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August l, 1968
The Council met in regular session at 7:~O P.M., and was called to order by
the City Clerk. In the absence of the Mayor, Councilman Bettger was elected
to act as Mayor Pro Tem for this meeting. Others present were Councilmen
Maxfield, Thorne, Schroeder, and Easom, Manager Herrman, and Att9rney Moffett.
Councilman Ranta was absent.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried,
to approve and place on file minutes of the meeting July 18, 1968.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Basom and
carriedf to accept the .low bid of $9,61L62 for the Powerdyne Switches, by
Powerdyne, Inc.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and
carried, to accept the low bid of Utility Supply Company for 7300 Lbs. "Dahliatt
conductors at $35.00 per CWT. (total $2,555.00), and the bid of Westinghouse
Electric Supply Company for 50-500' coils of service drop cable "Kaki-Cockle"
at $106.70 per M ($26,675.00), subject to its meeting all specifications; If
it does not, the bid to be awarded to the next lowest bidder Love Electric Co-
mpany ( $108.00 Per M ft.)
A motion was made by Councilman Easom, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
carried, to accept the low bid of RTE Corporation for Transformers in total
amount of $4,104.00.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and
unanimously carried to,accept the bid of Tyee Construction Company for the Down-
town Underground Electrical System at $27,925.00 plus sales tax of $1,256.63, ...-
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
unanimousLy carried, to accept the low bid.of Del Guzzi, Inc. for Paving and
Drainage of Lauridsen Boulevard - Race to Ennis Street, in amount of $59,639.75.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfie.ld and
carried, to table for discussion the request for permission to call for bids for
a station wagon for the Traffic Maintenance Foreman. It was felt that a van
type vehicle might be more suitable.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Easom and unani-
mously carried, to approve and pay to Harold Kaeser Co. Interceptor Sewers Pay
Estimate No.8 in amount of $101,220.25; Pay Estimate No.6 - Wastewater Treat-
ment Plant, $60,084.37 and Pumping Stations, $16,988.54 to Teeples & Thatcher,
and Pay Estimate No.3 - Submarine Outfall, $56,795.75 to McCray Marine Con-
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and
unanimously carried, to approve and pay the first (July) estimate of work done
and material furnished by Del Guzzi, Inc. on the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge
in amount of $18,630.00.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and car~
ried, to refer the request of the Child Guidance Center for ~2,700.00 to be in-
cluded in the 1969 Budget to the Budget Committee.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and un-
animously carried, to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in amount of $98,292.88;
Payroll Transfers $49,832.24, and Interdepartmental Transfers $74,162.57.
Attorney Chamberlain, speaking on behalf of the Bayshore Inn, Inc. requested a
delay on action to require the owner to remove the landscaping at the entrance
to the Inn from the sidewalk area. After considerable discussion, a motion was
made by Councilman Basom and seconded by Councilman Thorne, to delay action to
enforce compliance until early in September, and a meeting be held with Bayshore
representatives and possibly the State Highway Department to determine what is
the most feasible solution to the problem.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Maxfield and seconded
by Councilman Thorne to amend the motion to include, and revert to parallel park-
August 1, 1968 (Contd.)
ing immediately. On vote for the amended motion, Councilman Maxfield voted Yes,
Councilmen Basom, Schroeder and'Thorne voted "No". Motion was defeated. The
original motion was passed unanimously. (The meeting with Bayshore was set
for SeptemberJ:O, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Manager's office.)
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and
carried, to table for a study and work session (August 6, 1968) the memo from
the Police Chief and the Light Superintendent re: street lighting and barri-
cades, and the memo from the Police Chief re: trailer parking.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Easom and
carried, to set a hearing date of September 5, 1968 for hearing on rezoning
the Northwest corner of 15th and "Cn Streets. (rezoning requested by Nimrod
W. . Anspach)
A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Easom and
carried, to accept and place on file the Library Board Minutes of July 25, 1958.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and
carried, to accept and place on file the Progress of Sewer Construction; Equip".
ment Rental Operating Statement for June, the Revenue & Expenses Report-
Sanitation Department, Street Cost Report for June and the Out-of-town re-
port of Dick Miller, Librarian.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
carried, to approve the application of Harold Butler Enterprises, Denny's
Restaurant No. 236 for a Class H Liquor License.
