HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/01/1957 I 'I I I . Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 557~ August 1 19~ "., . ....... .'n". "'''~~.. ."'.,~....." .... The City Council met in regular session at. 7:30 P.M. with the following officers present: Councilmen Sandison, Matthi~u, Wolfe, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law... It was moved by Councilman Matthieu, seconded by Councilman Maxfield, that Councilman McFadden Serve as acting mayor. Motion carried. Council considered appointment of a Councilman to serve ill capacity of the late Councilman Paul Neer, It I was moved by Counoilman Sandison that Edson Brown be appointed to serve as Councilman until June, 1958. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. I It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. man Matthieu and carried. Seconded by Council- Council discussed appointing a mayor to fill vacancy caused by the passing of Paul M. Neer. Councilman Wolfe suggested that Ivor Smith be considered. This proposal having Council approval, it was moved by Councilman Maxfield that Council defer action on permanent awointment of mayor until return of Council- man Smith, and that Councilman McFadden act as temporary mayor until th;l.t time. Motion seconded by Council_ man l~o1fe and carried. . . Under the head of unfinished business, the City Engineer filed for payment the second (July) estimate for work done and materialifurnished by Matt Malaspina IInd Co. in L.I.D. No. l73! Matt Malaspina & Co., Second estimate (July), L.I.D. No. 173, $30,000.00 It was moved by CouncilmanJlolfe that estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 173 Construct- ion Fund in payment of same, and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants No.8, 9 ;l.nd 10 for $5,000.00, warrants no. 11 andl2 for $3,000.00, warrants no. 13, 14 and 15 for $2,000.00, and warrants no. 16, 17 and 18 for $1,000.00 on L.I.D. No. 173 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 4 5/8% per annWll, I dated August 2, 1957, proceedS to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 173 Construction Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. - , $ 1~:'0' 10.50 15.05 approved and paid. Seconded by Council- Bids submitted for the City's legal publications during the ye;l.r commencing July I, 1957 ~ere opened as follows: Port Angeles Evening News, first publication, l4~ per line except tabulated matter which is 1~ per line. Repeats, all matter, 11~ per line. Peninsula Herald, six cents per line, single column. Tabulated matter, 6~ per line except for one publi'cati'on wlUc:h will be' l~ jier line single colUllll1. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that offer by Peninsula Herald be accept'ea. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and ca:rried.' .. t. -. Pursuant to call for bids published to furnish one asphalt maintenance kettle for the Street "department the following were received: Clyde Equipment Co., $1,054.00, tax included. Totea Equipment Co.. 620.00, tax included Feenaughty Machinery Co., 927.93, tax included eolumbia Equipment Co., 1,131.50, tax included It was moved by Councilman SlI1dison that the offer by Clyde Equipment Co. be accepted as the best bid according to specifications and requirements. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Pursuant to request for recommendatiotis as to advisability of traffic signal installation at Eighth and Peabody Streets, J. C. Claypool, District Engineer, replied that according to traffic count, signal is not justified. