said petition shall be heard
and determined,
AND WHEREAS, the alley sought to be vacated is that portion of the alley in Block 3, cain's Subdivision of
Suburban Lot 18, City of Porl Angeles, Washington, that portion of said alley lying between Lots 1, '" 3, &
4, on the east, and Lot 5 on the West.
NOW', THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, that a hearing on sam
petition to vacate said alley be held at the City Commission room of said City of Port Angeles, in the Fire
Hall, on Wednesday, the 5th day of September, 1945, at the hour of eleven o'clock A.M.
i It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner Besm. On rollcall all members voted Aye. The Mayor deClared the motion carried.
The Commission examined the following claims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same:
~ Expense Fund:
Vernon J. Robinson
Qui ck Print
Tri ck & Murray
P. A. Evening News
City Light Dept.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Marchall Boggs
i ~ Street ~:
Western Tractor & Equipment Co.
City Treasurer-
Water FUnd:
City Light Dept.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
City Street Dept
Hooker Electrochemical Co.
Expense Account $ 17.75
Blank licenses 9.79
Office Supplies 5.52
Subscription 4.90
Rent for July 50.00
Service 4.75
Service, animal custodian Ic5 ,I 12.SO
carburetor j"l.$7 33.91
Cash for express .46
Rent for July 25.00
Service 13.85
Gas & Oil 10'7.07 38.35
Chlorine 29.87
Postage Stamps, Express, Toilet Ball. 66.78
Guy wire 21. 99
Meter bases 13.50
Gas 53.00
Flood Lamp 1.28
Garage rent 3.00
Water at sub 1.90
Printing J7 Z I~. 4.02
Se mce 27.85
Service. 4.25
Light ~:
City Treasure r
Line Material Co.
I Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co.
The Texas Co.
The Electric Co.
Hcmer Black
City Water Dept;
quick Print
pacific~. Co.
Library fund:
Pacific Tel. & 'lYe1. Co.
130 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
August_I, .. 1945__
Park FUnd: 1
~. Young Trimming & Spraying 50.25
Swindland Music Shop Records, 4.53
King & Folk Fide1itone Needle 5~,1~ 1.55 I,
I'Sanitary !lm!!' ~
Johnson & Bolic Turpentine, Paint, brush 10.87 ,
State Aid FUnd. 4.65 I
'O~piCLaundry & Cleaners Laundry Ser. for June. I
';Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co J Ser. 12.50 I
!:Pacific Tel. & TeLCo. Ser. 4.25 'I
"James J. Gallacci Premium on Bond .:zp,P 5.00 ,
War Liquor Tax ~:
Pa cHic Tel. & Tel. Co. Ser. 15.97
Guaranty J!\1nd. I
City Treasurer Taxes, Lts. 16,17,18, Blk. 221, Townsite, I
" Lt. 4, Blk. 5, Wms. & Cramer. 1L68.63
City Treasurer Taxes, Lts. 9 & 10, Blk. 320. j,77.;J~ nO.71
.There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
11.~~ ~J~~ I
Ci ty Clelic I
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