A motion was made by Councilman Easom, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and
unanimously carried, to go ahead with the project and the City pay their
proportionate share of the cost of hiring N. G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc.
to develop schematic drawings for the former P. A. Hotel relative to con-
struction of parking lot, and to advise on the feasibility of a double- I
deck parking lot,in this area as well as on the opposite side of Front Street,
up to a maximum of $2,800.00.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Basom and
carried, to grant permission to call for bids for approximately $18,000.00 of
rip rap to be installed on Ediz Hook. It was suggested that the specifi-
cations be for a larger, harder type of rock.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Thorne and
carried, to allow the erection of a Derby Day sign at both the East and
West entrance to the City, with the approval of the City Manager, as re-
quested by Mr. Jensen.
Other subjects discussed were Open House on the U.S. Puget Sound ship on
August 13 and 14, 1968; need for parking space for a traveling art show -
Art Mobile - during Derby Days; need for a more easily seen one-way traffic
sign at First and Race Streets, and a proposed"No-host" dinner for the Council-
men, City Manager, and t:he:i.r wives, August 29, 1968.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
l$~ emu 9?o~lj/
City Clerk
" !~~~./g~
~. Mayor ro tem
i.... "NOTxCii""OFCiLL roi"sms- ... -~- --~ -: .~_... .
: ;';OTICE fs h('r~bv given that :-;("flJ--1 NO"l'ICE OF CALL :rOa. nms .
i Nl bids will IJ\~ "oC"C'f.lvCd by tile Cit~' NOTICE i~ her~l>y gi\-'~n that s~~l~1
I )lnllager, City of Pun AlI~('l(:':-:. 140 ('f] bid~ will IJc received by the City.
1Yf'St Front Stl"('(~t, until il:110 P.M" MUJ1flgCI', Cily of l'on.;Angeles'-,14U
~ Sc-ptcmhpl' l'!l. l%1\ ftll': "~esl Front HU'~C.l, untll ~:IJU 1.:\1.,
II One Bellcne. Sa.lvagc. C,n:n,partment- AugU~l :W, l'f1l.Hl iN:
Tr.D.1;Ie in: One Hl'tS Chevrolet Panel, Specifical1olh< ~U'C avathlhlc at the
Of~il~~cj~:{,l~tligll~I~~:e:\-1~l~'ll~i~~~~.I~~ ~t th~4: ofi~~(ld~:: ~~~IICi~i~tll~lnn\~~I~~' bhl U:f'1
Hlfld-('I' !"hall ~ubmit with bu) the, rr{ltlired delivery time; II :.% bHl
l requ'lrcrl <leliv~r.\' thne~. t\ i\'7(l hi.!I, depOSit or hon-d, and ~t .Rl~n,e(1 ~(>rt!-,j
I ~~I)~)~ff1~;~l~O~{;;ll;tI~~~O:1 h~~frll~~~~l fJr~~~=: ~~C:c~s~;;S.LlI~~m t~~~~~t t~~1C h~~~~:iic~!l
r.p~1'>ful. witl meet the ~pe<:ific:lliC'H1~L tiuns without eX('f'!Hion_ 1
wltllDU( ~xcepth,n. , Th~ ~L'it).' c.uUIlf:11 I-c,cryc~ the
'T'he Cit~' COllll('!1 rp,:o-:crn's t111:' rh:-ht~I' rlghtlu <lccC.'})t or 2'cje-ct any .or 1111 l
to a{'c~p;'O~'.~Irich.alH'E~~{n~L\~lid!;'1. bid:-<. ))O~ALO D. }-U::Hn~IA.N
City 1\lanar;-f'T. J City 1!>fHnagel'
:P\\~)li;;hed: AUg"l~t Jr. & 22, 19G5. puhll~hed: AllguM 1:) ~~ ~~. 1!l6S.