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that signal inst allation not be considered and curbs marked prohibiting parking, thereby providing adequate visibility. Motion seconded by Counci lman Sandison and carried. Council di scussed residential street lighting fixtures as demonstrated by Cherry Street installations. Due to continued changes in fixture design, it was decided to postpone decision. Mr. Vergeer reported on Lin., In Street lighting system, the same having been completed. Tot al cost of the project was $25,707.17 which includes all labor and equipment furnished by City departments and charged to the Light Department. Average cost per standard was $659.15 or a saving of $163.0"" on each standard compared to lowest bid submitted by oonttactor, E. R. Gehrke .aving requested vacation of alley in Block 216, Townsite, the Planning Commission recommend- ed that alley from East Une of Penn Street easterly to the Blvd. in Block '!16 be vacated as requested. I It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that recommendation be accepted and proceed with vacation of alley. I Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. The Planning Commission recommended that a request for L.I.D. to improve the alley in Block 387 be denie~' cost being prohibitive. Also recommended that traffic survey be conducted at Bighth and Cherry Streets. Council concurred with recommendations. - '. Under the head of new business, claims paid July 23, 25, and 26 were approved in total amount of $52,723.57. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. Katherine Wells filed claim for damages due to ankle injury caused by defective sidewalk on North Laurel Street. It was moved by COWlcilman Brown that claim be denied. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that monthly budget reports of receipts and disbursements for City departments be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wolf e and carried. Cherry Hill Improvement having been completed and accepted, it ~ moved by Councilman Wolfe that Sept. 5 be fi.ed as date of hearing on assessment roll. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. Council considered renewal of sublease to Fibreboard Paper Products Corp. ,for U.S. Govemm81 t Outlot No. "" of Ediz Hook. It was moved by Councilman Matt-hieu that the Mayor lI1d Clerk be authorized to execute agreement. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carriecl. Reports of Police and Light Departments for month of .11y were filed for Council approval. It was moved -olIIIl ,....- 558 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington Augus t 1 continued 19--E ,.., . ""~". n"'.,. '''''~'''. '".."....... ..... II by Councilman Brown that report6 be accepted and placed on filed. carried. t ~ I The City of Shelton extended invitation for officials to attend meetinG August pollution. Mayor McFadden informed of intention to attend. I Seconded by Councilman Sandison and 9 concerning industrial Under 't he head of hearing of emergency ordinance, the hearing on emergency appropriation for flood i control maintenance on Valley Creet was opened. No objections having been made or filed, it was moved , byc&uncilman Matthieu that hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. I .-~-;"Tbe following Ordin~e was placed on final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1396 AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $76,939.00 for Flood Control ~taintenance on Valley Creek between Third Street and a p~int 1480 feet South of Third Street in the city of Port Angeles and declaring an em~rgency . It was moved by Councilman Sandison that t he foregoing Ordinlllce be Pl'Ssed final reading and adopted. Seconded by Councilman 9lr>wn and unanimously carried. No further business appearing, it was moved by Councilmw Brown that'meeting be recessed until Monday, August'S at 7:30 P.M. Seconded by CoilllHlman Maxfield and carried. o G. ~~ ur City' Clerk a.' '- 1~()~_ ~or AUGUST 5, 1957 ROCESSBD SESSION Tbe City Council met at 7::30 P.M., pursuant to recess declared,' the following' officers being present: Mayor McFadden, Councilmen SandisOn, \'blfe, Maxfield and Brown~ Manager'Vergeer, Attorney Seyeryns and Clerk Law. One bid was received (rom Randall Kilmer Construction Co. to mix and lay 1,000 tons of Type F. ASphalt at $6.30 per ton, city to furnish aggregate and hl1.uling facilities. It was moved by Councilman ,Wolfe that bid be accepted. Secon~ed by Councilman Brown and carri ed. Did.s to furnish 1,220 lineal feet of 84" concrete culvert pipe were rec:eived from the fOllowing companies: Seattle Concr~te Pipe Co., $34.S~ per ft., tax, $1,403.00 Ass'ociated Sand and Gravel Co., $40.00 per ft. ' Port Angeles Concrete Products Co.. $42.50 per ft., 104 ft. of No.2 grade at $18.00 per foot. Councilman Wolfe questioned the quality of SeaUie Concrete Pipe Co. material as experienced in previous construction. Mr. Vergeer replied that it is not fair to a6sume a company of this capacity could not make pipe according to specifications and requirements are,underst~od as to What pipe shall be delivered. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that offer by Seattle "oncrete Pipe Co. be' accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. ... t . I I I A labor union representative questioned legality of the City doing construction,", rk without publishing I bids for same. Mr. Vergeer aSsured that call f or bids will be published and t1ie work done in a l1IIIllRer'most econwcal to the City and taxpayers. There bUng no fu;ther bus iness, the meeting was d~C lared ad~ourDede , . ' , I a..' ~1~.Q~_1 I~r I I I Q.e~ (j City Clerk ~ '........ CALL FOB BlDS J CALL FOB :BIDS ~ RO'l"ICJI 0:1' BJlA.BI1'I'G OX ASS- BHIs WIll be l'ecelyed up to 6 00 KBBJ11U11IJ"2 BOLL I ~ Bids Will be Tftcelved at the o[flce P M September 23, 19~'j' at the CITY Of<' Y:~~1bELF.S, W.ASH~ of the Clt~ Clerk at HO West Front 011100 .of the City Manager, HO INGTO:-';)l~~;J!PRgr:MENT ~re~\lb~O~;l:Jf;n:e~~<;, i;'ll8]c;~~~:~~.f ~~~~I~;onJel~~e;;'or;f A~::le:~li~:~~g I rmpro~em.nt~otI~h Sn-t et; "19[,7 coyeruig che pr(]p~!'lf'd IluH:ha8~ I Rtreet lighUng material FQ.B Port ~U::: :'~~:te':f ~~:uc~hea~t~f1~SI~l'leml~~~u~1hhO~~~~ .-\nfe~<:J.<J'25~~O~ tWatt Mercury Lum- lloDd the imprO'Vemat Of e&rta1n power 14D" including 011 filter, dual' lnnires of I.1:l.S. type.rI dlOitributl.on ~ strut.. .. ' ..' ,swip, roor-view mirror on cab, dlr- pattern, wJt~ 1%" shp fittings. '~~l1~O}~~~~inSc~tE~~W~o~ I~ia.l tr~~ '~dU~~a~:~~n~is ~~:m~~iI1~lcfi~~I~:U~I~ In;ts 4 ~o~500~~'3"~~r S'~r~\~Pnr~rI~o~~~= . pl'Ovement District No. 1'11 under t1rc(O 'j'.liO]>:~{I Ten Ply, wheel base lng, c.omplete wIth brackets. 1_~e"~.~:~f'e llX~~r~~~~ r~:e~h~N~fnro;~~ I f~frg~~~ao.~fl5 It:t~'\Z:~~~~ t:::jn~fs~ di~:, ~itt fl~w~~s~'~;~e3r:~~~N3'b~~~ !,':~o.n1:i~ ():-n~r~:Hl:~~lIf:te~~~ ~:.:;:;; 1 i~~~~3r1s tr~~::ri~~~~ aE~a~~?,r ~~~~ ~t~~[l~:n:t b30ttfr.lt~g~[ wood pole Iland foT' lllo lmpruv(Jmcnt of ccrtaln ,speed axle. 4. 41 250. Watt clear mercury ,,'~;'i~:;~!n~~th~~n~rr~c~:~ b~ur'i.~~d- er Btlg:e~o~~a~~ I~;~~~ie;rln~e~;o bC~;~: la~PG ri~~f:~~~~tU~la~~ ~nt~'~'nlt5 - ,tr~:te~;'d w~;red~~~el!!~lY~t~: ':~:k jt~ t~iis\li~~k ~ha~;16lrat~ed t~~ f~~~ fors. li.oJoa~ts. 2-conductor Dole and \~~=~l~~~~~I~O:W~_~~~~e ~~'~~fn:e\h~ ~~~~he~tI:n h~~e~h~crho~~t bri31~~~/.a~~~1l specify catalogue, j - ~ . ---- an&iJci~r a~h~~1l1~ake in t.rade .one ~~lrtf~;nj~~lLd~~~;~~i~e d~~~1;1a]~lme , only cab and chassis. 11h ton Ford Bids may be sllbmltted on a.nl TrUCk, 1938 model now ow:ned by the L~.ed or-,Jump,u.m. b IlSiS'~.. Park DeJ)artment of the City of Port ,...----Tlle.... City reseryes the rig t ') Angeles. 1.~ccePt or reject ari;~.. bid. AI;~~fee8. W~~ln~~~~, ~it~.Ot~e ~~it' ~,?? . ~li;Eii:~~E~~ ~;~C~bri~~~hi:rOh:::en~~r.thrii,rJe~ I pu!Jlished: Sept. ?1'1, a.~11 19, HlSf;_r shall Include \Vashlng-ton State Sales .. T~ e~empt Federal excise tax. I : CIT"t Ol<~ PORT ANGELES . ...., G. S. YERGEER pubU.s(ed: Sept. 12 andCJ~~. ~:57~ger i , .~ I I l , << I - ~,.-.- . I - .... I I I I I