. .
NO'T'ICt::: JS HI'::HB13Y given that
pursuant toO the rCflulremenis of:
Chapter 83 "Jf the Extraol'olnnry Se~-
Hion LawH l)f HI(j7 of the SlMe: of
'Vashlngton. the City of Po!'t An-
geles;. Int~nd~ to re\'iew it!,; Six Year
~omp:td\ellsj"c Street PI"r'gram.
The estimated costs llno m~l1n~ of
fhlanC'lng are on file with the Cit~'
J~ngine~I' n.nd are {1.\"uilaIJ1.c- f<.or ))ubHc
lns.pe-ction and p(::l'usnL
A llllblic lle:ll'illg on the jH'OI)Osed
('t')ml)l'('ht':n~i\'t~ ])lan will he held b('-
fore thiC- Cit'\, Council in the City
Council Clul1'nh-el'~ fit Front nnd Oak,
'Pul't Angel('~. lYa.~hin~lt)l1. I\l 7;30
l~.~l.. Scptemu('r 5. 1%8.
Any pct'~t)n deg1ring to oh,1eN to
fl~id n.d.dltion s'hnll filL' ft. wr1t.ten
pmte~t with the eil)' Cl(":rl, or urally
object at th(" puh] Ie hi'nring-.
City En~inf'er ~
PubHshed: AUgU1;l 22., HIllS -----1
>:O'l'LCE 1~ hereby ~jn..n that !'(~?-1:
ed bid:,,: wHl bl..: rt:c:e.j, ed br ih_c, elt>
).I"wag\.-\- City of l'orl Ange1t.':'S, ~-1Li
":<e-::;t. F;ont Sb'ect. untH f):OO !.I,M
,S~Pl~I~~gi i~J;G~:~~~: Rill nap in
ijtace. ,
. Rp('cificat.l()n~ are av.lllahlC ~l the
1ori{~dJ:)I: ~~~uCi~~h;;;ri~n~.~~~~., bid tl1e,
'rt:\IUil.....u dl'livery hn\c; ?- 5 ~'v bid_t~\~-
'~llU-sit 1..1' bond, llnd a ~~~nt'cJ. ~el ,I l~
. cate "-tlat1llg that the hl(.llc~. .If ~UC.
cl.~,~f{;l. wUl m~l't the ~lJeClflcatlOm;
\WI~ltl~~t ~~\.~~Ptt>.;;ndl n~scrves the
I;ght to Hccept 01' }"eject any (l\' all
I)iu~. no~_U..D n. Hl<:'HnMA~
l'ubli~hecl: A~i~~!,;t12~(l1()~91 19(;3
~-- .-.- ,. .". ~-, -- ~~..
[" ..
, !lOncrn or FILI...a I
P:RE:r..I.14l:&1ARY BUDu.,E't'
1\"Ot~JCE i-s hereby given that the
City COUl1i"U of Ute Clty of I:>-ort An~
gelc:<', has placed on file: their }'re-.
'!iminnl'}' Budgf,lt of 8xpenditures and.
. H.en.'nues for the y{'ar 1!H.i9: that a.
'!llUbllc h(l(ll'lng on Raid Budget win
'be held alld conducted on l"onday.
October 7, HHj~, at 7:M P.M.. In tlv.:
Council ChHm1Jcr~, 120 North Oak:
Street, at which time u.nd pla~c finy
,t.."lxpnyer may apPl;:ar and be h....:lrd
'for 0\' ng-ain:'lt any part of said b\1(1-
~[ftY{ll" .of the City of
)-'ort .\ngele,!l:, '\~a8hingt~1l
PubllRl1cd: ~ept. 19 & 26, 1968,
P ~IOITIGE i19 hf'rl'b~' gjven th:Jt a
u (' Heaj'inp; will ue held on Sep ,
tembel: 5, ]9138, a.t 7:3(1 P,1\L In th~l
Clll.rllcll Ch:::tmbel'H '" Onk 1"
Stre t<.:: . 'H, < nm ..,rontj
ZOi\'er~'G ~~: thc request fOI' l::E-
Lot la, Dll)Ck 430, TGwnsite
i~nealt]g\~n ('~S~'~rZ~oti~" from CSDet ~
H:ttJnh-gl~Z~~T~x~s;:;~n~ lito ohject to!
protest 'witl1 thll2' Cit\~ CI~~~ wrHt(!n,
n. B. .Mc1\EEC1;' I
. City. Clerk . .
rubh:;h~<1: AugUst ~:?, 19G8.
1 XOTICE is. her-l!by given that sc:\l-
~ra~~~~r~'lbllt~e (~t~~~\;.~<l :~~~l~~, Li~~ ,!
i ~~~~~c~'r?~~ll~:~'C~~;r:until 5:(11) P.).{.,
One 196~ 4a(1()OI' Sedan,
Sn.c-cl1'icat.lons an,' :In\ilahli> .at the
I office of tJ1(" City :\lanagcl',
Bidder ~l1a]] 8ubmit wlth bid the
r~sulrc-(l delivery lim(!; a. .~% bid de-
po:;,'lt fll> hOnll, alld a signed certifi-
cate statin~ that the bidder. If :;omc--
1J.:f1sful, will mecl the- specinca.tlon~
wlthnut. eXl"f']ltiolt.
The City Council I'C!'-1CI'VI;l!-; the right
to accI"pt Ol" I't"k("l any or an bidf'.
D(l:"\~-\LIJ D. IIEP..T:.:\lA:-\
Ci ly MHnage~'
P~IIU~ht'<1: S.f'-pt. :!G &. U~L~ 19(j.~
IfO't'IC1I or c.u.Xo :rOB BIDS
;scaled bIds wtll bt:;. received by the
City vi l-'ort An,g('l~t;, \",'ashillglon.
until 5:00 P.M., UctobC'r 2. 19(ig at
the Clty Hall nnd wJll be oller.cd.
pulJllcl::f and rCllu at 7:30 P.M" sa.nll..'
(l:;ttc, in the Council Chambl~rH at
Frotlt antI Oak Streetf-i, fOl' tIle fur.
nishlllg, hauling and placing of np-
Drox1mate)~. 2,100 Tons. of Rock Rip
Hap atollS" the north~r)y edge Qr
I IUdl:', HO..)K fJ'om Crown 1\.1111 site
'f'astel'h' ul)l)t"oxlmately 4,000 feet.
l"h~ rock shall be solid. cl(!8n and
. t'r-e-c of d.lrl, and shall w~lg:h II min-
lmum of 150 ponndH pPI' cuhH. tHOL
It fo;hall be placed a:!; dil'(:.c~ed by the
City. It shall he graded as fotlOw8:
50 % over "" ton, ~;j.o/" between 2; ano
4 tOilS and 2-5% undH 2 t(tn. SpallH
less than 1 ton 8hall not exceed S%
of the lotnl weight.
All bids ::;hall be made (m thlH
form. .A five. Jlercent {6%,) of total
bid ueposit cht.'ck -or bid bnnd of
equal a.mount shall accompany each
bid. I
The Chy CouncH rcsern~~ th(' right:
to reject any m" all bills nnd lo
waive any fnfol'maHtics In the bid-
The !m<,ct!ssCul b[dde-r will bo re-
o Qull'cd to furnj,l~h a performance bond
in the fuH amount of the pl'oposal
2,ofOQ Tons Ro<:,k Rjp Rap in Place
@ $~/T(ln T()lal$_
'I'in1€! of completion on or hefo-rc
~()"('mbcI" IS, 1968,
By _
PUblished: Sept, 26 & Oct. <.I, 19G8,